Southern Seduction (5 page)

Read Southern Seduction Online

Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

Seconds, minutes, an unknown amount of time passed before she felt coherent again. Her thick lashes fluttered open and her eyes locked with those sultry blue orbs. Penn was out of the water, his body hovering over hers as he continued to watch her with hooded, lustful eyes. He pressed his bare chest against her swollen breasts as he kissed her passionately. She felt the length of his hardened cock rubbing pleasurably against her sex.

“Yes, Penn,” she urged him as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed her heels against his firm ass.

His gaze took in every perfect inch of the woman that lay underneath him. Her cheeks flushed pink with desire, her eyes heavy with lust, her lush mouth red and swollen. Perfect tits heaved up and down in desperation as her lungs screamed wildly for him.

“You are so fucking beautiful, Daniella.
So beautiful,
” he said before slowly sliding the tip of his shaft inside of her. A growl passed his lips as he felt how tight and warm she was. The tightest fucking pussy, the sweetest cunt he’s ever felt in his entire life.
Her heels pressed against him forcefully, and he lost any ounce of control he had left. He had planned to go slow with her, but she made it impossible.

He thrusted hard and immediately felt just how tight she really was...

Her eyes went wide and her mouth formed a tiny, surprised ‘O’ as he pushed past the barrier.

His momentum was far too great to stop when awareness hit. “What the fuck, Daniella?” He started to pull out, but she clamped her legs around his waist and lifted her body with his, keeping them connected in the most intimate way. If his cock wasn’t controlling all of his blood flow, his brain would have him laughing at the fact that her little body was wrapped around him like a god damn spider monkey.

“Don’t stop, Penn. Please don’t stop. I want you.
I need you,
” she begged, pleaded, as her body held on to him with every ounce of strength she had. Her hips continued to grind against his as her body stretched to accommodate his generous size. “Don’t. Stop,” she moaned loudly as she crushed her mouth to his, her tongue probing past his lips. She whimpered into his mouth as her body quaked erotically.

The warmth and tightness of her pussy was the best fucking thing he’d ever felt in his entire life. Her body was pure heaven,
absolute ecstasy
. No one had ever felt this good, and that fact had him slowly sliding in and out of her. He knew he should feel like a bastard for doing this, for taking her virginity, but he couldn’t stop. He was too wrapped up in the moment, too wrapped up in everything that was her.

He needed to make it good for her, wanted to make her feel as good as she was making him feel. Penn moved just the way she wanted, touched her just the way she needed, and kissed her in a way that would ruin her for all other men.

Even though this thought process made him the worst kind of selfish bastard, Penn was hell-bent on making her first time so perfect that it would be what she compared all other guys to.

And he did.

Not a single inch of her was untouched, un-fucked, or neglected by his mouth. He lit every inch of her desperate body on fire.

And she reciprocated.

Despite her obvious inexperience, Daniella brought him to his knees. Sex had never been this good. Fuck, good wasn’t even the word. This was the kind of sex that would wake him up in the middle of the night for years to come.

“Penn!” she shouted as small tremors from her pussy enveloped him in the most exhilarated way.

“Open your eyes,” he growled into her ear.

Her big brown eyes locked with his as the first wave of her penetrating orgasm shot up her spine. Her body trembled and shuddered underneath him as he continued to pump inside of her. His cock hit that perfect spot deep inside, prolonging her climax as he pushed them over the edge with several hard, deep, penetrating thrusts. His jaw clenched and a low, husky rumble filled her ears as Penn finished, emptying every ounce of himself inside of her.

Their heavy breathing and erratic heartbeats filled the silence of the night air. Penn wrapped his arms around Daniella and pulled her on top of him as he lay back on the dock. Her body was pressed tightly against his and they stayed intimately connected for an endless amount of time.

Neither of them wanted to leave that moment.


A moment Daniella had waited a lifetime for.

A moment that Penn couldn’t deny and knew would make him feel like a complete bastard once the realization set in.

But eventually…the moment

Despite the undeniable difficulty in parting with Daniella after that perfect night, he stuck to his initial plans of leaving Texas. He was still moving to Southern California. He had to go through with those plans. The wounds were still too raw to be so close to his parents’ home. A house that was filled with bittersweet memories of his childhood and all the moments he spent with his beloved parents.

He needed to get away. He had to find a better way to cope with their tragic deaths.

It’s just unfortunate that he had to break Daniella Pruitt’s heart in the process.

The Present

September 2013

“You got a boyfriend, Danny Jo?” Aunt MaryLynn inquires as she butters her dinner roll.

“No. I’m just focusing on finishing college right now,” Daniella answers quietly. She’s already mentally preparing herself for her boisterous aunt’s response.

Aunt MaryLynn faintly titters and looks at her with disapproving eyes. “A girl like you shouldn’t be wasting her time with college. If you’d take the time to fix your hair and put on some makeup, you’d be prettier than a Sunday afternoon. Men like girls who take care of themselves. Ain’t that right Jed?” She nudges her husband with an elbow to get his attention.

“Uh huh,” he says immediately. Uncle Jed isn’t paying the least bit of attention to his pushy wife. The man learned early on to just agree with whatever she says. That seems to be a theme for everyone in Daniella’s family.

“See, Danny Jo? A woman should take pride in her appearance. You’re not gettin’ any younger, child.”

She practically laughs at the fact that her aunt is acting like she’s a forty-five-year-old woman walking around in a brown paper sack. Yes, she prefers to wear her long brunette locks up in a ponytail rather than down past her shoulders, and she follows the rule that less is actually more when it comes to makeup, but that shouldn’t constitute criticism from Aunt MaryLynn. The woman is wearing red silk with bubble gum pink lipstick for heaven’s sake. This is the exact reason she was dreading coming to her cousin Darlene’s wedding. Her Southern family has certain opinions on how a lady is supposed to act and dress, and apparently Daniella does not follow their views. And for the record, she’s twenty-one years old, despite the fact that her annoying aunt talks like she’s one month short of hitting menopause.

Tempted to lay into her aunt, she would love to give this woman a piece of her mind and let MaryLynn know how she really feels about those closed-minded views, but Daniella knows this wouldn’t get her anywhere. Growing up in the small town of Cumbie, Texas, she was raised around women who instilled in their daughters that once they hit the age of eighteen, their priorities should focus on finding an eligible man. Daniella is nowhere near the norm.

She’s the exception.

Apparently, the very pathetic exception. She’s the girl these Southern women gossip about while they’re getting their hair done at Mabel’s salon. She is the only girl who flunked out of charm school and refused to be a part of the beauty pageant circuit.

Yeah, she’s kind of a disgrace around these parts.

Her only redeeming quality is her love of dance. She’s a classically trained ballerina. Over fourteen years of working on her pointe technique at Miss Clara’s school of ballet was the only thing Daniella’s Southern family found acceptable. But once she turned in those pointe shoes and took up college courses at the University of Houston, their acceptance went out the window.

“I’m twenty-one, Aunt MaryLynn. I hardly think that constitutes the rush to find a man to settle down with.” She flashes her fakest smile.

And cue more titters of disapproval.

If it weren’t for her momma and daddy’s insistence on attending this wedding, she would have been out of here a long time ago. “If you’ll excuse me,” Daniella announces to the table as she stands up from her seat.

“Danny Jo!” her momma whisper-yells towards her.

She leans down and kisses her mother’s forehead affectionately. “Momma, I just need some fresh air,” she adds before turning on her heels and striding away from the table.

“Just let her go, Nadine. She’s young and shouldn’t have to waste her time hangin’ round us old folk.” She faintly hears her father’s voice as she walks away.

She chooses to ignore the shocked looks on the faces of everyone at the table. It’s a rather huge Cumbie faux pas to leave the table before everyone is finished eating, but Daniella would rather hang out with her second cousin Bubba than sit around and be berated for her life choices. And Bubba is no picnic. He is as thin as he is tall, and his constant flirtation with anyone who isn’t considered immediately family is completely disturbing. Bubba is frequently called ‘the groper’ and he lives up to his nickname.

She makes her way towards the open bar and grabs a beer from the bartender. Alcohol is probably the only thing that will get her through this disaster. She leans against the marble counter and looks around at the circus her cousin Darlene calls a wedding. Peach taffeta, peach roses, and a bride who looks like she belongs on the actual cake fills her line of vision. The women of Cumbie, have been raised with the idea that the more makeup and the bigger the hair, the better. Combine modern-day cotillions, childhood beauty pageants, and drag shows and that should provide a good mental picture of the current outrageous scene.

Darlene has truly outdone herself tonight. Her bright blond hair is piled on type of her head and adorned with a pink diamond-studded tiara. Her makeup? Well that’s a whole other story. Pink blush, blue eye shadow, lots of lip gloss. Daniella is more than thankful that Darlene didn’t ask her to be a bridesmaid.
No one
can pull off peach taffeta.

This wedding is a nightmare,
she thinks quietly to herself.

It’s moments like these when she finds herself pissed off at both of her brothers. Billy is thousands of miles away in Germany living a military kind of life and Bobby is no longer living near Cumbie. He’s happily married with his wonderful wife Kate and their gorgeous daughter Eve. They moved up to Seattle after he landed his dream job with an architectural firm. Both of her brothers are amazingly talented in their own special ways. She couldn’t be more proud or happy for either of them, but it would still be nice if they were home every once in a while so she didn’t have to be the only Pruitt sibling to attend these pain-in-her-ass family events.

“Danny Jo? Is that you?” A familiar Southern drawl catches her attention. His voice is smooth like caramel with a hint of whiskey-like huskiness.

Her body turns unwillingly, slow as a snail. She glances to her left as a tall presence moves towards her and suddenly Daniella is face to face with familiar ice-blue eyes. She knows those eyes. She still has dreams of those eyes. Fantasies she’ll never admit to anyone.

Penn Wilder
. God, even his name still sounds sexier than sin. It seems like forever since she’s laid eyes on him. Three years to be exact. She heard he was back in Texas about six months ago but prayed she would never run into him. She should’ve known he’d be at this wedding since his parents and Darlene’s parents used to be the best of friends.

She clears her throat and tries to push the annoying butterflies that have taken up residence inside her belly. “Hi, Penn.” Her greeting is as cold as Antarctica as her mouth draws into a straight line.

Despite all the years that have gone by, this man still manages to have an effect on her. She
s him and she can’t deny that deep down she
still wants
him. It’s completely fucked up. Her gaze takes in his facial features. His eyes are bluer than Texas bluebells, and they seem even more pronounced by the shadow of golden scruff that covers his masculine jaw.

Daniella is completely unnerved in his presence.

Memories of a particular night she spent in his arms float around the edge of her mind, threatening to rush through. She crosses her arms under her chest in defiance and mentally refuses to take a stroll down Penn Wilder Memory Lane.

“Hey, Danny Jo. You sure are a sight for sore eyes, sweetheart.” His mouth crests into that perfect smile that could disintegrate a nun’s panties. It seems that he has only gotten better looking with age. He’s bigger than Texas and hotter than Satan’s bedroom. Penn’s body is the type of body that would have a woman on her knees begging for more.

In fact, it once did that very thing to her.

“I try not to go by Danny Jo anymore,” she spits out with irritation lacing her normally sweet voice.

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