Sapphire (Steele Investigations) (2 page)

 “Oh, no, don’t be silly. What’re y’all having?  We’ll get
this round,” Kami rattles off our drink orders as the boys named Vin and Brett
trot off to the bar to get our drinks.  We all squish around the booth type
seating and I find myself next to the boy named Preston.  He looks like a
surfer dude, with sun bleached blonde hair and a golden tan.  He’s got a good
body and must be about 5 foot 10.  He confirms my surfer dude theory when he
tells me he’s from California and that he and the guys are on a bit of a road
trip holiday.  Brett arrives with our drinks and minus Vin who has apparently
hooked up with a girl and won’t be joining us.   I suck down some of my drink
and look around the table.  Marcy is deep conversation with Sloane, Maggie,
Grace, Steph and Kami are flirting outrageously with Brad, Tom, Mace and Mitch
and Maggie is really going to town with the head tosses and head tilt smiles. 
Brad is just lapping that shit up.  My eyes wander further around the booth to
Shauna and Brett..Who wasted no time at all and have their tongues down each
other’s throats!  I roll my eyes and turn my concentrations back to Preston. 

“Would you like to dance Rae? This is one of my favorite
songs,” My ears prick to hear Kid Rock’s ‘All Summer Long’ is playing. 

“Oh My God Preston!! This is totally one of my fav songs as
well! Yes!! We totally have to dance,” I all but shout at him while bouncing up
and down in the booth.

 “Okay, okay, let’s get you out there then,” he laughs.  He
really does have a nice smile.  All straight, bright white teeth surrounded by
totally kissable full lips….
Holy shit what am I thinking? I can’t think
about kissing him.  Maybe I need to lay off the drinks…

Turning my attention to Kami “We’re going to dance Kam,”  

“Sure thing Sweets.  Have fun,” and then she gives a sly
wink.  A bloody wink!  I know she knows what I’m thinking and perhaps she’s right. 
Why can’t I just let go and make out with a guy for one night.  It’s not like I
have to give him my V card. I just kiss him and enjoy dancing with him while
knowing I’m never going to see him again.  Perhaps this is a good thing.  Yes.
That’s what I’m going to do! I grab Preston’s arm, flick my hair over my
shoulder while turning my head to give Kami my own sly wink and bounce off to
the dance floor to get my groove on.  I’ve always loved dancing.  I love how
you can just let go and clear your mind from all the day to day shit that gets
clogged in there.  When I’m dancing I don’t think about how much I miss my Daddy
since he died when I was seven from a horrific car crash, and I don’t have to
think about how much of a marriage whore my mom is.  My mom Suzette has been
married four times since my dad Brady, passed away.  Currently, she’s married
to Michael O’Cleary Senior.  I like him; he seems like a nice enough guy. He
works in financial planning or something, he’s rich and has a nice house that
my Mom lives in with him.  He’s a heck of a lot nicer William, and the fact
that I only have to meet with them every Sunday night for family dinner, well
that makes me like him just a little bit more; I don’t have to live with him. 
Before Michael Senior, Mom was married to Frank Klein, Seb Richards and William
Spencer.  Mother married Frank about a year and a half after my Dad passed
away.  The marriage didn’t last long because we were still in the grieving
process and honestly I don’t think my Mother was ready for another relationship
but I think she did it so she didn’t feel lonely.  They divorced on amicable
terms so I’m led to believe, next was Seb.  I liked him a heckova lot and we
got on really well. Mom married him about two years after she divorced Frank.  Unfortunately
he passed away in their second year of marriage of cancer.  It came out of
nowhere and took him like
. Seb and I got along really well and when
he passed away he left me around half a million dollars in his will, which I think
I’m going to use to start a business with Kami.  Kami has an eye and a love for
clothes and I have that same eye and love for shoes.  Next was William
Spencer.  His name alone makes bile rise in my throat, I swallow it back down
and push thoughts of him to the back of my mind.

   Kami’s Mom Judy says my Mom really loved my Dad and she
thinks she’s spent the last fourteen years trying to find a love like the one
she had with him.  I think she doesn’t have to wed her way through the entire
single fifty and sixty year old male population of America.  Perhaps this is
why I have a ‘sexual complex’ as Kami puts it.  I’m more inclined to think that
the man I give myself to is the man I’m going to marry, have kids with, grow
old with and die with.  I don’t want to be like my Mom and keep settling for
something that isn’t that spine-tingling-goose bumps-heart thudding-can’t-get-enough-of-you
what I’m waiting for!




Preston and I make it to the dance floor and find a spot to
move. He grabs me and spins me so my back is to his front.  He places his hands
on my hips and I start to sway, grinding against his front, while he does the
same to my ass.  He leans forward so we are plastered to each other and winds
his arms around my belly. 
This feels really nice. I’ve never danced with a
guy before and this is FUN!
  I start to grind into him harder….and that’s
when I feel his erection, sitting hard against my ass.  Holy shit…
my God!
What the Hell am I supposed to do now?   Just ignore it! 
silently answer my silent question.  We’ve been dancing like this for a few
songs, when a much slower song starts to play and as we slow out grinding,
Preston moves his hands to my hips. I think he’s going to turn me so we can
dance face to face when suddenly he’s gone. Just like
What the
bloody hell? 




What the fuck?!  What the
I come face to face
with sapphire eyes that are attached to a man who has had the starring role in
every fantasy I’ve had since I was ten. 

Now, as I said before, I’m usually quiet, shy and reserved,
but Elliott turning up here and tossing my dance partner away like a flimsy rag
has me riled up! I want answers and I want them

“Elliott, what the Hell are you doing?” I screech at
Elliott, who is looking at me with the fire of a thousand suns burning in his
eyes.  Actually I’m surprised I didn’t go up in smoke. It’s scorching!  What
the Hell is he pissed about!

“Fuck off asshole and don’t come back,” he says to Preston
in a deathly quiet tone.

Obviously not taking the warning in Elliott’s voice
seriously, Preston decides to dig a hole for himself.  “Buddy, I was dancing
with a beautiful woman who’s been grinding that hot ass against my cock for the
last 15 minutes.  If you think I’m leaving without trying to tap that, you’re

 Elliott punches him in the nose and he can’t finish his
sentence.  Thank God, because I didn’t want to hear the rest of it and he would
not be tapping anything of mine! Thank you very much!!

“Holy shit, Elliott, what are you
I screech
again.  I mean seriously, what is his problem.  Elliott is Kami’s older by five
years brother.  She also has another brother Travis, who is 18 months older
than Elliott.  Growing up I had a crush on Elliott, but when I was eleven and
he was sixteen, I seen a side to him, I wish I didn’t.  He slept with and
probably still sleeps with anything that moves and he’s an arrogant ass! I have
barely said two words to him in the last five years so I don’t know what right
he thinks he’s got coming in here pulling a hot guy off me!!  I give him my
best ice-queen-glare and place both of my hands on hips in a don’t-you-dare-
mess-with-me-mister-answer-me-NOW pose.  I see Preston from the corner of my eye
turn and leave, smart move if you ask me because Elliott has always been able
to fight and he’s a badass.  Elliott saunters, yes saunters, over to me, places
his hands on my hips and leans down to rumble in my ear in a voice that haunts
my dream, yes still because even though he’s an arrogant ass, he’s a smokin’
gorgeous badass whose looks should be criminal, they’re that good, and I would
have be blind or bat for the other team to not notice.

 “Dance with me.” It’s not a question. It’s an order.  Oooohhh
God.  He winds his arms around to rest on the small of my back and pulls me
flush against him.  Oooohhh shit. He smells like heaven. A small trickle of
sweat runs down his neck and I have the urge to lick it up..
What the Hell?!! 
I DO NOT think like that.  What the hell has gotten in to me?!
It must be
the alcohol.  But, jeez it feels nice.  Elliott puts one of his legs between
mine and sweeps the hair off my shoulder and gently places a kiss where my neck
meets my shoulder.  I shudder.  Full on body tremble!  He grinds his body
against mine slowly and my pussy starts to ache.  Oh God it feels nice. I don’t
know what happening but I want him to take me on the dance floor.  I never have
thoughts like this.  Oh God, did I just moan.  Oh shit. I did.  I hope he
didn’t hear, but by the chuckle I heard, he did hear.  He grinds in harder and
I start to breathe heavy.  My nipples are pebbled and rubbing against our
shirts.  The friction feels fantastic.  The throb between my legs is increasing
and I can feel my panties getting wetter by the second. Oh crap I hope there
isn’t a wet patch on his pants. I would die!!  Just when I think I can’t take
anymore, he starts to softly sing in my ear and I recognize the song as Jason
Mraz’s, ‘I won’t give up’. 

When I look into your eyes, it’s like
night sky
, or a
Well there’s so much they hold, and just like them old stars,
I see that you’ve come so far, to be right
where you are
how old is your soul?

Oh Lord… I think I died and went to Heaven.  I still can’t
work out exactly what Elliott’s game is but in my drunken stupor, I really
don’t care. I’m just enjoying these totally new sexual sensations that Elliott
is bringing out in me.  The songs starts to fade and Elliott brings his hand to
face and cups my cheek, thumbing the underside of my jaw, reflexively, I lean
into his touch and bring my eyes up to meet his.  Elliott is 6 foot 2 and a
hunk of burning love.  He is quiet easily the sexiest guy I have ever laid eyes
He has dark brown hair that always looks a couple of weeks
overdue for a cut, but he wears the hair, the hair doesn’t wear him.  He has
the most gorgeous sapphire blue eyes and a body to die for.  Tanned and I just
underneath that killer badass outfit is a body that is toned, cut and
chiseled to perfection.  He’s wearing a pair of jeans that fit him so well it’s
mouthwatering and a black button down shirt with just the right amount of
buttons undone.  He’s got a nose that is beautiful even though it looks like
it’s been broken once or twice before, and his lips are plump and I just want
to run my tongue along them.

“Rainy,” he murmurs softly, looking deep into my eyes and
using a name that only he calls me, “no more games.  From this moment, it’s
time you start realizing, you’re mine.” He doesn’t even wait for me to process
this or reply before he grabs my hand and states, “We’re outta here. Go say ‘bye
to Kami and the girls.”  Ummm okay.  Did he just say I was his?
in I belong to him, now we’re a couple, or does he mean his for tonight? In
that case, does he think he’s going to sleep with me?  Because I don’t care how
drunk I am, I’m not giving it up to him tonight.  Oh who am I kidding?  I’ve
always wanted to be with him.  He’s the only man who has ever set my heart
racing and made my blood heat. “Rainy, stop overthinking this and go say ‘bye
to Kami and the girls.”  I still haven’t uttered a word since his ‘you’re mine’
speech, because honestly, I can’t really process any thoughts that require too
much brain work.  I’ll store this in my ‘review tomorrow when hangover resides’
part of my brain.  Still holding my hand, we find Kami still chatting with
Mitch but the rest of the girls must be on the dance floor or at the bar with
the other guys because they aren’t at the table.  Kami eyes us walking over and
her eyes light up like a Christmas tree when she notes our joined hands.  “Hey
there girlie,” she says through a sly smile.  “We’re off Kami.  Behave
yourself.  Please don’t get into any trouble.” 

“Who, me? Seriously Elliott, as if
would get
involved in any
” Kami replies sweetly, batting her eyelashes
because she is totally a trouble magnet and she knows it!  “Urm, so you guys
are leaving, like, together,
 She waggles her eyebrows
suggestively while asking Elliott our intentions, or rather his intentions
because I’m still in stunned mullet mode and I
haven’t uttered a
coherent word since his ‘you’re mine’ speech on the dance floor. 

“Yes Kami.  Rainy and I are together now.” He answers on a
sigh, clearly not wanting to discuss anything right now, in a crowded
nightclub.  “We’re off. Be good,”

Umm what? Wait a minute.  We’re together now? What in the
is going on?

Kami claps her hands, smiling and her are dancing with
delight as she shouts, “YES
About time you both pulled your
heads outta your asses and got together.  Okay we’ll have fun and stay safe,”
she winks at the end.


Chapter 3


I find myself seated in the passenger seat of Elliott’s SUV
while he drives down Carrington Road to a destination I don’t know, with one
hand on the wheel, one hand on my leg and he’s humming along contently to Kenny
Chesney who is playing softly in the background.  It’s around this time that my
brain and senses decide to kick in and not for the first time I wonder
the Hell?!

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