Sapphire (Steele Investigations) (9 page)

“You sore?”


“You sore?” he repeats


He lifts me straight up out of the chair suddenly and turns
my in one swift movement so that I’m now straddling him and both his hands are
planted firmly on my ass, gripping tightly.

“Elliott!” I shriek

“Bed,” he growls before walking down the hallway with me in
his arms

“Keep the noise down,” Kami shouts, giggling to herself.

I wrap my arms around Elliott’s strong neck and brush my
lips against his gently, he grips my ass tighter as I continue to tease him
until he reaches my bedroom door.  He releases one of my ass cheeks to open the
door, kicking it shut once we clear the threshold and then he lays me on my bed
and takes my mouth in a hot hungry deep wet kiss.  His tongue plunders my mouth
as I moan into his, fisting his hair, pulling him closer.  I wrap my legs
around his waist and grind into him, rubbing my already drenched cleft against
his rigid cock.  His thumb swipes across my pebbled nipples once then twice
before he loses self-control and rips my shirt, buttons go flying and I look
into his sapphire eyes that are so hungry and desperate with need it shocks
me.  My hands resume their hair fisting when he lowers his mouth and takes a
nipple, sucking deep and biting gently.  I moan deep in my throat

“Elliott..Please,” I keen.  He doesn’t answer, just
alternates between my nipples, suckling and nibbling and then sucking deep and
biting gently.  “Elliott…please,” I beg again, for what I’m not sure but I’m
aching all over.  He stands and removes my pants in one swift movement so I’m
now completely naked.  He pushes my legs as far apart on the bed as they will
go.  He is standing in between them and I’m fully exposed to him. He’s still
fully clothed and I feel vulnerable.  I start to cover myself but he stops with
a sharp “No!”  I lower my hands back to the bed and he runs a finger from my
collarbone, down the centre of my breasts right down through the slick wet
folds of my dripping pussy.  He traces his finger around my opening and I
shudder as he murmurs softly,

 “Beautiful.  Most exquisite pussy I’ve ever seen.  I can’t
wait to be buried so deep inside of you.
.  You drive me crazy”

I lay there watching in awe as he watches his finger circle
around and around, teasing me relentlessly.  He smears my wetness over my folds
and up and around my clit, applying just enough pressure to make me squirm but
not enough to make me come.  “Ohh, please Elliott.  Please make me come. Please,”
I beg.  I scream as he jams two fingers inside and applies pressure to my clit
with his thumb rubbing in circles, his fingers inside make a come here motion
and he uses his other hand to work my nipple alternating between pinching and
rolling between his fingers.  I scream again when I come.  Hard.  Fast.

His fingers slip out of me and before I know it his mouth is
on me.  Lapping my juices like a starved man, he spears me with his tongue as
he hands grip my ass.  I grab fistfuls of his hair and mush his face against my
pussy.  He slowly licks up towards my clit, kissing my folds and the sides of
my thighs, teasing me.  I try to guide his head back to where I need the
attention but he just chuckles and shakes his head.  Slowly he works his way
down to clit, placing soft kisses on it, occasionally swiping it with his
tongue. I’m panting and can feel the orgasm begin to burn again. Slowly this
time.  He continues his torcher on my clit as he slides one, then two fingers
deeps inside me.  I moan loudly and grab fistfuls of the bed sheets.  Then he
slides a third finger inside me and pumps them in and out fast as he sucks hard
on my clit.  I arch off the bed, screaming his name as I pulse around his
fingers.  He kisses his way back up my body and plunges his tongue into my
mouth. I can taste myself on him and it feels naughty. Erotic.  Even more so
because I feel his hardness pressing against my mound, begging to be enveloped
in my heat.

Elliott kisses along my jaw and nips my earlobe before
whispering, “I’m gonna fuck you now. Hard. Do you want it?” 

“Yes,” I keen as I rub myself shamelessly against him.  He
looks back into my eyes, his sapphire eyes shining with lust, hunger and
something else, he kisses me gently and then lays beside me

Shit. Did I do something wrong? Shit.
Before I can
answer myself he pulls me on top of him “Ride me baby”.
Oh Ok, this looks
like it could be fun
.  I position his cock at my entrance and sink down on
him. Hard. Fast.  “Fuck,” he hisses through his teeth, “Ahhh,” I groan at the
same time.  I brace myself on his thighs, arching my back so my breasts are
thrust forward and I start to rise and fall, clenching as I rise and grinding
down when I fall.  He palms my breasts and I begin to gather speed. 
Holy Hell
it feels good. Sooo Good.  So Deep. 
His hand reaches down and he rubs my
clit vigorously. “Come with me,” he orders. “Now!”  I explode, pulsating around
his cock, milking him of his release as he empties himself inside me. “Oh,
Elliott, that was amazing,” I pant.  Breathing heavy, I lay down on his chest
and we fall asleep still connected.


I wake to Kami banging on my bedroom door.  I notice in my
sleepy state that sometime during the night Elliott and I had disconnected and
now I was wrapped tightly in his arms.  I quickly slide out from Elliott’s
embrace, hoping I don’t wake him and put some sleep shorts on, I don’t even
bother with panties, I chuck on a tank top with a built in bra and race to the
door, where Kami is still knocking and whining   “C’mon Rae.  Wake up!” 

“Alright, alright. I’m awake, ok,” I mumble trying to sound
snooty but who am I kidding.  It’s my birthday.  I’m twenty two and I’m
graduating soon.  What’s not to be excited about!

“Happy Birthday Sweets”.  Kami says as she wraps me in a hug
and squeezes tight.  I let her hug me for a bit before we both start jumping
and squealing still with our arms around each other.

“Oh shit, Kami.  Shhh Elliott’s still asleep,” I whisper and
we burst into fits of giggles that have tears streaming down our face and us
rolling around on the floor.

We finally pull us together and Kami goes off to make my
‘Birthday Breaky,’ which we make for each other on our birthdays every year. 
For my twelfth birthday Kami decided to be a little adventurous in the kitchen
and made me blue pancakes…not, blue.  She dyed the batter with
blue food coloring.  Unfortunately, not only did they look like shit, they also
tasted it.  They were so rubbery we had to drown them in vanilla ice cream just
so we could moisten each bite enough to swallow it.  I didn’t want to be a bad
friend and rain on Kami’s cooking parade so I told her they were delicious…even
when she said she were shit.  “Mmmm Kami. These pancakes are the most awesomest
pancakes I’ve ever eaten,” I managed to tell her whilst I gnawed on the
pancakes and tried not to heave

 I wonder what she’ll cook me this birthday
, I muse
as I hear her clattering around the kitchen.  “No colored pancakes Kami,” I
yell to her through laughter.  I hear her burst into laughter as a reply as I
reach forward for the remote to watch the news.

Kami returns and places a breakfast tray on my lap.  It has
poached eggs, bacon, toast, fried tomato, mushrooms and BBQ sauce.  A glass of
Orange juice is also on the tray.  This is my all-time favorite breakfast.  I
reach up and hook an arm around her neck, squeezing her tight, I kiss her cheek
and murmur, “Thank you.  Best Birthday Breaky. Ever.!”

 She smiles widely and joins me on the sofa with her own
toast with butter and a black coffee.  Kami and I talk about our plans for the
day and what I want to do as we eat our breakfast.  Suddenly she reaches
underneath the sofa and pulls out a large, elegantly wrapped box.  Tears pool
in my eyes, which happens a lot because I absolutely love getting gift, I just
never get them often and it always hits a tender spot when people car enough to
purchase something they think I’ll like.  “Don’t cry you big baby.  You should
come to expect a gift of me.  God knows you get them more than once a year,
woman,” Kami says sternly. 

“Thank you Kami.  It means so much to me when you take time
to..” I wave my hand about rapidly trying to think of the word.  I settle on,
“ this” and swipe the tears from my cheeks as I smile a huge smile and take
the card from the wrapped gift.

To Rae, My bestest ever friend,

Happy 22

I know you will have a fantastic day because you are
fantastic.  I couldn’t ask for a better friend.  I love you so much.  You mean
the world to me. 

Lots of love forever and ever and always,

Kami xxooxx


The tears come again as I read her sweet words. “Okay, okay
cry baby, open the present,” Kami claps excitedly.  I rip open the wrapping and
notice firstly that it’s a shoe box.

“Hurry, hurry,” Kami, still clapping, orders me.

I lift the lid and immediately close it again.

“Kami..” I begin

“NO! Rae. You love those shoes and I wanted to buy them for
you.  So you will take them and wear them tonight when we go out.  Do you
understand me?” she points her finger in my face and has on her
don’t-mess-with-me look.

“Kami, they cost so much money.”

“You’re worth it,” she shrugs and says simply.

She knows her words hold more meaning than they would to most
people.  I lift the lid again as tears stream down my face.  I had been eyeing
off these shoes for months.  They are the most gorgeous sequined silver
stilettos with a platform base and a four inch spiked heel.  They are so sexy
it’s ridiculous.

I try them on and they fit perfectly, so I treat Kami to an
impromptu modeling show.  I’m strutting my stuff across the lounge room,
swaying my hips, shaking my ass with my hand on my hip and my chin lifted
giving attitude to Kami who is crouched down on her knees holding her hands up
pretending to be a photographer “Work it, baby. Oh yeah. That’s sexy.  Shake
that fine ass.  Show me some love.  Make love to the camera Rae. Oh yes sweetie,”
She says in a seductive tone as she ‘click, clicks’ her fake camera.  We both
pause and turn at the sound of someone clearing their voice.

  Elliott is standing in the doorway, his sapphire eyes are
dancing and his lips are twitching.  “Please, continue,” he smiles.

Shit. Shit. Shit.
How on Earth could I have forgotten
Elliott was in here? 

Kami and I look back to each other and burst out laughing.

Elliott waits till we have composed ourselves again before
he grins and asks “What are you two doing?”

“Modeling,” I smile innocently

“I bought Rae these shoes she’s been wanting for months, for
her birthday and since they fit perfectly, she was giving me a show,” Kami

Elliott’s eyes slice to me and they narrow, a look of anger
passes over his face but it’s gone so fast I hardly have anytime at all to
process it.

“Today’s your birthday.” It’s a statement but I still feel
the need to nod my head weakly in answer. I’m not sure why but I feel like I’ve
done something wrong, though I don’t know what.  After what seems like an
eternity but it’s probably more like a minute or so, he walks towards me and
wraps me in a hug, trailing kisses from my neck to my mouth where he devours me
in a hot steamy kiss I’m sure his sister didn’t want to see.  When we pull back
from the kiss we’re both breathless.  He cups my jaw and asks softly “Why
didn’t you tell me today was your birthday?”

“Uh..well..umm..I don’t know. I guess because you said you
weren’t a hearts and flowers type of guy, well that made me think you really
wouldn’t give a shit and I didn’t want to embarrass myself, telling you
something you really didn’t care about”.  His jaw clenches and the muscles tick
as his sapphire eyes turn almost black.

Oh crap, he’s angry. What did I do now to make him angry.
God he is so damn moody.

I stand there, unsure of where I’ve gone wrong and what I’ve
said to piss him off.  Suddenly he blanks his face, gives me a swift kiss on
the lips and walks out the door.  I guess I was right about him not giving a
shit about my birthday and I’m glad I didn’t embarrass myself by telling him,
because he didn’t even say ‘happy birthday’ to me.  Even so, a small part of me
dies inside and I feel tears prick the back of my eyes before I beat them down.

Chapter 9


Kami and I spend the day shopping, looking for an outfit to
wear to my birthday celebration tonight.  We’ve decided to go to a popular
steak house, The Hog Pit, and then go to Deuce to dance the night away.  Kami
made the reservations and told me I’d have a massive surprise when I got
there.  I have no idea what it is, though if I had to guess I would say a cake
or something like that.  My Mom and Michael came over to give me my birthday
present after lunch.

“Happy Birthday darling,” Mom says while giving me a big hug
and kiss on the forehead.

“Many happy returns Lorraine,”  Michael offers.

“Thanks guys.  Would you like a drink?”

I bring them a glass of Sweet Tea each and listen while Kami
tells them about the shoes she bought me and the modeling/Elliott episode that
followed.  Needless to say, Mom and Michael found it very amusing. 

“Well darling, Michael and I have purchased you a gift.  I
was thinking about two months, ago how last birthday we bought you a car and I
was wondering to myself how on Earth I would top that, I mean, you can’t follow
up a car with a gift voucher to Sears or something now can you?” She asks as
Kami nods her head enthusiastically in agreement.

“Mom..” I begin but she cuts me off

“No, Lorraine.  You know I love to spoil you.  You are so
important to me and I know your father would be proud of the woman you’ve
become, because I am so incredibly proud of you.  Now, Michael and I know that
you and Kami have big dreams and we want you to know that you always have a
support and backing from the two of us.  No matter what you choose to do,
please know that we will always be here for both of you. Kami, you’ve always
been like a second child to me dear,” Mom dabs away a few tears as Michael squeezes
her hand and Kami wipes a few stray tears away from her cheeks as well.

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