Read Slapping Leather Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Romance

Slapping Leather (12 page)

Just let it out. If he’s
insulted, so be it. If he runs, he runs. But right now, you’re only hiding from

She dropped her gaze to her hands, hyperaware of
his fingers at her nape, stroking, soothing, feeling the infinite patience in
his posture. She drained her glass and held it out for a refill.

Alex chuffed a little laugh. “Is it so bad you
have to get drunk to tell me?”

“Maybe.” She still didn’t look at him. She waited
until he’d poured more of the amber liquid into the goblet, opened her mouth,
and just let it all roll out. Every pitiful detail. All of her humiliation.

When she finished she waited for him to say
something, but he was silent, his fingers still stroking, easing. She was
almost afraid to look at him. Just at the moment when she was ready to jerk
away and head for the door, he took her wine glass from her fingers and set it
on the table. Then, effortlessly, he lifted and settled her on his lap,
trailing kisses over her cheekbones, her jawline, down the column of her neck.
The knot in the pit of her stomach slowly eased, and she found herself leaning
into him.

When he spoke, his voice sounded harsh, but his
anger was obviously not directed at her.

“If I ever meet that asshole, he’ll be lucky if
there’s enough left of him to pick up with a towel.” He nibbled her ear lobe. “Men
like that aren’t…really men. They’re cowards who get their power from abusing
others.” He cupped her chin and turned her face, forcing her to look at him. “If
I thought you really believed I could do that to you I’d be even angrier, but I’m
going to assume you’re just in self-protection mode.”

Liz nodded, unable to say anything.

Alex cleared his throat. “So I’m going to say
this and hope you believe me. From the minute I met you, I wanted you, but not
as just a fling. A toy. I could sense your depth as a person and felt a
connection I’ve never felt with anyone else. I can’t promise you nothing will
ever go wrong, Liz, but I can promise you, I’ll do my damndest to prevent it. I
want a future with you, one in which we’re equals every place except the
bedroom. Are you willing to take a chance on that?”

She drew in a very shaky breath and let it out. “Yes.
I want that, too.”

There. She’d said it.

“Good. Then I have a suggestion. If you don’t
want to go to your place yet, don’t want the staff to see my car parked there,
will you come home with me?”

Okay, here was her next big decision. If they
were truly going to have a relationship, she couldn’t hide it. And couldn’t be
bullied by the people looking for a chink in her armor. Katie had said it. If
they didn’t like it, if they gave her trouble, well, she’d just fire them and
hire someone else. Suddenly, it all seemed so simple. She took the leap, and it
wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d feared.

come home with
I might
even be convinced to make you breakfast in the morning.”

If the kiss earlier had been enough to make her
head swim, this one made her melt completely. His tongue probed and swept and
glided. His teeth nibbled her lips and his tongue soothed it. One arm banded
her to him while his other hand threaded through her hair to cup her head. She
wound her arms around him and gave back as good as she got. Her own tongue
explored his mouth, tasted every bit of him.

When they broke apart, both were panting for

“We need to move this party before I forget I’m
in someone else’s house,” he told her, that low voice vibrating through her. “I’ll
follow you, okay?”

“Yes.” She grinned. “Let’s hurry.”

Alex’s smile melted her toes. “You said the magic


They left only the nightstand lamp on in the
bedroom, its glow soft and warming. Liz had pulled out her big gold box of
playthings from the back of her closet, smiling at the hot light in Alex’s eyes
when he opened it.

He stepped out of character to undress her,
peeling off each item with tantalizing slowness, kissing each inch of skin as
he exposed it. He arranged her on the bed on her stomach, pillows propped
beneath her, turning her head so she could watch him as he rid himself of his
own clothing.

“No punishment tonight,” he told her. “I know how
much it turns you on. As much as it does me. But tonight I want something else.”

Naked, he stood at the side of the bed, fingers
wrapped around his cock, stroking it slowly. He smiled when she ran her tongue
over her lips.

“I know you want this in your mouth, Elizabeth.
And you suck it like the perfect sub. I think your mouth was made just for my
cock. But tonight I have someplace else to put it. Spread your legs.”

He reached between her thighs and probed between
the folds of her pussy, making a sound of satisfaction when he found her
soaking wet. Drawing his fingers back, he painted her lips with her juices.

“Lick your lips,” he ordered. “See how good you

Obediently, she ran her tongue over the surface
of her mouth, loving the heat that danced in Alex’s eyes as he watched her.

He slipped two fingers inside her again, bending
over her slightly, his hand still on his erection as he slid his fingers in and
out of her wet channel.

“Don’t move, no matter what I do. Stay completely

He pulled his fingers out and moved to her clit,
stroking, stroking, and Liz had all she could do to hold still. Electricity
jolted through her, the first tendrils of the climax stirring deep inside her.
Gritting her teeth she forced the pleasure back, dropping into subspace where
she cocooned herself in a sensual web.

When Alex moved away, she simply laid on the bed
in erotic limbo, waiting for his next move, his next command. She sucked in her
breath when she felt the dildo she’d pointed out as her favorite slipping its
way into her pussy a little at a time until the tip touched her womb.

“Feeling a little stuffed?’ His voice was thick
with lust.

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

Fuck me, Sir.

Then his fingers were probing at her anus, cool
gel thick on them, pressing into her tissues. She sucked in her breath.

“Yes, Elizabeth.” His chuckle was like a sexy
tune. “Tonight I’m going to fuck you in the ass.” He bent over her so his mouth
was next to her ear, his breath a warm breeze against her skin. “The ultimate
intimacy. Outside this room you are every bit the strong woman I fell in love
with. Yes, love. But inside, on this bed, in this room, you are mine to
command. And to give pleasure to. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. I do.” Oh, she definitely did.
Pleasure swamped her as she realized what he was telling her. She was his,
completely, but he’d never consume her, never treat her with anything except
love. This time she didn’t have to be afraid.

And she wasn’t, only filled with anticipation and

Yes, love.

She waited impatiently while he bound her wrists
at the small of her back. Then he was between her thighs, pulling her to her
knees, opening the cheeks of her ass, prodding at her tight opening with the
head of his cock. Inch by inch, he pushed into her. The dildo in her cunt made everything
so much tighter. So much more pleasurable.

And when he placed his hands on her hips and
began to move, the coil of her release began unwinding in her body, rising
rapidly, and threatening to swamp her. The walls of her pussy fluttered in
anticipation, and her nipples ached and throbbed. Her body wanted that orgasm
she was forced to deny. She had all she could do not to come at once.

Not until he tells me.

But oh god, he seemed to take forever, every slow
glide of his shaft in and out exquisite torture. The pillows balanced her,
allowing her to thrust back with her hips. The pleasure was incredibly intense,
invading every inch. And she hung there, aroused beyond belief, in sub space
waiting for him to give her permission.

In, out, harder, harder, the dildo sliding back
and forth with every movement of his cock, until she was sure she couldn’t last
another minute. Faster now, harder still. His hands tightened on her hips and
his pace increased.

Oh, please, Alex, I need to
come so badly.

Now, Elizabeth,” he shouted. “Come
now. Right now.”

They exploded together, her pussy clutching
convulsively at the dildo, his cock pulsing inside her ass. Nothing existed for
her except the consuming sensations and this man. This man.

On and on it went, hard spasms gripping them as
they rocked together. And then finally, it was done.

He flicked the knot on the rope binding her
wrists, freeing them, and collapsed forward, catching his weight on his arms.
His heart beat furiously against her back, his breath rasped at her ear. Her
own heart was pounding wildly, and she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to draw a
normal breath again.

Long moments passed before their bodies went
slack and satisfaction wrapped around them. Alex had made no move to withdraw
from her body.

“I like being connected to you,” he said, as if
reading her thoughts. “I want to be connected to you for a long time, Liz. A
very long time.”

She sighed. “Me, too.”

He kissed her cheek. “I think I’ve been looking
for you all my life.”

She smiled. “Then I’m very glad you found me.”

“But just remember.” He chuckled. “If you
misbehave, the leather paddle comes out of the closet for a discipline session.”

She laughed and yet shivered at the thought of
leather slapping her flesh. Stinging her ass. Heating her body. “Then I guess I’ll
be misbehaving a lot. For a very long time.”



the Author


Holt is flavored with the rich experiences of her life, including a long
stretch in the music business representing every kind of artist from country
singer to heavy metal rock bands. For several years she also ran her own public
relations agency handling any client that interested her, many of whom might
recognize themselves in the ages of her stories.

is twice a finalist for an EPIC E-Book Award, a nominee for a Romantic Times
Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first 5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year
Award at The Romance Studio as well as a CAPA Award, winner of two Holt
Medallion Awards of Merit, and is published by five different houses. Romance
Junkies said of her work: “Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica author of
our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.”


Desiree at


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Rawhide: Crack The Whip




Desiree Holt


Book One of the Rawhide Series


When rancher Reece Halliday met the new manager of his fetish
club, Rawhide, he was shocked to see Katie Warren, the woman he'd loved and
lost because of his sexual preferences. But a lot of time has passed and Katie
has discovered the lure and satisfaction of BDSM—including the pleasurable
sting of the single tail whip. Will Reece be able to lure her back into his
arms—and bed—when he cracks the whip during their private sessions?








The day had been a scorcher, hot enough to
blister skin. Unrelenting sun without a cloud to filter it. Reece Halliday left
his dusty boots in the laundry room, stripped off his clothes in his bedroom,
and then turned on the shower full blast. Running a ranch the size of the
Golden Spur took a lot of hard work and sweat, from him as well as his
brothers. Today they’d been cutting calves from their mothers. It was tiring,
dusty work, parching the skin and the mouth. They’d managed to get all of the
calves into the south pasture. Tomorrow would come the bitch work—branding.

But tonight he was going to relax and give
himself a treat. Tuesday nights were wild and busy at Rawhide. He had already
scheduled a session with one of his favorite playmates. With what he had in
mind for her, he could more than work out some of the kinks from sitting in the
saddle all day.

Kinks. He loved a different meaning of that word.
He laughed, wondering what the very conservative ranching community would say
if they knew he, the eldest Halliday brother, was the silent owner of a fetish
club. And that he indulged in many of the fetish practices himself.

During his senior year in college his roommate’s
brother, who lived the lifestyle, had taken the two of them to a very private
club and introduced them to the world of bondage and fetishism. Reece had been
shocked at the lust roaring through him at the various acts he witnessed. Their
host had gotten him a guest card as a pre-graduation present, and it had been
the most sexually exciting period of his life.

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