STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (15 page)

Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

    Cray chuckled. 

We can do that.


Would you stay if not for me?


I did that once years ago.  Spent the night on the couch in one of the employee lounges.  Not my finest hour.


Were you alone?


You ask too many questions.


You had a woman with you.  Was she pretty?  Does she still work there?  Did you continue to see her after your night of debauchery?


Make yourself comfortable, sweetheart.  This story will take a while,

he said grasping her elbow to lead her to the sofa in his office.

    Her eyes widened and she said,

Are you going to tell me the sordid details?


In explicit language that leaves nothing to your imagination.  I want complete honesty between us, honey.


I don't want to listen to how you made love to another woman.

  She turned her back to him.

    A huge grin creased his face that she didn't see.  He expected her to respond that way.  He sobered, turned her to face him, kissed her and said,

My life began last Friday night when I honed in on your infectious laugh and found a gorgeous woman with an extraordinary body, an intellect to match her beauty and a personality that keeps me wanting more.


This thing between us is strange, darling, but I'm not the least bit concerned that we just met and we're talking about a life together.  My affection, my love for you is strong and I sense that won't waver.  I expect it to increase in intensity and I find it a wondrous emotion.


Oh, Angel,

he said, embracing her and kissing her with every atom of passion in his body.

    On the way to the party in the elevator, Cray said,

Expect some of the partners to hit on you.  I assume that is not uncommon and you handle unwanted advances with finesse.  I won't insult you by intervening unless you give me a sign.  I won't be jealous nor need you be.


In other words, women will make a play for you.


It's been known to happen.  I'm not interested.


We're facing our first test,

Angel said.

    He chuckled. 

To the victor belongs the spoils.  I intend to be victorious.


I'm not sure I like being considered the spoils.


A figure of speech, sweetheart.

    Cray spent the first twenty minutes at the party mingling and introducing Angelica to the partners and the associates he knew by name.  The senior partner and founder of the firm in his early seventies approached Angelica, held his arthritic hands up mere inches from her breasts and said,

These gnarled hands still remember how to please a beautiful woman.

    He gave her a lascivious grin and his alcohol-laden breath accosted her as he leaned closer.  She smiled and said,

Mr. Parker if you move your hands one centimeter closer to my breasts, I will be forced to render your hands useless.

    He dropped his hands to his side, pecked her on the cheek and said,

It would be worth the pain to touch a vibrant woman like you again.

  He bowed and moved away from her.

    Cray chuckled. 

Handled like a pro, darling, and you didn't break a sweat.


Cray, darling,

a statuesque, dark-haired, dark-eyed beauty said as she insinuated herself against his body. 

I didn't notice your arrival.


Phyllis, we arrived less than a half hour ago and circulated so I could introduce Angelica to your associates.  Angelica, this is Phyllis, one of the newer partners.


It's nice to meet you, Phyllis, and congratulations on your promotion.  It's wonderful to see women rise to a position of power within a firm.  Tell me, do you make a habit of rubbing your body against another woman's man?


Cray doesn't mind, do you, Cray?  Cray doesn't commit to one woman.  He believes in equal opportunity.

    Cray disentangled himself from her clutches and reached for Angelica, pulling her next to him. 

That's no longer true, Phyllis.  Angelica and I will be married in May.


Since when?

Phyllis said. 

I keep tabs on you and I'd know if you settled on one woman.  The most recent news about you is that you haven't been seeing anyone.


It seems your informants aren't up-to-date,

Angel said. 

We're so in love and can't wait to say our vows before God and the world.

    Phyllis placed her hand on her hip and said,

Is this a joke?  If it is, it isn't funny.  You told me you'd never marry.

    Cray shrugged. 

I changed my mind when I met Angelica.

    Phyllis' face crumbled. 

Cray, I'm in love with you.  We're meant to be together.  I didn't mind waiting because I realized you'd see the truth eventually.


Phyllis, I never gave you cause to think that.


My powers of persuasion are amazing.

    Angelica said in a soft voice. 

Phyllis, you don't want someone who doesn't share the same feelings as you.  You're beautiful.  You'll find someone who loves you as much as you love him.  A man like that is worth the wait.


You don't need to be so Goddamned nice about it,

Phyllis said to Angel, spun on her heel and raced away from them. 















Chapter 8

  Angel faced Cray and said,

Did she accuse me of being too nice?



Mona asked approaching them.



Cray answered.

    Mona faced Angelica, astonishment pasted on her face. 

You treated that creepy crawler nice?  Hell, she's after your man.

    Angel smiled. 

Yes, Mona, she made that quite clear, but I'm the one who has him.  I can afford to be nice.

    Cray laughed and said,

You might want to take a page from Angel's book, Mona.


She won't stop trying to get you Cray.  She'll use stealth and every weapon at her disposal,

Mona said.

    Angelica took Mona's hand and said,

A wise woman once told me that old flames are never a threat if a man has rejected her.  It's the ones he hasn't yet met that can pose a problem.

    Mona laughed and said,

In that case, Angelica, don't allow Cray to leave the city because he's dated all of them, so you're safe.

    Cray laughed and so did Angelica.  She said,

I'll keep that in mind.



Mona said,

that includes White Plains, too, unless there's been an influx of new women since Cray went to school there.


It's time for you to leave,

Cray said,

unless you want me to expose your lurid history, Miss One-Night-Stand.


That won't be necessary and if you're trying to make me feel ashamed or guilty, it ain't gonna' happen.  Toodle-oo.  I'm off to find a bed partner for tonight.

    As Angel and Cray rode the elevator to the lobby, Angel asked,

Is Mona that promiscuous?


No, not really.  She talks a good line and she's had many lovers, but they're few and far between.

    The days leading to Christmas Eve went by in a flash.  Each morning Angelica and Cray woke early, made love and he showered, dressed and went to the office.  Angelica showered and dressed after he left and then took a cab to shop for gifts for his family.  Never meeting any of them except Mona she chose safe gifts, sure to please, not in any way personal.  She searched in out-of-the-way places for Cray's gifts, knowing precisely what she wanted to buy for him, but having trouble locating the items.

    Cray called her the first day he worked and she spent the day shopping.  He said,

Honey, where are you?


I'm in a cab heading to your place.  I should be there in ten minutes.  Are you waiting for me?


No, but I'm in the limo on my way to our place.  Will you meet me outside, please?  I need your help for an errand I'm running.  We should arrive at the same time.

    She entered the limo, slid to his arms and said,

What's this about, honey?


First things first,

he said kissing her with so much passion it left her breathless. 

This is the first of decades of Christmases together.  We need to establish traditions.  You're going to help me choose a live Christmas tree and we'll decorate it together tonight.


Oh, Cray, that's a wonderful idea.  Do you own ornaments?


Yes, my mother insisted when I first bought my condo.  They're new in the box in the storage room.  I never bothered with them before, but this year marks the beginning of a new era and it seems fitting that we start building our future now.

    She leaned against him and spoke in a whisper. 

Will you make love to me in the living room with only the tiny lights to cast a glow?

    They hauled a large tree to his condo and while he set the tree up and dug in the storage room for the decorations, Angelica prepared a light supper for them.  They laughed and kissed and teased and touched throughout the decorating process.  Hand in hand they stepped back to admire their work.  Angel said,

This is the first time since I've been an adult that I truly have the Christmas spirit and it's because of you.  I love you so much.


Those are my sentiments, too, sweetheart.  There's one more promise to keep.  Look what I found in storage.

  He pulled a thick, fluffy comforter from behind a chair, spread it in front of the tree, pulled a few pillows from the sofa and tossed them to the comforter. He smiled at her extending his hand and said,

Join me?

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