Spike (8 page)

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Authors: Kathy Reichs,Brendan Reichs

Tags: #Children's Books, #Action & Adventure, #Mysteries & Detectives, #Children's eBooks

Madison looked at Jason, covering her mouth with both hands. “How . . . how?”

“Okay, what’s going on?” Corcoran abandoned a suddenly relieved-looking Iglehart and stomped over to confront the Taylors. “How’d you know about that body ink, boy?”

Jason pressed both palms to his temples, was staring at his mother
with a nauseated look. “That guy over there is my idiot second cousin, Jimmy. I’ve heard my mom complain about him plenty, but we’ve never actually met.” His tone grew angry. “No ex-cons under your roof, eh, Mom?”

Agnes Taylor bowed her head. Then her eyes snapped open, raking the assemblage with undisguised contempt. “Fine! I did it.” Snorting harshly, she thrust her wrists at Corcoran. “Arrest me, Captain! Throw me in the slammer for a silly little prank!”

Detective Taylor leapt forward, shamefaced as he edged around his wife. “Now let’s hold on a minute! No one’s talking about jail, Agnes.” He regarded Corcoran anxiously. “Carmine is a reasonable man, and no crime has been committed here.”

Corcoran regarded Jason’s father frankly. “All due respect, sir, but I think one has been. Messing with food is, like . . . serious business. A misdemeanor, at least. I’m fairly sure.”

Tempe cleared her throat. “I’m not a police officer, but remember—this wasn’t a harmless prank. An overdose of ipecac syrup can kill. These two nearly poisoned everyone in the room.”

Mrs. Taylor rolled her eyes disdainfully. “Don’t be so dramatic. The stuff just makes you toss your cookies. I gave it to my son once; I know.”

If her words were meant to reassure everyone, they failed miserably. Noses crinkled. Protests erupted. Turns out, people don’t like it when you tamper with their diet.

Tempe gave Agnes a withering look. “Putting aside how childish this stunt is—how pathetic it makes a woman of your age look—what you did
dangerous. Ignorance isn’t an excuse, and that goes double for a science teacher.”

“Don’t forget my centerpieces!” Whitney blurted, wide-eyed and trembling. “And my altar, which nearly collapsed with the wedding party on top!”

Mrs. Taylor allowed herself a satisfied smirk. “The Mag League has
strict standards for its publications. It’s not my fault no one double-checked this event for quality.”

, Mom?” Jason demanded. “What on earth were you thinking?”

“You really have to ask?” Agnes barked an ugly laugh, thrusting her chin higher into the air. “Whitney DuBois has been stalking me for years. A silly, naïve girl from the
branch of the DuBois tree, and now she thinks she can run the League? I think not!” She thrust an accusatory finger at my stepmother. “I know you’re trying to steal my position! Teaching you a lesson was my pleasure.”

Silence filled the room like a living thing. Whitney’s head dropped. Kit stared at Agnes, slowly shaking his head. “So you decided to spoil her wedding day?” he said softly. “One of the most important days of her life?”

“Don’t act blameless here!” Agnes cried. “She’s been hounding me for years, trying to poach what
built. You encouraged her. You two thought I’d just lie down and accept it? Ha!”

Corcoran blinked. “What in the world are y’all talking about?”

“An election.” Kit shook his head in disgust. “Whitney’s considering a run for Mag League president next month, and Agnes must’ve gotten wind of it.” My father wheeled on Mrs. Taylor. “Which shouldn’t matter in the slightest, since Agnes
run again, according to the bylaws. Someone
to take her place. Whitney has every right to put herself forward.”

“Don’t talk to me about things I know better!” Mrs. Taylor scolded. “Rules change. You two have attempted to undermine me for months, not that I’d let that happen. Your entire family is a nest of vipers. Everything about this wedding is
. Mucking it up was a public service.”

Jason’s eyes glinted with frustration. “Just stop talking! I’ve never
been more embarrassed! We’re
here, Mother. At one of my best friend’s invitation.”

“More’s the pity for us!” To my complete shock, Mrs. Taylor turned and scowled at me. “That little harlot is no friend of yours. After what she did to you?”

I blinked. “Huh?”

Jason was no less baffled. “What? Tory?”

“Excuse me, did you just call my daughter a
?” Kit’s voice was dangerously flat. My father rarely loses his temper, but I could feel the tethers slipping.

Mrs. Taylor shot forward and tried to take Jason’s arm. He shrugged her off, staring at his mother as if he’d never seen her before. “Explain yourself. Now. All of it.”

“Tory led you on like a puppy dog, sweetie.” Agnes was concentrating on her son to the exclusion of all else. “For almost two years, she had you eating out of her hand, and then what? She starts dating a
dock boy

“A what?” I gave Mrs. Taylor a level stare.

“Oh lord.” Detective Taylor covered his eyes.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Tom Blue coughing into a fist. It took me a moment to realize he was laughing.

“Mom!” Jason yelped in a strangled voice. “What is
with you!? You will apologize
this sec
!” He spun to face Ben, his expression scandalized. “Ben, man. I’m so—”

Ben waved off the apology. “No need. Forget it.” Was he smiling, too?

But Mrs. Taylor had more to say. “She should’ve been
for your attention, Jaybird.” Tilting her head, trying to catch her son’s eye. “You’re a smart, handsome,
boy. From one of the best families in Charleston! But
. And now look what’s happened. Heartbroken, you’ve fallen into the clutches of this . . . this . . .” She waved a dismissive hand at Madison.

Madison paled. Her legs began to shake as the focus shifted to her.

For a few beats, Jason merely gawked at his mother, reeling from one blow too many. “
” he finally spat. “Don’t you
talk about my girlfriend like that! Maddy is the kindest, sweetest—”

“Please!” Mrs. Taylor spat, well past caring about appearances. “Madison Dunkle has been a nasty, selfish bully her whole pampered life. I should know, I taught her more times than I can count. People like that don’t change. And now she’s inside my kitchen, eating from my own table!”

Madison stumbled back a step, sniffing loudly, seconds from fleeing in tears.

My temper boiled over.

!” I strode briskly to Madison’s side and took her hand. She was trembling like a leaf. Ella was a step behind me, snatching up Madison’s other hand and fixing Mrs. Taylor with a death stare.

“Mrs. Taylor,” I said, clear and cold, “Madison is a dear friend, and here at my invitation. In addition to trying to
everyone, you’re being rude.” A glance at Kit, who nodded vigorously. “I’m afraid I have to ask you to leave.”

Eyes tight with fury, Mrs. Taylor opened her mouth, but Jason’s father jumped in before she could do any more damage. “Yes, yes! Very fair. I think that’s best for all involved.” He turned to Kit, his embarrassment plain. “I’ll pay for the damaged cake, of course. But for now, my wife and I will get out of—”

“I’m not sure I can allow that, Detective.” Corcoran frowned, mustache drooping. “A crime has likely taken place. And I
want to talk more with Cousin Jimmy over there. All due respect, but . . . I mean, this is . . . serious consequences . . .”

He trailed off, scratching his head.

Detective Taylor gave his colleague a blistering glare. Though technically lower on the official totem pole, Mr. Taylor ran the city’s entire
violent crimes division. I wasn’t sure who could pull rank. Evidently, they weren’t either.

Whitney stepped into the breach. “That won’t be necessary tonight, Captain,” she said with icy dignity. “I, for one, don’t plan on pressing charges on my wedding day, and I imagine my guests all feel the same. If the city has to arrest Agnes, it can easily do so at a later date. She’s not a flight risk.”

Mrs. Taylor bristled. “Run from you? An up-jumped hussy after my position? Hardly!”

To everyone’s astonishment, Whitney laughed. Then she spoke in a stage whisper loud enough to echo. “Honestly, Agnes. You’re
yourself. It’d be best for you if you just left quietly. Who needs the scandal?”

Murmurs of agreement filled the air, though scandal was inevitable. Gossip this juicy couldn’t possibly be contained. The Howard Wedding Debacle would be on every lip by dawn the following day.

Agnes gave Whitney a haughty look. “You’ve always been soft, DuBois.”

Whitney met her rival’s disdain coolly. “Of course, you’ll need to resign from the Magnolia League immediately. Crime or not, we can’t have such
behavior associated with our honored civic institutions.”


Eyes widening, Mrs. Taylor spluttered, “How
you! Of all the—”

But Detective Taylor had had enough. “That sounds fine, Whitney,” he shouted over his wife’s impressive string of expletives. “Very generous of you. We’ll be out of your way in two shakes.” Hissing furiously, he hurried Mrs. Taylor past Corcoran and toward the exit. At the last second he turned.

“Jason?” Hesitant. “You coming?”

“Not a chance.” He turned his back.

“Okay, then.” Mr. Taylor bustled his wife out the door.

Jason stole Madison’s hand from mine, whispering a quiet “Thanks.”

“No problem.” I gave him room. This wasn’t his fault, and I knew his conscience would be killing him for what his mother had done.

As Corcoran and his team escorted Biggs from the room, boisterous chatter sprang up on all sides. No one knew what to do next—social graces don’t typically cover this type of experience. So it was startling when Aunt Tempe burst out laughing.

Whitney gaped as Tempe elbowed her in the side, tears sparkling in my great-aunt’s eyes. “Good lord, Whit. This is one
of a wedding story!”

Soft chuckles from the gallery. Whitney shivered, rubbing her arms. Then, incredibly, she began giggling herself. “My God! I mean, have you

A cloud seemed to lift. The chuckles became outright laughter. Seizing the moment, Kit spun and waved frantically at the band. Quickly taking their places, they launched into an upbeat number. Shouts of approval echoed in the chandeliers.

I sighed.
t a night

But when I turned, Ben was missing.

I rose to my tiptoes, craning my neck as I searched the suddenly energized crowd. I spotted Ben whispering urgently with Kit. Before I could call out, he bolted across the ballroom and disappeared through the kitchen doors.

Hi appeared at my elbow, stuffing a chunk of cake into his mouth. “Where’s he going?”

“Hiram!” I slapped the crumbs from his hands. “That’s
, remember?”

“Not the lowest tier,” Hi countered. “Probably.” Wiping icing from his hair, he stuck two fingers into his mouth. Sighed with pleasure.

“Sometimes you just have to gamble, eh, Brennan?”

he reception was roaring again.

Guests were dancing, back to having fun. Whitney had somehow turned a corner, was now laughing nonstop about the whole affair, exchanging scandalized whispers with her friends. She was enjoying the downfall of her nemesis a bit more than was proper, but I wasn’t going to judge. Agnes Taylor tried to destroy her wedding. That’s dirty pool in any playbook.

Mike Iglehart was whining about his mistreatment to anyone who’d listen, but no one took him seriously. He hadn’t left the party, no doubt enjoying both Kit’s sincere apology and the righteous indignation of the wrongfully accused.

Whatever. We
screwed him over a little. Enjoy the open bar.

Jason was following Madison around like a baby lamb, looking distressed. Maddy was acting upset, but I could tell she secretly loved the attention. The other Bolton Prep girls had formed a protective circle around her, taking turns giving her hugs and telling her how great she was. It was the most popular she’d been in ages. People are dumb.

Me? I was standing by an empty table, anxiously tapping a foot.

Ben was still AWOL. No one had seen him since he’d fled the ballroom twenty minutes earlier. I’d even sent Shelton and Hi to look for him, but so far they hadn’t returned.

Where had he gone, without a backward glance?

What had he whispered to Kit?

My mind cycled through awful possibilities. Had Mrs. Taylor struck a nerve?

Anger smoldered within me at the prospect.
that harridan screws
up my relationship
with Ben, so help me
 . . .

But he had to know how ridiculous she’d been. With her stupid, classist, snobbish prejudices. I couldn’t have cared less about what Ben’s father did for a living, or his family’s so-called “place” in society. No, that wasn’t true. I
Tom Blue’s job. I
his family.

Ben was the sweetest, strongest, most loyal person I knew.

I loved him.

There. I said it.
Thought it, anyway.

My face flushed, but I didn’t back away from my feelings. Even if Ben
leaving in a few weeks. Even though I might lose him forever to some doe-eyed co-ed in Geology 101.

I love
Ben Blue. I’m ready
to tell him.

So whe
re is the stupid jer

Dark silk flashed in my periphery. I turned. Chance was standing behind me, his sardonic smile in place. I jumped. Couldn’t help it. Dude came out of nowhere.

“Do you mind?” I stepped back and hugged my chest, repressing the shiver of excitement his proximity always gave me. “It’s impolite to sneak up on people.”

“I’ve been standing here for thirty seconds,” he replied airily, then waved a lazy hand. “While you’ve been staring at the door.” A sculpted eyebrow rose. “Talking to your furry friend again? That was a truly
amazing performance by Coop earlier. Almost as if he knew
what to look for.”

“Coop and I can’t talk anymore,” I snapped, trying to hide my unease at his perceptiveness. For the hundredth time I reminded myself never to underestimate him. “You know that, Chance. He’s just . . . well trained.”

“So you’ve said.” A statement of fact, not agreement.

I glanced over his shoulder. A few feet away, Ella looked bored as she leaned against a buffet table. She shrugged apologetically. Obviously this wasn’t her idea.

“Can I help you with something?” Resuming my vigil. Where
Ben already?

Chance didn’t speak for a moment, but I felt his eyes on me. Then he sighed. “I hope you’ll trust me again one day, Tory. It’d be nice if we
could be honest with each other. For a change.” He straightened, tugging his sleeves. “Thank your father for the lovely invitation. Our gift is on the table. It’s an espresso maker.”

I stifled a flinch. What did he mean, if we
could be honest?

Was Chance holding back, too?

I turned, but his back was already to me. Chance strolled over to Ella and offered an arm, then escorted her from the ballroom.

Damn him
. Every time I think
I’m playing him, I
find out it’s the op

Or is it?

The kitchen doors swung open, driving all other thoughts from my mind. But it was only Hi and Shelton. They shook their heads in unison as they joined me.

“Ben left the building.” Shelton fiddled nervously with his bow tie. “I’m sure he’ll be back soon, though. Maybe after what Mrs. Taylor said, he just needed some air or something.”

I nodded, but my heart sank. Exactly what I was afraid of.

“Maybe he took up smoking?” At my irritated frown, Hi raised both palms. “I’m just spitballing here. Maybe Ben’s a superhero, and there’s crime afoot.”

Shelton leaned close, whispered, “Have you tried calling him on our

I nodded glumly. “Nothing. He’s either out of range or blocking me.”

Through trial and error we’d discovered that our telepathic connection wasn’t simply an open line. You could close off the pack if you wanted privacy. Mind-linked as I was to three teenage boys—and a giant wolfdog—I was usually grateful for that fact.

Not right now.

Why would Ben go so far away? Why would be choose to shut me out?

My sick feeling increased.

“He used a side gate.” Hi adjusted his sagging cummerbund for the tenth time. He’d wiped the frosting from his hair and face, but the tux was a wreck. “Coop tracked him there, but obviously couldn’t go any farther.”

Coop was back in the garden, to the immense relief of nearly everyone. No matter how well trained I assured everyone he was, your average wedding guest isn’t comfortable with a hulking apex predator circling the dance floor. Whitney had insisted that Coop scram, though I’d caught her ruffling his ears as he padded outside.

“What happened to Biggs?” Shelton asked. “Cousin Jimmy, I mean.”

“They let him go,” I answered, still eyeing the door. “But Corcoran got all his information, and told him not to leave town. Corcoran still doesn’t know what to do next. Arrest them both, I say.”

Hi chuckled. “It’d be pretty funny to see Mrs. Taylor in stripes.”

“She deserves it.” I was miles less forgiving than Whitney. “If we’d been a few steps slower, everyone here would’ve been puking their guts out. She and Cousin Jimmy are criminals, scandalous or not.”

“I’m with you,” Shelton said. “Wackos. You can’t sweep attempted poisoning under the rug, though I bet they try. Did Jimmy kill the flowers, too?”

I shook my head. “Mrs. Taylor got the flowers. Remember, she was inside the ballroom during setup, supervising the Magnolia League’s camera crew. She must’ve gotten to the vases when the florists weren’t looking.”

“Makes sense,” Hi agreed. “But I can’t see an old lady crawling under that altar in a cocktail dress. Or maybe I just don’t
to see it.”

was Jimmy,” Shelton said. When Hi and I both looked at him sharply, he tapped his ear. “I overheard some of Corcoran’s interrogation while looking for Ben. Jimmy came by here last night and pulled the pins. Mrs. Taylor told him exactly which ones to remove. She knew how to time the collapse perfectly.”

Hi whistled. “All that planning, just to embarrass a social rival. Looney Tunes.”

My face flushed with anger. “Psychotic.”

An intake of breath beside me. I glanced at Shelton, who pointed to the doors. “Look! He’s back.”

Ben backed into the room carrying something bulky in his arms. It took me a moment to figure out what it was: three large cardboard boxes stacked atop one another. Two men in white aprons followed Ben with identical loads.

“What in the world?” Shelton squawked. “He go shopping?”

“No, no!” Hi smiled, rubbed his hands together in excitement. “I’d know those boxes anywhere. Our boy Benny just saved the day!”

Kit rushed over to assist, a confused Whitney trailing in his wake. The four men set the boxes on a table and began peeling back the lids. Inside were cupcakes. A
of cupcakes.

I beamed. “He replaced the wedding cake!”

Relief. Ben hadn’t run from me, or Mrs. Taylor’s stupid insults.

He’d thought fast, slipped out, and solved our problem. Like a boss.

Whitney clapped her hands like a schoolgirl. “Oh, Benjamin! They’re beautiful! Thank you so much!” She planted a kiss on his cheek.

“Nice,” Hi breathed. Then yelped as my elbow found his gut.

Ben spotted me and extricated himself from Whitney. As he made his way over, I noticed something else unusual. Ben had changed out of his tuxedo, but not into his standard black tee and jeans. He was sporting a dark gray uniform of some kind, with a black stripe straight down the middle of the jacket. Military cut. I’d never seen him wear anything like it.

“Just like Richard Gere,” Hi whispered, rounding his eyes theatrically.

My gaze flicked to my friend. “What now?” I could tell he was mocking me.

Hi danced away with a sly smile. “You’ll see. Later. I got dibs on a red velvet.”

My head whipped to Shelton, who was grinning ear to ear. “Thank
he’s telling you tonight! I’m terrible at keeping secrets.”

My eyes narrowed. “What secret?”

Shelton stuck his hands in his pockets and ambled away, whistling merrily.

Exasperated, I turned to find Ben standing right in front of me. He executed a low bow, looking positively bizarre in his fancy outfit. The uniform was tantalizing familiar, but I couldn’t place it.

“Replacement desserts delivered, ma’am.” Ben smiled, clearly pleased with himself. “Hope everyone likes chocolate.”

“Out with it,” I demanded.

Ben lifted his hands in surrender. “After Hi destroyed the cake, I remembered that fancy bakery a few blocks over on King. Your dad jumped at the idea, told me to use whatever means necessary. So I jogged over and—”

“Not that!” I poked the buttons on his chest. “What secret are you
keeping? And why are you dressed like a . . . like a . . .” Then it hit me. “Like a cadet?”

Ben placed his hands on my shoulders. Looked me square in the eye.

“Because I am one,” he said simply.

I shook my head, lost. “Cadets attend The Citadel. You’re going to Warren Wilson.”

“I’m not.” Ben released me. Abruptly stood at attention. Saluted. “I’ve joined the Cadet Corps. Knob Blue, at your command!” Then he grinned sheepishly, lowering his voice. “Or something like that. I have no idea. I’m not even supposed to wear this Citadel stuff yet. Whitney lent me a uniform for tonight. Her cousin’s, I think.”

“Wait. What?” I couldn’t move. Or breathe. “You’re joining the freaking Citadel? Since when? You hate soldier stuff!”

“I like
. Love you, I mean,” he blurted, as if determined to get the words out. “So I’m sticking around here for a while. If that’s okay.” Suddenly he was scarlet-faced, and as nervous as I’d ever seen him.

Head spinning.

Heart pounding.

Feet floating on air.

“You borrowed a cadet’s uniform from my stepmother?” was all I managed, still trying to process the rest.
Did h
e really say . . .

“She’s the one who got me in.” Ben shook his head, as if unable to believe it himself. “Whitney pulled a few strings so I could stay close to home. She kinda knows everyone in town, FYI.”

“Ben . . . I . . .”

I clamped my lips shut, cutting off the weak effort. Tried to gather myself. Finally, I noticed Hi and Shelton a stone’s throw away, grinning like crocodiles, pretending not to eavesdrop as they exchanged a fist bump. Kit and Whitney weren’t even doing that much, watching us openly with wide smiles.

Obviously th
e last to know

I grabbed Ben by the front of his jacket. “Ben Blue, you do NOT have to give up your life goals because of me. If you’re worried I’m going to bail because you’re moving out of state, don’t be.”
“I love you, too, okay? You don’t have to do this.”

“Hey, I
marching in formation. Rules. Orders. Yelling. Can’t wait.” Ben swept my hands up in his. “Whatever buys me another year with you is worth it.” Then he hugged me close and whispered, “Besides, it’s only
year. Then we can
get the heck out of town.”

We were nose to nose.

The music stopped.

Everyone was watching.

Don’t care

I pulled Ben in. Smashed my lips against his.

Applause rained down around us. Inside my head, Hi wisecracked that Ben and I had a lousy ship name. Shelton told him to shut it. But I was a thousand miles away.

Ben was staying. My Ben.

We wouldn’t have to be apart. Now, or maybe ever.

It was the best day of my life.

My eyes sparkled, as blue as the ocean.

Love you, B
en Blue.

I love you,

Outside in the darkness, Cooper sat back and howled.

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