Stripped Bounty (17 page)

Read Stripped Bounty Online

Authors: Dorothy F. Shaw

Chapter Twenty-Five

osie heard
Badger call her name just as she finished curling her hair in the bathroom. She’d woken that morning to an empty bed, which was totally normal during the week, but on Sunday? Not so much. She’d texted him a few times and gotten no answer, either. If she wasn’t worried she’d have been pissed. Finally he gave her a call, letting her know he’d been running a few errands and was coming home in the next two hours…with a guest. “I’m in the bathroom. Be out in a minute.”

After setting the curling iron down on the vanity top, she unplugged it. Rosie had no idea who he was bringing over, but she figured it wasn’t Wolf. He’d have said so. She ran her fingers through the bouncy curls and added a light layer of hair spray. One thing was for sure, Arizona had been amazing for her long straight hair. The lack of humidity made it possible to do just about anything to it and have it stay. Discovering she could have curls for days was flipping awesome. One last check of her makeup and she headed out and down the hall.

“Badger?” Rosie peeked into the formal living room and froze.

“Hey, baby.” Badger rushed toward her, a big smile on his face. “Someone I want you to meet.”

Rosie’s eyes went wide as the elderly woman got to her feet with the help of a cane. Rosie swallowed past the large lump that’d lodged in her throat and glanced up at Badger. “Is that…?”

“Yeah.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and turned away from her. “Nana, this is Rosie.” He glanced back at Rosie after taking his grandmother’s hand when she neared them. “Rosie, this is Patricia.”

“Oh my. Drew, she’s beautiful! Just like her pictures, but even better.” Patricia nudged Badger in the ribs with her elbow before extending her hand to Rosie.

Rosie forced the lump back down her throat, because…
Drew? His name was Drew? And, wow, pictures?
Getting her racing thoughts in line, she forced a smile and clasped his grandmother’s palm. “Nice to meet you, Patricia. And thank you. You’re quite beautiful, too.”

“Charming, as well.” She smiled as she slipped her hand from Rosie’s. “Better hold on to this one; she’s a catch.”

Badger laughed. “Duly noted, Nana. I’m going to go put some coffee on. Why don’t you two have a seat and, I don’t know, do that girl thing.”

“What thing is that,
?” Rosie smiled and crossed her arms.

“Talk about me, of course.” He tossed her a grin as he stepped away, chuckling.

Oh Lord. Rosie rolled her eyes and laughed as he made his way out of the room. How interesting was this? Badger, or wait… Drew—yes,
appeared to be a little…giddy? Before that moment, she’d been pretty damn sure such a thing wasn’t possible. Yet Rosie had seen it with her own eyes. Scary badass biker, was also a giddy one. Kind of an oxymoron in her book, but she wouldn’t trade it. She looked back at his grandmother and gestured to the sectional. “So, shall we sit?”

“Yes, but let’s not talk about him. I’d rather hear all about you.” Patricia smiled and resumed her seat on the couch.

And the lump was back in Rosie’s throat as a beat of fear drummed through her. “Maybe I should go check on Badger…he sometimes—”

His grandmother patted the space next to her. “Come on, dear. I don’t bite. At least not right away.” She smiled, her soft eyes smiling, too.

Rosie chewed her thumbnail and took the offered seat. She had no idea what to say to the woman, or what Badger had told Patricia about her. Did she know she was a stripper? Rosie cringed and smoothed her hands down her thighs. Did she know there was a drug dealer on the hunt for Rosie’s head? Good God, she was sweating.

Patricia covered Rosie’s hand with her own, patting it. “He told me you were in some trouble, but he wouldn’t tell me what. I imagine you’re not inclined to share, either, so don’t worry, Rosie, we don’t have to talk about that.”

Relief washed through Rosie like a cool splash of water. At least that took one unsavory topic off the table. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

“He said you moved here recently. Where from?”

“Connecticut. Waterbury. Do you know the area?”

“I’m familiar, yes. Though I haven’t been on that side of the country in a good sixty years at least.”

Rosie’s jaw dropped open, though she tried to stop it. “Sixty years? That’s a really long time.”

“It is, yes. I imagine it’s changed a bit since then.” Patricia giggled.

Good grief, how old was she? On the verge of asking the question—as polite as she could—Rosie remembered that Badger had already told her his nana’s age when they’d decorated the tree a couple of days ago. But seeing her in person, Rosie never would’ve guessed she was eighty-eight. Seventy maybe. Close to the top end of it even, but not on the top end of eighty. Her short hair was colored a chestnut brown, and curled to perfection around her head. She wore lipstick in the sweetest shade of pink, and definitely blush. The woman was put together more than some younger people Rosie knew. “I bet it has. It was probably a lot nicer when you saw it last.”

“Is that where you grew up?”

Rosie shifted on the couch so she could face her and smiled. “Born and raised.”

“Aw, I bet you miss it, dear. Is your family still there?”

Rosie ran her fingers through the ends of her hair. “No, ma’am. It’s just me.” She glanced away from Patricia’s gaze. It wasn’t exactly true that she had no family, but mostly. Even so, guilt bounced around Rosie’s brain like a rubber ball anyway. She looked back at Badger’s Nana. “I have some cousins in New York, my father’s side. But I haven’t had any contact with them in something like thirty years.” Rosie shrugged.

“You’d have been pretty little at that time, right?”

“Around seven.” Rosie chewed on a cuticle as she shrugged.

With brows pulled together in a frown, Patricia let out three tsk’s as she shook her head. “Families can be full of assholes sometimes.”

A laugh burst out of her at what’d just come out of Badger’s grandmother. There was no stopping it. By the time Rosie drew in her first breath, Badger was heading toward them, a big ass grin on his beautiful face. Rosie covered her mouth, trying for all it was worth to stem her fit of giggles, but…no way that was happening.

“She got you, didn’t she?” He bent and kissed Rosie’s cheek.

All Rosie could do was nod as she continued to laugh. Talk about an ice breaker of epic proportions. With every chuckle, the tension just eased right out of her limbs.

“Got her how?” Patricia winked at him.

“Yeah, you know exactly how. So, I got coffee and some fresh cinnamon buns out on the table. Who’s game?”

“Hot dog! Don’t have to tell me twice.” Patricia was up and out of her seat before Rosie even realized it.

Rosie stood and Badger pulled her into his arms as his grandmother made her way toward the kitchen. “Knew she’d like you.”

She stared up at him and smoothed her palm along his beard. “I like her, too. Thanks, honey.” She rose on tiptoe and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

He’d brought her an incredible gift that morning. Given her something special. Seeing that deeply into his life meant a lot to her. Knowing that it was a place he likely hadn’t shared with many, made it all the more significant. It made her feel special. It made her feel wanted and not just someone he was trying to rescue. And that meant the world.

She’d never forget it.

* * *

fter getting
his Nana back to her little assisted living apartment, Badger walked through the kitchen and den, in search of Rosie. He peeked in the living room, and when he didn’t find her there, he turned to head down the hall. He found her just as she was coming out of the bedroom.

“Oh, hey. You’re back.” She smiled and brushed her hair off her shoulder. “You okay?”

Badger nodded as he hooked her around the waist, pulled her to his body and then backed her against the wall. She let out a gasp and stared up at him.

There was nothing to say. Words wouldn’t be enough.

Instead, he let his gaze roam over her face before settling on her lips. Badger had one thing on his mind since spending time with her and the only other woman who’d been important in his life, and that was showing Rosie where she stood in his world. So instead of talking, he just acted.

Badger brushed his lips over hers, once, twice…teasing before finally covering her mouth with his own. The kiss was powerful, fueled by passion. The kind of kiss where neither moved and just stayed locked to each other, savoring the moment as the heat built. He moved his hands to her face, cupping her jaw in his palms, unwilling to let her go.

Their breath quickened, and Rosie moaned and ran her hands up his back. Shifting, he broke the hard press of his lips and delved his tongue inside her mouth. Her sweet taste hit him like a tidal wave and Badger’s knees went weak. Jesus, he was lost to her. At some point she’d become heaven for him and he never wanted to go back.

Badger smoothed his palms down her neck to her shoulders, and lower to her sides. Tugging up her shirt, he skated his hands over her soft skin until he found her hard nipples. She rarely wore a bra, didn’t need one, and he was just fine with that. Breaking from her mouth, he pulled back and gazed down at her as he pinched and tugged on the tight peaks.

Rosie gasped and bit her bottom lip. Badger groaned and tugged a little harder. She let out a little squeak and his dick jerked behind his zipper, growing harder than it already was.


He dropped to his knees and cupped her petite breasts in his palms, massaging them before leaning in and wrapping his lips around one hard berry. Rosie circled her arms around his neck and arched against him. Badger sucked and nibbled her perfect nipple before moving to the other and giving it the same treatment. He couldn’t get enough of this woman. Her scent, her taste, the little sounds she made when he touched her body. Fucking hell, he’d never been so greedy in his life for a woman.

She moaned, gripping his T-shirt, holding him close. She loved her tits played with. Loved it when he pinched, bit and sucked her nipples. Badger gave Rosie what she wanted, and gave it to her hard.

She took it all from him and begged for more.

The unbelievable connection between them in perfect sync. Always. But right then, he wasn’t being as rough as he usually was, and she didn’t seem to mind that, either.

Popping the top button on her jeans and sliding the zipper down, Badger grabbed hold of the sides and peeled the tight denim down her hips. After helping Rosie step out of her pants, Badger pulled the thin strip of her panties to the side and slid two fingers through her folds.

She thrust her hips forward, and with a groan, he drove his fingers into the tight, mouth of her cunt. “Always so wet for me.”

“Mmhmm.” Rosie panted, and grabbed his shoulders harder as she rode his fingers.

Badger leaned forward and licked over her clit and Rosie cried out, jerking against him. “Easy, baby. I got you.” He urged one leg over his shoulder and bent close again. She tilted her pelvis forward and Badger sucked the tight bud between his lips as he worked her channel with his fingers.

Rosie grew wetter, hotter the longer he worked her. Whimpering with each stroke of his tongue and slide of his fingers, her juices dripped down his hand. She’d come for him, like she always did and he’d soak up every second of it. Her grip tightened and Badger sucked harder, driving into her core a little faster.

“Badger! I need…oh God!”

Not wanting to pull his mouth away, he nodded enough so she’d feel it, and kept at her. He wanted it. Needed her orgasm like he needed the air to breathe. Rosie arched, rolling her hips as her orgasm hit, and she gripped his head, grinding her pussy against his mouth. Badger growled, excitement at her pleasure racing through him as his dick throbbed, aching to be inside her.

Easing back as her climax settled, Badger got to his feet and picked Rosie up. He walked them into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. “Now, I need inside you.”

“Yes, honey.” Rosie pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside.

Badger did the same and then shed his jeans. As he opened the night table drawer to retrieve a condom, Rosie moved to the edge of the bed and sucked his cock between her lips. He paused, losing track of what he was doing for a moment as the heat of her wet mouth encompassed his shaft. Staring down at her, he stroked his fingers through her hair and let her take him how she wanted.

After a few moments, she pulled him from her mouth with a smile and stroked his length. “You were dripping. I needed to take care of that.” She held out her hand for the condom. “May I, sir?”

Fucking hell, she was perfect. He bent and stole a quick kiss and handed her the small square. “You may.”

Rosie pulled the latex from the wrapper and sheathed his prick, then bent and licked over his sac, suckling each globe before pulling away with another smile. “All ready.”

A bolt of lust shot down his spine and Badger growled as she moved away from him and lay down on the bed. He climbed between her spread legs and settled on top of her, resting his weight on one forearm. As always, he was overcome by how beautiful she was in his eyes. He could stare at her all day. Hell, he had for months and he still wasn’t done. Badger traced her jawline with his fingertip then trailed it down her chin to her throat and beyond to between her cleavage.

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