StealingThe Bride (3 page)

Read StealingThe Bride Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

the desk she approached an Indonesian man who looked to be in his early
twenties; his jet black hair was short and slicked back away from his face.
When he greeted her with a smile, she began, “Hi, I’m Ms. Gre—”

“Greenwood in suite 1492.”

She eyed him cautiously. Even though she’d planned her trip in haste, she had
taken the time to research about the local environment and safety. Just because
he was working at the hotel didn’t mean he wasn’t one of the men that attempted
to con and “date” single American women. “How did you know that?”

his head in understanding, he said, “It is my job to know our guests. Besides
when you walked by earlier, Utama pointed you out.” He gestured toward a female
attendant who was assisting another person at the end of the counter.

he held up a clipboard. “Also, your picture from your identification is on our
roster, for safety reasons.”

She felt a little ridiculous. She probably showed her ignorance of staying at
such a high-dollar hotel. There had been other establishments just as fine to
stay in, but she decided to splurge on her hotel when she took the trip. She’d
noticed the clientele the hotel catered to moving through the resort and in the
dining room; most of them probably made more in a week than she earned in two

can I be of assistance to you, Ms. Greenwood,” he asked in excellent diction
even though his voice carried a heavy accent.

wanted to sign up for some of the hotel’s complementary activities.” She
reached inside her bag and pulled out her flyer and placed it on the

were you interested in?”

I’d like to either learn how to snorkel or scuba dive. Possibly take a tour
through the cities the next day.”

are no problem.
Whatever day you would like to tour, just
call down to the desk that morning before eight and we will get a guide or add
you to a group.
For the water classes or rentals you will need to speak
with the employees that handle that service.”

Where can I find them?” She folded her flyer and stuffed it back into her tote.

gave her directions to an area located on the far end of the resort on the
beach. She thanked the clerk and followed his instructions to the water sports
cabana. Once outside the hotel the warm breeze of the island caressed the back
of her neck and blew the hem of her sundress around her legs. She would never
get tired of the view of the Gunung Agung in the distance; it was a massively
breathtaking mountain. Glancing out over the ocean she could see that the sun
was beginning to set, it would be nightfall soon.

continued around the outer bungalows, and she hoped to make it to the cabana
and back before it got dark. She wasn’t afraid of being out after the sunset;
the hotel’s paths were well-lit and security patrolled even though it wasn’t a
congested area like other tourist spots in Bali; her reason for picking it. She
didn’t want to be harassed with each step she took by tourist mongers for every
coin in her pocket.

she reached the hut with
panduan untuk
on a sign above it, which translated to “guides for the ocean” or “ocean
guides”. She was disappointed to see it was already closed for the day. She had
thought maybe someone would still be manning it. All the Jet Ski’s were chained
together, and there were boards of various types and sizes inside a locked case
around the outside.

she went to turn around to head back to her room she heard a sound coming from
the other side of the cabana. She moved around the side and saw a light coming
from an open door, the light shined over a pool where scuba tanks sat beside


she called out in Indonesian as she moved closer to the door.

was no answer, but as she stood in the doorway she could see all the colorful
snorkeling masks, wet suits hanging on hooks, still dripping water on the floor,
and other aquatic paraphernalia. Evidently, they had recently returned from the
last class for the day.

heard another noise of something scraping and said, “
Saya membutuhkan bantuan
.” Asking for assistance about capped her
out in the things she could say without pulling out her translation dictionary.
The only things left were “how much does that cost” and “no thank you, I wish
you the best”. The last one she was told was very important to decline local
peoples encroachment or offers of help.

was a loud bang and someone growling, “Shit!”

in, thinking someone might be hurt, she saw a man coming from a closet rubbing
his head. She could see other oxygen tanks inside. He must have been putting
them away. Above the tanks was a beautiful surfboard hanging horizontally from
the ceiling; it was swinging a little and she understood what the man had
cracked his head on.

he moved toward her, he lifted his head and everything inside Leya froze; her
heart, her breathing, and her mind. Her chest felt tight as if her body had forgotten
how to function and she couldn’t think of an intelligent thing to say. The man
standing before her was either an American man or a fair-skinned Indonesian man
with European features; the latter was doubtful. He was a sight to behold. Leya
could not recall the last time she’d seen a man as handsome as the specimen who
stood before her.

in a wet pair of Bermuda shorts with a dry T-shirt pulling against the broad
width of his shoulders, his shoulder-length brown hair had highlights that she
was sure came from the sun’s kiss. His calves and arms were thick, muscular
with a deep tan, the evidence of a man accustomed to physical labor.

most striking part of him was the steelly gray-blue eyes that captured her and
seemed to stare into her soul. The way they darkened, and the corners crinkled
she would’ve sworn he recognized her. However, that was ridiculous; she’d never
met this man before; she would remember.

seen gorgeous men before, but none of them pulsed with hypnotic energy like this
man. Leya slipped her tongue out and licked her lips; she felt thirsty. The
only thought that came to her mind was how she’d enjoy drinking the water from
his body. She’d never liked men with beards before, but something about his
rugged good looks called to her in a primal way. Her chest loosened enough for
her to drag in a strangled breath into her lungs.

air of the cabana was permeated by his scent. He smelled of the sea with the
robust undertones of male sweat. Visions of them, limbs tangled, on the beach made
her body sweat in the evening breeze.

lips were moving, and she was pretty sure he was speaking to her, but her
hearing seemed to be a sense that still had not returned.

sorry; I didn’t understand you.” She lifted her hand and stroked the back of
her neck; her skin felt foreign to her, itchy and tight.

my English that bad?” he asked with perfect enunciation.

American,” she said more out of relief than a question of his origin.

time I checked.” He smiled, just a slight cocking of the left side of his lip,
but enough to make her head spin.

Damn, how could
this man become any more attractive?
A giggle slipped from her lips. Embarrassed, she wanted to reel it back in. She
wasn’t a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl. She was a grown woman who was
independent and strong enough to take a vacation by herself.

I help you with something?”

yes, I wanted to sign up for the scuba diving class for tomorrow.”

an eyebrow, he said, “It’s awfully late to be trying to get into the morning

face felt warm; she was uncomfortable under his intense gaze. “I know. I guess
I’m not really following a clock while I’m here, which is unusual for me
because I’m exceptionally punctual when I’m in the States.”

sorry but tomorrow’s already booked. You really need to sign up early in the
morning for the next day. Most tourists get their names on the list quickly.”
He folded his arms over his chest.

just me.” She gave him a small smile, hoping to flirt a little and get herself
a spot. “I promise not to be a hassle.”

problem is not if there is a spot to put you in. Everyone who is going out
tomorrow had their scuba basics today.” He stepped passed her and grabbed one of
the tanks by the pool.

admired his muscle’s movement beneath his shirt as he lifted the object with

it looked as if tomorrow would be another day of relaxation around the hotel,
not that she minded, but she knew her vacation would not last forever and she
wanted to have a full experience.

anyway, I’ll come back tomorrow.” She turned and walked out of the hut.






told himself not to do it. He repeatedly tried to convince himself that letting
the woman walk away was for the best. Standing in the tank storage room he knew
if he just waited a few minutes she would be back on the path to the resort. He’d
told her the truth about the scuba excursion; now he should just let it go. Let
her go. Maybe when she came back Ardhi would be there and could sign her up for
his class.

Keep your
. It
was too dangerous to be in the woman’s presence. He recalled her from yesterday
morning, the beautiful beach nymph who was stretching in the early morning
light. She had affected him from a distance, but it was nothing compared to the
impact of seeing her up close. At first he’d believed she was a mirage. He’d
been thinking and fantasizing about her at every moment his mind was not
occupied. He frequently caught himself looking along the beach trying to catch
a glimpse of her.

she’d stood before him, the only thing he had wanted to do was pull her in his
arms and see if her full lips were as soft as they looked. How they would move
beneath his. His body demanded to have her svelte form against him and feel the
strength of her toned muscles moving around him. What made it worse was that he
had not missed the hint of interest in her gaze. Most likely she was just
another pampered princess on the make for a vacation fling. Shit, he should let
her go.

as he warned himself, his feet still took the steps needed to get him out of
the shelter and around the corner; he just caught up with her. “Wait, Miss!”

him, she stopped and turned. “Yes?”

what are you doing right now?” Kolby heard himself ask.

She took a step toward him. He
could see the hope on her face, her eyes wide and bright.

can give you the basics now if you have the time.” He shoved his hair back away
from his face. It always took him a while to get used to the extra length and
facial hair.

time is your time.” Her smile was bright and wide, showing off even white teeth
a contrast to her maple skin tone.

“First question.
Can you swim?” Occasionally,
he came across someone who thought that because the tank supplied oxygen while
underwater, swimming was not truly necessary.
The furthest
thing from the truth.

“Since I was seven.”

out air, he said, “Okay, I’ll get everything ready. Do you have a bathing suit
on under your dress?” He took in her long olive green dress that conformed to
her body and flowed down her legs leaving only her toes peeking out in her
sandals. The thin straps left her arms bare and gave a hint at the cleft
between her breasts.

part of him wished she would say no, and he wanted to imagine her lithe body nude
beneath the material. His cock twitched and began expanding at the thought.
Shit, the training will require me to be
near her, touch her. I need to keep myself under control.

sure do.”

me.” He quickly turned away and moved back to the pool area. “Let me put the
other tanks away and then I will help you get into one.”

grabbed two tanks by their straps, one in each hand to take inside.

I need a wet suit?” she asked, sitting on the bench removing her sandals.

suit would be safer. Less of her skin would be revealed. “Not here. Tomorrow
when we venture into the ocean a suit will protect you from things,” he called
behind him.

everything was inside, he brought his tank out with two masks that he tossed to
the edge of the pool, and checked the remaining tank. Knowing the oxygen would
he took it to the air tube and filled it,
checking the gauges and the hose as he did it. Ensuring there was no hissing,
signifying there was a leak and he ensured the low-pressure inflator hose was
connected to the buoyancy control device. Next he thoroughly sanitized the
mouthpiece, dipping and scrubbing it for her use.

the tank he moved back to her. “Have you ever gone diving before, Miss…

Here I am begging for you to
make exception to your rules and I didn’t even tell you my name.” She gave him
a small smile and lowered her lids. One of her legs was crossed over the other
while she removed her second shoe, dropping it to the cement.

problem, Leya. I’m Kolby.” He squatted by the tank, situating the straps for
her body size.

“Nice to meet you, Kolby.”
Her voice was as light as the
wind and as sweet as
, an
Indonesian toffee.

up, he noticed she held her hand out. It would be rude for him not to accept
her gesture. Biting down on the inside of his jaw he tried to fortify himself
against her touch. Slipping his palm along hers, he felt the warmth of her soft
skin. He wondered if the calluses on his own hands offended her. It didn’t
appear so, because her smile broadened.

his hand, he started to explain the various gauges and levers “When you’re
ready, I’ll get this on your back.”

rose and bent over, grabbed the hem of her dress, and then lifted it up along
her body. Kolby could not pull his gaze away from the tantalizing flesh being
revealed inch by inch. Shapely calves became toned thighs, which turned into
rounded hips, and then a narrow waist, and finally small, but pert, breasts.

took every ounce of his strength not to groan at the sexy display of her form
in a gray and black striped strapless one piece. It clung to every curve of her
body. Not wanting to be a complete voyeur he kept himself from staring between
her thighs and making out the plump folds of her sex.

stepped toward him. “What now? Do I just put this on?”

a minute let me explain about all the items on it first and how to do your
BWARF checks.”

She laughed. “That’s a really
bad acronym.”

with her, he said, “I agree. But, it will help you remember about buoyancy,
weights, air, releases, and final.”

to the various instruments on and around the tank, he then made her repeat the
words and the acronym a few times to ensure she understood.

instructed her to turn her back to him. “Scuba diving can be a wonderful
experience, but it needs to be done with your mind always on safety of you and
your buddy.”

I get assigned a buddy in the morning?” She wiggled around situating her body
in the straps and with the pack.

will.” Moving around the front of her, he talked to her again about each item
and its importance and how it operated. Snapping the harness at her waist, he then
slipped his fingers against her skin to adjust the straps.

didn’t miss the warmth of her body beneath the suit or the quick clenching of
her stomach muscles as if she’d sucked in a breath. “I need you to make sure
your body is relaxed so that it fits snug and secure.”

relaxed,” she whispered, her voice slightly shaky.

up, he looked into her face. Now that he was standing this close to her, he
found himself captivated by her mysterious eyes. In the bright light from the
interior of the hut, they were so dark brown they appeared one with her pupils,
an opening to her soul or her heart.

the opening of her heart was not his issue, nor the purpose they were together.

himself, he unsnapped the belt and stepped away from her. “Now, take it off and
put it back on yourself doing the checks like I showed you.”

tilted her head at the roughness of his words.

knew that his tone had come out demanding and harsh, not how he normally would
guide his students, but being around this woman was making him feel off-balance,
outside of himself.

his instructions, she maneuvered the heavy tank off her shoulders and placed it
on the ground, then went through her checks out loud, efficiently. Once that
was done, she squatted before it grabbed the straps, and rose quickly, hoisting
it up onto her back.

rapid movement caused her to stumble forward. Moving out of reflex he caught
her against him. Her body flushed against his, they stood there for long
moments, neither of them moving or breathing.

flexed his hands at her waist, feeling the curve of her hips below his pinky
and ribs with the soft underside of her breasts touching the tip of his thumbs.
They were so close that if her bathing suit didn’t have the twisted fabric at
the top he would be able to feel her nipples against his chest. Having her
against him caused an ample amount of blood to run south, filling his cock.

tall frame allowed his hardening shaft to rest at the juncture of her thighs.

she squeezed the muscles of his biceps and her lids lowered so that she was
focused on his mouth, he took a deep breath and pulled himself together the
best he could. “Be careful, it’s pretty heavy on land.”

it is.” She seemed to regain her own sense of awareness; she bowed her head,
dropped her hands, and stepped back.

forget to secure your belt.” He gestured toward the clasp hanging open.


moved to his tank, snatched his shirt off, and then ran through his checks. He
got his pack on his back and secured. Even though he was the only one that used
his tank, he still adjusted and readjusted the straps. “Never take anything for
granted when it comes to scuba diving. You overlook doing one
step, that
could be the one that caused yourself or your
buddy harm.”

“Got it.”
She looked at the pool. “How
am I going to see what I’m doing in the dark?”

he stepped to the metal box to the side of the pool and reached inside and
flicked the switch, turning on the underwater lights. Moving back to her, he
said, “Let’s get in. I’ll go first and help you down.”

she saw him go down the four steps at the very small shallow end, she asked, “Aren’t
we supposed to fall backward into the water?”

back roll is one method. Since that’s the hardest thing for people to become
comfortable doing, we show the technique out in the ocean. However, we don’t make
everyone use it.” He held his hand out to help her down into the pool.

squealed and clasped his hand tightly as the water moved up her body. “You
could have warned me how cold it was in here.”

I get in and out of this pool so often I don’t pay the temp much attention.”

sure how you can get used to this.”

she let out a slow breath, he asked, “You good now?”

her eyes, she nodded and gave him thumbs up.

things first, let’s talk hand signals for underwater communication.” He pointed
at her thumb. “That means I’m going up.” Executing the okay sign with a finger
and thumb making a circle and his other fingers straight up, he said, “This
means okay.”

“Got it.”
She executed the same

ran through the other signals: stay there, come here, going down, go that way,
which way, watch me, level off, ears won’t clear, something’s wrong, get with
your buddy, hold hands, low air, and danger. Purposely he showed her the
gesture for cold last.

both laughed when she accomplished the sign and added chattering of her teeth.

know what they say?” he asked in a sly manner.

frowned. “What?”

best way to warm up is to get fully wet, quickly.” He didn’t give her a chance
to comprehend his words before he put both his hands at the surface of the
water and splashed her with two large waves.

she screamed and danced around in place as the water dripped from her hair,
down her face soaking the top of her suit.
“Oh my god!
You’re going to pay.”

he took the moment to dunk underneath the water. When he came up he had to duck
back in for cover, Leya was shoving one hand after another across the water in
rapid succession in his direction.

swam toward her, frantically-moving his legs and came up in front of her and
grabbed her hands. He pulled her body into his stilling her assault.

the water making her lashes appear
it gave her
eyes a seductive appearance. If he didn’t watch himself around this woman he
would find himself under her spell.
Or her under him.
Either way it would be risky.

last thing he wanted to do was let her go, but he did. He moved away, grabbed
two face masks, and then gave her one. They donned their mask and floated
toward the deep end then he instructed her to recheck her equipment. After she
did, she gave him the sign for okay.

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