Southern Seduction (142 page)

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Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

“Dad, are you okay?” I checked for a pulse and found a very slight one. “June, call 911!”

She entered the room with her phone and I heard her frantically speaking to the dispatcher.

“Dad, everything’s going to be fine. June’s calling an ambulance. We’re going to take care of you.” His eyes fluttered open and regarded me in confusion. Leaning over, I pulled him into an embrace.

His words were a whisper as he softly patted my back. “I want to stay like this forever.”

My heart ached at his words. “God, me too. There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”


Bobby paced the waiting room, reminding me of a captive lion at the zoo. Mr. Acer was with the doctors now and they were getting him a room. We were still waiting for test results to find out exactly what had happened.

“Are you the family of Sutton Acer?” a nurse asked as she came into the waiting area holding a clipboard.

“Yes,” we told her simultaneously.

“Come, this way. Dr. Gelish will see you now.”

We entered the room to find the doctor standing over Mr. Acer and talking softly with him. Bobby was so anxious that he looked ready to snap at any second.

“Dad, how are you feeling?” he asked, rushing over to his dad.

“I’m okay, son.”

Dr. Gelish frowned at Mr. Acer’s words. “Hi there, I’m Dr. Gelish. Your father is amazingly strong and has an extremely high tolerance for pain. However, when he suffers from intense waves of this pain as the cancer spreads to organs like his lungs, his body shuts down, which is causing these fainting spells. Additionally, with the spread of the cancer to his lymph nodes and lungs, his body is having trouble keeping up. As I told Mr. Acer earlier, things are rapidly deteriorating. We’d like to keep him in the hospital with a good dose of morphine to keep him pain free.”

Bobby started to cry as he clutched his dad’s hand. The sight of his broken face sent tears falling down my own cheeks.

“Dr. Gelish,” Mr. Acer wheezed, “I don’t want too much to where I can’t be lucid. I need to spend the last bits of my life with my son in a coherent frame of mind. If that means being in pain, so be it.”

Bobby flinched at his dad’s words. “No, Dad, you need the meds so you won’t hurt.” His bottom lip was trembling so badly I had the urge to put my thumb to it and stop it for him.

“Dammit, we’ll do things my way. Now you two go on home and get some rest. Come see me in the morning. Bring my journal and your guitar, son.” Mr. Acer closed his eyes and his breathing evened out.

Dr. Gelish whispered, “He’s right. You two need your rest. We’ll take good care of him and advise you of any changes.”

After Dr. Gelish left, Bobby kissed his dad on the forehead and we headed home hand in hand. He was quiet the entire walk to his rental car. I just squeezed his hand, hoping to convey my support in a silent way.

Once we’d settled into the car, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. His black hair was disheveled, sticking up in every direction. The bags under his eyes had gotten darker since I’d first seen him days ago. I was looking at the tattoos on his neck when he opened his eyes and glanced over at me.

The drive home was quiet and quick. He was driving a little too fast for someone who was so tired, but I didn’t say a word. His silence worried me that he was on the verge of a breakdown.

As soon as we pulled up, he parked and stormed into the house. Something about the way he was behaving worried me, and I ran in after him. I found him in the bedroom kneeling over his bag, opening a bottle of pills, and suddenly I realized exactly what he was doing. Rushing to him, I knocked the bottle from his hands and they spilled out all over the floor.

He let out a frustrated guttural noise, and I shrank away from him. That is, until he started trying to scoop up the pills. I launched myself at him, tackling him to the ground.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” his voice thundered as he rolled me underneath him. I saw his eyes glance around looking for one so I squirmed to bring his attention back to me.

“Those pills are just going to fuck you up. Then what? Huh? Your dad is refusing to be heavily sedated because of YOU. He wants to spend his last moments with clarity. Honor him by doing the same!” I was crying now because I wanted nothing more than to protect him from doing this to himself. He would hate himself if something happened to his dad and he was too out of it to realize it.

His tears started pouring from his face again, splattering my forehead. As if a dark moment passed, heat suddenly filled his eyes as I felt his hardness between us. Dipping down to my lips, he kissed me hard while he unfastened his jeans. Tearing the shred of fabric that was my panties from my body, he pushed himself into me.

Thrusting wildly into me, he nipped at my lips, making them raw and sore. Tears continued to land on my face as he fucked away his pain. I just held him, releasing my own tears, as he finally came and fell onto me. Threading my fingers though his hair, I held him while his body shuddered and he completely emotionally broke apart in my arms.


Being comforted by her was the only thing that could soothe the ache in my chest. No drugs or alcohol had ever made me feel the way she did. When my crying fit was over, I lifted up onto my elbows to look at her. She studied my face with such compassion, and I nearly lost it again.

“June Bug, I’m so sorry. You were right. I want to be clearheaded for my dad. Thank you for stopping me.” She smiled broadly at me.

I pressed my lips to hers and felt my dick, which was still inside her, harden. As we kissed, I moved myself in and out of her and became fully erect. This time, she started panting softly with pleasure. I felt like an ass for not making sure she got off as well moments ago.

Sliding one of my hands to her breast, I pinched her nipple lightly between my thumb and finger. She whimpered into my mouth as we kissed and I continued my slow thrusting into her. I sucked her lip between my teeth and pulled away to see her face. Her glowing green eyes fluttered shut as she neared her climax. To help her along, I dragged my fingertips down her body until they met her clit and rubbed it with my thumb.

Her breaths became shallow, and she tensed underneath me. My own release was getting closer, and I struggled to hold on for her. When the walls of her pussy clutched my dick as she came, I exploded inside of her.

Spent, I pulled out of her and rolled onto the floor beside her. Finding her hand, I threaded it with mine.

“I’m sorry this is how we had to reunite. Never in my dreams would I have figured it would have been under these circumstances. You’re so patient with me and the stress of all of this. Thank you, June. It means the world to me. You mean the world to me.”

“Bobby, I understand this is a difficult time for you. That’s why I can’t allow you to hurt any further.” She sat up and began crawling on her hands and knees to collect the pills. Still lying down, I pushed up on my elbows to watch her.

Her perfect little ass was pointed in the air as she searched for every one of the pills scattered all over the floor. I could have helped her, but I was enjoying the view. Seeing a pill just under the bed that she missed, I considered ignoring it and saving it for later, but the way she scrambled about so seriously, looking for them to protect me, I decided against it.

Pulling the one out from under the bed, I winked and handed it to her. “Missed one, babe.” She smiled beautifully at me and took it from my hand.

Leaning over, she pecked me on the lips and scurried to the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and knew it was done. The shower started up after so I followed her in there.

“Whenever you feel sad or overwhelmed by what’s going on with your dad, I want you to talk to me. It isn’t worth getting messed up, okay?” Her green eyes were sparkling with conviction as she spoke. This girl was doing her best to protect me. She was amazing.

“Come here,” I growled and yanked her to me.

Dipping my head down to hers, I gently kissed her. I felt her hands slither up and around my neck in order to hold me close to her as she deepened our kiss. My hands made their way to her curvy ass and I squeezed each cheek hard.

I pulled away from our passionate kissing and said, “Let’s continue this in the shower.”

“You got it, Lover Boy.”


“Scoot closer,” I ordered to Bobby as I tried to get a good picture of them. Mr. Acer was feeling much better today and in good spirits. We’d come up to the hospital bright and early, bringing him breakfast from the diner.

I took several pictures of them before Mr. Acer motioned for me to hand over the camera.

“June, sweetheart, I want to get one of you and my Bobby.”

Bobby hopped up off the edge of the bed and slung an arm over my shoulder. We grinned as he snapped a couple of pictures.

Bobby leaned over and nipped my ear, causing me to squeal and push him away. “You are so naughty, Bobby!”

Both men chuckled. It was nice seeing them both so happy. Bobby sat down in the chair and brought me down into his lap, wrapping his arms around my middle and resting his temple on my back.

The afternoon went by breezily as we chatted about Bobby’s climb to fame, my marriage, and Mr. Acer’s property deals he’d made over the years. Everything was so comfortable.

“Bobby, I’m going to run down to the cafeteria and grab us some sandwiches. I’ll be right back.”

When I came back a bit later with the sandwiches, I could hear music coming from the hospital room. Peeking my head in, I saw Bobby sitting on the bed, playing his guitar. The scene was so serene, Bobby strumming and his dad lying there smiling with his eyes closed. I didn’t want to break the spell so I just stayed where I was while they had their moment.

“June? Is that you?” someone called out behind me.

Pulling the door closed, I turned around to see who’d called me. Unfortunately, it was Markwayne’s brother. I’d forgotten he was dating a nurse here at the hospital.

“Hey, Jimmy. How are you?” I asked, completely uncomfortable at our meeting.

“I’m great. You know, Markwayne misses you somethin’ fierce. I can’t believe you two can’t work things out.”

This was awkward and not exactly the conversation I wanted to be having at the moment.

“Jimmy, things will never be repaired between him and me. I’m sorry but I’ve—” I started to say but was cut off.

Bobby wrapped an arm around my waist possessively as he finished for me. “Moved on.”

Jimmy’s eyes widened when he realized Bobby and I were an item. “You were cheatin’ on my brother with this white trash?” he demanded.

Bobby’s hand tightened his grip on me as he was having difficulty holding back.

“Your brother crossed several lines, and we are going through a divorce. We aren’t together anymore, so drop it.” He’d pissed me off and I was now the one having difficulty holding back.

“Whatever, June. Have fun fuckin’ this trashy asshole.” Jimmy stormed off before either of us could respond.

Bobby spun me around to face him and planted a kiss on my forehead.

“Come back to the room. I think we’ve given them enough of a show.” I tried not to glare at all of the hospital staff watching us like we were the next best thing since sliced bread.

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