She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity (82 page)

cases of cancer cells moving from one person to another
: Lazebnik and Parris 2015.

passed some of their cancerous immune cells to their fetuses
: Isoda 2009.

got infected with a tapeworm
: Muehlenbachs et al. 2015.

14. You, My Friend, Are a Wonderland

the one-fin flashlight fish
: See Haneda and Tsuji 1971; Haygood, Tebo, and Nealson 1984; Hendry et al. 2016; Hendry, de Wet, and Dunlap 2014; Meyer-Rochow 1976.

about 37 trillion human cells and about the same number of bacteria
: Sender, Fuchs, and Milo 2016.

we are no different from any other animal
: Yong 2016b.

this cycle of renewal looks a lot like heredity
: Hurst 2017.

The genes of bacteria can take strikingly similar routes
: Bright and Bulgheresi 2010.

thick beds of vesicomyid clams thrive
: Funkhouser and Bordenstein 2013.

S. Craig Cary and Stephen Giovannoni
: Cary and Giovannoni 1993.

: See Funkhouser and Bordenstein 2013; Sabree, Kambhampati, and Moran 2009.

a gradual slide
: Bennett and Moran 2015.

80 percent of their genome
: Hendry et al. 2016.

some of heredity's essential features
: See Bordenstein 2015; Gilbert 2014; Theis et al. 2016.

“You, my friend, are a wonderland”
: Quoted in Zimmer 2011.

this seeding
: Blaser and Dominguez-Bello 2016; Rosenberg and Zilber-Rosenberg 2016.

Breasts foster microbes
: McGuire and McGuire 2017.

the strains that move most successfully through nursing into the babies
: Asnicar et al. 2017.

Mothers may thus transmit microbes to future generations
: Foster et al. 2017.

Howard Ochman
: Moeller et al. 2016.

oligosaccharides in human milk
: Browne et al. 2017; Urashima et al. 2012.

Helicobacter pylori
: Cellini 2014.

The history recorded in its branches
: Moodley et al. 2012.

intertwined with our own heredity
: See Goodrich et al. 2016; Van Opstal and Bordenstein 2015.

was only discovered in 2012
: Morotomi 2012.

weight is heritable
: Silventoinen et al. 2016.

mitochondria, the tiny pouches that produce fuel inside our cells
: See Archibald 2015; Ball, Bhattacharya, and Weber 2016; Gray 2012; Martin et al. 2016; McCutcheon 2016; Rogers et al. 2017.

Edmund Cowdry
: Cowdry 1953.

: Wang and Wu 2015.

how this merger happened
: Martin et al. 2017.

mitochondria's distinctive patterns of heredity
: Stewart and Chinnery 2015.

It wasn't until the late 1980s
: Holt, Harding, and Morgan-Hughes 1988.

Ink cap mushrooms
: Breton and Stewart 2015.

Douglas Wallace
: Sharpley et al. 2012a.

Limiting mitochondrial heredity
: Christie, Schaerf, and Beekman 2015.

inspect their eggs
: Haig 2016.

15. Flowering Monsters

Magnus Zioberg
: See Coen 1999; Gustafsson 1979.

Enrico Coen
: Cubas, Vincent, and Coen 1999.

“If acquired characters cannot be transmitted . . .”
: Weismann 1889, p. 403.

“. . . convincing disproof of the loose and vague arguments . . .”
: Morgan 1925, p. 177.

that's unfair both to him and to history
: See Burkhardt 2013; Deichmann 2016.

“The law of nature . . .”
: Quoted in Burkhardt 2013, p. 796.

some scientists continued to fight for conceptual room
: See Bonduriansky and Day 2009; Day and Bonduriansky 2011; Uller and Helanterä 2013.

a few cases came to light
: Schaefer and Nadeau 2015.

: See Bygren et al. 2014; Epstein 2013; Lim and Brunet 2013.

Michael Skinner
: See Nilsson and Skinner 2015; Skinner 2015; Tollefsbol 2014.

Brian Dias
: See Dias and Ressler 2014; Hughes 2014.

behaviors could be acquired
: See Bale 2014, 2015; Bohacek and Mansuy 2015; Rodgers and Bale 2015.

in vitro fertilization alone
: Lim and Brunet 2013.

helpless until the morning's army of molecules wakes them
: Papazyan et al. 2016.

When we develop an infection
: See Allis and Jenuwein 2016; Busslinger and Tarakhovsky 2014.

cellular memory
: Henikoff and Greally 2016.

The memories we store in our brains
: Kim and Kaang 2017.

it will respond to drought more strongly
: Lämke and Bäurle 2017.

Michael Meaney
: See Moore 2015; Provençal and Binder 2015;
News Staff 1997; Zimmer 2010.

epigenetic clock
: See Chen et al. 2016; Gibbs 2014; Horvath 2013; Horvath and Levine 2015; Walker et al. 2015.

the result of epigenetic changes
: Bourrat 2017.

“If the 20th century belonged to Charles Darwin”
: Kaufman 2014.

If you let your imagination run wild
: Juengst et al. 2014.

including some of the chemicals in plastics
: Schaefer and Nadeau 2015.

“The New Theory That Could Explain Crime . . .”
: Johnson 2014.

Wolynn declared on his website
: Wolynn,
The Family Constellation Institute.

how much skepticism there is in scientific circles
: See Heard and Martienssen 2014; Whitelaw 2015.

the causes may have nothing to do with inherited epigenetic marks
: Greally 2015.

the most potent attacks
: Francis 2014.

primordial germ cells
: See Guo et al. 2015; Tang et al. 2016.

methylation suffers radical amnesia
: Chen, Yan, and Duan 2016.

Kevin Mitchell, a neurogeneticist
: Mitchell 2016.

“Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance: Myths and Mechanisms”
: Heard and Martienssen 2014.

Azim Surani
: Tang et al. 2015.

Tracy Bale
: Rodgers et al. 2015.

the effect of stress that male mice experienced early in life
: Gapp et al. 2014a.

Antony Jose
: See Devanapally, Ravikumar, and Jose 2015; Marré, Traver, and Jose 2016.

spurring young worms to make more copies of themselves
: Rechavi and Lev 2017.

tiny bubbles, called exosomes
: See Bohacek and Mansuy 2015; Eaton et al. 2015; Smythies, Edelstein, and Ramachandran 2014.

embryos may use exosomes to send signals
: McGough and Vincent 2016.

Heart cells may release them
: Sahoo and Losordo 2014.

Cristina Cossetti
: Cossetti et al. 2014.

researchers at Cornell University
: Rasmann et al. 2011.

: Wilschut et al. 2015.

“is only the sum of all past environment”
: Burbank 1906.

16. The Teachable Ape

my older daughter, Charlotte
: I first wrote about this experience in Zimmer 2005. For the results of the experiment, see Lyons, Young, and Keil 2007.

adapted for inheriting culture
: Dean et al. 2014.

the Yandruwandha
: Henrich 2016. See also Boyd 2017; Cathcart 2013.

The ancestors of the Yandruwandha
: Clarkson 2017.

“I am weaker than ever . . .”
: Quoted in Boyd 2017, p.9.

“. . . a new kind of replicator . . .”
: Dawkins 2016, p. 248.

lodged itself in the heads of many readers
: Aunger 2006.

“The Net has effectively become a meme factory”
: Quoted in Burman 2012.

“The word meme . . .”
: Dawkins 2016, p. 423.

“. . . appear to be a dead end”
: Ehrlich and Feldman 2003.

biological building blocks
: Haidle and Conard 2016.

Lars Chittka
: Alem et al. 2016.

: Aplin, Sheldon, and Morand-Ferron 2013; Fisher and Hinde 1949; Laland 2017.

birds known as great tits
: Aplin 2015.

more animal traditions
: Whiten, Caldwell, and Mesoudi 2016.

James Hain
: Hain et al. 1982.

Luke Rendell
: Allen et al. 2013.

Lewis Dean
: Dean et al. 2012.

cumulative culture
: Dean et al. 2014.

a peculiar feature of Western societies
: Hewlett and Roulette 2016.

Meerkats are one
: Thornton and McAuliffe 2006.

chimpanzee teachers . . . in the Republic of Congo
: Musgrave et al. 2016.

four years to master the skill
: Byrne and Rapaport 2011.

all their efforts are wasted
: Laland 2017.

extreme imitation
: Mesoudi 2016; Nielsen et al. 2014.

trustworthy experts
: Chudek, Muthukrishna, and Henrich 2015; Ross, Richerson, and Rogers 2014.

“The theory of natural pedagogy”
: Heyes 2016.

known as Oldowan tools
: Gärdenfors and Högberg 2017.

Their subjects always fail
: Chudek, Muthukrishna, and Henrich 2015.

Alex Mesoudi
: Lycett et al. 2015.

full-blown cumulative culture
: Mesoudi and Aoki 2015.

our sheer numbers
: Hill et al. 2014; Muthukrishna et al. 2014.

the dawn of a new form of heredity
: Andersson 2013.

a human-altered environment
: Ellis 2015.

to bake soil
: Brown et al. 2009.

using fire to reshape entire landscapes
: Flannery and Marcus 2012.

walked through grasslands with fire sticks
: Pyne and Cronon 1998.

influenced plants simply through the cultural practices
: See Laland 2017; Rowley-Conwy and Layton 2011; Smith 2011.

when they reach their late teens
: Hooper et al. 2015.

such rules only rein in inequality
: See Bowles, Smith, and Borgerhoff Mulder 2010; Flannery and Marcus 2012; Shennan 2011; Smith et al. 2010a, 2010b.

Not Only Genes
: Bonduriansky and Day 2018.

a sign of early cheese-making
: Marciniak and Perry 2017.

“. . . every feeble-minded person is a potential drunkard”
: Goddard 1914, p. 11.

“. . . no acceptable evidence . . .”
: Haggard and Jellinek 1942.

fathers who drink before conception
: Sarkar 2016.

The molecular details
: Armstrong and Abel 2000; Pauly 1996; Warner and Rosett 1975.

Robert Karp
: Karp et al. 1995.

telltale signs of fetal alcohol syndrome
: Paul 2010.

17. Yet Did He Greatly Dare

Phaethon paid a visit one day
: Zirkle 1946.

“Give me proof that all may know I am thy son indeed”
: Ovid 2008, p. 26.

toward new domesticated sequences
: Librado et al. 2016, 2017.

“the Wizard of Santa Rosa”
: Quoted in Smith 2009, p. 184.

an experiment on some Indian corn
: See Glass 1980; Shull 1909.

pears, peppermint, sunflowers, rice, cotton, and wheat
: Broad 2007.

creating strains that could make superior penicillin
: Adrio and Demain 2006; Raper 1946.

It wasn't until the 1960s that microbiologists would discover
: Zimmer 2008a.

Jennifer Doudna
: Doudna and Sternberg 2017; Doudna and Charpentier 2014.

“We had built the means”
: Doudna and Sternberg 2017, p. 84.

Rudolf Jaenisch
: Wang et al. 2013.

the parade of CRISPR animals became a stampede
: Ledford 2016.

“To me the interest was how . . .”
: Cold Spring Harbor Lab 2013.

Lippman and his colleagues planted the seeds of these altered plants
: Soyk et al. 2016.

About two thousand genes
: Boone and Andrews 2015.

cells from people with cystic fibrosis
: Schwank et al. 2013.

mice that suffered from hereditary cataracts
: Wu et al. 2013.

wondering when the first experiments on human embryos would take place
: Doudna 2015.

the nightmares started
: Doudna and Sternberg 2017.

“. . . the Hitler Problem?”
: Quoted in Urban 2015.

vestigial features of aurochs
: Wang 2012.

“Pretty pure damn blood”
: Quoted in Boodman 2017.

many different forms
: Bashford and Levine 2010.

Hermann Muller
: Carlson 1983, 2009.

“the naive doctrine . . .”
: Muller 1933, p. 46.

“it is by no means all dead and buried . . .”
: Muller 1949, p. 2.

“for we are all fellow mutants together”
: Muller 1950, p. 169.

“making the best of human nature . . .”
: Muller 1961a.

perfecting the art of artificial insemination
: Richards 2008.

“They will form a growing vanguard . . .”
: Muller 1961b.

The Fairfax Cryobank
: See Fairfax Cryobank “Donor Search.”

But there aren't any regulations about checking DNA
: Silver et al. 2016.

Sometimes a dangerous variant
: Mroz 2012.

a young patient with a hereditary heart condition
: Maron et al. 2009.

scan every protein-coding gene in a potential sperm donor
: Silver et al. 2016.

“magic fluid”
: Quoted in Franklin 2013, p. 106.

they had succeeded at last
: Edwards 1970.

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