SilkenSeduction (12 page)

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Authors: Tara Nina

“Is this a private party, or can anyone join in?” He shot
them a sexy smile, complete with those hot little dimples that Temair loved so
much. Even with Lisanne in the room, Temair noted his eyes were only on her.
Heat simmered to life in her core. Damn, he had to have some sort of magic in
his soul to be able to reach across a room and jump-start her sex drive without
so much as a touch.

Lisanne released her and sauntered directly toward him. She
lifted a cup from the tray. “I was just warming her up. She’s all yours, big
boy.” She grabbed the doorknob and right before she closed it, she leaned her
head in and added, “Thanks for the coffee.” Then shut the door.

Evan’s eyes widened and his expression was priceless. “Just
as I suspected,” Temair said teasingly, closing the distance between them.
“You’re no different than every other man out there. Your deepest fantasy is
two women at once.”

Before he could reply, she took her coffee, turned and began
walking to her workbench. Instantly he closed the gap and wrapped an arm around
her waist, tugging her tightly against him. The heat of his lips near her ear
sent rivers of need rolling through her core.

“I have to admit, the idea of pleasing two sets of sexy legs
is intriguing. But that’s not my deepest fantasy. You are.” He pressed his hard
cock against the small of her back.

“You mean to tell me that a woman my age is your deepest
fantasy.” Temair knew she was digging for an answer that plagued her. But she
hoped her insecurity over their age gap didn’t show in the playful tone she
tried to use when she spoke.

His lips brushed her neck as he reached over her shoulder to
tilt her chin with his fingertips. When their eyes met, pure honesty shone in
his gaze as he answered. “Temair, you are aged to perfection and the object of
my desire. No woman has ever turned me on the way you do. As far as I’m
concerned, age has no relevance in our relationship.”

Evan kissed and nipped along her jaw, before hovering near
the corner of her mouth. The warmth of his lips teased hers as he continued.
“Please don’t let a number stand between us. Let’s test the boundaries. Explore
the possibilities. Let’s see where this takes us as we learn each other’s
likes, dislikes and desires. My only wish is to please you mentally, physically
and sexually for as long as you will let me.”

His words took root, convincing her of one thing. He wanted
her and to him the age gap didn’t matter. Temair breathed in deep and made the
decision not to let it hamper their sexual adventure. If it didn’t bother him,
then she refused to let it upset her any longer. The hottest, sexiest man ever
to have entered her life stood with a stiff cock poking her in the back and she
had no intentions of letting him suffer any longer.

She swallowed and had to set the coffee down before she
dropped it. Turning in the grip of his arm, she cupped his clothed cock with
one hand while relieving him of the tray and bag, setting them alongside her
cup on the workbench. She leaned in close to his lips and whispered huskily, “I
have a fantasy and you’re going to let me fulfill it right now.”

Temair slid down his body until she was situated on her
knees. Staring up at him, she unzipped his pants and released his cock. Gently
she caressed his length, massaging him from the glorious plump head to his
solid base. But she wanted to touch all of him. She reached for his belt.

“Last night,” she said, then blew a heated breath along his
cock and watched his gaze narrow and his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. “I
wanted to suck your cock, but never got the chance.” She gave him a heated look
of warning as she slid his clothing from around his waist. “This morning your
cock is mine to do with as I please.”

The moment he stood in her office with his pants and boxers
around his ankles she was in heaven. Pure power sizzled through her veins as
she took him into her mouth. Slowly she suckled him, inch by inch, while
cupping and rolling his balls gently with her fingertips. His groan and shift
in stance as he grabbed the workbench with one hand for support and laced the
fingers of his other hand in her hair, fueled her need to taste him. She liked
the fact he didn’t try to guide her motions. Instead he simply massaged her
scalp as she explored and loved his cock.

Alternating between licking him from tip to balls and
sucking him, she was enjoying her morning snack. His scent filled her senses.
The salt of his skin enticed her hunger. At her own pace, she took him deeper
and deeper until she’d mastered the skill and tasted all of his cock in one
long, hard suckle from base to head. She thought his knees would buckle when
she did it, which made her grin around his cock as she teased his length with
her tongue. Over and over, she swallowed his cock, sucking and sampling his
magnificent essence.

Never before had she wanted to please a man in this manner
as much as she wanted to please Evan. His hand tightened in her hair and she
knew from the tremble of his cock in her mouth that his orgasm was imminent.
Harder and harder she sucked, drawing him deep, squeezing his balls lovingly,
until he lost control. Evan pumped roughly in and out of her mouth for several
seconds before he came. His gasps were music to her ears as his cock filled her
mouth with his cum. She liked his flavor as she drank and sucked until his cock

Her legs shook as she stood. Evan’s arms were around her
waist in an instant as he clutched her close and kissed her passionately. When
his hand tried to gain access inside her jeans, she broke from the kiss,
grabbed his wrist and grinned.

“Nuhuhuh, this morning was all about you fulfilling my
fantasy.” She licked her lips and slid a wanton gaze down his body to his cock
then met his eyes once again. “That’s a tasty fantasy. Mind if I revisit it
again later?”

He grinned and with a shake of his head replied, “What man
in his right mind would say no?” He cupped her chin and leaned in close.
“You’ve got the most talented mouth I’ve ever met.” Then he kissed her lightly
before releasing her to pull up his pants.

Temair sat at her bench and took a sip of the coffee he’d
brought her. “Mmm, perfect.”

“The coffee or me?” he quipped teasingly as he lifted his
cup from the tray.

“Both.” Temair couldn’t help but grin.

Evan moved to stand behind her and looked over her shoulder.
“Your designs are beautiful. I like the use of the multiple colors of gemstones
in this watchband.”

“Thank you.” His closeness caused her nipples to pearl and
her insides to tighten with need. Concentration on her work screeched to a halt
and she had a deadline to meet. She turned in her seat to face him.

“Evan, I really need to finish this. With you near, I can’t
think straight.”

“I know how you feel. You have the same effect on me.”
Temair’s heart seemed to swell from his innocent admission. Did he mean it? His
arms wrapped around her in a hug and he placed a kiss to her brow. “I’ll make
you a deal. Work gets you for the mornings and I get you every day from noon
until you have to return to work for the rest of my holiday. Deal?”

Sexual hunger lingered in his gaze. The gentle brush of his
pelvis against her pussy as he stood between her legs made her realize he had a
semi-erection, which reinforced his words, letting Temair know he meant them.
She obviously had the same effect on him.

“How can I refuse when you look at me like that?” She hooked
her ankles around the back of his knees and tugged him closer. Capturing his
mouth, she kissed him, battling his tongue for dominance. When they pulled
apart, she was breathless. Damn, the man could kiss.

“I’ll be back to pick you up for lunch.” He turned, grabbed
his coffee and stopped at the door. “Oh, put your walking shoes on. I’ve got
plans for us.”

* * * * *

Every day that week he dropped off coffee and a breakfast
snack for her and Lisanne. At lunch, he brought some sort of takeout to Lisanne
then left with Temair for the rest of the day. Temair was beginning to think
the food was his way of bribing Lisanne for taking her away.

She couldn’t remember ever being so happy. The more time
they spent together, the less the age thing bothered her until it was no longer
a spot on their relationship. Evan made sure of it by keeping her busy acting
like a tourist with him. They lunched in diners or quiet bistros then he took
her to a multitude of museums. Each day they visited a different one. She never
realized how many existed in New York City. Monday was the Museum of Natural
History. Tuesday landed them at the Met, which secretly she’d always wanted to
visit, but had never taken the time. Wednesday they toured the Guggenheim.
Thursday they spent the day at the Bronx Zoo.

At night, they ate in different nationality restaurants,
trying a wide range of foods. According to Evan, he liked sampling flavors from
around the world and in New York there was a never-ending supply of choices.
Each night when they dressed for dinner, he gave her a new pair of silk
stockings and sexy undergarments, which she wore for him. And somehow he even
managed to buy her a pair of comfortable stilettos.

On Friday, when he dropped off the morning coffee, he gave
her a large shopping bag containing several wrapped boxes. He kissed her cheek
and made one simple request before he left.

“Please wear this when I pick you up for lunch.” Then he was

Temair sat staring at the bag, itching to open it. Though
she enjoyed the time spent with him during their afternoon jaunts and hadn’t
found a food she didn’t like at any of the restaurants they’d visited, it was
the hours spent in his hotel room that burned brightest. It seemed he never
tired of pleasing her, or she him. A sly smile upturned her lips at the memory
of fucking him while dressed in nothing but a garter, silk stockings and those
sexy stilettos he’d given her.

She’d never forget his expression when she ran the spiked
heel up along his rock-hard cock right before he’d lost control and fucked her
wildly. Her pussy moistened just thinking about it. Her fingers shook as she
placed the last of the order for the watch company in the safe. With that
completed, her schedule was finally cleared to relax with Evan before he had to
return to London on Sunday.

Biting her lower lip, it saddened her to think how fast the
week had flown. There were just a few short days left. She took a deep breath
and steeled her resolve. Live for the now, she reminded herself.

Temair pulled the boxes from the bag and set them on the
desk. She opened the smallest box first. Black silk stockings, black leather
garter and a leather and lace bra lay neatly folded inside. She lifted the
stockings and loved the delicate lace around the top, which had a pink ribbon
woven through it that culminated in a tiny bow in the front. The garter belt
and bra were made from the softest leather she’d ever felt. The garter’s stays
were black lace with pink ribbon and bows. The bra had lace across the tops of
each cup and the straps were lace with pink ribbon and a pair of pink bows sat
where the strap met the cup. The perfect matching set.

The second box contained a magnificently soft silk dress. It
was an incredible shade of dark green with a black leather belt and black
leather trim accentuated the low scoop of the neckline. As she held it up, she
noted it fell a bit shorter than she normally wore. She laid it across the back
of the chair. In the third box, she found a pair of black leather stiletto
boots. They came to about mid-thigh. These she’d seen in a magazine and had
adored them. Temair stopped and stared into space. She’d been looking through
that magazine with Evan at lunch the other day.

Excitement blossomed in her core. He’d taken notice and
gotten them for her. Not that she’d meant for him to buy them. It truly had
been an innocent admission that she liked them as they perused the articles
about the latest fashions. Temair gathered her gifts and ran into the bathroom
to freshen up and change. If he wanted her to wear this to lunch, then she damn
well aimed to please.

About a half-hour later, Evan opened the door to her office.
She stood at the mirror adjusting her breasts in the pick-em-up bra. If the
neckline went any lower, her bra would have shown. As it was, she worried her
boobs might pop out if she wasn’t careful. She quickly turned to face him and
every ounce of worry whisked away on an outward breath. The
I-want-to-fuck-you-right-now look he gifted her with nearly had her stripping
on the spot.

He closed the distance and kissed her as if he were dying of
hunger. “Damn, you look sexy. I knew this would look good on you but…” He let
out a low whistle as he stepped back and slid his gaze from her breasts to her
toes then back to her eyes. “You look stunning.”

“Thank you.” Giddiness filled her insides, making her feel
wonderful and horny at the same time. Those eyes of his caressed her with a hot
sensual gaze that made her breasts tingle. She was thankful the bra kept her
hard nipples from showing through the dress. She lifted her foot and nodded toward
it. “You sure I’m dressed appropriately for where we’re going?”

“Baby, you’re perfect.” He took her hand and led her to the
cab waiting outside. For the entire ride, he refused to tell her what he had
planned. Instead he kept her hand in his lap and she couldn’t miss the
condition of his cock.

Inwardly she smiled, knowing he was hard for her. The cab
came to a halt but she didn’t get the chance to see where they were before he
paid and helped her out. With her hand in his, he led her inside the Museum of Sex.
He whispered close to her ear, “I read about this place and wanted to bring you
here to see it with me.”

The museum was quiet. There were hardly any other patrons
other than them. Taking their time, they strolled from exhibit to exhibit. They
sat and watched the editorials about sex. To Temair, these verged on porn,
which she’d never found exciting, but sitting next to Evan she was turned-on.
It had to be the fact he leaned in close to her and kept an arm around her
waist as his other hand held hers. On occasion he lifted it to his lips and
kissed her knuckles or her palm, keeping the heat brewing in her core. When a
couple experiencing anal sex appeared on screen, his hand left her waist and
slowly caressed up and down the center of her back from her ass to the base of
her neck. Turning, she met his hooded gaze. They’d fucked her ass with
different-sized toys, but never his cock. But tonight, she planned to fix that

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