Read Shattered Heart: The Donnellys, Book 3 Online

Authors: Dorothy F. Shaw

Tags: #old flame;secret crush;one night stand;friends to lovers

Shattered Heart: The Donnellys, Book 3 (5 page)

Chapter Nine

gripped the thick ridge of Shane’s cock through his jeans and whimpered into his mouth. Between her tits being squeezed tight in his big hands and the play on her nipples, Cyn thought she might actually have an orgasm. Fucking hell, he was building her up, and fast. Her tits were her greatest weakness. She loved them played with. Pinched, grabbed, fucked—oh God! His dick felt huge in her palm and now she couldn’t get the image of what all that thickness would look like sliding through her cleavage. She gasped. “Shane.”

“Anything.” He nipped her bottom lip and squeezed her tits again. “Anything you want.”

Anything, huh? She gazed up at him through a haze of lust. “I want this—” she gripped his shaft, “—fucking between my tits.”

He clenched his jaw; that muscle in his cheek flexed again and she wanted to nip at it with her teeth. Jesus, that was hot. Then he growled. “Your place.”

It wasn’t a question; it was a command. And holy fuck, because they were still in the bar, one she was happy to follow. The tequila had her acting all footloose and dignity-free. In her opinion, there was nothing worse than a drunk chick making out in a bar, yet here she was, doing just that. Cyn glanced to her left and right. At least no one saw them, or she hoped. Shane was so big, and she so short, Cyn was pretty sure he’d blocked anyone’s view of what was going on between them. She drew in a deep breath and licked her lips. Fuck, he tasted good. “Meet me out front in five.”

“You and that tongue.” He groaned. “As much as I hate to ever utter these words, you might want to let go of my cock.”

“Shit!” Cyn glanced down at her hand. Yep, there it was, attached to his prick like it’d been glued there. She laughed and let go. “Five minutes.”

He nodded and she ducked under his arm, heading for the front bar. Cyn had no idea where her family was and she prayed with each step that she wouldn’t run into them. She pulled her phone from her back pock—

“Hey! There you are.” Maiya grabbed her arm.

“Here I am!” Cyn grinned.

Maiya wiped under Cyn’s bottom lip with her thumb. “Jeez. Your lipstick is smeared. And you look a little—oh my fucking God! Were you with Shane?”

Cyn’s eyes went wide.
She had no idea what to say. Normally she was quicker on her feet than this, but her brain had apparently short-circuited due to fierce contact with Shane’s tongue, body, cock and hands.
Plus, Maiya had a gift of reading people, like she was reading Cyn right now. “Um…”

Maiya crossed her arms. “Cyn, really?”

“Well…” Cyn shrugged. “Can you blame me? I mean look at him! He’s just so—”

“Ya know what? You’re right. Do it. Go for it. Fuck it, or him,” Maiya giggled, “but make it good because you’re going back to your moratorium first thing in the morning.” Cyn opened her mouth to make another excuse, but Maiya cut her off. “No, honey. Don’t. It’s okay. I love you and it’s your life, and yep, he is just so… Mmm. Far from me to begrudge you a few long-awaited orgasms.” Maiya grinned. “Go have fun.”

“I love you too.” She gave Maiya a kiss on the cheek.

Free to go, Cyn navigated the crowd toward the exit—a little hitch in her step and sway in her hips while Big and Rich’s “Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)” played. Just as she reached the doors, she requested an Uber car from her cell. When she stepped outside, Shane was standing off to the left, leaning against the building, leg bent with one booted foot propped on the wall behind him.

Big muscles, narrow waist and thick legs waiting just for her. All he was missing was a cowboy hat pulled low. Cyn shook her head. Good God, he was fine…the man was
too fucking fine, and it took her breath away. A beachboy turned cowboy, and she was going to ride him until the freaking sun came up. Giddy-up!

Shane felt her before he saw her. As he glanced at her, he cursed himself a thousand different ways because he was doing this. There was no way he wasn’t doing this. A better man would’ve stopped long before it started, but at that moment, Shane couldn’t be a better man. He’d just gotten a taste of something he’d never had in his life and at his age, with all he’d survived, a person didn’t pass an opportunity such as this up. “You ready?”

“I called for an Uber.”

“A what?”

She laughed and the sweet sound went straight to his still-rock-hard dick. Cyn stepped closer, shoving her phone in her back pocket. “It’s like a cab, but less expensive and much cleaner.”

“How much time till it gets here?” He tugged her in front of him and ran the tips of his fingers over her cleavage.

With a moan, she licked her lips, and pulled her phone from her pocket again. After studying the screen, she looked up at him. “Four minutes.”

He bent his head. “Gimme that tongue.” Cyn snaked out her tongue and licked over his top lip. His dick jerked behind his zipper and he grabbed her ass, hiking her against him. “I got uses for that tongue.”

“Oh yeah?” She rolled her hips. “Me too.”

Shane took her mouth again in another frantic clashing of tongues and teeth, sucking the taste of her down like she was air for him to breathe. The fire between them got hotter. Intense, chaotic and out of control. Getting her out of her clothes and getting between her legs was mission critical. His dick was about to explode, and based on what she’d said in the club, he’d be exploding, at least the first time, all over her delectable tits. He dived his fingers into her hair and jerked her head back. “I want inside you.”

Cyn moaned and rubbed against him. A car pulled up in front of the bar and she let him go and checked her phone. “That’s our ride. Come on.”

With his hand in hers, Shane let Cyn lead him to the sedan. They slipped inside the backseat and she confirmed the address with the driver. Before they’d even pulled out of the parking lot, she’d shifted in the seat and was licking and sucking at his neck. Goddamn, she was blowing his mind, and in the best possible way. Cynthia Donnelly, all petite and perfect curves, had her hands, mouth and tongue all over him. Was she crazy? Wait. Shit… “Cyn?”

“Yeah.” She nipped at his earlobe.

Fuck him, he was about to throw some cold water on their flames. “How much did you drink tonight?”

She giggled. “A bunch. Why?”

“Maybe we should reconsider this.”

She jerked away like he’d burned her. “What?”

“Come on now. Don’t look at me like that. You know why.” Damn, he couldn’t believe he was doing this, but it was important.

She slid away from him. “How much did you have to drink tonight?”

“A bunch. But I’m sober now.”

“And so’m I.”

“But, Cyn… I just want to make—”

“Hey, listen.” She brushed her hair out of her eyes. “I appreciate you looking out and wanting to do the right thing…making sure I’m not too drunk to know what I’m doing, or make a competent decision. But, honey?” She moved close again and curled her hand behind his neck. “I’m good. And I know exactly what the hell I’m doing. So, shut the fuck up and kiss me, Shane.”

All he could do was smile at her. Yeah, they were two consenting adults, and true, he wanted to make sure she was in her right mind and knew what she was doing. He might be weak in this moment, and failing as far as the vow he’d made to himself and her brother, but he wasn’t a fool or a dickhead. He’d known this gorgeous creature her entire life and he cared about her. Shane wanted to do right by her…even if it meant
getting to sink between her thighs and her extremely unbelievable tits tonight. He could be patient; he could wait.

In the dim shadows inside the car’s interior, Cyn bent her head and laid a kiss on him that made everything in his body go tight—tighter than it already was. He was glad he’d taken the time to ask if she was good. But goddamn, when he realized she was, relief blazed through him like a speeding bullet, and as soon as she got them inside her place, he planned on getting inside her. Shane was going to devour this little petite firecracker and couldn’t wait to be burned by every single one of her sparks.

Chapter Ten

yn struggled with the key in her front door lock as Shane snugged up behind her—his hands roaming from her tits, down her sides, to her ass and back up again. “Fuck.” She breathed and tried again. “Got it!”

As soon as her feet were over the threshold, Shane spun her in his arms and kicked the door closed behind him. “Mine.”

Had he just said “mine”? And was that a growl? Cyn didn’t have time to think about it further because he spun her again, picked her up and pressed her against the solid wood of the door. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he ground against her center. “Holy fuck.” She clawed at his back wanting desperately to feel his skin.

Shane yanked her silver top down and ran his tongue over the top of her breast. “Said something about me fucking between these?” With one hand on her ass, he hiked her higher and tugged her bra cup down with the other, revealing one tight nipple. “Oh, girl. Dayyyumm!” Dipping his head, he bit the pink nub and then sucked it deep into the heat of his mouth.

Cyn’s head snapped back and she cracked the back of her skull on the door. Fuck if she cared though, because while he was sucking her nipple he was also rolling his hips, grinding against her clit.

He pulled away from her breast and cupped the back of her head. “You okay?”

She laughed. “Yeah, just put my tit back in your mouth and keep moving like you are because, holy shit, I’m gonna come.”

A sly grin spread across his lips. “Not yet, you’re not.”

Cyn circled his neck with her arms and rolled her hips. “Betcha I am.”

“That so?” He nipped her bottom lip.

“Guaranteed.” She giggled. “I’ll even let you watch.”

“Girl…” He yanked her away from the door and laid her down on the hardwood floor in the foyer. Nestled between Cyn’s spread thighs, Shane rested his bulk on his strong arms planted on each side of her head and gazed down at her. “You’ll come when I say you can, and I’ll still watch.”

Excitement barreled through her. Well, well, well… Shane Conlon was a bit of an alpha. Considering his former U.S. Marine status, she wasn’t too surprised. She preferred her men to be on the aggressive side, so win for her. As a woman who ran her own business, having someone else be in charge in the bedroom was just fine and dandy by her. And considering this was only going to be a one-time deal, Cyn was more than pleased to have hit the alpha-male lottery. Jackpot, baby! She’d get her fill of Shane Conlon, he’d go home and she’d go back to her self-imposed celibacy. She was banking on tonight being enough to tide her over because she’d be getting herself off to the memory for the next year. Cyn ran her hands beneath his shirt and up his sides. “You like to be in charge, don’t you?”

“Maybe.” He bent his head and nipped her chin. “Let me guess, you prefer it the other way around?”

“Nope. But I do want this freaking shirt off you.”

He rose off her and knelt between her legs. “Ask nice, and I’ll consider it.”

Oh, wow.
Her whole body clenched. Cyn licked her lips. Oh, yes, she’d hit the fucking mother load. “Please take your shirt off, sir?”

“Sir?” His eyes flared and he groaned, then unbuttoned his shirt. “You’re gonna be the death of me, aren’t you?”

“Let’s hope not.” She giggled. When he parted the two halves of his shirt, Cyn raised her hand to touch him, but remembering her manners, she stopped. His chest and abs were sculpted to perfection. Bare of any hair, except a small trail leading from his belly button she couldn’t wait to run her tongue over both. Tanned to perfection too—and not from some tanning bed either. It was pure sunshine that’d kissed his flawless skin. “How about Sergeant? That work? May I touch you, Sergeant?”

“God Almighty.” He shook his head and grinned. “Call me what you want, but take your shirt off first. Bra too.”

“Absolutely.” Cyn tugged her top off her head, tossing it to the side. She arched and unhooked her bra. After pulling it away, she cupped both breasts in her hands and squeezed them together. Shane stared at her, lust stamped all over his face. Cyn smiled and pinched her nipples. “Like what you see?”

“Love what I see. Tell me again what you want me to do with them?” He bent forward, resting on his arms again, but not letting his body touch any part of hers.

Cyn ached to feel his weight between her legs again. She also ached to touch the rippling muscles of his upper body. He was pure power and she wanted to play with every bit of it. “I want you to fuck my tits.”

Shane growled as he rose to his knees again. He grabbed her hands and placed them on his chest. “Gonna slide between them real soon. But first, you may touch all you want.”

Hot damn!
And hell yes, another growl!
She liked the way the rumble of it vibrated straight to her core. A lot. Cyn sat up and first smoothed her palms up and over his round shoulders. He had a tattoo on each upper arm: an American eagle with the American flag billowing in the background, and a grim reaper holding a scythe on the other. She liked those too.

Gliding her hands down his chest, she spread her fingers and smoothed her palms over each muscled pec. Cyn was petite, yes, but the sheer size of him made her hands look incredibly small. She circled one flat areola with a fingertip, then scraped her nail over the nipple as it hardened. She licked her lips and gazed up into his eyes. “You’re fucking beautiful. A goddamn Adonis.”

“That mouth of yours? Gonna fuck that too.”

“Yes, please.” Cyn’s panties were soaked and every time something dirty came out of his mouth, her clit throbbed. She was so going to fuck his brains out tonight. A few times. And then maybe once more for good measure. Cyn moved her hands down the ridges of his abs until she reached the lip of his jeans. She caught his gaze, asking silent permission. He nodded and she tugged open the button and pulled down the zipper.

“Something you want in there?” Shane got to his feet, kicked off his pants. With a devious glint in his eyes, he slid his hand down his boxers and arranged his dick.

The head was now peeking out from the waistband, beckoning her. She got to her knees in front of his thick thighs. “Uh-huh. Badly. So, so badly.”

“Ask nicely.”

Oh, good God, she was the one that was going to die. She had no idea he’d be like this. And fuck yeah, it was working for her. Really working for her. “I need to suck your cock. May I, please?”

hane stared down at the woman perched on her knees before him, listening to things come out of her mouth he never in his wildest dreams could’ve anticipated. Every muscle in his body was strung tighter than a suspension wire and his prick was weeping for attention. Literally. “Take it, girl. Take what you need.”

She licked her sensuous lips, tugged the waist of his boxers down and snaked her tongue over the wet head of his cock. A moan came out of her that went straight to his balls, and with gritted teeth, he cupped the back of her head in his palm.

She glanced up and the spark in her brown eyes socked him square in the gut. “Fuck, you taste good.”

Shane let out a breath. “All for you.”

With her lips curved into a small smile, she pushed his boxers farther down and lowered her mouth onto his cock, taking him deep. Then deeper—to the back of her throat, and Shane had to gulp for air because the wet heat of her mouth felt so fucking good he thought he might pass the hell out.
Ten years in the Marines, two tours in Iraq, plus the years in Afghanistan as a contractor and never, ever had he come close to passing the fuck out. Yet, here he was.

She moaned and pulled him from her mouth and ran her tongue down his shaft. Cyn licked over his balls, sucking the skin, teasing with her teeth. The look on her face was another punch in the solar plexus. Her eyes were closed as she took what she wanted. There was no mistaking that look. Shane had never witnessed it in his life, but there was no denying it.

Cyn loved what she was doing.

The caveman inside him roared, pounding his proverbial chest, and Shane’s hand flexed in her hair.

Cyn’s lids fluttered open, her thick lashes framing her pretty brown eyes to perfection. “So fucking good.”

Before he had a chance to respond—to tell her how hot she was or to say anything at all—she swallowed him to the back of her throat, drew him out, and swirled her tongue around the rim and then took him deep again. Shane’s head fell back and tingles danced over his skin. “Jesus. Fuck. Goddamn!”

She moaned and continued as Shane lost his mind, and the room went hazy around him. When the fuck had head ever taken him to his knees? But that’s exactly where he was headed if he didn’t get a grip on himself. He glanced down at her, ready to pull free just as Cyn fisted his shaft at the base and popped him free of her lips. “Fuck my mouth, please?” She licked the head. “Please?”

Holy hell. Time to get that grip he needed. Shane blew out a breath, cupped her chin in his palm and tilted her head back. “I want between those luscious tits of yours.”

“Mmm.” She took her full breasts in her hands. “These?”

“Those.” He pulled her to stand. Considering the difference in their height, he needed to change their location. He glanced to his right and spotted the couch. Not gonna work. Kitchen table might work better. “C’mere.” He muscled her up and she let out a giggle. “Arms and legs around me.” Shane moved toward the back of the house. “Kitchen this way?”

Cyn pulled her lips from his neck. “Yeah. Kitchen? Why the—”

Bingo. He found exactly what they needed and plopped her ass down on a raised window seat along the back wall. He gazed down at her. “Compensating for our difference in height.”

“Wow.” She took his cock in both hands and stroked him. “Lick between my tits. Get me nice and wet so you slide like silk. Fuck, you feel so goddamn good in my hands. Tasted so good on my tongue too.”

“Thought you didn’t want to be in char— Oh, fuck! Yeah…that feels.” He blew out a breath. Cyn was working him good and the fact that he hadn’t come yet was a goddamn miracle. She let out another giggle and he felt it ripple deep in his gut, as much as he felt her hands stroking his dick.

“I don’t. Just making sure you know what I like.”

“And need?”

“Yeah.” She smiled, and again he lost his breath.

“Whatever you need, you get.” Taking her breasts in his hands, he bent and licked between her cleavage, his tongue tingling from the salty sweat coating her soft skin. Unable to deny himself, Shane moved to one nipple, sucked it, bit it, then moved to the other and gave it the same attention. She moaned and kept at his dick. His balls tightened and his orgasms crept up his spine. “You keep working me like that and I’m not going to make it between your tits. I’ll just end up coming all over them instead.”

“Ha! Nah…you’re good, honey.” With her eyes locked with his, she urged him forward, took her breasts in her palms and he slid between the full mounds of flesh.

Shane shifted his hips, drawing back and gliding forward again. The warmth of her skin surrounded his shaft and the wetness allowed him to glide with ease through her cleavage. He wasn’t a small man. By any stretch, and that wasn’t him being arrogant it was just truth.

He couldn’t drag his eyes away, and his mouth had dropped open as he panted for breath. If Shane thought he’d lost his mind before, he was dead wrong. The sight of his thick cock being swallowed by her tits, her tiny pink nipples poking between her fingers as she held him in place, and the feel of all that heat surrounding him, drove Shane off the edge. “Are you shitting me?”

“Fuck yeah, baby. Feel that? Give me more. Come all over my tits.” She gazed at him, slaying him with the desire in her eyes.

Yup, goner. Done for. Lost.

Shane’s orgasm hit like a ton of bricks and the first spurt shot from his prick like a bullet, landing at the base of her throat. “
” He pumped his hips, his cock jerking, his semen shooting between her cleavage and up onto her neck and chin.

Cyn snaked her tongue out, licking what she’d drawn from him. With a hiss, she let him go, and promptly sucked the head between her lips. Shane finished in the back of her throat, with her hand wrapped tight around his shaft, moaning and pumping her fist until she’d sucked every drop from him.

Unable to speak, and barely able to breathe, Shane braced himself on the window behind them. About ready to collapse, he rested his forehead against the cool glass. She’d let his cock go, pressed her lips to his stomach, and trailed her fingers over his lower back.

When the feeling returned to his face, he made an attempt at speaking. “Never…”
He shook his head, drew in another breath and tried again. “Never been like that before. Ever.”

Cyn’s fingers tightened on his sides. “Is that a good thing?”

“Girl, I can barely stand. What do you think?” He chuckled.

She laughed against his stomach. “I think…how’s your recovery time? I want more.”

To Shane’s surprise, his cock stirred and he laughed harder. Yeah, total goner. Done for. Lost.

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