Stripped Bounty (15 page)

Read Stripped Bounty Online

Authors: Dorothy F. Shaw

Chapter Twenty-Two

adger stepped outside
into the cool desert air and glanced around. Pulling in a deep breath, he moved a few feet down the sidewalk and planted his back against the brick wall. He tucked a cigarette between his lips and raised his lighter to scorch the tip. Drawing on the filter, he sucked in a deep drag. As he exhaled, Badger caught some movement to his right.

Check that out…
The infamous Alvaro Balzan was approaching the entrance door, complete with two goons trailing a few feet behind him.

“Hey, man.” Badger stepped toward him. Alvaro glanced up as he opened the door and attempted to move inside, but Badger got there before he made it, and pushed it closed again.

“Problem, my friend?”

“Need a word with you.” Badger tilted his head to the side and took in the alleged murderer standing before him. Thick, black hair, slicked back. Dark eyes. Narrow nose. Deep lines marked his forehead and between his brows, making him look a hell of a lot older than his forty-one years. A long scar from the corner of his mouth that arced up his cheek gave away the fact that he hadn’t lived those years easy.

Alvaro looked over his shoulder to his men. “Easy, gentlemen.” He turned back to Badger as he stepped a few feet away from the door, and did his own sizing up before a slow smile spread across his full lips. “What can I help you with? I’m all ears, my friend.”

Badger eyed the bodyguards as he took a final drag of his smoke and flicked it to the ground. “Hear you been in a couple of times asking about one of the girls.”

The man shrugged, an unconcerned expression on his face as he tugged the collar of his jacket higher. “Not seeing that as your concern.”

Alvaro moved toward the door again and Badger put his hand on the man’s chest, stopping him. They were almost the same height, though Badger had him by at least an inch and probably fifty pounds. “My club. My girls. My concern.”

Alvaro looked down at Badger’s hand, then back to his eyes. “May I suggest you take your hand off my body, my friend.” The words Alvaro used may have been polite. The tone, however, was not.

The threat was clear. Any other guy might’ve backed off. Badger wasn’t any other guy and that meant it was time to cut through the niceties and make his point. “Suggest all you like. But I’ll give you one right back. This club?” Badger stepped up to Alvaro. Close enough that their noses almost touched. “This is a no-stupid zone. The way I see it,
are being stupid, Alvaro. So I suggest you take your ass back east where it belongs. The girl? Gone. Guaranteed you won’t find her, either. Cut your losses and move the fuck on.”

Alvaro didn’t move, didn’t break Badger’s stare, either. A few beats passed before he sighed through his nose and finally answered. “I see.”

Badger stepped back. He didn’t have his gun on him, never carried while in the club. If this turned ugly, he’d have to rely on brute force. Not the first time he’d been outnumbered, sure as hell wouldn’t be the last. He could handle it, but he wasn’t about to court it further. “See all you want, just take your boys and do it elsewhere.”

Alvaro brushed down the front of his overcoat and sniffed the air. “You know, my friend. I hear you. I really do.” He sucked his teeth and then pursed his lips. “But I got a little thing I need to discuss with
girl. Until I do that—” he nodded, “—I’m not going any-fucking-where.”

“Do what you gotta do. Bring your best, because you’ll be dealing with me. But you won’t step foot in this club again.”

“You the one hiding her?”

Badger stood stock still, schooling his expression. No way he’d give this douche any opportunity to interpret an answer he wanted to see. Though Badger knew the guy already had his answer.

Alvaro looked away and gave an exaggerated shake of his body. “Brr. Chilly here at night. Didn’t expect that. Deserts are supposed to be hot, aren’t they?” He turned, giving Badger his back.

Again, Badger said nothing but was well aware of the game. Alvaro had a point to make. He’d make it, and when he was done, he’d walk away. In his mind he’d see it as depriving Badger of an opportunity to walk him away. It just so happened, Badger’s ego wasn’t the size of the building, so he didn’t give a fuck how the asshole walked away, just as long as he did and stayed gone.

“Even so, the desert appeals to me still. It’s nice here. Sunsets are beautiful.” Alvaro glanced over his shoulder before he turned and faced Badger once more. “You tell her I want my money.” He reached in his coat pocket.

Badger braced his legs, prepared to charge him. “Don’t you fu—”

Alvaro pulled his hand out, holding a white card between his fore and middle fingers, and extended it to Badger with a sharp chuckle. “Easy, my friend. Just my card.”

Badger contemplated his opponent, and the obviously loyal soldiers behind him. The two guys hadn’t moved a muscle, even when Badger got in their boss’s face. Alvaro might be a grade-A scumbag, but he wasn’t a stupid one. At least not in the traditional sense. He knew what he was doing and he also knew Badger was protecting Rosie. “I’ll take your card, but like I said—”

“Right. I’ll be dealing with you. With pleasure, my friend.” With that, cool as can be, he turned and walked away—his boys following behind him.

Badger flicked the edge of the card as he watched the men make their way down the sidewalk and disappear around the corner into the parking lot. A few minutes later, a black 7-series BMW pulled out of the lot and cruised nice and slowly past the front of the club. Rear window down, Alvaro nodded at Badger before the car sped away.

Badger stared down at the embossed lettering on the card. All it had was the guy’s name and phone number printed on it in bold, black font. He blew out a breath and ran his palm over his beard. Alvaro may not be coming back to the club, but he was nowhere near done with his quest.

Between the news of how long the trial would take, and the exciting face-to-face encounter with the man and crew, Badger needed to get home and have a conversation with his woman. He blew out a breath. Without a doubt the confrontation he’d just had with Alvaro would be the easy part of the night. They might live in the hottest place in the U.S. but telling Rosie she was going to have to stay hidden for another seven months or more was going to be pure hell on earth.

There was also the fact that Badger had been holding out hope that she’d come clean with him about the money. He wanted to believe her, but his gut knew better and wouldn’t stop nagging him. Maybe she finally trusted him enough to tell him the truth? Regardless, confronting her about the money and talking through the rest of the mess was the last thing he wanted to do tonight.

His phone chimed with a text. Badger pulled it out and read the message from Wolf letting him know he’d be late. An idea struck and Badger leaned against the wall and lit another cigarette. He typed a message back to Wolf.

Let’s do it tomorrow night. I need a favor, though.

Wolf Hendricks:
Name it.

I need to borrow your car tonight.

Wolf Hendricks:
No problem.

Badger put his phone away and drew on his smoke. The talk with Rosie was necessary for sure, but it didn’t have to happen that night. He just wanted a little more time, maybe even to pretend for a little longer that they were a normal couple. He couldn’t take her on a regular date, but he could do
for her.

He could take her somewhere, ensuring she was still safe and at the same time give her something they hadn’t yet had together.

A date.

Chapter Twenty-Three

osie paced from the kitchen
, to the den…around the couch and back through the kitchen. She was antsy. Restless. And damn irritable. She’d been cooped up in his place for what felt like months, though it’d only been two weeks. Badger hadn’t allowed her to leave the house, or go to work, or any-fucking-thing. Not even go to the grocery store, for fuck’s sake.

Christmas shopping was completely out of the question—which she thought was totally unfair. Although earlier she’d been online window shopping and through a series of bored searches stumbled on an adult store out of Connecticut. Irony was amusing but Pandora’s Parlour had all sorts of fun items for sale. And when she’d gone into their “kink” section she’d found a few items Badger might want to use on her. At least Rosie thought she might (for sure, definitely, most likely, really)
him to use on her. She’d made a point to bookmark the dotcom to show him later. After finding that, she’d been beyond amped up…needing him.

An orgasm might help. She’d had plenty of those with him, but they weren’t fully taking the edge off anymore. Make no mistake, the sex was good. Like mind-blowingly good. Best of her life, hard and dirty—every night. Sometimes a few times a night, but it wasn’t solving her issue.

Rosie needed to—of all things—dance. Or go workout. Just…something. Back in Waterbury, she’d taken that pole-dancing exercise class. It kept her skills in check, but more than that, it helped her get her constant need to move, expel the ever-present energy within her in a way that not even sex could. Rosie ran her fingers through her hair as energy bounced through her like a ping pong ball, ricocheting through her mind and body. She swore it helped keep her sane. And right now, she was jumpy and felt utterly

He’d called earlier, promising to take her out for a drive just as soon as he got back from Deuce’s. It was already after midnight, but, regardless, what the fuck good would a drive do her? Not much. Rosie twisted her fingers in a knot. But it was better than nothing. She made another round, chewing her nails down to nothing, not like there was much to chew, but whatever. Anything to distract her.

“You ’bout ready?”

Rosie spun to find Badger standing just inside the kitchen doorway. She hadn’t even heard the garage door. Jesus, she was distracted. The noise in her mind drowning out everything else. She dropped her hands to her sides and then clasped them behind her back. “I’ve been ready.”

His gaze roamed up and down her body from head to toe, and back again. “That what you’re wearing?”

“You don’t like it?” Rosie smoothed her hands over her tank top, and stared down at her red, petticoat-style short skirt, to her painted toes in her high-heeled strappy sandals. She guessed she did look a bit like she was dressed for a dance club, but fucking hell, she was bored. Antsy. Restless… Ugh! She just needed to do something!

“Didn’t say that. It’s cold out. Grab a jacket. Let’s go, woman. Move your cute ass.”

Crap. Rosie grabbed her little black jacket from behind the laundry room door and followed Badger out through the garage. She hadn’t thought about it, and hadn’t said anything but hoped like hell they were going out in the truck. The skirt and heels weren’t exactly the best choice for the Harley. When she stepped into the garage, she glanced toward the driveway and— “Oh wow! Whose is that?”

“Borrowed it from Wolf. Figured we’d go up to one of my favorite mountain spots and check out the view.”

Holy wow, this was Wolf’s car? Jeez, that guy had sides to him Rosie was sure she didn’t need to be curious about. Shoving the thought aside, Rosie whistled low, raised both eyebrows, and dipped her chin. “You planning on making out with me in that rockin’-hot car?”

The corner of Badger’s lips quirked in a slight grin. “Woman, as good as you look tonight? I’d say it’s a definite.”

Rosie moved toward the restored to perfection, tricked-out, white convertible. “I may just let you get to first base.” Badger opened the passenger door for her and she slid onto the soft leather seat. She glanced up at him as he closed her in. “Wow! Red interior? I match!” She giggled. “Okay, that just landed you at second base for sure.”

“Damn, what’s it gonna take for me to slide into home?” He chuckled as he walked around the car and slid behind the wheel. “Ready?”

“Yes! And, you keep playing your cards right, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Excitement pulsed through Rosie in time with her heartbeat. He was a rough biker, dominant as hell with her—and not just in bed. But he also had this surprisingly romantic side. Probably why she found his bossy side so appealing even though at times it could be annoying.

When you combined everything that was Badger, it made her heart melt into a pool of decadent swoon—which was almost too much to take. He’d already told her earlier that morning she was his, as in
. Rosie’s insides had turned into complete putty.

She was still trying to sort that gooey mess out inside her brain. In an effort to distract herself, she gazed up at the dark sky. “I assume the top’s staying down, so say bye-bye to the curls I took an hour to get into my hair tonight.”

Badger leaned over, ran his fingers up the back of her scalp and gripped her hair tight. “Curls are hot, baby. But windblown curls’ll be hotter.”

He gave her a quick kiss, delving his tongue into her mouth and making her moan and swoon just a bit more than she already was. Jesus…
he’s killing me.
Badger released her, leaving her breathless, and started the vehicle. Rosie licked her lips as the rumble of the engine and exhaust sent another bolt of excitement though her. The car oozed cool, but so did the man sitting next to her. Okay, enough already. She was starting to annoy herself with all the lash-batting, swoon-filled thoughts. “What kind of car is this?”

Badger looked over his shoulder as he backed out of the driveway. “’Sixty-six GTO. A complete customized restore from top to bottom. Including the interior.”

“I don’t know anything about cars, except that some are beautiful and some are just cars, you know?” She shrugged as she pushed a lock of hair away from her face.

“Wanna know what I think?”

“Of course.” Rosie gathered up her hair, holding it from going wild as they picked up speed getting out of his neighborhood.

“Yeah, sure, the car’s pretty. You in that little skirt, those heels, looking perfect as hell sitting in that red leather seat? Yeah, that makes it beautiful.”

Fucking hell, that was a direct hit! Sheesh. Rosie gasped, but thank God the noise from the wind and the rumble of the car’s engine drowned it out. Someone somewhere should’ve screamed “
!” to give a girl a little warning to take cover.

If Badger was aiming to sweep her off her feet and make her fall in love with him, he was winning. After his declaration that morning, plus the lines he was running on her now, she didn’t have a shot in hell of resisting. With him doing this sort of stuff, saying these kinds of things to her? Rosie would definitely lose the battle of keeping her heart off limits. Though really, why bother trying? “Wow, Badger.”

“Wow what?” He glanced at her before making a left onto the freeway.

She shook her head, but gave him a smile. “Just…wow.”

Yeah, he was doing a number on her heart, body,
mind, and Rosie knew, without a doubt, she was defenseless. She would tumble ass over teakettle for him.

Truth was, she probably already had.

* * *

adger drove as far
up the mountain as he could, and parked in the dirt lot in front of what he considered to be the best view in the valley. However, the scenery sitting next to him was even better. Rosie had been getting damn snippy with him—her drama mama was definitely front and center as of late, but really, he couldn’t blame her.

She liked to read, but how much could a woman read in the span of two weeks. He’d been busy, and as a result had to leave her alone a lot more than he’d intended. Bills had to be paid, his and hers. That meant, even though he’d cut back, he still ran security at Deuce’s so, he had to put time in there, and also had skips to hunt down, too. In his spare time he was putting feelers out trying to find out where Alvaro had set up house.

The guy had been quiet…that was, until the fucker had shown his face earlier at Deuce’s. Badger had hoped, even though it was stupid, that the guy had headed back to CT. Deep down inside, Badger’s experience knew better. No way in hell a sociopath like that was going to stand trial for murder. Also, no way in hell the dude would swallow the hit to his ego without making someone pay…and that someone was Rosie.

Badger frowned, staring out at the lights of the city.

“Soooo…you’re awfully quiet sitting over there.”

He glanced over at Rosie. Lips drawn in a small smile, her windblown hair framing her face. She looked like an angel. “Sorry. Lot on my mind.” He took her hand in his, raised it to his lips and kissed her fingers.

She glanced away from his gaze and looked toward the skyline. “Sure is a pretty view.”

As it always was with her, Badger couldn’t take his eyes from her. So different. So…everything. Jesus, she’d become so precious to him. “Agreed.”

“Ooh! I love this song.” She smiled and turned up the radio. “Haven’t heard it in forever.”

Badger listened for a moment, as the beat of the music echoed around them. “Who is this? Eminem?”

“Yep. ‘Lose Yourself’ from that movie he did,
Eight Mile
. Remember?” She popped her shoulders in time with the beat.

“Yeah.” He grinned watching her. “I remember.”

“God, I need to dance, Badger. I’m so full of energy.”

Badger turned on the headlights. “Go for it. Get out and dance, baby.”

She laughed, her hypnotizing smile gracing her face. “Yeah? Right here?”

“Right here.” He nodded with a smile. Christ, he smiled all the time now, it seemed. How could he not, especially with the beautiful expression she had on her face at that moment?

“All right.” She turned the music up a little louder. In the next moment, she slipped her heels off before climbing over the center console and straddling his lap.

Badger gazed up at her as she cupped his face in her hands, slanted her head and laid a kiss on him hot and wet enough to make his fucking body light up in flames. After she pulled away from his lips—a devilish little glint in her eyes—she rocked her hips once, then rose up, twisted her body and planted a foot on the doorframe, climbing over the driver’s door and onto the hood of the GTO.

Oh, shit…

Rosie stood on the hood of the car and began to move her body. She rocked her hips from side to side, spun, and slapped her hands down on her fine ass, popping her hips back. She was teasing, tempting…dancing just for him. Badger grabbed the steering wheel and watched, unable to tear his gaze away.

The music built, Eminem’s rap and the hard beat of the song rolled through Badger as he watched his woman move her body in perfect time. Off went the shirt, the chill in the desert air hardening her nipples to tight points. Badger licked his lips, wanting those sweet berries in his mouth more than he wanted to breathe. But no way in hell he was going to move. His woman needed to dance, and Badger needed to watch her. He’d missed this, knew that, but hadn’t realized how much until just that moment.

She wasn’t
a stripper or a pole jockey, as he often called them. Rosie wasn’t
a dancer, either. She was an entertainer—and she was fucking amazing at it.

With her hands cupping her breasts, she pinched her nipples, tugging on them before she spun, rotating her hips. Rosie bent forward and, reaching beneath that little skirt, tugged down her panties. Bent in half as she was, he got a full view of her ass and bare pussy lips, already glistening from her juices.

Clenching his teeth, he let out a groan and ran his palm along the side of his beard. He had no idea what she was going to do next, but his dick was rock hard in his jeans and whenever she got done giving him the show, he’d be fucking her over the same hood she was standing on.

Rosie spun again, facing him. The music built…and she stepped closer to the windshield, rubbing her hands up her inner thighs to her pussy, pulling her skirt up as she stroked her skin. Bending her knees, she rocked her hips side to side as she teased her clit and dipped her fingers inside her tight cunt.

Badger popped the top button on his jeans, reached inside and straightened his cock. She was killing him. His dick throbbed, aching to be inside that sweet heaven she was playing with in front of him.

She moved again, and Badger’s eyes went wide. Rosie gripped the top of the windshield, spread her knees wide, dropped down into a squat and pressed her pussy right against the glass.

Holy fuck!
.” Badger shook his head with a growl. The woman was limber—real fucking limber. The beat hit harder and she thrust her hips up and down in time with it, rubbing her clit against the glass. Not wanting to look away from the gorgeous view of her pussy, Badger forced himself to glance up at her face. Her eyes were locked on him, her bottom lip caught in her teeth. “Goddamn. Show me, baby. Come all over that glass.”

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