Southern Seduction (51 page)

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Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

“I know,” Mill agreed, keeping pace and grinding the angle of his stroke to create friction for me so that I didn’t have to work as hard.

He didn’t make me a promise verbally, but his eyes sought mine purposefully, and I knew when they reached their target that they were sending a message. He didn’t want this to be the end. He wanted more of me, and I wanted more of him. The rest of the story would only unfold with the aid of time and affection.



The feeling of her surrounding me, her breath fanning across my face, and her ass in my hands was absolute, pure heaven.

Not only did she feel better than any other woman I had ever been inside, she wanted it more. She worked for it, using my motion to add to both of our pleasure instead of fighting me in an effort to claim hers.

I wanted to open her up, take off her top, and play with her magnificent tits, but I refused to leave her back exposed to the brick in order to do it. Insecurity had floated across her face when I denied her, and I made it my goal to personally guarantee she knew that no sane man would ever turn down any amount of time with her chest. But it would have to wait.

Okay, it would mostly have to wait.

My right hand left her ass and skimmed up the side of her body, whispering over her ribs, and then enveloping the warmth of her breast in its palm. I was over the shirt, but she was turned on enough that I easily zoned in on her nipple, swiping the peak with my thumb at the same time that I lifted some of the mass with the outside edge of my palm.

My hips pumped out the same rhythm, gradually adding speed as I went and making sure to give her the friction she had shown me she needed.

I could feel a slow tingle starting at the base of my spine, and I knew that if I hadn’t been wearing a condom, I would have already embarrassed myself and robbed Zoey of her orgasm.

Instead, I kept increasing speed, working my fingers over her clit, circling and swirling in time with her moans.

Vibrations bounced off my skin as she started to shake with the effort to stave off her orgasm, trying to make it keep going, dismayed to lose the bond, which only served to push me closer to the edge.

Knowing she was enjoying it, that she felt the same way I did, was a hell of a fucking turn on.

And the feel of her hot, tight pussy wasn’t bad either.

“Zoey,” I breathed in her ear, connecting it with the tail end of her last gasp and making our own special melody.

It wasn’t long before the fog enveloped my brain, the power of my pleasure starting to wash away any and all awareness. But I fought it, keeping my eyes open and my chin high, my forehead resting on Zoey’s for support and giving me a front row seat to watch her orgasm wash over her.

In the wake of her pleasure, she lost all pretenses, her snarky edge dulling and exposing the softer side of her features.

It was enrapturing.

The flutter of her eyelids matched the ones in her core, and the cupid’s bow of her upper lip seemed to soften, the column of her throat stretching and offering itself up to the ministrations of my mouth.

Mentally, she was gone from the alley, surfing the high of her hormones and prolonging the pleasure. But her body was in tune with the moment, seeking closeness with mine instinctively and sucking all of the air out from between us.

We stood there breathing heavily for several long moments, our limbs tangled into a jumble where beginnings and endings ceased to exist and my dick still sat deep inside of her.

I knew I would need to pull out soon to maintain the integrity of the condom, but I just couldn’t talk myself into rushing it.

Maybe I was crazy, maybe my brain was still short on blood from the sex, or maybe I just knew she was the kind of girl who would appreciate it, but I couldn’t stop myself from teasing her. “Oh, Penelope,” I groaned faintly into her ear, fighting so hard to keep the knowing smirk off of my face.

She reacted about like I thought she would, jumping back violently and scrunching her face up into a look of true abhorrence.

“I’m messing with you,” I told her through my laugh, hoping to coax her back into my arms and wipe the look of disgust off of her pretty face. “You should see your face,” I added, still chuckling as her eyebrow inched upwards at the same speed as the corner of her mouth.

“You’re a sick bastard,” Zoey chastised me, but she moved right back into my arms and snuggled deep into my chest.

Yeah, she was definitely my kind of girl. And she had taken care of the issue of disconnection for me like she was ripping off a bandaid. Swift and painless, with a little bit of distraction thrown in for good measure.

I was just settling into the feel of her body cuddled into mine when she shoved me away again, scrambling around for her clothes and pulling them on with record speed.

“The Penelope thing was a joke,” I explained again, thinking that was the only thing that could have spurred her into such a hasty retreat.

That brought her up short, and she whipped around quickly, just one of her legs back in her pants and the other leg bunched up in the clutch of her hand.

Her giggles mixed with her words as she placated, “Whoops, sorry. This isn’t about the cow-fetish thing, this is about the whole prank-night-is-timed-thing,” before plopping a deep wet kiss on my lips as consolation.

Glancing down at her watch, she elaborated, “We have approximately two hours of time left, and a whole hell of a lot to do. We can snuggle later.”

With that, she hopped her way into the rest of her pants, doing the standard shimmy to get them over the beautiful curve of her hips.

It took her yelling, “Button your pants, Mill!” at me to realize that I was standing there staring, with my dick hanging out, instead of matching her efforts to get ready.

Yanking the condom off and tossing it in the conveniently located dumpster, about twenty feet back at the end of the alley, I tucked myself back inside and made quick work of my zipper and the lone button at the waist of my jeans.

Meanwhile, Zoey was still trying to sort herself out, reaching into her pants in order to situate her panties and twisting the legs of her skinny jeans so that they fell in a straight path down her legs. She still had to put her boots back on, and her hair looked like she’d just been fucked against a dark, back alley wall.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that it was easier to be a guy.

Zipper, button, and a swipe of my hand through my hair had me ready to go.

Watching her hop on one foot, straightening her sock in order to get it ready to sit nicely in her boot, I made my way over to her and offered a shoulder for support.

“I promise not to complain when it takes you forever and ever to get ready,” I pledged when she took it, leaning what little weight she had into me.

“What?” she asked, confused.

After all, she wasn’t inside of my head.

“I just realized that you’re not sitting around knitting sweaters or making some sort of statement while we wait patiently at the bottom of the stairs. You women have a lot to adjust and straighten and more body parts to cover than we men do. So I promise to remember, later on down the line, when I’m waiting for you to be ready for our fifteenth date, to be patient.”

Happiness seeped from her pores, taking on its own living, breathing entity, and I knew I had said the right thing.

I expected her to make a joke, maybe even play it off completely, but she reached for my hand, intertwining our fingers, and then moved up onto her toes to press a soft kiss to the very corner of my lips.

My chest got tight, but I knew it was because I was happy, not because I was following in my father’s heart health footsteps.

“Thanks, Mill.”

Making use of the gift I had been given, I kept her hand in mine and steered the pair of us back out of the alley, looking both ways at the end to make sure no one was straggling around in the immediate vicinity.

I guess it would be good if no one had heard us have sex for the first time, but it was a little late to be thinking about that, so I focused on making sure no one saw us do what I had planned next instead.

“Come on,” I prompted, trying to get her to move faster, picking up the pace to a jog as I said it.

Her legs churned faster than mine, and our joined arms swung forward and back between us. We had made it about a block through town when she started to sound like I was working her too hard.

“You know,” she breathed out in between gulps from working her legs double time to keep up with me. “When you said we needed a piece of wood, I had no idea you meant your penis.”

“How long have you been sitting on that one?” I asked on a chuckle, knowing by the slight miss in comedic timing that she had been wanting to say it for a while.

“Shit. I knew I should have said it earlier.”

My chuckle turned into a full-fledged laugh while she defended, “I was distracted when it was actually relevant!”

“But you still said it?”

“I figured I’d never get another opportunity,” she explained on a shrug as I pulled her to a stop in front of Knicks and Knacks, her dad’s hardware store. Her nose scrunched up into a more button-like shape, and a crinkle formed the shape of a star in the outside corner of her right eye.

She hadn’t noticed where we were yet, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t boost my ego just a little bit.

I couldn’t stop a smug grin from bringing my lips off of my teeth, and the change in my face gave me away.

Her head snapped to the side suddenly as she studied her surroundings and put things together pretty quickly. “You want to get the stuff from my dad’s store?”

“Uh, yeah,” I confirmed with a shake of my head. “It is a hardware store, and we need wood and rope. Seemed to make sense from me.”

“I’m not stealing from my dad!” she shouty-whispered, her hands flying out of my grasp and settling onto her hips in the standard pose for attitude.

I shook my head, bit my lip, and leaned in close, my hands working their way onto her hips and forcing her hands to fall to her sides again.

“Yeah, I agree. We’re going to pay for it.”

She was geared up to give me hell, angry about the location and the fact that I denied her stance filled with attitude, but at the realization of my intentions, she deflated like a popped balloon.

“Oh.” Her lips pursed minutely and then released. “Okay.”

She stepped free of my grasp again, sidled up to the face of the building, and then input the security code into the pad next to the door of the store. The sounds of the locks disengaging was faint but noticeable, and I felt my eyebrows raise in question.

“I know,” Zoey said, picking up on my body language without even having to be prompted, her shoulders lifting in a half shrug just before she turned back to the building in order to open the door. “It’s weird. A store for all of these old fashion mechanical methods and fixes, and my dad’s obsessed with unnecessary technology. Go figure.”

I wasn’t looking a gift horse in the mouth. It made getting inside a hell of a lot easier, since I had just strip searched her without turning up a key, and I wasn’t really looking to do any damage breaking into the place.

Her hand reached for the light switch, but I stopped her with a gentle downward motion onto her forearm. We weren’t actually doing anything worth prosecuting, but I figured the less conspicuous we were, the better.

“We don’t need it. Just grab some rope. I’ll get a deck board and leave some money on the counter,” I ordered gently, sweeping my hand down her arm, along her ribs, and around the swell of her hip as I stepped away from her.

I looked back over my shoulder after making it a couple of steps away, curious to know what her reaction would be to my telling her what to do.

What I got couldn’t have been better if I had ordered it by mail. She hesitated momentarily, questioning even herself what her decision would be. But she finally made it, moving to do my bidding but not without a mean little sparkle in her eye.

I would pay for this later. Revenge could come at any time, and I would have to keep a keen eye to my six.

Strong-willed and free-thinking but not argumentative. If you asked me, that was the perfect recipe for a woman. Add in a slamming body, heavenly pussy, and quick wit, and you got Zoey.

I was in trouble.

And I didn’t want to be anywhere else.

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