Soul-Mates Forever (18 page)

Read Soul-Mates Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

“But… But I love her and what she saw…” Shaking my head, I look down at the floor. “She’s got it all wrong.” I look back at him. “Claire’s been a friend of mine since I was a lost young teen. She helped me a lot back then. She’s married, has kids. She’s just always clowning around. It was totally innocent.” He slaps my back and nods. “I’ve never even looked at another woman since Pax came into my life. I don’t want anyone else. I…” Hulks phone rings. He shrugs and answers.

“Shit! Are you sure? Dammit! I’m on it!” He slams the phone in his pocket as he stands and starts heading for the door. Holding onto the door he turns to me. “Coming? She’s flown the coop, headed to the airport.”
I quickly stand and we both fly out the door, down the stairs and out to his SUV.

I look over at him as he races down the highway. “Who was that on the phone? What did they say?” He looks over at me and then stares out the windshield.

“Lana said Pax was so upset she convinced her to take her to the airport and she was going to go away for awhile to think about things. Said she couldn’t get her to talk to you, to find out what really happened. She said she was wild.” Hulk growled and slammed his fist on the steering wheel. “I should have never let her out of my sight.”

I reached over and put my hand on his arm, his muscles tightening. “Hey, man. It’s not your fault. My girl has a temper, that’s for fucking sure. I just need to stop her, talk some sense into her and it’ll be ok.”
I hope.

Chapter Fifteen

Shit! I need to get outta here! I can’t take this shit! Here I am pacing the floor in front of the airport window waiting for my flight. My stomach is growling, and I’m about to fall asleep standing up. I’ve been bawling my eyes out, hitting the wall at Lana’s place and haven’t had anything to eat for a few hours. My pacing stops abruptly when someone grabs me around the waist and pushes my back up against them.

“Well, what a pleasant surprise. Don’t scream or you’ll be dead before I can have fun with you,” Darndage whispers in my ear, the feel of something hard pressed against my side. “And we wouldn’t want that now would we?” I stiffen as the hard object presses harder against me.

My eyes look around in front of me, no one seeming to notice us as they pass by. His arm tightens around me as his face rubs against the side of my face. We probably look like we’re together and in love to those around us.

“Now, my sweet bitch, we’re gonna walk out of here just like we are lost in love with each other or I have no problem pulling the trigger. I’d rather not because I have oh so many things I want to do to you first, but…” He sighs, blowing my hair. “I also want to live so that I can finish my revenge.”

I turn my head slightly and sneer, “What in the fuck did he do to you that you want revenge? He’s the kindest, most sincere person I know. What did he do to piss in your post toasties?”

He pushes the gun into my rib cage harder, and I wince. “Bitch! Don’t use your snarky mouth at me. He knows. He knows what he did and he will pay for it,” he whispers rather loudly. He moves the gun around to my back and begins pushing it into me until I start walking. He’s staying really close and kissing on my cheek making it look like we are together for a different reason. As he keeps pushing me, I start walking faster, trying to see if I can get ahead of him but his arm around my waist pulls me back into him.
I’m lost in my thoughts of figuring how to get away when I hear shouting.

“PAXTON!” I look around, up and over the many people in front of me and suddenly see Tucker quite a ways ahead pushing people out of his way.

“TU…” I start to scream until Darndage’s arm leaves my waist, and before I can move forward he grabs my arm and pulls me to our right. I’m now running to try to keep up, so he doesn’t pull my arm out of the socket. We head into a wide hallway and practically jog until we’ve reached the other side. We weave in and out of people. Darndage is still pulling my arm hard as we near the doors to the outside and farther away from Tuck. I can see the double doors opening and I pull back abruptly, my arm now searing with pain. Next thing I know I land on the hard floor on the arm that was pulled so roughly. Blinking a few times to get the spots to dissipate, I look around to see Tuck scuffling with Darndage close to the doors, continually causing them to open and shut.

I try to push myself up, but my arm hurts so badly. Finally, I roll over to the other side and get into a sitting position right as Darndage’s fist punches Tuck in his stomach, causing Tuck to bend over, his arms going around his middle. “TUCK!” I scream as I stand and run over to him. I watch Darndage run out the open door, his head turning, and he winks at me, blood running down from his lip.

When I get to Tuck, he is squatting on the ground, his head down and still holding his stomach. As I kneel down in front of him I hear yelling behind me and turn my head to see two security guards running towards us. I look back at Tuck and put my hand on his face as he looks up at me. “Tuck, are you ok? Oh, my God! Are you ok?”

One of his hands leaves his stomach and cups my face. “Beauty, I’m fine as long as you’re ok,” he says wincing. We lean into each other, our mouths connecting. He pulls back a little, his forehead pressing against mine. “Don’t ever leave me again, please?” I shake my head, never leaving our connection. Finally, he moves back and looks at me, his eyes searching mine. “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?”

“I’ll never, ever leave you again. I’m fine now that you’re here,” I tell him with a small smile.

He takes my other hand and starts to stand, pulling it a little. “Ow,” I wince. He immediately bends down to my level and starts to push a little on my arm, moving his hand up all the way to my shoulder.

“Baby, what? What hurts? What did that motherfucker do to you?” His face is creased in concern as he studies my arm. Suddenly, both of our heads turn to the door as we hear yelling. Hulk is running towards us and stops, looks at Tuck and then at me.

“You ok?” He looks down, seeing Tuck’s hands still checking out my arm and then looks at Tuck. “What did he do to her?”

I move my arm back, biting my lip when the pain hits, and I take a small step back, holding my arm with my other hand. “I’m fine. Really. It’s just a little sore, that’s all.”

Quickly, Tuck’s arm is around me, pulling me close as the security guards come over and start asking us questions. Tuck and Hulk did most of the talking, and I told them what happened to me. They wanted to call an ambulance, but I was persistent that in no way was I going and informed them that Tuck would be taking me home. Finally, they finished with all their questions and when we walked outside through the double door, we immediately stopped. Hulk’s SUV was parked half on top of the sidewalk and half out in the lane. There are two police officers standing there, one is apparently writing a ticket while the other is walking around the vehicle checking it out.

Tuck leads me over to the nearest bench, and we sit down while Hulk goes over to explain everything to the officers. Once we’re seated, Tuck puts his arm around me careful not to jar my hurt arm. “Beauty, I’m…” I let go of my arm and press my finger against his luscious lips.

“Shhh, my sexy rocker. I’m the idiot. I should have trusted you.” I look down and back up into his gorgeous eyes. “I’ve never been in a relationship and I am still learning. Please forgive me. I’ll never doubt you again.”

Turning to me his lips meet mine in a rush, and our kiss deepens quickly, both of his hands cupping my face. “Baby, you don’t need to apologize to me. Anyone who would have seen what happened would have thought the same thing not knowing that Claire and I are friends from way back. Anyone.”

I pull back and frown. “Did I tell you I can be a real bitch sometimes?” We both burst out laughing and don’t notice Hulk until he clears his throat.

“Everything’s cool. Let’s get our girl home.” He turns and walks to the car, Tuck and I looking at each other with our eyes wide.
Our girl?
I can’t help but giggle a little.

Back at home Tuck and Hulk are mother henning me to death. Hulk wraps a towel around my arm, tying part around my neck and creating a sling, while Tuck makes me a mocha latte, puts my feet up on the coffee table and fluffs a pillow behind me.
Hmmmm, I could get used to this.
When Hulk finally leaves the house to do his normal sitting on the porch, Tuck comes and sits next to me. I immediately cuddle into his side, his arm wrapping around me.

“I was afraid I’d lost you forever, then I was scared that Darndage had gotten you,” he whispers as he lays his head against mine. “I don’t ever want to lose you, beauty. It would be like I’ve lost my better half, my heart and my soul. I would die.”

I look up at him to find his eyes filled with tears. Leaning up I kiss him passionately, the fire in my soul heating up fast. I lean back a little and see that his eyes are half-mast and full of love. “Take me upstairs, sexy. Make love to me. I need to feel that you’re with me, that you’re real. I need to feel you inside me, making me yours again.”

He moves me gently, stands and picks me up, latching onto my mouth with his and takes me up to our room. After laying me down on the bed, he helps me remove my clothes, and I watch, hungrily, as he removes his. He stands before me, his cock standing tall, and I lick my lips as he takes it in his hand and strokes it, watching my reaction. My hand moves to my nipple and fondles it, pinching and tweaking until it’s fully risen into a tight bud. We stay like this until I can’t take it anymore. “Ungh, please!” I moan. My body is on fire, my eyes filled with desire.

He chuckles as he comes to me, spreading my legs with his strong hands as he crawls in between them. He bends down and captures my aching clit in his mouth, sucking and rolling his tongue over and over. My hips start to buck, and I grasp the sheet in my hand, and I’m a little frustrated when I can’t move my slinged arm.

“Tuck!” I moan as his tongue leaves my bud and plunges into my core. He begins moving it in and out and then licks up my folds. “God!” I yell. His tongue is quickly replaced with his engorged cock, hitting my spot every time he thrusts into me. “Ahhhhhh!” I scream as he takes me to the highest place I’ve ever been.

“Beauty? Beauty!” I blink several times and look up at my sexy rocker God. His arm is wrapped around me, his hand patting my face. “Oh, baby. I thought I lost you. Are you ok? Did I hurt you?”

My smile grows wider as I lean up and kiss his worried frown. “Oh, sexy. You took me up high in the heavens that time. It was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced.” I kiss him again, longer this time. “Thank you. I don’t think I can move,” I giggle.

He rests his soft bearded face against mine. “Oh, thank God. You scared me.” He rubs his face up and down, the feeling is incredible. “I guess I’d better be more careful how high I take you. Don’t want you to get lost.” My body moving with his laughter.

“Oh, my sexy rocker. I’ll always take you with me. I don’t ever want to be without you in any shape of form. Never. Again.”

* * *

Damn, she scared the shit outta me twice yesterday. First taking off like she did and getting herself in danger and then when making love last night and she became unresponsive when she climaxed. I thought I’d lost her forever. Both times. Fuck what a day and night. But this morning as I watch my girl sleep, I’m again reminded how lucky I am. How can someone who had such a horrible childhood, such a rough life, turn out to have the sweetest, most beautiful, and smartest woman who has a singing voice of an angel, living with him and loving him? I have no clue but I thank God, I’m that lucky son of a bitch.

We take full advantage of our morning, sleeping in, making love… Twice, and then I prepare us an awesome breakfast complete with coffee for me and her special latte. We’re sitting at the kitchen table and enjoying our quiet time when her phone rings.

“What?” She answers curtly. “I don’t give a shit! No! Oh, my God! What is it gonna take for you to understand that I won’t model nude, I won’t come home and I don’t want to have anything to do with you?”

I grab her phone out of her hand and listen. “But you owe us! Seriously? This is a great opportunity for you and you want to just fuck it off? Princess look…”

“No! You look, asshat! Leave her the fuck alone. Do we need to get a restraining order on her own so called father? Why in the hell do you want to exploit your only daughter? Do you even know her? You can’t really love her or care for her if this is all you want her for. You are the lowest piece of shit on this earth. Grow up or get the fuck out!” I hit end and hand her phone back. Reaching over the table, I take her hand and look into her wide eyes. “Don’t worry beauty. I love you more than they ever could. But I’m sorry they are shit for parents.”

She gets up and straddles my lap, her mouth instantly on mine.
Damn, she’s a great kisser and all mine!
Our kissing soon becomes heated, and I push her back just a little. “Hey, should I run to the store and get you a pregnancy test, baby? I am dying to know if we’re gonna be parents. I can’t wait anymore.” Well, that certainly broke our frenzy and turned her luscious wet lips into a frown. I rub her back. “Sorry I ruined that but I seriously want to know. Don’t you?”

Slowly, she gets up and sits back in her chair. “I… I’m not sure.” Her bottom lip is pulled into her teeth and my cock twitches.
Fuck, not now!
“I guess I’m scared.”

Taking her hand, I begin rubbing circles with my thumb. “It’s normal to be scared but isn’t it better to know for sure? It will stop your worrying about it and then we can go on with our lives. Either way, I’m there for you, beauty. I love you.” She nods slowly, and I pull her lip from her clenched teeth and rub it. “Ok. I’ll be right back. I’ll let Hulk know I’m leaving on the way out.” I stand and lean over to kiss her. “Everything’s gonna be ok, baby. I promise.”

Leaving the store, I make quick time to get to my car with not only several tests but also some beer, a few groceries and a red rose for my girl. Fumbling with my bags, I’m shoved into the side of my car with an “Omph.”

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