Sapphire (Steele Investigations) (12 page)

I feel tears start to prick the back of my eyes as I
concentrate on beating them back.

“Andi, shut the fuck up,” Kami glares at her.  She looks
hurt and shocked by Andi’s revelations as well. 

you don’t honestly think someone like
you could keep Elliott happy do you?  He loves to have two women at once…would
you give him that?  That’s why he loves me; because I cater to all of his
fantasies.” She smirks at me as she pushes past us and makes her way back out
to the dance floor. 

“God, Rae.  I’m so sorry.  That woman is a bitch.  Argh I
can’t stand that slut.” She says as she pulls me in for a hug. “You alright?” I
nod my head, not trusting my voice as I continue to chant silently, ‘
do not
cry do not cry’.
  Neither of us says a word until we meet at the wash
basin after using the toilets. 

“I’m gonna kill him Rae.  If he cheated on you, he’s not
gonna be able to use his cock again. I’m so damn angry with him right now, I’m
gonna call that motherfucker and give him a piece of my mind.  I know he’s my
brother, but damn! I just wanna wring his neck, yanno?”

“It’s okay, Kami.  Please don’t ring him, and please don’t
be upset with him.  I just want to forget about it and go out and enjoy the
rest of my birthday.” I try to plaster on a big smile but she can see straight
through it. 

“Rae,” she whispers as she strokes away the tears that have
silently began to fall down my cheeks.  “I haven’t even heard from him since he
left this morning, Kam.  He didn’t even wish me a Happy Birthday.  He just
it was my birthday.  I feel like a fool for thinking this was
something it wasn’t and I still can’t believe what that bitch said about him
loving two women at once.  I can’t compete with that Kami.  That’s not who I
am.  I can’t be that girl,” I sob. 

“Shhh, it’s alright. We’ll figure everything out tomorrow,
okay.  Let’s get you cleaned up, we’ll enjoy the rest our night with Spunky
Harley and we’ll deal with this shit tomorrow, K babe?”

“Yep,” I reply as I attempt to fix my face, thanking the
God’s of waterproof mascara, not for the first time in my life.


We make our way back to our table where Harley is giving us
a questioning look as we approach.  He waits until we’re close enough before
swinging an arm around each of our shoulders and asking me, “What’s up Baby
Girl?  Why do you look like you’ve been cryin’?”.

“We ran into Elliott’s mole of an ex-girlfriend in the
toilet and she gave Rae a verbal bashing.”

“Bitch,” he gasps, shocked. 

is a real piece of fucking work.  She
told me she shagged Elliott just a couple of weeks ago and then told me he
wouldn’t stay with someone like me because I won’t give him two girls at once. 
Oh and then she said he’s just biding his time with me, waiting for her to be
ready for the commitment he wants.”

Harley tenses at my side, “Oh, that little tramp.  Now you
listen to me Baby Girl,” He says, turning me so I’m in front of him.  He places
his hands at my jaw, cupping my face, “Don’t you let that  little two bit
hooker type mole ruin your night.  You are fabulous and Elliott is nut if he
thinks he can find anyone better than you.  Capiche?”

I nod my head and smile brightly at them, trying to improve
the mood, “Dance?”

“Let’s show these bitches how to move,” Harley says,
smacking both our asses.

“You good?”  Kami asks me quietly

“I will be.”

We spend the next couple of hours dancing and drinking.  We
have three more Fishbowl Shark Attacks each (Kami and Harley decided they were
better than buying spiced Rum and Coke’s).  We finally decide to stumble back
to the hotel room at one a.m.  We giggle and stagger along the path to our
room, trying in vain to be quiet and not wake up the other guests.  Kami
fumbles with the key until Harley snatches it off her and unlocks the door for
us.  I make a beeline for the bed and face plant the hard mattress smack bang
in the middle.  Too drunk and emotionally drained to give a shit, I fall


I wake up sometime during the early hours of the morning,
and look around wondering what could have pulled me from my slumber. 

“NO! You’re not fucking coming in here.” That was Kami

“Kami, move outta the fucking way.  Not your business, so
stay the fuck out of it and let me in,” That was Elliott. 
What the Hell is
Elliott doing here? And at this time of the morning!

“No Elliott.  Your little slut Andi was in fine form tonight
so you’re not fucking coming in.  You need to leave and if Rae wants to talk to
you, she’ll call.”

“FUCKING LET ME IN,” Elliott roars.  It’s so loud I slide
under the covers and hide, wondering if Kami’s cowering in the corner.

‘FUCK OFF, ELLIOTT,” Kami screams back.  I guess she’s not

Taking a deep breath, I muster up the courage to walk to the
door.  If I don’t, they’re sure to wake up all the other guests and we’ll be in
the shit.  I hazily notice that Kami must have changed me into sleep shorts and
singlet after I passed out because that’s what I’m now wearing.

I quietly walk to the door, rest my hand on Kami’s shoulder
and say softly “It’s okay Kami.  Go back to bed, alright” 

She turns to me and looks deep into my eyes and asks, “You
sure you’ll be alright?”

“I’ll be fine,” I tell her, again softly, this time I offer
a small smile as reassurance.

“You,” She jabs a finger in Elliott’s chest, “pull your head
outta your ass.  If you hurt her Elliott, brother or not, I’ll rip your fucking
balls out.” She says scathingly.  I fight the urge to laugh.
God I love this


Elliott holds his hand out to me, “Walk?” He asks.  I nod,
refusing his hand.  I don’t want to touch him at all.  I don’t want to fall
under his spell and fool myself again. 
Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me
twice, shame on me. 
The adage pops into my head as we walk over to the sun
lounges by the pool.

We sit across from each other, neither of us saying a word. 
I wring my hands nervously in my lap and silently berate myself for falling for
his charm and believing this was more than it was.  I also hope it doesn’t
affect my friendship with Kami or her relationship with her brother..

“Rainy?  You want to tell me what happened tonight?”  He

“Not really, Elliott. I really don’t want to relive the
humiliation of tonight.  I’m sorry for thinking this meant more to you than it
did and I..”

“What are you talking about?  I need to know what was said
tonight so I can fucking fix it.”


“You can’t just keep assuming the worst and then making
decisions about our relationship based on what you’ve heard from other people,
or what you dream up in your pretty little head.”

“Elliott..” I try again

“I’m trying to make this work.  I thought the last couple of
weeks have been good for you.  I thought they were fantastic.  I love being
with you, hearing your laugh,
you laugh, I love being inside but
even more than that I love going to sleep beside you and waking up the same
way.  Now I wanna know, what t
he fuck
was said tonight to make you doubt
what we have.”

“Fine,” I snap.  Completely fed up with his shit.  He’s
acting like what we have was special to him when instead he’d had a piece his
little trollop while we were together.

“I met your little bed buddy tonight –
- she told
me that you had her recently.  As in recently, when we were supposed to be together. 
She also told me that you want to marry her and have kids with her but she’s
not ready for the commitment, so you’re both playing the field until such time
as she’s ready to give you want you want.”  He looks agitated, raking his
fingers through his hair and his sapphire eyes look murderous.  His jaw is
clenched.  But I’m far from finished. “She told me I could never satisfy you
sexually and you’ll never stay with me.  And to top it off today, or yesterday
now seeing as though it
early morning,
was my birthday and you didn’t
even give a blow enough to
me Happy Birthday.”  I stand to walk
away from him and look back down at him, “it’s probably a good thing this ends
now because I wouldn’t submit to letting you having two women at once in the

 I take off, only making it three steps before a strong arms
wraps around my middle.  “You’re not fucking running again,” he whispers in my
ear, causing my traitorous body to an involuntary tremble.

 “Elliott, let me go.  Go work shit out with Andi because
I’m not going to be a middle girl.”  I struggle to remove his arm but he holds
me tight.

“Listen to me, dammit.” He grips my hand and drags me back
to the chairs, pulling me down next to him.  I fold my arms across my chest and
glare at him.

“Andi and I were together, in a relationship, years ago.  It
was rocky at best.  She liked to screw around on me so I did it back to her. 
I’m not proud of it, but I did.  She suggested one night that we let one of her
girlfriends join us.  I agreed. I’m a guy.” He shrugs his shoulders and grins a
little, as if that’s an acceptable excuse.  My lip curls in disgust and I try
to stamp down the jealousy that I feel. “I would
let someone into
bed with us because I ain’t sharing you.  With no one.  Not a female. Not a
male.  I fucked Andi about two months ago, not a couple of weeks ago.  She was
throwing herself at me, I hadn’t had some for a while. I took it.  It was
stupid.  It won’t happen again.  As for yesterday, I didn’t plan on being away the
whole day but some serious shit came up at work.  Shit that if I didn’t take
care of it straight away, I might not of been here for you next birthday.  Get
me?” He didn’t wait for me to answer before he continued, “When you sprung it
on me that it was your birthday and the reason you didn’t tell me, I felt like
shit.  When I said I don’t do hearts and flowers, I meant on a daily basis.  I
did not mean I wouldn’t give a shit about your birthday.  I didn’t say Happy
Birthday yesterday morning ‘cause I was pissed at myself for putting that in
your head.  I wanted to get the job done and come home so I could celebrate
your birthday with you.  It didn’t work out that way but I’m here now.”

I look into his sapphire eyes.  They are burning with
passion and sincerity.

What he said makes sense.  I take a deep breath and let
it out slowly.  I have to let my wall down and start trusting him.  And the
birthday thing, I can understand him being pissed at himself. 

“Okay,” I say softly. 

“Okay?  After that heartfelt speech, all you got to say is
okay?” he laughs.

I chuckle along with him and then he stuns me by grabbing
hips and lifting me and placing me in his lap.  I wrap my arms around his neck
and nuzzle into the crook where his neck meets his shoulder.  “I’m sorry,
Elliott.  I was hurt about the birthday thing and it was an emotional day with
a couple of gifts I got, then to have Andi blindside me like that, I guess it
just all got on top of me. I’m sorry.” I say softly near his ear.

“Emotional gifts?” His asks as his arms tighten around my

“Yeah…” I tell him all about my day, including Mom and
Michael’s gift, the gift from my Father, Harley’s arrival and of course the
Andi drama.  He sits quietly while I tell him and the squeezes me tight, snakes
his arm up my back and cups the back of my neck before pulling me closer to him
and touching his lips lightly to mine.

“That’s a lot to take in,” he says against my lips

“Yeah,” I breathe

His other hand slowly slides up to cup the underside of my
breast.  Heat floods my panties.  I suck in a breath as his thumb glides across
my nipple

“C’mon,” He says standing abruptly and placing me on my
feet.  I sway and look at him confused


“Gonna make things less emotional and more physical.” He
jerks his head towards the motel and pulls me along. 

“Elliott, I’m not doing sex-stuff with Kami and Harley in
the same room.  Are you crazy?”  I hiss at him, trying to tug my arm out of

He turns his head and looks down at me, those sapphire eyes
are dancing and a smile is playing on his lips.

He stops abruptly and turns to me, wrapping his arms around
me he leans down as I raise my eyes to meet his, “Sex stuff?” he smiles.  “What
sort of ‘sex stuff’ were you planning on doing?”

“Oh, shut up,” I laugh as I playfully punch him in the arm. 
His shoulders shake as he laughs.  I just stand there, watching the show,
mesmerized.  He is beautiful.  But when he laughs, he’s more beautiful than
words can express.

‘Got us our own room Baby.” 

“Oh.  Well.  Right” I mutter. 
Of course he got us our
own room.


Chapter 12


I roll over and groggily open my eyes.  The bed is empty,
except for me and I vaguely wonder where Harley and Kami are, then it comes to
me.  The events of last night; Andi and her speech, the motel, Elliott
straightening things out by the pool, going back to his room, making up.
make up sex is the bomb! 

I let my mind wander…
We walk into the room and Elliott
dumps the keys on the night stand before pulling me in close and before I can
take a breath, his mouth is covering mine.  The kiss is hot, wet and deep.  Full
of tongue, so much tongue.  I think his tongue knows the inside of my mouth
better than I do.  His hands grip my ass and pull me towards him as he thrusts
his hips to meet me.  Oh that feels nice.  I run my hands up and down his stomach,
over his shirt until he suddenly breaks apart and whips my shirt, then his, off
before I can blink and his mouth is back on mine.  I have no bra on so my
hardened nipples rub against his chest, the sprinkling of hairs adding to the
glorious sensation.  I trace my hands over the ripples of his stomach and make
my way up to his nipples.  He sucks in a breath as I run my thumb over his
hardened bud, then his lips are on my neck; kissing, suckling, nibbling his way
down as he walks me back towards the bed.  I fall backwards onto the bed and he
whips my sleep shorts off so I am completely naked.  He looms over me and takes
a nipple in his mouth.  I moan as he sucks deep, nipping lightly with his teeth
and then soothing the pain with soft licks.  Heat pools between my legs as I
pant and beg “Please Honey”.  He gives equal attention to both nipples, not
leaving them until they are stiff peaks.  Slowly he begins to kiss his way down
my stomach to my throbbing core.  He licks around my belly button, is tongue
probing the hole.  My legs involuntarily open wider as my pelvis tilts, hoping
to get some relief.  Finally he centers on the juncture of my thighs.  I’m so
turned on I don’t think I will last long before I explode.  He parts my lips
and blows along my opening.  I moan loudly and reach for his head to guide him
where I want him. “Mmm so wet baby.  God I missed you today,”  He gives me one
long lick from my asshole to my clit.  I shudder and groan.

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