StealingThe Bride (4 page)

Read StealingThe Bride Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

We will descend. Remember this time isn’t for swimming, just for acclimating
you to the equipment.”

“All right.”

down there, keep your eyes on me as you orientate yourself. Tomorrow you will
locate the boat underwater to the direction we will travel. Now, I just want
you to breathe and relax. The object is to feel ‘weightless’.” He instructed
her to put her regulator in her mouth and how to let out small amounts of air
and finished with showing her how to check the pressure on her inflator so she
could adjust her buoyancy to ascend. Once they were underwater he would be
limited in what he could communicate to her.

he asked.


regulator in, he guided her underwater. Once they were in the deep end he
watched her for any signs of struggling. They practiced the different signals
and directions. She took to diving like a pro as loose strands of her hair
floated around her in the water.

loved being in the water because everything in the world seemed to vanish.
Being below surface with Leya wasn’t any different. However, he wasn’t prepared
for the intensity of his attraction to her amplifying. As her gaze held his,
trusting, waiting for instruction and bright with her excitement, his blood
pumped fast and hot through his veins.

one point, her hair floated in front of her mask and he couldn’t see her eyes.
He’d have to remind her to restrain it tighter for the morning dive. On
instinct he reached out and caught the strands in his fingers. Like silken
threads, they wrapped around his fingers, as if holding him. He rubbed them
between his finger and thumb, feeling the wet tresses. Brushing them back away
from her face, the water inadvertently brought him closer to her.

they were face to face, floating weightlessly and locked in a moment that
belonged to them. In the brightness of the underwater lights, he could see her
eyes darken even as his hand still cupped the back of her head holding the hair
in place.

her desire he nudged her forward gently. Responding instantly, she placed her
hands on his shoulder. Her touch was like a gun going off for a runner.
Snatching his regulator out, he quickly removed hers and sealed their lips
before either of them could exhale as he slowly brought them to the surface.

masks clashed, hindering him from deepening the kiss. Frustrated, he yanked his
away then slipped hers up and over her head, his movements urgent but gentle.
Once he was no longer constrained to a small kiss, he slipped inside her mouth
and groaned at the first taste of her.
Sweet and warm.
It made him imagine how she would taste in other places.

tongue caressed his, flirting with his tip, circling it. Blind, he kicked his
legs, moving them until he felt the flooring of the shallow end brush his toes.
Standing, the surface of the water hovering above their waist he took hold of
her hips and brought her body against him. He captured her tongue and again
marveled at how they fit together so well. Pressing into her, he grounded his
cock against her sex. She gasped and he pulled away and kissed the side of her
mouth, nibbled along her jaw drinking the water from her skin, quenching his
thirst with her.

hands held his head against her as he lowered along her neck. Without removing
the tanks they were limited; it was impossible for him to cup her ass and lay
her beneath him as he buried his cock deep inside her.

to her mouth, he kissed her fiercely, letting her know how much he wanted her.
He didn’t care about any of his rules he set for himself about not getting
involved with the socialites. All he wanted was her.

her breast, he was thrilled to feel her arch into his hand. Their need was on
the same level.

me,” she whispered when their kiss broke.

“Oh yeah.”
Not wanting to give up the
small taste of her, he continued kissing her as he pulled down the top of her
one piece and he cupped her.

Those words shot through his
mind and caused more blood to fill his cock. Leya might have small breasts but
her nipples were large and distended. Caressing them with his thumb, he enjoyed
the little shivers that coursed through her body. They were sensitive.

knowledge undid him. He didn’t realize he moved them again until he heard and
felt the bumping of her tank against the edge of the pool. The night breeze
caressed their skin as he pinched her tip and rolled it between his fingers.

began to whimper and tremble in his arms. Before he could process how
responsive she was to his touch, she cried out in his mouth as her body began
to buck and shake.

Holy shit! She
never known a woman to orgasm from a kiss and having her breast fondled.

lips parted, and she dropped her head to his shoulder as her body let loose small
quakes. He wanted to shove her suit aside and slip inside her pussy, feel her
tight and wet around him.

he said, “You’re amazing, Leya.”



Chapter Four



felt disoriented, as if someone had pulled her too quickly into the depths of
the ocean. Her breasts had always been sensitive but she’d never come that
quickly and definitely not only from a callused touch and a kiss. She did have
to admit that kissing Kolby was not a simple kiss. The man was an oral master.
He did things to her through her mouth that made her body ignite in flames,
better than most of her exes could do to her during sex.

is what she got for focusing on work over the last two years that she was in
such a dry spell of need, the first spark in her direction caused her to go up
in flames. Like a valley in California she found herself consumed by a fire.
Blaze Kolby had ravaged her body.

didn’t know what to say. “Sorry I came,” “I’ve never done that before,”
“Did you feel that earthquake, too?”

probably thought she was a helpless loser that needed a man. She wasn’t a
loser, but she needed and wanted this man.

her chin, he guided her face up. It was weird having their faces in shadows as
the lower part of their bodies were lit up from the pool lights.

more smoky
gray than blue, assessed her. “Are
you all right?”

a weak smile, she felt her lips tremble, still effected from her climax. “I’m
good.” She tried to push away from him.

held her. Not speaking for a moment, his hand flexed at her hip and then he
said, “Leya, I want you. Even if I wanted to pretend that the kiss was a moment
of insanity brought on by having too much water between my ears, it would be a
lie. The only thing my mind can think of is slipping inside of you and fucking you
into the dawn.”

. She didn’t expect him to be
that blunt. However, hearing those words, so raw and bold, made her nipples,
still bare to the night, tighten even more. The ball was in her court. Did she
take him up on his offer or just say thanks for the orgasm and walk away. She
hadn’t come to Bali for a fling and had made sure to keep her gaze away from
the rich men in the resort who tried to approach her. But, Kolby was another
matter. He was irresistible. Not just because he was attractive, but there was
something else about him that drew her. Like a moth to a flame.


No more debating. She wanted this man. She could analyze it all later.

“Your place or mine?”

If she was going to do this, she would keep home-court advantage.

sexy smile started at the corners of his lips and tilted up high on one side. “I
have a few things to take care of here. What room are you in? I’ll meet you

she told him, he stepped back. But not before he reached out and tweaked her
nipple. “You may want to put those away before I’m forced to take them in my
mouth right now.”

She grabbed the top of her suit, rolled brazenly to her waist, and tugged it
up. The job had been easier when it was dry. It took some wiggling and
maneuvering to get it to move up her wet skin and a tank on her back didn’t

Lord, woman, you’re killing me.” His gaze was riveted to her bouncing breast.

my intention.” She laughed as she finally got it in place.

gaze traveled along her body above and below the water. She was surprised that
the water around her didn’t start boiling.

he looked up at her face, he winked at her. The look in his eyes was predatory
to say the least.

took the stairs out of the pool. The pack on her back and her water-logged legs
made her wobbly on her feet. Kolby helped her steady herself by holding her
elbow as she removed her tank.

they both had their equipment off, he said, “Give me twenty minutes.”

you soon.” She swiped up her dress and sandals, deciding she didn’t want to put
them on. Quickly she walked away, before she launched herself at his delicious
body and begged him not to make her wait. It was insane. She was never this
spontaneous when it came to men. Most of the guys she’d slept with had been
during her long-term relationships. A time or two after college she may have
had a one-night stand trying to prove she was a modern woman, but those two
experiences left her with regrets the following mornings so she never did that

Then what are you
doing now?
asked herself as she punched in the pass code to her
suite. Inside her room she stripped out of her suit and hung it on the bathroom
rack as all the doubts she should have been feeling before came flooding in on
her. The luxurious room that normally took her breath away every time she
fell flat on bolstering her emotions.

the mirror she caught a reflection of herself. Her hair was pulled back in her
makeshift knot at the base of her head, but the flyaway strands had dried and
were now wildly arrayed around her face. She groaned. This was not her best
look. Why was Kolby even interested in sleeping with her?

likely it was the lure of bedding a tourist. It was probably something he did
on a nightly basis; find himself in a different woman’s bed. An American beach
bum who taught aquatic lessons to the rich, no responsibility, just taking each
day as it came.

away from the mirror she turned on the multijet shower and got in. There wasn’t
much time before he arrived.

she bathed more worries flowed around her like steam from the shower. She was
glad she’d had the foresight of getting waxed before she left the States,
otherwise she would have been risking life and limb shaving from ankle to navel.
With a quick pass of her razor under her pits, she washed her hair and got out.
Toweling off, she added moisturizer to the wet strands and allowed the natural
waves to hang loose around her shoulders. The hair balm would keep it from
drying out overnight and/or during sex.

what am I doing?” She went to the dresser and didn’t know whether to put on a
nightgown, top and shorts, or a sundress.

had never been a booty call girl and didn’t know what to wear when a man was
coming over for sex. In the past, she and her exes usually had sex after a date
and they promptly went home when it was over. She’d put on a granny-style gown
after they left and that was that.

I shouldn’t do this?” She clutched the towel still around her body and rushed
over to the phone beside the bed and picked it up. Perhaps there was time for
her to call the clerk and have him page Kolby with a message.

Damn it. What
kind of message would I leave?
“Sorry sex is not on the menu tonight,” or maybe “The guest in room 1492 no
longer needs servicing.” She slammed the phone back down. No good.

Before she could figure out how
to call the night off a knock sounded on her door.

doubted it was room service. As she crossed the floor, she took a deep breath
and pulled the door open with the thought of telling him she’d changed her

then there he was in all his fine glory with his hands casually held behind his
back. She never thought that flip-flops, shorts, and a T-shirt were sexy, but
on him he looked just as good as a model stepping off the cover of
—rugged and untamed.

didn’t have to dress on my account.” He gave her another one of his clit-throbbing

She twirled around. “It’s all the rage this year in bathroom apparel. You like?”
When had she learned to flirt?

Very much so.
May I come in?”

She still had the man standing
in the hallway, where anyone could come by and see him. They would quickly know
she was not getting diving instructions here. She was thankful that her room
was at the end of a long hall and her closest neighbor was a good distance
away. She stepped back, and she let him in then closed the door.

didn’t feast his eyes on the opulence of the room; instead he kept his gaze on
her. His intense look made her nipples ache and she recalled his sensuous

“For you.”
He pulled a single white
flower from behind his back.

hadn’t expected him to bring her a gift. After she reached out, she took the
short-stemmed blossom from him. “It’s lovely.”

got it from a friend who works at the resort florist.”

had always been a love of hers. She bought them fresh every day on the way into
work. She held the bud under her nose and inhaled enjoying the robust floral
scent with its musky undertone, more male than female in its notes. It reminded
her of how Kolby smelled.

one of the three national flowers called the
.” He
brushed the back of his fingers along the side of her cheek. “It is said to
describe the beauty of a woman.
A night blooming flower that’s
considered an aphrodisiac.”

husky, low tones of his voice lulled her senses and calmed her doubts. He was
seducing her with words and a light touch. Lifting her gaze to meet his, she
saw the depth of his desire for her clouding the blue of his eyes. She couldn’t
ever recall a man’s desire for her being so ardent.

sexual energy in the room was so volatile it was causing sparks of electricity
to kiss her skin. It made her
to touch herself
all over or better yet, rub her body over Kolby’s.

is your chance to call it off, Leya,” he said, as if reading her earlier
thoughts. “Do you still want this?”

I want you.”

lightning striking, quick and powerful, Kolby closed the gap between them and
snatched her towel from her body then wrapped his arms around her and claimed
her mouth.

pressed herself to him and returned the kiss and buried her hands in his long
strands. His hair, cool as the sea and soft as satin, caressed her skin.

rough hands moved from her waist to her ass, cupping her behind and dragging her
sex against his erection.

felt hard and glorious as she ground her clit into him. But she wanted him
inside of her.

strong fingers moved down the crease of her ass, reached between her thighs and
stroked her sex. He pulled his mouth away. “You’re practically dripping wet.”

flooded her cheeks. He was right, from the moment she’d seen him at the door
her sex had begun to dampen, painting the inside of her thighs with her own


cold press of the door to her back shocked her. She hadn’t even realized they
moved. That’s what he did to her, made her lose track of everything but him.

first ride is going to be hard. Can you take it?” He fished around in the
pocket of his shorts.

you give me, I can handle.” She tossed back.

seconds he had the condom torn open with his teeth, the wrapper flying one way
as he donned the moist sheath over his shaft.

she could get a good look, he had her legs spread wide at his waist and was
pressing the broad tip inside. He worked his length inside of her, deep.

she found herself stretched wide around thick, long steel.

your pussy is hot, wet, and snug. I could stay like this if the need to come
wasn’t so fierce.”

Never before had a man
spoken in such naughty language to her.
She realized it turned her on.

bent his knees and slipped out halfway, then pressed himself back in at a deep
angle that caressed her sweet spot just right. Her toes curled against the

your legs around me and show me those delicious breasts.”

as she was told, she lifted her legs and linked her ankles at the small of his
back then arched toward him.

began to pump his hips as he claimed a breast in his mouth, drawing on her

thrust her hips, riding her sex along his cock as he circled his tongue around
her taunt tip. Switching from one breast to the other he concentrated just as
hard on stimulating her nipples as he did in fucking her. He
thoroughly loving
her. Making everything inside her spin and spiral down
to her core as the pressure built.

he bit down on a sensitive tip, her second orgasm of the night hit her. She
came, screaming and bucking against the door.

baby, that’s it. Keep coming for me.” In and out he thrust inside of her, hard
and fast. His hands gripped her ass, holding her in place as he ground his hips
into her and drew her orgasm out long.

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