She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity (83 page)

“the introduction of unlimited genetic changes . . .”
: Henig 2004, p. 72.

screened the embryos of two women
: Handyside et al. 1990.

“The curse is finally broken”
: See “Derbyshire Sisters Rose and Daisy Picked as Embryos to Beat Killer Disease” 2014.

successfully detected the mutations in some of the embryos
: Lavery 2013.

one in one thousand cases of Huntington's disease
: Schulman and Stern 2015.

“. . . change his own inheritance”
: Quoted in Sonneborn 1965, p. 38.

genetic engineering
: Ibid., p. 40.

“. . . the heritable traits of the phenylketonuric infant . . .”
: Ibid., p. 38.

in utero

: Hotchkiss 1965, p. 201.

Martin Cline
: See Beutler 2001; Wade 1980, 1981a, 1981b.

“He was rightly punished”
: “The Crime of Scientific Zeal” 1981.

Philippe Leboulch
: Cavazzana-Calvo et al. 2010.

gene therapy as a true cure
: Harding 2017.

“Deciding whether to engineer a profound change . . .”
: See President's Commission 1982, p. 65.

“entertain proposals for germ line alteration”
: National Institutes of Health 1990.

a forum about germ line intervention
: American Association for the Advancement of the Sciences 1997.

Maureen Ott
: See Tingley 2014; Weintraub 2013.

encouraging trials on mice
: Pratt and Muggleton-Harris 1988.

“. . . something like, say, I only wanted a blond-haired girl . . .”
: Quoted in Tingley 2014.

Ott's unprecedented experience in the
: Cohen et al. 1997.

Newspapers reported in awe
: Galant 1998.

Lois Rogers
: Rogers 1998.

Naomi Lakritz
: Lakritz 1998.

“. . . the first case of human germline genetic modification . . .”
: Barritt et al. 2001.

they wanted to try using all of it
: Cohen and Malter 2016; Johnston 2016; Regalado and Legget 2003; Zhang et al. 2016.

“. . . so eager to be famous”
: Quoted in Johnston 2016.

“There was too much heat”
: Ibid.

Leslie Orgel
: Orgel 1997.

Shoukhrat Mitalipov launched a series of experiments
: Tavernise 2014.

genetically modified teenagers
: Chen et al. 2016; Marchione 2016; Tingley 2014; Weintraub 2013.

it didn't slip out cleanly
: See Neimark 2016; Sharpley et al. 2012.

To test for this mismatch
: See Dunham-Snary and Ballinger 2015; Latorre-Pellicer et al. 2016.

“. . . promotion of genetically modified human beings . . .”
: Budget Hearing, Food and Drug Administration 2014.

only 12,423 women in the United States
: Adashi and Cohen 2017.

United Kingdom's Department of Health
: See Department of Health, UK. 2014.

do much more than cause rare hereditary diseases
: See Latorre-Pellicer et al. 2016; Picard, Wallace, and Burelle 2016.

influence our ability to remember things
: Hamilton 2015.

implicated in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia
: Hjelm et al. 2015.

merely replaced a cell's battery packs
: Connor 2015.

The deliberations in the United States
: Adashi and Cohen 2017.

mitochondrial replacement therapy research was worthwhile
: Engelstad et al. 2016.

an enormous 2016 spending bill that blocked the FDA
: Reardon 2015.

the first human mitochondrial replacement therapy
: Hamzelou 2016.

Zhang and his colleagues examined the boy
: Reardon 2016, 2017; Zhang et al. 2017.

18. Orphaned at Conception

“A Prudent Path Forward . . .”
: Baltimore et al. 2015.

Junjiu Huang
: Liang et al. 2015.

“The concept of altering the human germline . . .”
: Collins 2015.

$250 million
: National Institutes of Health 2017.

A scientist named Kathy Niakan
: Ball 2016.

“Today, we sense that we are close . . .”
: Quoted in Olson 2015.

“It was an extremely low-key meeting”
: Begley 2015.

“The clinical use of germline editing should be revisited . . .”
: Quoted in Olson 2015, p. 7.

Lander argued
: Quoted passages from Lander, Darnovsky, and Church from meeting video recordings.

a committee of twenty-two experts
: National Academy of Sciences 2017.

these clinical trials could very well succeed
: Ma et al. 2017.

“The Cells That Could End Genetic Disease”
: Front page of the
, August 3, 2017.

American parents
: Kornrich 2016.

a theologian named Emmanuel Agius
: Agius 1990.

could avoid $2.3 million in medical costs
: Cyranowski 2017.

“Why Are Some People So Smart? . . .”
: Bohannon 2013.

“China Is Engineering Genius Babies”
: Eror 2013.

“That's nuts”
: Quoted in Yong 2013.

In a 2014 essay for
: Hsu 2014.

“enhanced rat race”
: Sparrow 2015.

the concept of a mutation load
: Henn et al. 2015, Kondrashov 2017, Lynch 2016.

“I hope that ‘War on Mutation' . . .”
: Kondrashov 2017.

savior siblings
: Kakourou et al. 2017.

a seventeen-year-old Israeli girl named Chen Aida Ayash
: Even 2011.

a Florida woman named Karen Capato
Astrue v. Capato

Shinya Yamanaka
: Scudellari 2016.

“We thought at that time that the project would take 10, 20, 30 years . . .”
: Yamanaka 2012.

Katsuhiko Hayashi
: Hayashi et al. 2012.

transforming mouse skin cells into eggs entirely in a dish
: Hikabe et al. 2016.

in vitro gametogenesis
: Hendriks et al. 2015; Imamura et al. 2014; Moreno et al. 2015; Segers et al. 2017.

The End of Sex
 . . .
: Greely 2016.

“. . . most pregnancies . . .”
: Ibid., p. 191.

orphaned at conception
: Sparrow 2012.

19. The Planet's Heirs

: Academic Family Tree.

Megaselia scalaris
: See Disney 2008; Varney and Noor 2010.

wiped out the parasites
: Isaacs et al. 2011.

the P element
: Kelleher 2016.

they had successfully used gene drive in mosquitoes
: Grantz et al. 2015.

The mutagenic chain reaction hit the news
: Gantz and Bier 2015.

“theoretical technology”
: Esvelt et al. 2014.

wipe out a population of fifty thousand
: Prowse 2017.

“irreversible effects on organisms and ecosystems”
: National Academy of Sciences 2016.

our ecological inheritance
: Ellis 2015.

plows drawn by horses or oxen
: Williams 2003.

It hangs in the atmosphere for centuries
: Lewis and Maslin 2015.

the planet would keep warming
: Mauritsen and Pincus 2017.

The epigenetic side of plant biology
: Springer and Schmitz 2017.

Raj Chetty
: Chetty et al. 2016, 2017.

two-thirds of parental income differences
: Russell Sage Foundation 2016.

ninetieth percentile of earners
: Pinsker 2015.

the gap in wealth
: Coy 2017; Traub et al. 2017.

the remaining 12 billion tons
: Foster, Royer, and Lunt 2017.

Erle Ellis
: Ellis 2017.

Jennifer Kuzma and Lindsey Rawls
: Kuzma and Rawls 2016.

might outbreed
: Bull and Malick 2017.


Many definitions are adapted from National Academy of Sciences 2016.


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