Read StealingThe Bride Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

StealingThe Bride (5 page)

to touch him, she wrestled with the hem of his shirt and reached beneath it to
run her fingers along his skin. Warm, powerful muscles played under her hands
as he continued to pleasure them both.

reached one of his hands around her waist and then used his thumb to brush her
clit as he moved his fingers inside of her causing her sex to clench as her
body began to tremble anew.

that feels good.” She didn’t know if she was referring to his fondling or his
cock slamming into her. And she didn’t care because both were leading to
another glorious orgasm.

time I want you to come with me.” His voice was harsh and strained.

thumb continued to press against her sensitive nub as he pounded them both to
ecstasy. As her body shuddered and spasmed she gripped him, needing something
that would give her purchase on sanity. Being with Kolby would surely cause her
to go insane.

his lips against her neck he came with an animalistic grunt, releasing hot
bursts of air along her skin, the force of his climax just as powerful as her

both stood there panting and sucking in much-needed oxygen. Leya slowly became
aware of the world around her. The sound of the night birds calling to their
mates, the hard press of the door along her back and the warmth of Kolby’s skin
against hers, reminded her where she was. No telling that everyone on her floor
heard her screams of pleasure. She had never had a man cause her to lose
complete awareness, but that’s what this man did.

slipped his hands to her waist, allowing her the support she needed as she
brought her feet back to the floor. Leaning back, he stared at her as he
stepped back, separating their bodies. She gasped at the feel of her tender
muscles losing his hardness.

adjusted his shorts, covering his condom covered cock from her sight then
caressed her cheek.
“How you doin’?”

Real good.

me a sec to clean up.”

bathroom is that way.” She pointed to the other side of the room away from the


two words reminded her that this probably wasn’t Kolby’s first time in these
rooms with a woman. Biting down on the inside of her bottom lip, she shoved away
her thoughts.

may want to find a more comfortable spot for the next round.” He winked at her.

“Got it.”

he strolled to the bathroom, Leya couldn’t help admire the swagger in his walk.
The sway of his hips accompanied by the masculine roll of his back, he exuded

he was out of sight, she collected the towel from the floor and went to the
bed. Pulling the blanket back, she crawled along the large bed and enjoyed the
feel of the cotton sheets so expensive and impressive they felt like silk along
her skin. She was going to miss this bed when she left. In her real life she
could never convince herself to splurge on such a luxury as Egyptian cotton.
However, Bali was a different world.

that’s a beautiful sight.” Hearing Kolby’s voice reminded her of just how
different it was.

over her shoulder, she smiled seeing him where he leaned on the doorjamb. She
couldn’t stop herself from wiggling her ass at him, before she turned and
rested on the fluffy pillows.

against the cool sheets, she turned her head and watched as Kolby emerged fully
from the bathroom carrying his shirt and trunks. Her breath was lodged in her
throat as she stared at every muscle and bulge of his tanned skin. His
semierect cock, bounced against the top of his thick thighs. She shivered at
the memory of his solid shaft inside her, stretching her. The man was fit, lean
and chiseled, evidence that he worked out with nature, not in a gym. “You have
no tan lines.”

to the bed, he reached into the pocket of his shorts then dropped condoms on
the nightstand and tossed his things to the cushioned bench at the foot of the
bed. “What can I say, I like to swim bare some mornings.”

bet your ass looks very appealing gleaming in the sunlight.” She couldn’t
believe how audacious she was acting; this was not her.

you’ll have to
see for yourself one day.” Placing
his hands on the mattress he leaned over her.

and the other tourist will get an eyeful I’m sure.”

steel gaze held hers for a moment, the look intense. “Sorry, but I only swim
like that around my place, special invites only.”

wasn’t sure what he was offering, but she knew she couldn’t allow herself to
take it. One night of hot sex and that was it. She wasn’t going to be one of
those foolish women that got themselves entangled in a vacation romance and fell
for the sexual prowess and lines of an island gigolo.

shall we do now that we’re both naked?” Lifting her hand, she ran it through
the cool length of his hair.


built between her legs at the single word. She thought about grabbing onto
handfuls of his lustrous hair as he buried his face against her sex.

must of picked up on something in her features, because he said, “Not you,
pretty lady. That will come later. But right now I’m starving.”

She laughed. “Sorry.”

you eaten?” He stood up to his full six plus height.

too long before I came looking for the sports cabana.”

you mind if I order something?”

this part of his ploy? Everything she read before coming cautioned her about
men making the single women cover their tabs for food, drinks, and rides around
town. She reminded herself it was only one night and she could afford a meal
for good sex.
No, outstanding sex.
But tomorrow she’d
make it clear that this money ticket was over.

She sat up and pulled her knees against her breasts then wrapped her arms
around them. Her thoughts had made her feel uncomfortable. “A light snack would
be good.”

if reading her mind, Kolby sat beside her on the bed. “At any time you want me
to leave, you say the word, got it?” He slipped his hand into her hair, stroking
his callused fingers along her scalp and pressed her forward until there was
barely an inch of space between their faces. “We’re either both in this fully,
or we’re not and we can end it. I won’t force you into anything.”

didn’t know if it was the strength of his touch or the low timbre of his voice
that drew her and made her want to keep this adventure going. She took a page
from his book and repeated his words from earlier, “I want you.”

leaned in and kissed her until her toes were curling into the expensive sheets.

he finished, they were both more than a little breathless.
how about that food?”


shifted away and picked up the phone then selected the button for the meal
line. “Yes, we’d like an order of the
with rice and peeled
He paused for a moment then said, “No, don’t charge it to the room.”

?” she asked when he hung up the phone.

and see. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

what do you want to do while we wait for the food?” She rested her chin on one

since ravishing you will take a lot longer than the twenty or so minutes we
have, I’ll have to settle on something else.”


there.” He rose and went into the bathroom, then came out with her bottle of

sure of what he planned she watched his progression to the bed.


she complied, he sat down at the end of the bed and pulled her feet in his lap.

not one of those giggly women that can’t stand her feet to be touched are you?”

But she snatched her feet away
and asked, “You’re not planning to suck my toes?”

couldn’t help but laugh at his disgusted look.

“Hell no.”
He frowned.

She lowered her feet down again.

don’t know why men choose to put their mouth on a woman’s feet when there are
other delectable places to taste.” A wolfish smile stretch across his face
revealing his teeth as he danced his fingers up the inside of her thighs making
her squeal and squirm.

up the lotion, he poured some into his palm and then lifting one foot he coated
it with the cold substance and used it to massage her feet.

assuming if you have not tried
before that this is your first trip to Bali.”

right.” She hoped he wasn’t going to use this time to dig into her life.

else have you been?” His thumb worked into her instep.


he repeated as his gaze assessed her. “That’s no way to live.”

job keeps me pretty busy.” Damn, she hadn’t meant to bring up work. But, she
felt a little perturbed that a man who spent his time playing in the water and
with eligible tourist would find fault with her life.

of drilling her on her work, like she thought he would, instead he asked, “What
do you like to do for fun?”

she smiled at him. “Well, when I’m not hanging out with my two best friends I’m
working and occasional go to other states for work.”

are a lot of great places in the States to visit. Where’s your favorite place
you’ve been?”

a finger to her lips she thought about it. “Iowa.”

eyelids stretched wide. “That you don’t hear every day. Most people say places
like California, Florida, or New York.” He poured more lotion in his hand and
began on her other foot.

places are okay, but not many things can beat Okoboji in the spring.” She
couldn’t help thinking back to the week a year ago she’d spent there for a
finance conference. The seminar left time for one down day and she spent it at
the lake. Not a true vacation, but she enjoyed it.

talked for a few moments about other cities and places in the states. Leya was
amazed at how many scenic places Kolby had been to over the years. She’d been
to a lot of similar cities but had only seen the inside of the hotels. She made
a deal with herself that the next time she had to travel that she would start
flying in a day earlier just to take in the culture of different states.

seen a lot. How is it that you’ve managed to travel so many places?” With so
little money, she wanted to add, but didn’t. It was rude to delve into someone’s
finances without them opening that door themselves. As an analyst it was hard
for her not to want to counsel him on saving versus spending, but she held her

can I say? Every chance I get to experience something new and get away from
four walls, I take it.” He slid his hands up her calves. “Not as much as I’d
like to, but as often as I can.”

was a brisk knock on the door and a call out of room service that ended the

pushed herself up then she turned to get out of bed for a robe and money, when
Kolby halted her movements with a hand on her leg.

still. I’ll get it.” Getting up, he went to his shorts and pulled the Velcro
pocket open and removed a few
Indonesian bills, and then went to the door.

door opened away from the bed and she was glad for both their sakes when he
only parted it a little, using the door to shield his lower body as he handed
the money to the person she could not see and took the covered dish.

He thanked them and closed the

he drew closer, she could smell the spices and her stomach growled.

thought you already ate.” He chuckled and sat down on the bed.

guess no one informed my belly.”

I love a woman that has a healthy appetite…for food.”

voice dropped low and her insides turned to jelly.

is a wonderful table on the terrace where we can eat.”

have a better idea.” Instead of telling her, he reclined on the bed, set the
platter on his chest and then patted his thighs. “Come sit.”

thought of being in such blatantly intimate contact with him gave her excited
chills. She didn’t hesitate to climb on top. She also noticed that his cock, which
had been in repose moments before, had thickened.

the lid he handed it to her and she leaned over and placed it on the
nightstand. Once she was settled again she noticed skewers filled with heavily
seasoned chunks of chicken. There was rice with a variety of leafy herbs and
beside that was a bowl of small round pale meat fruit.

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