Sensual Chocolate (4 page)

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Authors: Yvette Hines

“Anything else I should know?”

Guard your heart, Jolie girl
. “No. I’ll see you then.”

“Until Tuesday, Jolie. Try not to think about me too much at night, laying in your bed wear something satin and sexy.” His voice held a playful tone.

She stared down at herself. “More like a big T-shirt and toe socks.”

“Ah-ha. I knew I could get you to tell me what you were wearing,” he chuckled.

Jolie smiled enjoying his deep rumble that came through the phone. “Good night,

“She hurts me deep.” She heard him sigh. “Good night, Jolie.” His voice was low and his accent came across with a great intensity becoming a caress to her senses.

Inhaling, she pressed the button on her cell phone and ended the call. The days until she saw him next week would be long.


Chapter 3

“Good evening, Mr. Rayner.”

When Jolie opened the door Trenton’s gut clenched and his cock jumped then began to rise. He had already been halfway to a full-blown erection all day just counting the hours until he got to put his hands on Jolie. Now he was speechless as she stared at her in some kind of black one-shoulder dress, sheer, sexy and flowing. There was another layer below the see-through material keeping him from seeing her body, but his imagination was working overtime detailing the form possibly hidden beneath. The dress stopped mid-thigh and she’d done the blessed thing of leaving her legs bare and sporting sliver slip-on sandals. The single sleeve revealed her arm as clearly as the one that was left free.

As the man who had the treasure of spending the evening with her, he was thankful she had chosen something alluring and easy to remove. His fingers tightened around the stem of the flower he held.

“If I’d known you would dress like that tonight, I would’ve never made it through the day.” Pulling his gaze away from her delectable body, he handed her the single rose he’d brought her.

“Thank you. Please come in.” She took the flower, ensured her fingers didn’t brush his and then stepped deeper into the foyer.

Her lips, painted with a dark gloss that he could only call a “please me” red, pulled up high in the corners as she smiled.

Entering her home with a different frame of mind then the last time he was there, Trenton noticed the lights were out in the one room he and Stiles had been in last week. The rest of the lights were all on low setting. In the sitting room with the plush carpet he could see the flickering glow of a fire. She had truly set the stage for romance.

He could have told her that she didn’t need to go to all the trouble. He needed little encouragement to want her luscious body beneath his. Then he reminded himself that he was only here because he told her that he would allow her a chance to show him the romantic side of sex.

“It smells wonderful in here. Did you cook?” He asked closing the door behind him. The house was filled with the smell of food, but he could still detect the hint of her orange scent.

“I did. But, nothing elaborate I must confess. I’m a crock pot chef.” A small laugh bubbled past her lips.

“I have no clue what that means.”

“Nothing but that I threw a small roast with vegetables together and slow cooked them all day. I love food, but I cook to survive.” She led the way to the kitchen.

“Well, you’re two steps ahead of me since I don’t cook at all. All of my meals are from a restaurant, when I eat.” He followed her. He loved to watch the sway of her little black dress. Without the boots and sweater dress he could see how toned her legs were as his eyes were trained on the play of the muscles in her thighs and calves as she walked.

Once in the kitchen, Jolie pointed out the electrical pot on the counter beside the stove. He also saw another pot on a rear burner with a little steam coming from underneath the lid even though he could see the burner was off. Jolie stooped down and took a tall glass vase from under the sink. Filling it with water she placed the long stemmed rose inside and set it on the center of the island, placing the granite top between them.

“I didn’t realize it was Valentine’s Day until late this morning when my co-workers’ desks became flooded with balloons and flowers. If I hear one more singing telegram my head may explode.”

She laughed. “I guess for someone that isn’t a romantic, this day can seem silly and a bit much.”

He shrugged. Now that he thought about the fact that most female’s really believed in this day he realized it was a little shoddy to just give her one flower. “I probably should have bought a bouquet or had one sent to you.”

Jolie used the back of her fingers to caress the rose petals. Her golden brown eyes met his and he had that strange shock go through him again as if he was being struck by lightning.

“It’s perfect.” It seemed as if she were miles away with the granite top between them.

“I remember you saying that this was a busy week for you. That SC has guests all week. Is tonight going to be a problem for you?” The last thing he wanted was to be buried balls deep inside of her and have some emergency line ring and one of her guest needing more bath towels.

She shook her head, causing her side bang to slip over her eye for a moment. She fingered it back in place. A gesture so simple and flirtatiously sexy at the same time. Even more so, because he doubted Jolie was doing anything to make herself appear sexier, but his body was still reading every breath and move as an invitation.

“No, this is perfect.”

“So, how is this supposed to work now?” he asked, wishing she would come closer.

The tip of her tongue came out and licked the center of her top lip, then disappeared again. “We could start talking about our day over dinner…if you’re hungry.”

Oh, he was hungry, just not for whatever was simmering in the pots and pans on her stove. His mouth watered for one thing and only one thing, Jolie. “I’m not in the mood for food at this moment. What’s my other choice?”

She lowered her hand from the flower and he noticed it was trembling. He hoped it was because she was feeling the same rampant need as he felt, not fear.

“We can eat later and go to my bedroom now.” Her words came out breathy and seductive.

He realized what she was doing with the counter and keeping her distance from him since he arrived. She was nervous. He didn’t know if it was because she’d never had a one-night stand before or something else. “Come here, Jolie.”

She only hesitated a moment, then she made her way around the counter to him. His gaze remained fixed on her as she moved to stand before him, the connection so strong she was unable to look away. Taking a step closer to her, he narrowed the gap between them to less than a foot. He didn’t touch her with anything but one hand. Lifting his hand he lightly brushed along the side of her face. The heat of her smooth skin greeted him as his finger moved down below her chin, caressing her neck.

“Do you know what I’ve been thinking about all day?”

“No. What?” Her eyes darkened. The topaz color appeared more brown then golden and held him transfixed.

“You. I thought about the many ways I was going to join my body with yours. I wondered about the taste of your lips.” He stroked the underside of her full bottom lip. “I sat at my desk and repeatedly attempted to guess at the scent and flavor…” He allowed his words to drift away as he lowered his hand, grazing her nipple and continued to travel to the narrow indention of her waist. He paused when he touched her hip and took hold of her and rested his thumb against the top of her sex. “Of you.”

Jolie’s breath was entering and exiting her mouth in a rush, matching the rate of his heartbeat. He’d never desired another woman as much as he yearned for the one before him.

It was true that he had thought about her in a sexual way during the day. However, it was her smile, her laugh and her joy and confidence that surrounded her he couldn’t get off his mind. He wanted to spend hours between her legs, but he wanted to talk to her too. And the latter part scared the shit out of him.

“I’m going to kiss you, Jolie.” It wasn’t in his nature to warn a woman of his attention. He was used to just taking command and seizing sexual fulfillment for himself and giving it to his partner. But with Jolie, for a reason he was
going to delve into, he wanted her to know he would offer her tenderness and care this night.

“Okay,” she said, raising her hands and dragging them around his shoulders.

That’s right hold on, baby.

Lowering his head, he brought his lips against hers. Feeling her press into him, he licked the seam of her lips and sighed when she opened to him. Slipping inside, he slid along her tongue to the deep recess of her mouth. Pulling back he teased the tip of her tongue with his.

She shivered against him and circled her tongue around his.

A firestorm ignited between them, the blaze started from their mouths and continued through their bodies, consuming them both. His hands circled her waist and moved upward until they pressed the center of her back and brought her breasts in contact with his chest. He couldn’t get enough of kissing and touching her.

Jolie was an equal participant. Her hands were cupping the back of his neck as her fingers buried in his hair.

He growled and fought against the urge to push her back against the counter or lay her over the table and bury himself inside her, taking them both to the climax they needed.

Pulling his mouth away, he set his forehead against hers and breathed deeply as his hands clenched and unclenched in fists at her back. “Sweetheart, if you have plans for us at this moment that doesn’t involve me fucking you, you better say so.”

There was no doubt in his mind that his choice of words may have been a little harsh, but he was about to go out of his mind with the compulsion to be with her in one basic and elemental way.


Trenton may not be a student of romance, but he had mastered the art of seduction, Jolie thought. She’d never had a man turn her on and make her forget everything in the world but him, with a kiss. But, that’s what Trenton had done, blown her mind. She was shaking inside with need. If it wasn’t important for her to show this man that romance could be just as erotic as the act of sex itself then she would have said forget it and allowed him to take her right where they stood.

Kissing him gently on the side of his mouth, she took his hands. “Come with me.”

“Swimming? Cause that’s the only thing that is going to cool me down.” He walked behind her allowing himself to be led.

“It’s still winter. I love to swim, but an icy cold dip I can do without.”

“Speak for yourself.”

She laughed. “Are you sulking, Englishman?”

“But of course.”

She guided him up the wide staircase to her room. The main house had three bedrooms upstairs. The large master suite and two others she hoped one day to turn into children’s rooms. But that was something way off in her future and this man with her now would be long gone from her life.

She stumbled on the last step and Trenton’s quick hands caught her around the waist, steadying her.

“Are you okay?” his voice was filled with concern.

“Perfect.” She looked over her shoulder and caressed his cheek. Why the words to the blues artist, Adele’s, song “One and Only” went through her mind as she stared into Trenton’s mystifying hazel eyes, she had no clue. Everything about this man told her he kept his heart as guarded as the US Mint. She had to make sure by the time this night was over her tender heart didn’t open for him.
Protect your heart, Jolie.

Moving out of his arms, she continued their path to her room and used the couple of minutes to get herself together and focused. Once in, she faced the man dressed sexy in all black. Black suit jacket, shirt, pants and shoes made him look both mysterious and appealing. “Please remove your jacket and shirt and lay down on the bed.”

“I like this already.” He winked at her.

She smiled. “It’s just a massage.”

“Your hands are going to be on me, it’s good enough for me.”

Moving around the room, she lit the multiple thick white candles she’d set out earlier. Once they were done, she turned off the two lamps on the side of her bed.

He shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it to a chair on the side of her king-size bed. Toeing himself out of his shoes, he said, “Can you help me with my shirt?”

. She crossed the room to him.

He dropped his hands to his side and waited.

The first two buttons at his throat had been undone since he’d arrived at her door, so she began at the third one. Watching her fingers work one button after another she could feel the heat of his skin behind the material caressing the back of her hands. When all of the buttons were loosen to his waist, she undid the fastening of his pants.

“This just got even more interesting.” He pressed his lips against her ear. “You don’t have to stop with the button.”

“Very tempting.” She tugged his shirt from his pants and released the remaining buttons. Gripping the halves she pulled it off his shoulders. “Good Lord…”

She didn’t mean for the words to come out, but she couldn’t help it as she beheld the delicious sculptured frame of his torso. The man was cut like a Greek god. Well-defined pecs were accompanied by ripping abs and thick, muscled arms decorated by cord-like veins.

“You know if you take off your top I wouldn’t feel so vulnerable.” He wiggled his eyebrows and gave her a cheeky smile.

“Not the same. I’d only be left in my panties and bra.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.”

She rolled her eyes, but didn’t try to hide her grin. “Bed. On your stomach, please.”

He took a moment to pull off his socks and stuffed them in his shoes then crossed to the bed. At the foot, he moved up the center until his head rested on the pillow. “What, no chocolate candies made into a cute design?”

“This is my house, so I pick and choose what things of the resort I want.”

Going to the side of the bed, she stepped out of her heels. Kicking the shoes to the side, she pulled open the top drawer of her nightstand and removed the sensual oil that was a combination of almond oil, sandalwood, ginger and other stimulating herbs.

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