Southern Seduction (10 page)

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Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

Devon reaches for her hand as they walk towards the main doors. “Come on, pretty girl. Let’s head in.” She takes his hand without hesitation. He’s a nice guy, a really good-looking guy, and if she could get her mind off Penn Wilder, he could be a guy who piques her interest.

The bouncer checks their IDs and pulls back the red velvet rope to let the entire group into the club. Seductive music blares, vibrating Daniella’s chest and filling her ears. Her eyes take in the sleek décor and she’s realizes that the outside of Wild Nights is very deceiving. She never would have guessed this place would be so…

The irony of calling a strip club classy is not lost on her.

The club is all stainless steel and plush, black velvet accents. The main room’s lighting is dimmed for the occasion while colored spotlights highlight the large main stage and two smaller stages that center the room. There are two bars on either end, emphasized by a large display of liquor bottles framing the mirror lining the walls. Daniella is surprisingly digging the setup. It’s cool in a way only a strip club with half-naked women dancing on stage could pull off. Actually, that should be rephrased to
fully naked

Houston’s strip clubs pride themselves on the fact that their girls are all nude.

The group finds two small tables surrounded by leather seats. Daniella thinks the décor is too nice to be in a place where naked twats are rubbing themselves on jeans-clad thighs, but she’s still pleasantly surprised nonetheless. It seems that Penn really does know how to run a strip club. Wild Nights’s style has a tasteful, sexy edge to it that makes people feel invited and even comfortable rather than put off. This isn’t Daniella’s first go-round with strip joints either. She’s been to a few gems that encompassed more trash than class, but she’s happy to find that Penn Wilder’s club is a nice change of pace. She’s surprised and curious…
extremely curious

She sits down next to Devon. The group orders shots and beer, more than ready to continue the evening with a bang. Daniella glances over at Eliza and Sarah and finds them tremendously cozy with The Frat Boys. Both girls are smiling and laughing and cuddling closely with Toby and Frankie. A short laugh escapes Daniella’s lungs in a huff over the fact that her two best friends have the weirdest taste in men.

Or maybe she’s the one who has weird taste?

She’s not sure, but she’s sticking with her guns. No one will ever find her dating a guy who looks like he belongs on the cover of the L.L.Bean catalogue.

Daniella downs the shot of Jack that’s handed to her in a quick gulp and chases the strong taste down with a swig of beer. The night is just getting started and she’s already buzzing from the alcohol…but this is what she wanted. She needed a night to be wild and reckless and free.

An announcement is made over the speakers, letting the crowd know that Kitty will be next to take the main stage. Daniella sits back and relaxes in her seat, all too prepared to watch the
by Ginuwine begins to echo throughout the club, and she fights the urge to roll her eyes at the cliché song.
She could come up with a much better song selection. If Daniella were a stripper, she would thrive off being different. She wouldn’t be the typical exotic dancer with the candy-coated, sparkly name and glittery pasties adorning her perky tits. She’d want a badass edge to her stripper persona. She’d be cool and sexy and sensual in a rocker chic kind of way.

Kitty strides her way onto the stage, her clear stripper heels shining under the spotlights. Her stilettos click against the floor as she begins a slow, seductive sway of her hips. Her body is easily appreciated by men and women alike. Kitty is stacked nicely and curved in all the right places. Her pole-dancing workouts have kept her form nice and toned in a soft, feminine way. She is also au naturel, which seems to be a rare thing these days in the stripper profession.

Daniella pulls her eyes away from the dancer and glances around the room.

All eyes are on Kitty. Every man is watching
with wicked gleams in their eyes.

That has to be a heady feeling, being up on stage with everyone intently looking at you and only you.

She is mesmerized by the fact that, for a small sliver of time, girls like Kitty have the undivided attention of everyone in the room. Not to mention convenient access to several wealthy wallets. As she watches patrons slide money into Kitty’s G-string and throw wads of cash onto the stage, Daniella finds herself a little jealous. It’s a tough pill to swallow seeing a stripper making a fortune during a single dance while Daniella is hardly making ends meet, barely surviving to pay her bills, and making peanuts in tips at her momma and daddy’s diner. And here is Kitty, stripper extraordinaire, shaking her tits, gyrating her ass, and pulling in more dough with one dance than she does in two months.
Fuck, she needs a new job.

Daniella can dance. She’s actually
really good
at dancing. Yes, her background is focused around being a classically trained ballerina, but dancing is dancing. She’s always been able to adapt her training and learn other styles with ease. And not only can she dance, but she’s kept her body in tip-top shape even after quitting ballet. She runs, lifts weights, and takes kickboxing and yoga classes on a weekly basis. And she still gives herself a few hours in the studio at least once a week. Dancing has always been something she loves. She just didn’t love ballet enough to stick with it. But Daniella still relishes in the moments where she can get lost in the music and freestyle her way across the hardwood floor of the small dance studio that resides on campus. That’s her favorite kind of dancing. There is no better feeling than letting loose and releasing all of her stress, emotions, and feelings through the movements of her body.

She watches Kitty climb up the pole centered on the main stage and slide down with ease. Her legs are spread wide, her stilettos pointed with perfect form. She throws her head back and a look of sensuality encompasses her face. She’s no amateur. Kitty has some serious stripper moves, and the catcalls followed by generous amounts of cash being thrown her way are proof.

Daniella’s eyes keep staring at the dollar bills strewn across the stage. She tips her bottle of beer to her mouth and finishes it off in three small gulps, never taking her eyes off the dancer. Her lips are numb and her brain is contemplating things she never would have thought possible. Loose and reckless would be the perfect explanation for her emotions.

Is she really thinking about getting a job at Wild Nights?

Maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe it’s just the desperate financial situation she’s recently found herself in, but she can’t deny that she’s considering this. Daniella is considering the possibility of finding a different kind of job to supplement her pathetic income. If she got a job at a club like Wild Nights, she could make enough money to pay for tuition and quite possibly save up the funds she’ll need for graduate school.

She’s more than aware of the giant dilemma hovering over her get-rich-quick scheme. She’s
a stripper…but it can’t be
hard. Throw on some stilettos, wear a terribly indiscreet outfit, and slather her body with glitter and she would be all set. Her talent for dancing would speak for itself. Obviously she’s never danced in this type of capacity, but she could learn. Daniella could

She won’t let herself make any hasty decisions tonight—hasty, drunk decisions are
a good idea—but she’ll set this possibility to the side, enjoy the rest of her night, and then take another gander at this interesting development tomorrow…when she’s not boozed up and entranced by naked women shaking their implants in her face.

Daniella glances over at Devon in all of his buzzed-cut, military perfection. He’s just as mesmerized as she is. Everyone in the club is spellbound. He looks over at her with a sly smile etched on his smooth face, his eyes twinkling with intrigue. “Come over here.” He gestures for her to take a seat in his lap. She giggles, and her drunken body follows his command. She makes herself comfortable on Devon while they both continue to watch Kitty finish up her routine.

A few more dancers take the stage and she stays rooted in her seat…well, Devon’s lap. His arms are tightly wrapped around her waist and his chin rests on her shoulder. His warm breath brushes the sensitive spot behind her ear. She gets an idea and abruptly stands; he looks up at her in confusion.

“I’ll be right back,” she offers before heading towards a particular stripper.

Kitty stands by the bar in all of her stripper glory surrounded by several interested men. Daniella pushes her way past them.

“Excuse me,” she says and immediately grabs the stripper’s attention. “I’ve got a friend who deserves a lap dance. He’s a Marine and is home on leave. We’re celebrating his short freedom tonight,” she informs her.

“A Marine?” Kitty questions with interest.

Daniella nods her head. “Yeah, he’s right over there.” she points towards the table near the front of the stage where Devon is sitting. “How much for a lap dance?”

“Seventy-five for one song, One hundred and fifty for three.”

Daniella’s face falls with disappointment. Cash isn’t exactly easily accessible for her.

Kitty notices the expression on her face and chimes in with, “But since he’s a Marine, I’ll give him the military discount. Twenty-five for two songs.”

Daniella’s eye light up in surprise. “Really?” she asks and promptly hands her the money.

Kitty smiles and nods her head. “Of course,” she responds before striding on her endlessly tall stripper heels in the direction of Devon.

She stays at the bar, leaning against the marble surface while she watches Kitty approach a very surprised Marine. The cheers from the group surrounding him are instantaneous. She smiles from the enthusiastic reactions as her eyes take in Kitty’s every seductive move. This woman could bring any man to his knees.

“Hey! Wilder! Glad you could make it tonight!” the bartender yells, and Daniella’s entire body stills in shock.

She slowly turns her attention towards the other end of the bar and finds
striding in her direction.
Oh, shit,
she thinks to herself as she quickly turns her back, desperately trying to hide herself from his piercing blue eyes.

let him see her. Not tonight…at his club.

She peeks out of her periphery and notices that he’s sidled up to the bar and having an animated discussion with the bartender. He hasn’t spotted her, and she’s not going to allow any more time for that uncomfortable situation to occur. He already made his opinion known about her visiting his club. The words he spoke repeat in her mind.
“Wild Nights is not the kind of club a girl like you should be visiting.”

She feels like an errant child going against her parents’ wishes and she hates the fact that Penn can make her feel that way. It’s infuriating to say the least. Daniella is thankful that his attention is currently occupied, and she slyly slips past his unsuspecting form. Her feet make quick strides, practically sprinting towards the parking lot. Her friends are still in the club, having the time of their lives, and she’s being a coward. Blame it on Drunken Brain Syndrome. She convinces herself that if she weren’t suffering from DBS she wouldn’t have had any problems with striding up to Penn and saying hello.

She spots a row of cabs and proceeds to hop into one, giving the driver directions to her apartment. She sends Eliza and Sarah a text once the cab turns out of the parking lot.

I hailed a cab back to the apartment. I’m not feeling too well. Have fun! Xoxo

WHAT?! Are you crazy? Why did you leave by yourself?

WHAT?! Where are you?

Chill out. I’m fine. I’m about 5 min from home.

Text me the minute you step inside our apartment.

Text me the minute you step inside our apartment.

They send the same damn text message, and she can’t help but laugh at their over-the-top reactions. Daniella is thankful to be surrounded by such amazing friends. Eliza and Sarah are there for her no matter what and they love her for exactly who she is. That used to be a very foreign thing to her. The small Southern town of Cumbie isn’t the easiest place to grow. Yes, she has a great family and some great friendships, but she could never really be herself.

She spent the first part of her youth trying to mold herself into what her southern family wanted her to be, but then she finally realized that she wanted to be herself. She wanted to live the life that made her happy, and that’s exactly what’s she’s been doing ever since. She quit ballet, she chose her major, and she got the tattoo she was dying to get. She’s doing everything she wants to do. And that fact makes her warm and fuzzy inside.

Well…that thought and the copious amounts of alcohol she managed to consume tonight.

Daniella throws on a comfy t-shirt and climbs into bed after sending Eliza and Sarah a short text message letting them know she made it back okay. The night went a lot differently than she had initially anticipated. Somehow, she managed to make an appearance at Penn Wilder’s club.
His strip club.
And to her surprise, she loved it. It was classy and sultry, and it has her contemplating things that are a little out of character for her.

Could I really be a stripper?

One week ago, that would have been the last question on Earth that would have crossed her mind. But now, things are different. She needs a quick solution for her tuition dilemma.

Is Wild Nights my solution?

She falls asleep with that question rolling around in her fuzzy brain. Her body gives in to the powerful effects of liquor, and Daniella tells herself that she’ll think about everything tomorrow…when she’s not intoxicated and actually has the capability of rational thought.

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