Slow Burn (A Madaris Family Novel) (27 page)

His gaze held hers captive when he eased his body in place over hers, and the moment he began entering her, she felt her body stretch to accommodate him.

“It feels good being inside of you,” he whispered moments before he began moving his body in smooth, easy strokes.

She couldn’t stop the murmurs that flowed from between her lips when he set a rhythm for them. Her pulse was pounding right in tune with their bodies. Then she felt something swell inside of her, a sensation that started at the top of her head and swept all the way down to the bottom of her feet.

She fought to prolong the feeling but couldn’t, and when he whispered into her ear, “Let it go,” she did.


“That’s right, Di, let it go. Let go in my arms,” he muttered against her hair.

And then she heard him growl out her name. Then he made a sound that was a half moan, a half groan, before he slipped his hands under her hips to lift her up for a closer and deeper connection. And like her, she knew he was whipping through the waves of ecstasy, soaring past the stars.

And when they finally came back down to earth he kissed her again, and she knew that this night with him would be seared into her heart forever, and tomorrow, when they married, it would be the beginning of the rest of their lives together.



Justin Madaris was an expert pilot, Skye thought when he landed the small plane on a private airstrip in Augusta. It had been smooth flying, and other than making a pit stop to refuel in Memphis, they had stayed in the air the entire time.

She had taken little catnaps most of the way, and whenever she would come awake she would find Slade talking to Justin and the other man who’d come along, Drake Warren. The man, whom everyone called Sir Drake, wasn’t someone with a lot of words and seemed bigger than life. He had a muscular build and strong, bold, handsome features. She got the distinct impression that he was someone you wouldn’t want to cross. And from what she’d been told, he was a former CIA agent who would be able to relieve Justin at the controls if he got tired. And according to Slade, there wasn’t too much of anything Drake couldn’t do.

Whether it was fact or fiction, Slade claimed Drake and his wife, Tori, also a former CIA agent, had rescued the President’s niece when she’d gotten kidnapped a few years ago. Since Skye didn’t recall reading of any such rescue in the newspapers, she could only assume Slade was pulling her leg.

“We’re visiting the congressman first thing in the morning,” Slade said, gathering their belongings off the plane. “Tonight we’re staying at a hotel.”

“Anyone know we’re here?” she asked, no longer bothered by who knew she and Slade were going to spend the night together.

“No one that we don’t want to know, and we’re going to keep it that way,” Justin answered, smiling at her. “Don’t worry; we’ll get through this,” he assured her.

She returned his smile. She was no longer worried. Everyone was confident that Vincent was safe. And then Slade was with her and she had his love and to her that was what was important.

Hours later, after checking into a hotel and taking a shower, she walked out of the bathroom to find Slade stretched out on the bed, shirtless, with just his jeans on, and watching television. He glanced over at her and smiled. They had planned on taking a shower together, but he’d gotten a call from Blade concerning a job they were doing.

She went and stretched across the bed beside him. “How do you think things are going to go tomorrow when we see Congressman Baines?”

He folded his hands behind his head and said, “Fine. Like I said earlier today, if his son is involved, I really don’t think he knows about it. He and his wife went through too much to assure you had a future and that they were a part of it. Wayne Bigelow is not the man the congressman thinks that he is.”

Skye nodded. She then thought about the man who Slade was convinced was her biological father. He was considered by many to be a top contender for the Vice Presidency. Would news about her ruin his chances of getting the political position he’d aspired to all these years?

“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?”

She glanced over at Slade. “I was just thinking about the senator. How different he is from his father.”

“It happens that way sometimes. But just so you’ll know,” he teased, grinning over at her, “I want our son to be just like me.”

Skye lifted a brow. This was the first time they’d ever talked about having children together. “A son, uhh?”


“And what if I have a daughter?”

“Then she can be like you.”

Skye smiled. “Thanks.”

And then before she could say anything else, Slade was pulling her into his arms and kissing her with a passion that she felt all the way to her toes. And she quickly decided that no matter what tomorrow brought, she would have tonight.



Wayne smiled as he opened the hotel room door and saw the lone figure standing across the room. “I checked the airlines and she’s booked. Her flight arrives tomorrow evening around five,” he said.

“You did a fine job. You both surprised me as well as pleased me,” the individual said, walking toward him.

An arrogant smile touched Wayne’s lips. “Don’t I always? You worry too much,” he said, placing the hotel key aside as he began removing his shirt and then unzipping his pants. “You’re going to get everything you’ve worked so hard for. That will teach Edith a lesson for talking so damn much and telling you all her secrets. I told you from the beginning that I had no intention of letting you down, Helen.”

Not giving the older woman a chance to respond, he pulled her naked body to his, feeling victorious at the way things were going and deciding when a feeling of intense need seeped into his bones, that they would have plenty of time to talk, as well as to celebrate, later.


“Are you all right, Skye?”

Skye blinked, realizing Justin Madaris was talking to her. She had been in another world, thinking about what was yet to come.

They were standing in the lobby of the hotel, and Slade had excused himself to go to the men’s room, which left her alone with Justin, Alex, Clayton, and Sir Drake. When Slade returned they would be leaving for the congressman’s office, showing up unannounced. Alex had used his contacts earlier to check to make sure the congressman would be there. He’d also checked to make sure the senator would be available to meet with them.

Alex, Clayton, and Sir Drake were engrossed in their own conversation, and Justin, she noted, was waiting for her to answer his question. “I’m sorry, Justin, my mind was elsewhere,” she said, smiling. “And yes, I’m all right. I’m just thinking about what’s yet to come. How will Congressman Baines feel about what we’re going to tell him?”

Justin smiled softly. “It really doesn’t matter how he feels at this point. Serious threats were made, and either he gets to the root of the problem or we will.”

Skye knew he was as serious as he sounded. She also knew he had not only come as Vincent’s parent but as Slade’s cousin as well. And that was what she found so amazing about the Madaris family. She truly believed that even if no threats had been made against Vincent, these same men would still be here because of her.

“Why, Justin?” she asked, needing him to explain it to her.

He lifted a dark brow. “Why, what?”

“Other than the threats made to Vincent and Slade, why does anyone even care about the outcome, especially with Wayne wanting to force marriage on me? Why not tell me to marry the man? It would certainly make all of your lives easier.”

Justin’s face was without a smile when he said, “But it certainly wouldn’t make yours easier, now would it? The Madarises don’t operate that way. We would never build our happiness upon someone else’s unhappiness. Besides, you belong to Slade and that means that you also belong to us.”

Justin’s words touched her. Hearing him say them didn’t bother her, mainly because she had now accepted her place in Slade’s life. She did belong to him. And he belonged to her.

“Ready to go?” Slade asked, returning to the group.

Alex glanced at his watch. “Yes, the congressman should be at his office now.”

“Okay then, let’s go,” Clayton said.

Skye felt Slade take her hand in his and she inhaled deeply. It was a beautiful day, and she wished everyone were in town visiting her city for another reason. She would be glad to take them around, show them the sights. She had missed Augusta, but not as much as she thought she would. She had discovered since falling in love that home was where the heart was, and although Slade hadn’t mentioned anything about the two of them getting married, a part of her felt that eventually he would.

But at the moment there were other more important issues to resolve, and facing the truth of her birth was one of them.



“There’s a group of people here to see you, sir.”

Congressman Baines lifted a brow at his secretary’s announcement. He didn’t recall having any appointments this early in the morning. Now that he’d retired, a number of members of special interest groups liked to drop by every now and then and bend his ear in hopes he would pass their views and opinions on to his son, the senator. “Who are they?”

“Skye Barclay, along with a group of men, Slade Madaris, Justin Madaris, Alex—”

Curious, the congressman stood. “Please send them in.”

His forehead furrowed. What was going on? Why would Skye be coming to see him and why had she brought others along? It was his understanding that she would be in Houston spending time with her brother for the entire summer.

The congressman walked around his desk the moment his door opened and his secretary escorted everyone in; however, his gaze went immediately to the lone young woman walking in with the men. “Skye, this is a pleasant surprise,” he said, automatically reaching out and giving her a hug. He then gazed at the four men. He remembered seeing all of them at some point or another at the party given in Houston for Senator Nedwyn Lansing. And one of the men he distinctively remembered Jake introducing as his nephew Dr. Justin Madaris.

“Thanks, Congressman Baines, and I hate arriving unannounced, but things couldn’t be done any other way. I’d like to introduce everyone.” She then made introductions.

He offered everyone a seat. “I’m confused, Skye. Why couldn’t you let me know you were coming? You’re always a person I enjoy seeing, but I talked to your father last week and he said you weren’t returning home until the end of the summer.”

“Yes, that was my plan, but something has made me change that plan. A threat was made against two people I care deeply about unless I return home and marry Wayne.”

The congressman frowned. “But I thought you and Bigelow had called off your engagement.”

“We have. But he is forcing me to marry him and has threatened the lives of my biological brother, Vincent, and Slade unless I do what he says. That’s why Justin and Slade are here. Clayton is Justin’s brother, Alex is a brother-in-law, and Drake is a close family friend. They are as concerned about the threats as I am, especially since Wayne gave a warning and actually had someone run Slade off the road.”

Congressman Baines’ expression reflected his anger. “That’s simply preposterous. Has the man gone mad? He can’t force you into a marriage against your wishes.”

Slade spoke up. “That’s true, sir, especially since I’m the one who intends to marry Skye.”

Skye turned to Slade, who was sitting beside her on the sofa. Their eyes met. This was the first he’d mentioned their marrying, and a part of her felt good that he was declaring his intentions not only to her but to everyone in the room.

The congressman smiled and a part of Skye felt it was sincere. “Then let me congratulate the both of you.”

“Getting back to the threats that were made against my nephew and cousin,” Clayton said, deciding it was time to deal with the real issue as to why they were there, “we’re hoping that you can intervene, since we have reason to believe your son is involved as well.”

Surprise shone in the congressman’s eyes. “Ryan? Why would he be involved in any way with Wayne Bigelow?”

“That’s what we’re trying to determine, sir,” Slade said, taking Skye’s hand in his. “We might as well tell you that once the threats were made, we contacted Alex here to find out why Bigelow would be so determined to marry Skye, and everything came back to control. Someone wants her controlled so she won’t ever entertain any thoughts of finding out the identity of her father the way she did her mother.”

The congressman was quiet for a long moment; then he said, “Oh, I see.”

Skye could tell from the look in his eyes that he did see. She decided to speak up. “I know the truth now and I’m fine with it,” she said softly, leaning forward, meeting the congressman’s gaze and holding it. “And if the senator doesn’t want to claim me as his daughter, then that’s fine, but I refuse to—”

“It’s not that he doesn’t want to claim you, Skye,” the congressman said, his voice sounding tired and exhausted. “It’s just that he doesn’t know about you.”

Shock appeared on Skye’s face. “I don’t understand. How can he not know about me?”

The congressman hesitated in responding at first. Then he leaned back in his chair and said in a defeated voice, “Because his mother and I decided not to tell him everything.”

“With all due respect, sir,” Justin said, “maybe you ought to start at the beginning and tell us

“Yes, Dad, I agree that that would definitely be a good idea.”

Everyone turned at the sound of the masculine voice and saw the man standing in the doorway. Senator Ryan Baines.


“Ryan, I wasn’t expecting you until later today,” Congressman
Baines said, standing as his son came into the room.

The senator glanced around at everyone. “I thought so, too, but I received a message that you needed to see me and that I should come right away.”

“I sent that message,” Alex said with a dry smile, not the least apologetic for having done so.

The senator nodded as he took the only available chair in his father’s office. “Okay, I’m here and I’m just as anxious as everyone to hear what you have to say, Dad.”

The senator’s gaze then went to Skye. “From the little bit I overheard, It appears that I don’t know everything there is to know about you, Ms. Barclay. Presently, the only thing I do know is that you’re the daughter of Tom Barclay, the man who’s been my father’s accountant for years.”

He then turned to his father. “I take it there’s more?”

The congressman closed his eyes briefly. “Yes.” When he reopened his eyes he started talking. “Twenty-six years ago we received a call from Charles and Maureen Claremont. They had sent their daughter, Kathy, to this exclusive all-girl camp for the summer and she returned pregnant after engaging in a summer affair with another teen she met at one of the neighboring camps for boys. They said Kathy had given them Ryan’s name as the father of their child.”

Skye had expected the senator to outright deny it. Instead he said to his father, “I remember you and Mom questioning me about it and telling me Kathy had gotten pregnant. And I also remember admitting to the two of you that Kathy and I had been intimate and that if she was pregnant, there was a very strong possibility that the baby was mine.”

“Yes, you did,” the congressman agreed slowly. “You were seventeen and about to leave for college. Your mother and I told you that we would handle it.”

“Yes, and when I came home for Thanksgiving I asked you about Kathy. You said it was over, she had miscarried. Are you now saying that was not the case?” the senator asked.

“Yes. That was not the case,” Congressman Baines replied after a tense few moments. “The Claremonts were wealthy ranchers from Texas and they weren’t ready for their sixteen-year-old to become a parent any more than your mom and I were ready for you to become one. Both you and Kathy had your lives ahead of you. She had plans to go on to college in two years, and you had just entered Harvard. The Claremonts made a decision to send Kathy to London to live at a covent until the baby was born; then the child would be put up for adoption. Your mom and I thought it best not to tell you of their decision. We agreed it was the most excellent solution for all involved.”

It was a long, silent moment before the congressman spoke again. “The only bee in the bonnet was your mother, Ryan. She could not accept the thought of knowing we had a grandchild who we wouldn’t claim as ours. The thought of it almost broke her heart, and I loved her too much for that to happen. So I decided to do something. Without telling the Claremonts what we planned to do, your mother and I established a private adoption for Kathy’s baby, so we would always know where she was and how she was doing.”

He paused, then said, “Tom and Edith Barclay were our choice as parents. We had known them for some time and they couldn’t have children of their own. We made an offer to them that if they adopted our grandchild and provided a loving and caring home for her, we would make sure they were taken care of. We then put everything in place to secure a good future for our grandchild as well. We established a trust fund that she was to receive on her thirtieth birthday. And later when she got older, we even went so far as to select someone for her to one day marry who would continue to provide for her financially.”

“An arranged marriage?” Senator Baines asked, lifting a brow.

“Yes, an arranged marriage, but her trust fund was not dependent on her marrying the person we selected, who happened to be the grandson of my business partner at that time.”

Skye had been watching the man who was her father the entire time. He appeared calm, cool, collected, but she had a feeling he was taking in everything his father was saying, emotionally and mentally.

“Your intentions may have been good, Congressman Baines,” Slade was now saying. “Unfortunately, the Barclays were not the loving and caring parents you assumed they were.”

Congressman Baines jerked his head around to stare at Skye. “Is that true?”

It seemed to Skye that all eyes were on her. “They weren’t monsters or anything like that, but Mom was very controlling and Dad just wasn’t strong enough to stand up against her, although I felt he was on my side most of the time. As a child I could never do anything to please her, although I always tried. But I really can’t complain, because I’m sure there are other children who had it worse than I did.”

A smile touched her lips when she added, “I think while growing up, the brightest highlight of my week was when I knew Dad would take me into the office on Saturday and you and Mrs. Baines would be there to spend time with me. I didn’t understand why the two of you were there, but now I do.”

“And I would always ask if you were okay and if you were happy and you always said that you were,” the congressman said softly.

“Yes, I know. Both you and Mrs. Baines would always ask. And although you were very kind to me, I couldn’t say anything about how I truly felt. What could I say? No, I wasn’t okay and wasn’t happy? The Barclays were my parents, and I thought they acted like all parents act. I didn’t know there was a difference…until I met the Madarises,” she said, smiling at Slade, Clayton, and Justin. “I saw how Lorren and Justin interacted with Vincent. I could feel the love and I saw how quick they were to show it, and then I realized what I had missed out on while growing up.”

The room got quiet and the congressman held his head down for a moment, and when he lifted his head the hurt and pain reflected in his eyes tore at Skye’s heart. She had been deeply loved even when she hadn’t known it.

“Marie and I did all that we could to assure that you were taken care of,” the congressman was saying. “We couldn’t imagine strangers taking you into their homes and our not ever knowing where you were or how you were. I guess in my selfishness I made a mess of things.”

Skye’s voice cracked a little when she said, “No, you didn’t make a mess of things, because you did know where I was and you and Mrs. Baines did spend time with me. I just never knew who you really were to me.”

“And it was our intention that you never found out,” Congressman Baines said. “Because we had lied to Ryan, we knew we’d lost the privilege of you ever knowing you were our grandchild.”

“At any time did you ever consider telling me the truth, Dad?” the senator asked his father.

Congressman Baines glanced over at Ryan. “Yes, many times. That day I persuaded you to go to her college graduation with me was one of those times. But I had lost your mother and I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you as well once you discovered the truth. I’m sorry that I lied to you, but I thought what I was doing was for the best for everyone. I came close to telling you again after the Barclays had informed me that Skye had discovered she’d been adopted, and she had mentioned to them that she also wanted to find out the identity of her father. But by then I thought it was best to leave well enough alone, and that if you discovered the truth, then it was meant to be.”

Ryan nodded as he glanced over at Skye. “And how did you put two and two together, Skye?”

Skye sighed deeply and gazed into the eyes of the man who was her father. “I didn’t. When those threats were made I—”

“What threats?” the senator asked, frowning deeply.

“The ones made by Wayne Bigelow. Do you know him?” she asked.

The senator nodded. “Not personally, although I know who he is. His grandfather and my father were business partners many years ago. Over the past couple of years, I can remember seeing him once or twice.”

“So the two of you are not engaged in any business dealings together?” Clayton asked carefully.

The senator shook his head again. “No. Did he say that we were?”

“No, but threats were made against the lives of Skye’s biological brother and Slade that unless she returned to Augusta by this afternoon and promised to marry him as planned by Christmas, something would happen to them.”

Senator Baines leaned forward. “No one can force her into marriage,” he said, not believing such a thing.

“We know that, but evidently Bigelow doesn’t. He will lose his trust fund unless he and Skye marry by Christmas Day. And from what we can gather,” Clayton continued, “he’s a compulsive gambler who needs as much money as he can get his hands on to feed his habit. In addition to that, he’s heavily in debt.”

“But what does any of that have to do with me?” the senator asked, still not understanding.

It was Slade who broke it down for him. “Evidently there’s someone who wants Skye controlled so that she’ll never go through with locating her biological father. Someone doesn’t want that information known, so much to the point they would harm others to keep it hidden.”

“So you assumed it was me?” the senator asked, not believing what he was hearing.

“You were the logical choice, Senator,” Clayton said, staring straight at the man. “With your eye on such a high political prize, you stand to lose quite a bit if news of an illegitimate daughter surfaces. So in that case, you were our number-one suspect.”

“Was I the only one?”

“We had considered her parents,” Clayton replied. “However, we discounted them when Slade became involved. Skye never mentioned him to her parents. But you saw them together at Senator Lansing’s retirement party. Somehow Bigelow found out about Slade soon after that and knew he was someone who meant enough to Skye to use him to threaten her.”

“And you assumed I was the one who told Bigelow about him?”

Before anyone could answer, Congressman Baines said, “I might have been the one to do that—not that I passed anything on to Wayne Bigelow. However, I had been so excited about seeing Skye that night and when I got back to my hotel room, I called Tom and Edith to let them know I’d seen her. I also mentioned the comment she’d made about hiring someone to locate her biological father and that I noticed her ardent interest in Slade.”

He turned to look at Skye. “It wasn’t that I was reporting to them, I was merely letting them know I’d seen you and that you seemed happy and content. I even told them that if you did discover the identity of your father it would not bother me.”

Clayton nodded. “Then there’s a possibility that they are the ones who might have mentioned something to Bigelow.” He then glanced back at the senator. “Considering the million-dollar bonus they’d get if they were successful in marrying Skye and Bigelow, I can understand why they are so desperate to see it happen. But is there any reason why the Barclays would want to guard your identity as her biological father?”

The senator glanced over at his father. “Since you know these people better than I do, Dad, I’m going to have to let you answer that question.”

The congressman shook his head. “No, I can’t think of a reason. It really makes no sense, and a part of me can’t believe that Tom would be involved in something like that.”

“What about Edith Barclay?”

“I really don’t want to think that about her, either, but after hearing what Skye’s childhood was like, I really don’t know.”

“Well, everyone, there’s only one way to find out who is behind what Bigelow is doing,” Clayton said.

“And what way is that?” the senator asked.

“Set him up. If Skye lets him know she’s decided not to marry him after all and that she plans to report his threats to the police, he’ll make contact with someone, his accomplice. When he does, we can have him followed.”

Slade angled his head and glanced over at Skye. “What do you think?”

Skye’s gaze touched everyone in the room. “I think it’s time for us to put an end to things.”

Sir Drake, who hadn’t spoken the entire time, spoke up and said, “I’m glad everyone is in agreement, because I’ve had Bigelow under surveillance since early this morning.”



“Are you sure you don’t have to be at the airport to pick up Skye?” a naked Helen Stone asked as she sipped on her champagne. They had ordered a bottle sent up to their hotel room to celebrate Skye’s homecoming.

“No, I offered, but she refused. I expect her to be in a little snit for a while and I’ll let her. Then I plan to let her know who’s boss.”

“Good. Edith will stand her ground, but if Tom tries to interfere, don’t let him. He’s often soft where Skye’s concerned.”

At that moment Bigelow’s cell phone went off and he reached across the bed to pick it up off the nightstand. He checked the number and silently mouthed the name
to Helen.

“Yes, Skye, have you made it to Augusta yet?”

“No, and I’ve decided not to come, Wayne,” Skye said, reciting the script she had been coached to say. “I won’t let you force me into a marriage that I don’t want.”

Wayne jumped from the bed. “Now you look here, Skye, evidently that warning to Madaris wasn’t good enough for you. Next time I’ll have my man go after your kid brother.”

“Not if I go to the police first. I refuse to let you bully me. I’m protected by the Madarises, and there’s nothing you can do.”

“The hell there isn’t. You just wait and see just what I’ll—”

At that moment the hotel room door was flung wide open. Helen Stone let out a startled scream before doing everything she could to cover her nakedness when four men walked in, along with Skye, who was still holding the cell phone in her hand. Skye looked at a speechless Wayne, whose mouth was gaped open, before moving her gaze to the woman in bed with him.

“Hello, Helen. It’s not even amusing finding the two of you together like this,” Skye said with disgust in her voice.



Fearful of jail time, Wayne Bigelow spilled his guts. He claimed that a week after the announcement of his engagement to Skye, Helen had approached him, after finding out about his gambling habit, with an offer of a deal, along with the enticement of an illicit affair. Edith had confided in Helen regarding the person who was Skye’s biological father. The reason Helen hadn’t wanted the identity of the man known was because she had planned to use it in her grand blackmail scheme to get money out of the Barclays, the congressman, and the senator.

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