Sharing Harper (15 page)

Read Sharing Harper Online

Authors: V. Murphy

Tags: #Romance

“I’m going to make you cum baby, but you gotta wait.” He continued thrusting himself inside me gently tapping my g-spot, sending flurries of chills running up and down my lower abdomen. His hands grabbed my hips as he pushed me onto him farther just enumerating the painful pleasure I was experiencing.

“Ohhhh” I started to scream, on the verge of releasing myself.

“No,” he growled with determination in his eye, making sure we pushed the limit together, reaching the point of no return, thriving for the last moments we had together to explore our lustful desires.

He released from inside of me, only to tease me by flipping me on my knees and arms on top of the granite. My head was banging in front of the cabinet and my knees barley fit on the counter top, but Ryder placed a steady arm on my b
are stomach and reinserted himself inside of me.

With his one free hand he explored my bouncing breasts, touching my nipples, teasing them between the tips of his fingers. His other hand held me steady as I rammed my backside into him shouting as his cock was deep inside me fully. We stayed like this for a while until he mumbled something inaudible and flipped me around on my back again.

“Spread them as wide as you can,” he demanded pointing at my knees. I obliged and spread them as horizontal as my hips would let me. He slid his aching cock into me again and said, “watch.”


I stared down, watching his cock slide in and out of me taking the wetness with it as it moved. Gradually the slow and sensual movements of his cock became frantic and rushed as we watched ourselves reach our climax together. When I felt my release I tilted my head back and screamed with pleasure. Through my screams I could hear him grunting, finishing the last of his need until he exploded deep inside of me sending shockwaves into my body. He landed on top of me, we both tried to come down from a high that allowed us to become one single entity. We grabbed onto each other for a couple brief moments, desperately clinging onto the last ounce of tension we had inside of us.

When Ryder let go he pulled out slowly, displaying my red and swollen pussy, which was throbbing so hard that I swore I could feel my heart beating down there.

“Shit Harper,” he said before collapsing on the deep mahogany wooden floor under him.

My legs weren’t able to support me and my body was too weak to continu
e holding myself on the counter so I fell to the ground to cuddle in his arms as we shared a moment of calm.

The room went from loud and boisterous to an eerie silence
; we both were comfortable enough with each other to relax in. Basking in the calm, we breathed each other in. I nestled my head into the crook of his shoulder taking in his divine figure next to me. There was a comfortable silence that basked over us as we slowed our heart rates down from the earlier activity. It was as if we could be together and speak to each other without saying anything. It was welcoming to find that after such a climactic moment, we were able to just relax with each other without the awkward phase that usually followed. Finally, our breaths slowed and together we lay on the floor in our entangled position for what felt like hours.

Suddenly, Ryder broke the silence by saying, “Lucky, I made our dinner reservations for later right? I’m starving now.”

“That’s all you have to say?” I said bitterly, while fishing for a compliment. I thought that I had a right to say that because who talks about dinner after the intense moment we shared with each other.

“Oh a little feisty are we? You should take it as a compliment that I am concerned about dinner because no one has made me more hungry in my life,” he said but not without adding, “hungry for many things if you catch my drift.” He winked over at me and I playfully slapped him on his wrist.

“I guess you’re right. I am pretty hungry myself. We did sort of wear each other out I suppose.”

“Are you kidding?” he said as he propped himself on his shoulder so he
could look at me in the eye, “That was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my life. The second most amazing experience was yesterday on the beach so both those moments you need to cherish dear to your heart because no one in my life will ever be able to do something like that. I love getting to know you Harper, but at this point I feel like I already do.”

“You have no idea…” I said trailing off thinking about the conversation I was going to have with him tonight where I was going to bare my soul to him and share a little part of my past.

“I do. You and I are very much alike. We are two broken people looking to find something right in this world. We struggle to survive by placing large walls over our past selves, hiding from the outside world, but Harper Mae, you are my world and I want to bare myself naked to you in every way possible.”

I shudd
ered at his outburst of emotion, still coming down from the high from earlier. I had never had quite as intimate a moment as this before in my life. Here we were, coming down from an erotic interlude while basking in the entwined webs we created with our naked bodies on the floor and now Ryder was sitting there baring his sole to me, completely naked, telling me he doesn’t want me to leave him.

I felt confused. I guess friendship was out of the question. Something was spinning inside my head and the sudden flow of thoughts started to seep past the wall and flood my mind with too much reminders of the past. I couldn’t think much longer before he interrupted my thoughts.

“You are my sunflower. You are the person I look up to and admire. You are the person I vow to stick beside until you no longer let me and even then, I will always be there for you.”

I felt like the room was closing up a
round me and the walls were becoming tighter and smaller. My hands started to get clammy and little beads of sweat started forming on my forehead. I needed to tell him the truth. I needed to explain to him why I am not good enough for him and why he can’t be with him. I couldn’t torture him any longer, knowing for certain that he will leave once he finds out the horrible person I used to be in my past.

“Can we still make our dinner reservations?” I squeaked noticing the clear
ly deflated expression on his face when I didn’t respond to his overzealous emotional response.

“Uhm, ye
ah, but we should get going nowh” he said while getting off the floor very matter-of-fact and gingerly slipping his clothes on all while acting as if he just closed an important business matter.

I knew he was disappointed with me not bei
ng able to feel the same as him but if he understood where I came from and he accepted me then that’s when I would open my heart to his, letting him put those bandages over my wounds.

I got up from th
e ground following him, finding my clothes then fixing my hair and makeup in the bathroom before going to dinner with him. I could hear him shuffling around my apartment when I was in the bathroom and when I sneaked a peek out I saw him looking at old pictures I had of me and Skye. I never kept any memories of my past, including photos of my parents. The only photo I had was a small metal frame of my grandfather and I in his favorite chair when I was a kid.

As I was pee
ping out from the bathroom door to secretly spy on Ryder, I saw him pick up that frame and look at it with a quizzical expression. He set the frame down and sighed before sitting down.

I w
asn’t sure what to make of that so I went back to concentrating on my hair and makeup. Before I left the bathroom I looked myself at the mirror and said, “Harper, you have to tell him tonight. After dinner you’re going to sit him down and tell him everything. Promise.”

My hands begun to tremor kn
owing that in a few short hours Ryder will be the only person to know who I really am: a criminal, a victim, vulnerable, and weak. All characteristics that no one would want to love. I took a deep breath in, hoping to wash away all the impending thoughts, and put on a smile so I looked unaffected.

“Ready for dinner?” I said with an enormous smile plastered on my face.

“Let’s go.” He grabbed my hand and led me out the door.


“Where exactly are we going?” I asked after we had been driving for over a half hour north in an unknown area.

“You’ll see,” he said with his excitement suddenly flushing back into his eyes. His right arm drifted from the steering wheel and fell towards
me on the center console of the car, opening as if to welcome my hand into his. I hesitated knowing that tonight would most likely be the last on our journey together. I might as well make the best of it so I slipped my hand into his tracing the creases in his hand with my middle finger.

“So I kind of have an awkward question to ask ya
,’” he drawled, half mumbling his words so I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“Are you like on…” he said shuffling his hand within mine.

“What, just blurt it out!” I yelled now super curious at his question.

“…are you on birth control or something?” He said staring straight at the road when he spoke not once turning to glance at me.

I laughed hysterically thinking it was both adorable and hilarious that he would think of something like that. Of course I wasn’t going to go sleeping with a stranger completely unprotected, I had been on the pill for a while now.

“Yeah and you don’t need to feel awkward about asking,” I said calling him out on his hesitation to ask me.

“It’s just a guy thing. You know the female body is a complicated organism.”

“Well you males certainly know where to stick it to give pleasure, so I think you’re doing fine as a species,” I told him rather bluntly, not trying to be funny but he laughed anyway.

“I’m glad we could be such
a service to ya’ll. Hey, if I have learned anything in life is that man was here to serve woman right?”

“You know the saying
, ‘Happy wife, happy life’,” I said joking around with him.

He laughed
, clearly enjoying the light conversation we were having instead of the silence that was bestowed on us earlier. When we finally pulled into a small restaurant on the beach I noticed we were in a swanky town about a half hour outside the city. The streets were lined with identical houses sprawled with colonial architecture. They all faced the ocean and each had their backyard facing the beach. There was a walkway that allowed people to walk up and down the beach and gape at the beautifully expansive houses. The ocean was dark since the sun had already set but the ocean was slowing rolling in and out and crashing when it reached the surface. We parked in front of a brown building that had a sign on the outside, “George’s Restaurant.”

Ryder refused
to let the valet open my door and ran around himself to the passenger side to let me out. He gave me his hand and I walked out with him feeling all too formal.

“My lady,” h
e said emphasizing his southern twang for an extreme panty-dropping moment.

“Thank you,
” I whispered sultrily hoping to turn him on. Noticing the movement in his pants, I knew that I did my job.

“Don’t talk like that otherwise I’ll have to take you right here in the bathroom,” he whispered in my ear as we glided into the restaurant.

After he motioned to the hostess and said his last name--which I learned was Kent--we were seated in our own private room with no other tables around us, just the table for two.

The lights were dimmed and there were a few small candles around the room to illuminate us. There were a dozen of roses on the table set in a gorgeous crystal vase and beautiful gold and white cutlery around the table. My jaw dropped to the floor when I was summoned into the room.

“I got this room for us. I thought it would be more private,” he whispered in my ear a bit boyishly, as if he was scared that I might just run away from this lavish gesture.

“Wow. I just, I don’t understand.”

“You don’t have to,” he said gesturing to sit down at the table.

What I really didn’t understand is how Ryder was able to afford all of this? I mean last time I checked working at a coffee shop didn’t make you THIS much money.

When we were seated he just sat there staring at me with his piercing blue eyes as if he was trying to understand where my soul was and if he could find it. I turned away embarrassed.

“Don’t. I was just looking at how amazing you look tonight. Our little extracurricular activity might just be the secret to your beauty routine
,” he noted with a wink.

“Stop!” I squealed in embarrassment yet again. The waiter came over to take our drink orders and Ryder ordered us a bottle of Malbec red wine.

“So, your last name is Kent?” I said half teasing and half being serious.

“Yeah, I guess I should have told you that earlier?”

“Yeah just like maybe who Evelyn is?”

“I told you who she is. She is someone who means the entire world to me. She is someone who
, no matter who else I will love, will be permanently in my life.”

“Way to
be vague,” I said trying to get the conversation started, although he clearly was having none of it as he shifted around in his seat laying his black cloth napkin different ways as he spoke.

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