Severed Destinies (30 page)

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Authors: David Kimberley

Tags: #Fantasy

Rynn frowned at her. “Not really. He just needed a friend I think. Like I said, he has qualities and is braver than Gorric and Khir would give him credit for.”

Do you still intend on going to Kariska soon?”

He glanced at her and saw sadness in her eyes. “Yes. At least, in a day or so. I need to see my parents and warn them not to go back north.”

Kithia nodded then nudged him playfully with her elbow. “I’ll miss you when you leave.”

He felt his heart soar but his throat became dry as he tried to speak. “Kithia, I…I wanted to tell you that…” His voice gave way and he took a deep breath but, as he prepared himself to tell her how he felt, fear of rejection crept into his mind again and his shoulders sagged. “I’ll miss you too but I’ll be back. I don’t intend staying in Kariska.”

Your parents will want you to stay with them. Why would you come all the way back here?” She gave him a suspicious look.

I…well…Vylandor is the safest place to be at this time,” stammered Rynn. “Besides, my friends are here.”

I see. I’d come with you to Kariska but I want to stay close to Gorric.” As they turned a corner and saw the training barracks ahead, Kithia asked something that took Rynn by surprise. “Will you remain an acolyte?”

I hadn’t thought about it. With my order gone, I have two choices now. Either I can join an order here in the capital or I can get rid of the robes and pursue another path.”

I think you should get rid of the robes even if you do remain an acolyte,” she smiled. “They must be worn thin by now.”

Rynn looked down at the ragged robes he wore and saw that they were not quite so white as they once were. “You’re right. I will ask for new clothes when we return to our quarters later.”

Perhaps you should focus more on harnessing this magical energy now. Imagine what you could do if you learnt how to use it.”

We’ll see,” mumbled Rynn, eager to move away from that subject. “I’ll give it some thought whilst I am in Kariska.”

They approached the barracks and were met at the entrance by a young soldier, who allowed them entry having received word earlier from Jolas that they would be visiting. Inside, the soldier led them through the inner sanctum of the structure until they came to a large dining hall. Only a handful of recruits were present but Kithia instantly saw the powerful figure of her brother sat at a long table with Khir and a handsome blond man who watched her intently as she and Rynn approached.

So this is what new recruits do,” she said, looking around the hall. “Eat and sit on their backsides all day.”

Gorric smiled but it was lacking amusement. “Kithia, did you just come here to make jokes or was there something you needed to discuss?”

His tone made her hesitate. “Do I need a reason to see my brother?” she asked angrily. “I’ll talk to you instead, Khir. Maybe I’ll get a civil greeting.”

Gorric is just…tired,” Khir remarked. “We all are. How are you both?”

Being treated like royalty,” replied Rynn. “They have arranged rooms for us with noble families. Kithia is staying with Councillor Karrid, whilst Varayan and I are with Councillor Jolas.”

Karrid has a daughter named Arelya who he thought I would get on with as she is nearly the same age,” added Kithia, rolling her eyes. “She seems pleasant enough.”

Khir glanced at Gorric. “Are you going to do the introductions?” he asked his brooding friend. “Or do you just plan on ignoring your sister?”

Gorric shot him a dark look. Sighing, he stood and embraced Kithia then reached out and gripped Rynn’s hand in welcome. “I apologize for my mood. It is good to see you.” He glanced at the blond recruit. “This is Arlath. He has been looking after us since we got here.”

Arlath stood and bowed. “I have heard much about you, Kithia. It is good to finally meet you.” He held her gaze for a moment then looked across at Rynn. “And you must be the acolyte from Boraila. I am truly sorry to hear about what happened there.”

Rynn opened his mouth to respond but noticed that Arlath’s eyes had already swung back to Kithia who, in turn, was blushing and shuffling uncomfortably. “Pleased to meet you,” muttered the acolyte, aware that Arlath was not listening.

Arlath is Duke Thellis’ son,” stated Gorric. “Father spoke of him several times.”

You are a recruit here too?” Kithia asked.

I am.” Arlath gave her a broad smile. “From what I have heard, I’m surprised you didn’t want to join us in the ranks. Gorric tells me you’re quite the fighter.”

Kithia laughed and ran her fingers through her hair. “True, but I would put all of you to shame so I thought it to be unfair.”

Rynn watched the exchange and felt something gripping at his heart. He did not even know Arlath but already he disliked the man. Kithia was clearly being affected by the recruit’s charm and Rynn needed to break her free of the spell.

Where is Varayan?” asked Khir. “Gone to cut a few pursestrings?”

He is exploring the city,” replied Kithia. “Getting his bearings, like the rest of us. Vylandor is a daunting place and none of us want to get lost here.”

If you need a tour of the city then I would be happy to escort you,” said Arlath.

Kithia doesn’t need an
,” growled Gorric, raising an eyebrow at him.

Arlath laughed and held his hands up. “I didn’t mean any disrespect. Only with your permission of course, Gorric.”

I don’t need permission from my brother for anything,” Kithia snapped. “Perhaps you can show me the sights of the city another time though.”

Rynn could see the instant attraction between them and fought to remain calm. He cleared his throat. “Kithia, I’m sure you need to catch up with Gorric and our time here will be limited.”

True.” Kithia’s disappointment was obvious. “When do you return to training?”

Within the hour,” replied her brother, glancing around the hall for signs of any officers watching them. “After combat training, we have hours of study ahead.”

Shall we walk for a while then?” Kithia asked him. “Take care of him, Khir, when I’m not around.” Her eyes met Arlath’s piercing blue gaze once more. “It was…nice to meet you.”

Until next time.”

As Kithia looped her arm around Gorric’s and led him away, Rynn felt Arlath’s eyes turn on him. Ignoring it, he sat down across from Khir.

How are you feeling now?” Khir asked him.

Rynn knew exactly what he meant. “Nothing strange has happened since the settlement. I feel better for sleeping in a comfortable bed though.”

The beds here remind me of when I would sleep out in the forest with my father,” smiled Khir. “They are most likely designed to make you
to get up early and begin your studies.”

You get used to them,” muttered Arlath. “What do you plan to do now, Rynn? Will you be staying in the city or moving on?”

Rynn sighed quietly before looking at him. “I hope to travel to Kariska for a time to see my parents and explain what has happened. Then I will return here. Beyond that, I have not given it much thought.”

You know that there is an order of Ardan here in Vylandor,” Khir remarked. “You could talk to them. I’m sure they would take you in to continue your training.”

To be honest, I don’t know whether I wish to continue training to be a cleric. With everything that has happened, it has made me see the world through different eyes.”

Would you rather be a soldier then?” Arlath was smirking.

Of course not. As you can see, I am not built as you are.”

Indeed.” Arlath shrugged. “I’m sure Ardan will guide you in the best direction. Now, if you will excuse me, I have duties to attend to.”

Rynn watched the recruit walk away, then shook his head. “I don’t like him much.”

He takes some getting used to,” admitted Khir. “But he is a good soldier. Plus, he is well-liked by the rest of the men here. Don’t let him anger you. I am not exactly built to wield a sword and shield but give me a bow and I am just as dangerous.”

I thought you were against being a soldier.”

Khir bit at his lower lip. “Gorric and I have to stay together if we hope to ever find out what happened to our families. Just because we are here doesn’t mean we have forgotten what happened. By joining the ranks, we will hopefully get to travel north again.”

None of us will forget what happened,” Rynn said solemnly.

However, dwelling on this will do us no good so we must look to the future now.” Khir gave Rynn a knowing look. “Do you dislike Arlath because he showed interest in Kithia?”

What?” Rynn was taken aback.

I’ve seen the way you look at her. Can’t say I blame you.”

No, no. Kithia is my friend but I…I wouldn’t…”

Khir reached across the table and placed a hand on Rynn’s shoulder. “There is nothing wrong with having feelings for her. She is a beautiful woman and Arlath is well-known for being popular with the opposite sex.”

Rynn sighed. “What would she ever see in me then? He is strong, handsome and brave. I am an acolyte who
nearly overpowered the first time we met.”

Kithia is not stupid. She may have been caught up in Arlath’s initial charm but men like him tend to get bored and pursue other…prospects. Besides, she likes you, Rynn.”

As a friend.”

Khir shrugged. “I’m sure that Gorric would rather you escorted her around the city than Arlath anyway.”


Varayan walked the streets of Vylandor with a broad smile on his face.

Dressed in new clothes given to him by Jolas, he felt like a member of the nobility. As he passed people, he would nod in greeting and once or twice he caught the eye of one of the young women walking by. He imagined that, with his dark hair combed back and his face clean shaven, he blended in as one of the Vylandor upper class.

As he turned down a narrow alley though, aiming to cut through to the next main street, he caught sight of his reflection in a window. His smile faded and he began shaking his head.

Dress as you like,” he told himself. “You’ll always be a thief from Shulgard.”

The confidence that the rich new clothing had given him seeped away as he realized that the reflection was merely someone he had once wanted to be.

He slowly made his way along the alley and, as he passed a junction, he noticed another window that had been propped open. The thief in him wanted to take a look inside the building but, as he took a step towards the window, he stopped himself. How would it look if he was seen breaking in? The city guards would have no hesitation in hunting him down and he had seen how efficient they were.

With a quiet curse, Varayan continued on to the next main street. The thief in him knew it was only a matter of time before he was tempted beyond the point of no return.

As he traversed the street, not needing to dodge between people as he used to have to, he became lost in his thoughts. Why could he not live a life in this city now and become someone respected? After all, the king himself had personally thanked Varayan and the others for risking their lives to bring him the information on the invasion. With enough guile and charm, he was sure that he could persuade one of the nobles to vouch for him in the city. Jolas seemed wary of him, despite agreeing to let him stay in his large home, but perhaps one of the other councilors might be more willing to listen.

His excitement grew as his mind began going over various scenarios in which he might persuade one of the council to part with some of their money in order to fund his new life. He would tell them that he was a changed man and that stealing was merely a way to survive during difficult times.

Eventually, he came to a halt and looked around. He had lost track of time and had no idea which part of the city he had wandered into. The sky was overcast and he noticed how many of the side streets and alleys were shrouded in shadows as soon as the sun vanished behind the clouds. A perfect network of escape routes for one who was fleet of foot.

A nobleman and his wife approached as he stood in quiet contemplation.

Are you lost?” the woman asked Varayan.

I’m afraid that I am, yes,” he replied, trying to mimic the upper class tone. “I have not been in the city long and seem to have wandered into an area I do not know.”

She smiled. “Where were you heading?”

I am staying with Councilor Jolas but was hoping to find a tavern as I am quite thirsty.”

There is an establishment just down this street on the right,” said the nobleman, pointing in the direction from which they had approached. “It is one of the nicer taverns in the city.”

Varayan noticed a gold ring glint at him from the woman’s hand but refrained from gazing at it. “Thank you for your help.” With that, he bowed awkwardly and headed off along the street.

As he neared the tavern, he passed several other people and could see that many of them wore jewelry of some kind plus most had pouches and purses on their belts that were just begging to be taken. Vylandor was full of rich men and women who so openly displayed their valuable possessions.

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