Stripped Bounty (24 page)

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Authors: Dorothy F. Shaw

He’d almost died and this is what he wanted to discuss with her? Seriously? “Honey, I did!” He raised an eyebrow at her and cocked his head to the side. Rosie swallowed again. Fuck’s sake. “Okay fine. I started to, sort of. I was going back to Wolf, to help him and get us both out, but then I heard you yell. And I’m sorry, but that yell? Everything I heard in it? I had to come back. I couldn’t…” She bit her bottom lip and glanced away from his stare.

“Eyes to me. Couldn’t what?”

She looked back at him. “I couldn’t let him take you from me, too.”

“Why not?”

Christ, what was this, interrogation hour? “Because!”

Badger growled. “Try again.”

“Fine. Because that motherfucker already took one man from me, I wasn’t about to lose you too.”

“Why not?”

“Are you crazy? What do you mean why not?” Rosie pulled back from him and crossed her arms.

“Why don’t you want to lose me, Rosie?”

Rosie shook her head as tears began to flow again. “Because I love you. Is that what you want to hear?” She swiped at one cheek. “I told you in the letter, but I’ll say it again. I’m in love with you.”

“C’mere, woman.”

Rosie bent close again. “What?”

“Who do you belong to?”

Rosie let out a half-laugh, half-cry and then sniffled. “You.”

“That’s right. And who do I belong to?”

Rosie wiped another tear away. “Me.”

“Good answer, baby.” He pursed his lips. “Now that we’re clear. I need a kiss, but keep it soft.”

Rosie couldn’t help the smile that arched her lips through her tears. Jesus he was a pain in the ass, but he was her pain in the ass. She pressed her lips to his, soft like he’d asked, taking little sips of his tongue. When she broke the kiss, she pulled back only slightly. The movie had stopped playing in her mind, Badger had taken care of that, but the emotions the replay stirred in her were still flooding her system and she let out a small sob. “I was so scared. I was so fucking scared, baby.”

“Yeah, I know you were scared. I was scared, too.” He smoothed a lock of her hair between his finger and thumb. “But you were also a fucking badass!”

Rosie shook her head and smiled again. “Well, what do you expect? My man is a major badass. He deserved nothing less from me.”

He chuckled, but a moment later, sobered, his expression going serious. “So different. So, perfect. My whole world, woman.”

Rosie smiled at him before pressing another kiss to his lips. For their sake, she hoped neither of them were ever in a situation like that again. She wouldn’t change what had happened, but she’d much rather prefer life not be that exciting.

She didn’t need to be a badass, Rosie just needed to be a good woman to her man. And she knew Badger would be good to her, take care of her.

They’d breathe easy…together.


osie knelt
in the grass of the front yard, surveying the flowers she’d planted in the new flowerbed Badger had built for her last weekend. She’d planted three rose bushes, and around them, scattered throughout the bed, a variety of petunias in pink, white, and purple. It was beautiful and a complete contrast to the desert landscapes she’d seen in many other neighborhoods.

The familiar rumble of loud motorcycle pipes reached her ears from down the street. She smiled, knowing it was Badger making his way through the neighborhood—making his way home to her. After getting to her feet and tossing the small spade, plus her garden gloves to the ground, Rosie arched her back to stretch. It’d been nine months since the night with Alvaro and his bodyguards, when all hell broke loose. That night, Badger had undergone surgery to repair the damage Alvaro had done to him with the knife and bullet.

They’d given the money to the local Salvation Army drug and alcohol rehab center. It was the best thing Rosie felt the money should be used for. But after that, their life began. And Rosie and Badger’s relationship went in an entirely new direction. It was September, just about thirteen months since she’d moved to Phoenix from Waterbury. Thirteen months since she’d laid eyes on Drew “Badger” Baxter. The man who would become the love of her life.

Still living together, they’d had nine months of being a real deal, official couple. Nine months of dates, breakfast out on Sunday mornings. Friday night dinners…and shopping, lots of shopping. But more importantly, love. Lots and lots of love—making love too.

Rosie felt her face get warm at the thought of what he’d done to her just the night before. Shifting her hips, she smoothed her palm over one butt cheek, the sting still present. Perfect. She’d loved every minute of it, begging him the whole time for more. The rumble of the pipes on his Harley got louder, drawing her attention and Rosie watched as her man rounded the corner, and rolled up in front of their house. And he’d made it very clear it’d become their house. Rosie smiled again.

After parking in the driveway and dropping the kickstand, he glanced her way, head cocked to the side, chin dipped. And smiled. Cue the swoon and gooey insides…
Just like it had the first time she’d ever laid eyes on the man, that look of his took her breath away.

Badger dismounted the cycle and came her way. “How’s my baby today?”

“Great!” She circled his neck with her arms. “I planted all the petunias. What do you think?”

He glanced over at the flowerbed. “Huh. Looks great, babe. Nice job. Not doing too much though, right?”

“Pssshaw. I’m fine.”

“Mmmhmm.” He slid his hand down to her small, rounding tummy. “Precious cargo in here, woman. Don’t forget that.”

“Like I
forget that. The heartburn alone reminds me daily.” She covered his hand with hers.

He grinned as he bent his head and kissed her. Sweet, yet demanding. Rosie melted against him, loving when he touched her little baby bump. She never thought she’d have kids, never really wanted any…until she found out she was pregnant with Badger’s child. Now she couldn’t ever imagine not having a baby. Their baby.

Rosie moaned into his mouth as she tangled her tongue with his. God, she also loved kissing him. She pretty much loved everything with him. She was living a life she’d never imagined possible. Happy.

Rosie was just plain happy, and breathing easy.

Needing a breath, she broke from his lips—but only because he let her. She gazed up at him with a smile. “Did you have a good day? Catch any bad guys?”

“Not yet. Close though. You ’bout done out here?”

“Yep. I got it all planted. You have perfect timing. You get to clean up the mess.” She laughed.

Taking her hand, he turned and led them to the garage. “Yes, my queen, I shall take care of all of that. Let’s get you off your feet and while I clean up, you decide what you want to feed our baby for dinner.”

“Honey, I’m only four months along, I don’t think our baby cares yet.”

“Oh, she cares.” He glanced back at her, lips curved in a grin and continued into the house.

“She?” Rosie rolled her eyes. “I told you, I’m beyond sure

“You can keep telling yourself that all you want, but I’m having a daughter and she’s gonna be as beautiful and badass as you.”

Rosie sighed. This had been a debate between them from about five minutes after the pregnancy test had come up positive. In truth, she didn’t care what sex the baby was, just as long as it was healthy and had all its fingers and toes. “I guess we’ll find out at the ultrasound next month, then.” She grinned.

“Guess so.” He held the door open for her.

Yep, this was her life. Her man by her side. His child growing inside her belly. A happy home to raise their child in, together. The perfect life, perfectly fit for a queen, and her king.

Badger was hers, and she was his. And their life was so much more than she could’ve ever dreamed of, but everything she’d ever wanted.

He was her everything.

Body, heart and soul.

Forever and always.

About the Author

orothy F. Shaw
lives in Arizona, where the weather is hot and the sunsets are always beautiful. She spends her days in the corporate world and her nights with her Mac on her lap. Between her ever-open heart, her bright red hair and her many colorful tattoos, she truly lives and loves in Technicolor!

Contact Dorothy:
[email protected]



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Look for these titles by Dorothy F. Shaw

By Dorothy F. Shaw & T.D. Hoffman

Unworthy Heart

© 2015 Dorothy F. Shaw

pposites not only attract
, sometimes they spontaneously combust.

he Donnellys
, Book 1

yan Donnelly’s
past relationship may have failed, but he’s determined to make single fatherhood and his career a resounding success. He’s got his eye on the top of the ladder at an L.A. marketing firm when his gaze snags on co-worker Maiya Rossini.

She’s a feisty, witty, tattooed redhead who’s nowhere near his type, but she pushes every one of his hot buttons.

Maiya clawed her way out of her dysfunctional, trailer-park childhood to earn a college degree and establish a promising career. Her future dreams are big, bright and packed with full-throttle fun, but when it comes to matters of the heart and men—especially stuffy corporate types like Ryan—her past slams on the emotional brakes.

In the office and in the bedroom, Maiya and Ryan rub each other in all the right ways. Though Maiya is everything Ryan didn’t know he wanted, he’s got his work cut out for him convincing her she’s worthy of love—or the bright light she’s brought to his life could slip through his fingers.

Contains a lot of graphic, yummy sex. To those prone to lock their bedroom doors, fair warning. In this book, there are no doors, only windows. With no curtains. For those who aren’t afraid to keep their eyes wide open: Enjoy the show!

Chapter One
Unworthy Heart

it a little close aren’t you, Maiya?”

Dammit, she was. Her hair always took forever when she was in Los Angeles. And the last thing she wanted was to look like crap the first time she met Ryan Donnelly face to face.

“Of course, boss. There’s no excitement in actually making it on time.” Maiya stepped out of the elevator and pulled off her sunglasses. “Besides, I’m not in the office all that much these days. It takes time to change out of my work-from-home uniform of hair scrunchies, tank tops and boxer briefs to appropriate business attire.”

“Very true.” Tony tilted his head down, peering at her over the top of his frameless glasses perched on the end of his nose. “Three months is too long for you to not pay a visit.”

She brushed her hair away from her face. Relocating from Las Vegas to Los Angeles eight years ago to start her job with Amaryllis Marketing Firm had been a leap of faith for her, but it’d paid off tenfold. And the man in front of her was a huge part of the reason why. Plus, when she had needed to move back to Vegas to care for her mother, Tony had allowed her to stay on, working remotely from home. He’d earned her respect and loyalty in spades and she couldn’t imagine working for anyone else. “Blame the finance group and their travel budgets. You know I’d rather be out here at least once a month.”

His handsome smile crinkled the corners of his eyes and he ushered her into the conference room. “Also true. Regardless, glad to have you here now.”

Maiya entered and excitement raced through her. “Thanks.” They grabbed a seat along the back row against the windows and she nodded to the familiar faces in attendance around the conference room table. She loved connecting with the people she worked with on a daily basis but rarely saw face to face. A sense of comfort spilled through her, like she’d come home again.

The senior marketing executive, Mr. Mawbry, spoke to the room, and the conference phone in the center of the table. “Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining the monthly project status meeting.”

Notebook and pencil in hand, Maiya scanned her surroundings. Taking a deep breath, her excitement settled and pride took its place. Maiya had done hella good for herself sticking with this company. She’d worked her way up the corporate ladder, rung by rung, and found success.

There were a few new faces in attendance and curiosity pranced through her mind. Did any of them belong to Ryan? They’d only recently started collaborating on a project together. Their conversations, which had started out professional, had begun to slip into the land of flirtation. Dangerous territory, yes, but regardless, Maiya would kill to know what he looked like. She’d checked his Facebook account—in a purely non-stalkerish way—but had come up empty-handed. His page was locked down like Fort Knox. Sad thing was, she had a feeling Ryan resembled a corporate Ken Doll.

Annnd surprise, surprise, Maiya was
like Barbie.

At least meeting him face to face would be the dose of reality necessary to evaporate her physical reaction to him, and focus on work again. She hoped, anyway.

One of the project managers in attendance kicked the group off and reported on their campaign. Maiya checked her notes for any details she might need to report on for her particular project. At the sound of an additional male voice, her head snapped up.
He sounds familiar.

The guy turned and looked at her.

Their eyes locked and a bolt of electricity arced between them. The jolt shot straight to Maiya’s toes.
Hello, Gorgeous and totally not my type
. She drew in a deep breath and let her gaze roam over his short, sandy light-brown hair, high cheekbones and crystal blue-gray eyes. And his lips.

He flashed her a quick smile.

My God, that can’t be Ryan.
Jesus, if that’s him, I’m in a fuckton of trouble.
Maiya broke their stare and returned her focus to her notepad, tapping it with her pencil—a pale attempt to convince herself the guy
was not

A few minutes later, Mr. Mawbry spoke again. “Ryan, could you please report the status of your campaign?”

Maiya searched the unknown faces, desperate to find him among the team, when Mr. Gorgeous started talking. “Oh. Shit,” she muttered.

Ryan glanced at her, a devilish grin adorning his lips.

Double shit.
She couldn’t stop herself from staring while he spoke. Especially at his lips. She really liked his lips. This was
not good. This wasn’t in the plan. It was bad enough his voice got her aching and wet, but…his face. That mouth. Those lips—she could
be attracted to him. Absolutely out of the question.

She had to work with him, for fuck’s sake!

As the Senior Project Manager assigned, Ryan gave his report. Maiya answered the few questions some of the other executives in attendance had. She had to pry her tongue off the roof of her mouth in order to speak, but she’d managed. Maybe the corporate ladder hadn’t paid off as well as she thought.

The group moved on to the next project on the agenda. Still warm and tingling from the intense eye lock with Ryan, Maiya blew out a harsh breath, trying to cool down. After a few more projects were discussed the meeting adjourned. She bent to retrieve her things from the floor by her seat. If she didn’t get some air, and fast, she might spontaneously combust.

A set of long legs entered her line of sight.

Her gaze traveled up his casual khaki pants, over his chest, clad in a pale blue Polo shirt—the color emphasizing the blue in his eyes—and then settled on his lips.
With burning cheeks, she stood and raised her eyes to meet his.

“Maiya Rossini, I assume.” Ryan extended his hand to shake hers. “Nice to finally meet you.”

She placed her palm in his and drank him in. In hopes of playing it cool, she cleared her throat before speaking. “Ryan Donnelly. Yes, it’s nice to meet you too.”

His long fingers curled around her hand and he smiled. Tingles danced up her arm. Being right in front of him now and touching him queued up every hormone in her body.
This is crazy!
She was caught between wanting to run in the other direction or throw herself at him and beg him to drag her somewhere private.

They assessed each other for a moment, saying nothing before she mentally kicked herself in the ass and broke the silence. “My team is having a gathering tonight. You joining us?” With regret, she extricated her hand from his very warm one.

“I’ll have to see if I can make it. What time again?”

“Thinking of blowing off fun team-building time?” She raised her brows. “Six, I believe. Check your calendar. I’m sure you were sent an invite.”

He tilted his head to the side. “I wouldn’t dream of blowing off ‘fun team time’. As if you’d let me get away with doing that anyway.”

“Good to know.” Unable to help herself, she glanced at his lips again. With mammoth effort, she forced her gaze away, took her seat and finished gathering her things.

She was having a hell of a time looking him in the eye, and making small talk wasn’t any easier. Her skin was tight all over and her cheeks were flaming hot. Struck stupid was a damn understatement. Her reaction bothered her.

And he bothered her.

ant more

Click here:
Unworthy Heart

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