Sapphire (Steele Investigations) (16 page)

“What did you come in for?” I ask

“You,” he replies simply.

My heart stutters again and a smile creeps across my face. 
I reach up and brush my lips over his briefly.  Then we grab the beers and wine
and head back out to the patio.

“’Bout time.  A man’s not a camel you know.” That’s Harley.

“Thought I was going to die from thirst.” That’s Travis.

“Now boys, don’t be so dramatic,” That’s me.  The table
bursts into laughter.  Elliott takes his seat next to me and we fill our
plates.  “This is steak is delish.”

“Good cook, aren’t I?”

“I look at him, surprised.  “You cooked this?” I ask incredulously.

“Shocked I can cook? You wound me,” He fakes hurt, clutching
his hand over his heart.

“Drama Queen,” I mouth.  He grins and I grin back.  I feel
so content.  I feel like I’m right where I should be.


Its late afternoon by the time Elliott and I decide to
leave.  I’ve had a great afternoon with the people I love most in the world, my
stomach is full of delicious food, Berry Swirl Cheesecake was served after the
steak, and I have a gorgeous man on my arm who not ten minutes ago whispered in
my ear that he was going to, and I quote, “fuck me soft and slow for hours”.  I
feel the need to clench my thighs shut just at the thought of his naughty

Instead, I kiss and hug each and every person, promising
them Kami and I will keep them updated with the progress of the store and that
we’ll make plans to visit soon (this was to Gran and Gramma Maude).

 Harley stands to hug me tight, “See you soon Baby Girl.
Come visit me one of these days,” he laughs. “We will.  Hawaii soon,” I say excitedly,

“Yep. Time will fly, with you guys being busy setting up the
store, we’ll be over there before you know it.”

I nod my head and kiss his cheek ‘bye.

Then Elliott takes me hand and walks us out to the car.

Chapter 15


Pick you up at 7. Dinner. Dress nice**

I read the text from Elliott and excitement races through
me.  We haven’t really had a chance to have a real date so I can’t wait

**Ok. Can’t wait**

I hit reply and then stretch out in bed.  Elliott left for
work early this morning but he woke me with kisses before he left and then I
fell back asleep.  I glance at the alarm clock and notice it displays 10am.  I
drag myself out of bed and go to the kitchen to make coffee.  I pour myself a
cup and wander down the hall to Kami’s room.  Her door is open and her bed is
made, not slept in.  She must have spent the night with Will.

After Kami left the Grad celebrations she went to Wills and
I didn’t see her until lunch time yesterday for the meal at her family home. 
She was positively glowing.  I’d never seen her look so happy.  It warms my
heart and reminds me of the way I feel about Elliott.  I wonder if I look that
way; my eyes bright, clear and alive, my skin glowing with all the love that’s
bubbling inside me.

Love.  I wonder if Kami loves Will. 
I know I love
Elliott, but I think it’s too soon to tell him and I definitely don’t want to
scare him off.  I’ll just wait until the time is right.

**Bed’s empty. R U at Will’s? R**

I fire off a text to Kami, I’m pretty sure she’s with Will,
but I just want to double check.

**Yeah, B home soon, need a catch up :). K**

**Ok. Elliott is taking me out at 7 :). R**

**B there in 20 ;). K**

Half an hour later I’m on the lounge painting my toenails
when Kami waltzes in the door, wearing that glow, eyes bright and shining,
smiling a huge smile.

“Someone looks happy,” I smile at her.

“Oh Rae, he’s just the best.  I think I’m falling in love
with him, and I know it’s too soon, so you don’t have to tell me that, but I
just feel different with him.  He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. 
He’s amazing Rae.  And Oh My God he is unbelievable in bed.  He
makes sure I’m taken care of and he
gives me at least two
orgasms, if not more.  I love the way he makes me feel, and the way he takes
care of me, in and out of bed….but it’s too soon isn’t it.  If I tell him I
love him, he’ll run a mile.  What should I do Rae-Rae?”  She rushes out the
speech, flapping her hands for effect as she rambles. 

“Ok, firstly Kam, no one ever said there was time limit on
falling in love.  Sometimes it happens at first sight, other times you grow to
love someone, then there are the times that it sneaks up and bites you in the
ass, sometimes you don’t realize you love someone until you lose them.  There’s
no rule book Kam.  But, if you’re worried, just give it a little more time. 
See how things go.  Maybe you could
him you love him instead of
him right now.  As for the sex stuff, I’m glad he takes care of you. 
Orgasms are good,” I wink and give a cheeky grin, “And I can’t wait to meet him
Kam.  I really can’t.  He’s making you so happy, joy is radiating off you.” I
pull her into a quick hug before she pulls back and asks “Where’s Elliott
taking you?”

“Not sure. He just texted me to ‘dress nice’,” I use air
quotation marks and a silly voice to impersonate Elliott.  Kami and I giggle
before she hauls me up to a standing position and leads me down the hall to my

“Let’s find you something sexy to wear”


We finally decide on a pretty red scoop neck dress which
hugs my curves and is similar to a bandage style dress.  I pair it with a pair
of shimmery cream peep toe pumps and some diamond stud earrings and matching
single solitaire necklace set my Mom gave me for my eighteenth birthday, and
the tennis bracelet I got from Elliott.

With the outfit sorted, Kami and I decide to spend the day
vegging out in front of the TV watching DVD’s.  Kami puts in one of our
all-time favorites – Jerry McGuire.  We settle in and get lost in the movie,
laughing hysterically at the little boy who says ‘the human head weighs eight
pounds’.  We both love that bit!  The movie is almost finished when I hear my
phone ringing.  Picking it up I see the display reads ‘Elliott calling’.

“Hey honey,” I answer

“Hey Babe,” he replies.  God, I could listen to the sound of
his sexy voice all day.

“Hi,” I say, this time a little shyly.  I’m not sure why

“I’m really sorry honey but I’m going to have to take a rain
check on dinner tonight, something has come up at work and I’m not sure how
long it’s going to take.  I’ll meet up with you sometime tomorrow, if you’re
not busy and we’ll grab lunch, or whatever you want”.  My stomach pitches and
not in a good way.  I can’t help but be disappointed.  I was looking forward to
our very first real date.  I suck in a deep breath and try not to let him hear
the disappointment in my voice.

“That’s okay, work is important.  I’ll just text you or call
you tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry babe.  I wish I could get out of it, but I
can’t.  I need to do this assignment myself.”

“It’s totally fine, Elliott.  I’ll call you tomorrow.  Be

“Bye, Babe.”


I hit End and look over to Kami who’s watching me.  “Elliott
has to work.  Rain check on dinner.  You up for a DVD and Chinese night?” I
ask, trying to sound casual and not upset.

“Oh Sweets, I would love to, but Will booked a table at the
Mercury Lounge.  I can cancel if you want.  We can get a table there another

The Mercury Lounge is the most popular restaurant in Denver
and it can sometimes take months to get a reservation such is the length of the
waiting list.  Will must have some good connections to be able to pull that out
of a hat. 

“Absolutely not Kami!  You will go and have a fabulous
romantic dinner with Will at the Mercury Lounge, you will also take photos
because I’m dying to see inside that establishment and you will go back to his
place, or here, and have wild sex.  However, if you come back here, please keep
the noise down,” I try to say all this with a serious look on my face but I’m
fighting the urge to laugh.  Laughter wins out when Kami starts giggling. 
“Seriously, I’m fine Kam.  I’ll go down to Wing Lin and order some take out,
come back here and snuggle on the couch watching DVD’s.  You go have fun.  Have
you decided what to wear yet?” I ask trying to change the subject back to her. 
It works when she replies, “Yes.  Come see,” she says as she jumps up and
starts heading back down the hall to her room.

I gasp when she pulls out a gorgeous deep purple floor
length gown.  It’s strapless and gathers between the bust with crystals and
from there it falls to the floor.  She turns it around on the hanger to show me
the back.  It’s backless and by the look of it, I would say the fabric joins
together just above her ass crack.  The sides of the dress that skim down her
ribs are adorned with teeny tiny crystals to match the gathering between her
bust.  It is stunning. Exquisite.  So very Kami. 

“Kami, it’s gorgeous,” I gush

“I know, right.  I love it,”

“Shoes?” I ask

“Well,” she says drawing out the ‘ell’ part and batting her
lashes at me, “I was wondering if you would pretty please with a hunk on top
let me borrow your beige patent leather stilettos?”

I wait a beat..Then two..Then three, just to make her squirm
before I tell her, “Of course you can you goof.  I’ll grab them for you now.”

“Thank you,” she shouts as she throws her arms around me.


I help Kami get ready for her date and I finally get to meet
Will when he arrives promptly at six-thirty to pick her up.  I hear the
doorbell ring and I tell Kami I’ll get it while she finishes touching up her
lip gloss.  I race down and swing the door open and there stands Will.  He’s
tall, tanned,  built like a brick shithouse, has a mass of deep brown almost
black hair, eyebrows that perfectly match in color and frame a gorgeous set of
the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen.  He’s incredibly good looking and from
the size of him I would have to say he’s an athlete, professional or
recreational, I’m not sure but either way he’s smokin’ hot.

He extends his hand and says on smile, “Hi, you must be
Kami’s friend Rae.  I’m Will O’Connor”

I take his hand and shake it as I reply, “Hi Will, Lorraine
Scott, but my friends call me Rae.  It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“And you, Rae.  I’ve heard so much about you, I feel as if I
already know you.”

“All good things I hope,” he chuckles at my comment, and
it’s a deep rich sound that vibrates my body.  Wow.  Kami is one lucky lady!

“Well, Will, come on in.  Kami shouldn’t be too long, would
you like a drink?”

“Uh, yes thanks that would be great.”

“Ice Tea good?” I ask as I make my way around the kitchen to
grab him a cup

“Sounds great,” he replies.  I fill him a glass and hand it
over the counter to him.

“Thanks,” he smiles before he takes a swig.

“This is fantastic.  Did you make this or did Kami?”

“Oh I would love to take the credit, but Kami makes the best
Iced Tea,” I laugh

Just then Kami makes her appearance.  She looks even more
beautiful than usual.  She comes around and kisses my cheek telling me, “I’ll
see you tomorrow.  Try to have fun tonight, but if you need anything..”

“I know, I know.  I’ll be fine though, I promise.  Go and
have a good time and don’t forget to take some pics of the inside of the
Mercury Lounge for me.”

“Later, Rae.  Nice to meet you.”

“Later Will, later Kami,” I reply closing the door behind

I walk over to the end table and grab the take out menu from
Wing Lin Chinese and dial the number to order my food.

Twenty minutes later I’m on my way to pick it up. I considered
the delivery option but I really like going inside the restaurant.  I love the
way it’s decorated, with its heavy deep red curtains gracing the humongous
windows that span almost the entire length of the shop front, inside the dining
area it has huge chandeliers that hang from the ceiling giving out soft
romantic lighting, lucky cats and Chinese writing adorn the walls and you can
almost have an orgasm from the aroma that wafts through the entire shop. 

I park in the car park and make my way through the heavy
glass door entry, stopping at the counter I wait patiently for the waitress.

“Can I help you?” she asks when she finishes with another

“Hi, I’ve got a take away order for Scott.”

“One second,” she says as she turns and talks to someone
through a window that leads to the kitchen

“Three minutes,” she tells me as she comes back to the

“Okay,” I reply as I stand to the side to let the person
behind me receive their service. 

I’m not waiting long, maybe a minute, two tops, when I hear
a young man say, “Scott?”

“Yes, thank you,” I answer, as I take the bag from his hand
and give him my credit card. He swipes the card and hands it back to me, “Come
again,” he says with a smile.  I nod and I’m about to leave when something
catches my eye in the dining part of the restaurant.  It’s a gorgeous blonde
who is laughing and talking animatedly.  The woman is striking with platinum
blonde hair and eyes so vividly green I can make out the color from where I
stand.  Oh my God, I know that woman.  She is Andi.  Elliott’s ex, Andi.  The
bitch in Deuce that made me doubt my relationship and Elliott’s loyalty to me. 
I think as I look at her across the room.  Suddenly my attention
is drawn to her date.  She has her hand on his on the table and she’s still
talking and smiling at him.  She is so blatantly flirting with him, it is
sickening.  He has his back to me but it doesn’t matter.  I know.  Dread floods
my entire body as I realize I’m watching Elliott have a romantic dinner, in a
romantic restaurant with his ex-bitch-girlfriend.  I race out of the restaurant
before I burst into tears and make a fool of myself in front of everyone.

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