Sharing Harper (26 page)

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Authors: V. Murphy

Tags: #Romance

“Where does she have to go?” I asked.

“I pick her up every other day and we spend the day together. Since it
’s Saturday, she doesn’t have school so I was thinking of spending the day at the beach with her. I have to go get her stuff though and change.”

My heart melted at what an amazing father he was. He was going to pick up his daughter and spend the day with her. I felt a sigh of relief escape my mouth that finally he was telling the truth. I wanted to do something bold and I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do, but it felt right. Rita’s voice was in the back of my head reminding me to take the hard road, for that road had the better outcome and the better success.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take it slow like I told Skye. I knew I wasn’t ready to become a step-parent, but I wanted to meet the girl who stole the other half of Ryder’s heart. I was nervous he wasn’t going to allow it, saying that it was too early to meet her, but I wanted to try. I wanted to do this thing the right way. I wanted to show him I cared.

So I mustered up all the courage I could and asked Ryder something the old me would never think about asking.

“Can I come?”

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked back at me. A large O formed on his mouth as if he was in complete and utter shock and disbelief. His was frozen in his place and he dropped the toothbrush I left for him on the counter last night. There was a
n eerie silence that echoed over us. I was scared that I might have said the wrong thing; scared he was calculating all the ways he could escape from me.

“You want to come? With Evelyn?” He asked as a double question, his voice full of southern twang?”

“Yes. But only if that’s okay with you and Kylee. I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes.” I hesitated while shuffling my feet around underneath me.

“Yes. Yes, yes
, yes, yes, yes.” He grabbed me by my hips and embraced me while swinging me around the bathroom repeating the word yes. The smile that was on his face was the largest smile I have ever seen and spread ear from ear. He was elated with complete joy that I wanted to get to know not only him, but also the other girl that stole half his heart.

“Really?” I squeaked between spins.

He put me down on the ground and grabbed my face shoving his lips against mine rabid with passion and desire. When he finally released me, he spoke silently emphasizing each word.

“I cannot believe you would want to get to know me and Evelyn. I want you to be a
part of her life too because she’s the biggest part of mine. Kylee and I have discussed after you left. I told her about you and how I felt about you. When she finally understood, she agreed that it was okay if you spent time with Evelyn. I convinced her that if you were going to be a permanent figure in my life, like I intended, then eventually you would meet Evelyn.”

“Are you sure she was okay with it?” I asked hesitantly, again worried about stepping on her toes. I didn’t want to replace her as her
the mom figure, I just wanted to get to know the little girl who stole the heart of the big muscular and dominating man I was in love with. I wanted to shake the hand of the little girl who loved Ryder as much as I did. The girl who provided more happiness than one could ever imagine to him.

“Yes. I will go pick her up from her mom’s and get her stuff. I will ask Kylee then. Do you want to meet us at the Coronado beach in an hour?”

“Yes. I would love to.” I smiled looking at him in the eyes, seeing his aqua blue eyes sparkle in the daylight. I gave him a quick on his lips, but before I could pull away he shoved his whole body against mine warming my lips with his sending waves of happiness deep into my pores.

He quickly got ready and put his clothes on before escaping from the door. My hands started to tremble and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to meet her. I know she was only five years old, but it was so important to me and to Ryder to make a good impression on her. I wanted nothing but to make a good impression on her and show her that I cared about her father.

I ran into my closet picking the most conservative black bikini that I owned that didn’t display too much cleavage. I slipped on a pair of shorts and a v-neck black t-shirt. I wanted to tell Skye about this so I sent her a quick text.


Going to meet Evelyn, Ryder’s daughter, today at the beach. So nervous. Wish me luck. XOXO Harp


Within seconds I received a response from her, knowing that Skye was permanently attached to her phone.


Don’t be nervous. You are going to be fantastic, just be yourself. Have I told you how proud I am of you. You’re no longer a runner! Love ya like a sis. Skye


I couldn’t actually believe that I was going to meet Ryder’s daughter!

Shit. I forgot about Rita. I had to give her a call and tell her that I wasn’t going to come in today. She was probably going to fire me by the time this summer ends, but I think this counted as important.

I grabbed my cell phone and gave her a ring.

“You better be callin’ me to tel
l me your still here young lady,” she said right as she picked up the phone.

I explained the entire story to her, owing her an explanation about why I wasn’t coming in to work today. I told her about Ryder’s past, his marriage and his daughter. I told her we spent the entire night together and I asked if I could meet his daughter.

“Don’t you dare think about comin’ into work today then.” She demanded without me asking if I could have the day off.

“I was going to ask if I could have the day off anyway.”

“Absolutely Harper Mae! You go get the boy. I’ll see you next week and I expect the full story then,” she said over the phone.

“Rita, thank you for being the role model I never had.” I truthfully told her while choking up slightly mid sentence.

“I love you too honey,” she said before she hung up the phone.

I was grateful for everything these people had given me here. I can’t believe just a couple days ago I was thinking about running and leaving this place. Skye was the sister I never had and Rita was the mother I never had growing up. Sometimes family doesn’t have to be blood, but it is those you encounter
on your journey.

Just then I received another text message from Ryder.


We are all set. Meet me at the beach. You have no idea how excited I am.

I love you Harper Mae, more than you can ever know right now.



He was excited? I was excited, but nervous too. I couldn’t believe I was doing this and so soon? I knew it was the right thing, but I wanted to impress Evelyn and Ryder.

I grabbed my beach bag stuffing extra sunscreen in there in case Ryder didn’t have any for Evelyn. I jumped in my car stopping to grab a coffee and some bagels for them on the way to the beach. I punched in the address Ryder had left for me on the table and started my drive down towards Coronado.

The nerves were trembling inside of me as I continued to concentrate on the concrete road ahead of me, weaving in and out of traffic. As I passed the bridge that connected the island to the mainland, the nerves peaked and I felt like I was going to regurgitate the coffee I had just ingested. I was scared I was going to disappoint Ryder. I was scared I would scare this poor girl away and she would hate me.

As I cruised onto Ryder’s street, I saw his familiar car in the driveway to an expansive beach house. He had told me to meet him out back when I called and told him I was almost there. When he meant out back, I was shocked that he meant on the beach.

I pulled my car into one of the parking spots on the street and got out, reminding myself to put one foot in front of the other. I shifted my clothes pulling my top up towards my neck and my shorts down towards my thighs to make sure I appeared appropriate. I had
gone light on the makeup, only putting waterproof mascara and foundation on.

I walked up the pavement to the house and pressed on the metal chain-link gate. His house was modern California style and was covered floor to ceiling in windows. Almost every view from the back was flooded with the picturesque ocean as I headed down the outdoor path that lead to the beach.

In the back of his house was a small lap pool that boasted some pool toys, which clearly belonged to a little girl. My face started turning red and I felt feverish walking towards the beach. My hands were now completely shaking and I was thinking about just turning around and running away.

I took a deep breath and repeated to myself that the hardest roads in life we often took lead to the most rewarding moments. That’s when I noticed two figures on the beach, playing in the sand.

I could barely make out a blue beach umbrella ahead, but I could easily spot a bronze man whose muscular definition was clear even at my angle a couple hundred feet away. He was wearing a pair of swim trucks that went down to the beginning of his knees and he was knee deep in the sand building a castle with the outline of a little girl.

She only reached the height of his knees but she had the same sleek long black hair that Ryder did. She had on a pink swimsuit and was playing in the sand with her father. Her squeals of glee were echoed even amongst the loud crashing of the waves as she buried him in sand.

As I approached, I could see her clearly and her eyes were the same brilliant blue color like her father had. She ran up to him and he picked her up spinning her around like he had done to me earlier in the morning. It was a picture I wish I could savor now. A moment of time I wish I had captured, but would be permanently etched in my mind. This was the moment when I realized that Ryder Andrew Kent would be the light of my life and womb. We both knew we weren’t just friends or just lovers. We were epic soul mates just waiting for the chapter to begin on our story. I was beginning to realize that this moment right here was the start of something beautiful.

The moment I realized that I was home and I didn’t have to run away anymore. That this decision isn’t actually the hard decision, this is the easiest decision I have ever made. There was no one else and nowhere else I would rather be. I was fine with where I was. This is home for me. I am home, at peace.

I didn’t have to share Ryder with my past anymore, because I had moved on and moved forward from him. I was sharing my future with him, giving myself to him and loving the small innocent moments that we only capture by really living. I was no longer a force of the chains of my past, which held me back squeezing the life out of me. I was falling in love with Ryder and this day right here would signify the rest of our days together. I never want to live another moment without him and without sharing every inch of my soul with him.

I didn’t want this moment to fade. I didn’t want to share this with anyone else, this was me. This was who I am.

I approached the two figures on the beach who were now playing with each other and running up and down. When I saw Ryder, he gave me the biggest smile, which spread ear from ear. I returned the favor, glancing back at him and in our own special way in stolen glances, we knew today was going to mark the day of forever. He walked towards me and beckoned for the little girl to follow, who chased right behind her dad.

When they were next to me, he stood there looking at me, his ice blue eyes matching the color of the ocean. When he spoke, it was with ease and delicacy, his voice laced with his Texan accent.

“Evelyn, I want you to meet someone very special. This is Harper, she is going to stick around for a while if that’s okay with you.”

I looked down at the little girl who was the twin of her father. She had the same relaxed smile plastered on her face and the same sparkling eyes that shined with brilliancy.

“Hi, I’m Harper,” I said extending my hand out towards her.

Her little fingers wrapped neatly inside of my hands as she went and shook it.

“You’re pretty. Wanna play?” she asked making me giggle at her directness knowing that is not a trait she got from her father.

“I would love to play with you,
” I murmured over the crashing waves as we went towards the sand to play while dropping my bag down.

It was a small moment, something that when captured in a photo or a video would not show the emotion that was occurring. As this little girl ran towards the ocean, I looked at Ryder with content on my face. We didn’t have to exchange any words to understand the simplicity of this beautiful moment. Instead, he laced his fingers slowly into mine and we followed Evelyn towards the ocean.

“I love you Harper Mae,” he whispered in my ear sending shockwaves pulsing through my veins. I was overcome with emotion, but I knew that from now on I would never run. I would be here permanently.

As the ocean waves glided in and out, cascading into shore, I whispered quietly into Ryder’s ear.

“I love you Ryder. I will never let you go.”

And with that, together, we walked towards our future,
a future that would be shared together.




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