Student Body - Taking One for the Team (3 page)

“Yeah, sure, okay

The sound of the crop rang through the room. She hit him across both ass cheeks and as he cried out in pain she said, “By being respectful, you will address me only as Ma’am or Mistress. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do” he yelped and another lash of the crop connected with his ass. “Yes, Mistress!” He practically screamed the response.

She smiled broadly as his training was about to begin. She circled her prey once more and when satisfied that she had his full attention she issued her next command. “Drop the boxers and let me see the damage.” Without a word or hesitation Adam stripped off his underwear and tossed them onto the pile of his other clothing. He stood before her naked and waited. “Oh, that’s not so bad.” she said from behind him. Two bright crimson lash marks shown on his milky ass.

He was tall and muscular just as she suspected. His body was sculpted like a well exercised athlete, the body type she enjoyed most. It would be a pleasure for her to break this young buck. Reaching around from his right side Kelly playfully tapped the riding crop against his exposed balls. He flinched expecting the same pain she had doled out on his back side. She grinned at his reaction.

“So, now we understand each other; you need a passing grade and I have the power to provide such a thing. Is this how you see it Mr. Carlson?” She was again circling his naked body taking in every inch of him.

“Yes, Ma’am.” His response was quick.

The professor went on, “Over the years I have been asked to ‘give’ passing grades to scholarship athletes so that they can go out onto the field or the court and perform heroic acts of sportsmanship. I felt this was an unfair practice to the other students who worked hard for their grades. So now when asked, I feel it is my duty to teach you something even if it’s not English Literature.”

She stopped while facing her new toy and cupped his genitals in her left hand while firmly tapping the crop on the top of his cock with her right. Each tap caused Adam to flinch but he did not attempt to pull away. “Since we understand each other, I will give you what you
as long as you continue to give me what I
.” She brought the crop down harder with the final word and continued. “I have scant time in my schedule for men. Teaching you ignorant ingrates leaves me precious little free time. I see it as a fair trade to get what I want out of the deal. So from this point forward you will be on a twice weekly schedule. You will report to me and beg to earn a passing grade. I will make certain that it does not interfere with your team practices or studies. The better you perform the more likely you will get a higher grade.” She stroked his cock with her left hand and felt him begin to harden. They both knew that he could easily overpower her but she would not allow it to happen. “Are we clear, Mr. Carlson?”

“Yes, Mistress”, was his only response.

“Good”, she smiled and released him. His swelling cock bounced free from her hand. She sensed that he wanted more, and she would give it to him. “Move to the table, bend over and hold on to the edge.” He did as instructed leaving him bent and exposed starring down at his text books. She went on, “You are now my bitch, Mr. Carlson”. She firmly swatted his ass on the word ‘bitch’. “You will hold onto that table until told to do otherwise. Do you understand?” Another swat…

“Yes, Mistress”, he said again.

“You will learn to be obedient and humble, to comply and to serve.” The professor reigned down lash after lash across his bare ass cheeks. “These lessons will be of great value to you as you grow up and work in a civilized society.” She could hear him begin to cry out with each successive slap of the crop. “As you have not learned these lessons up to this point, I will have to give you a crash course in one semester.” His ass was on fire and bright red but he remained bent over and unmoving. With a final crack of the leather crop, she stopped.

stood back and admired her work. She was excited and wetness was soaking her panties. Approaching him from the rear she patted his reddened ass cheeks. Adam moaned at her touch. Her fingers traced down the crack of his ass, between his legs and cupped his heavy balls. He was fully erect and she took it to be a good sign, he would yield to her every whim.

ing him bent over the table she moved to a sofa directly behind her student. She removed her clothes and took a seat on the couch. When she was completely comfortable she instructed Adam. “Stand and turn around.” He complied immediately giving her a full view of his erection. He made no move to conceal his cock; it was hers to do with as she pleased. “Come here and kneel in front of me.” He took his place and his eyes drank her in but he did not touch, he only waited for his next instruction. “Do you know how to please a woman with that smart mouth of yours?”

“I think so”, he said in a trance.

She struck him hard with the crop across his right nipple. He held his breast as he again yelped in both pain and surprise. “Have you forgotten yourself already you little bitch?”

“I’m sorry, Mistress”, his head hung in shame realizing his mistake.

“So, you think you know how to pleasure a woman? The proper way to eat her pussy? We’ll see about that. This will be the start, but I’m certain you have much to learn. Come here and lick me. Don’t use your fingers, only your tongue and lips. Take your time and remember it’s your grade that you’re about to earn”

Adam leaned in and with his hands on the floor in front of him he attempted to earn a passing grade. He was not very experienced and the few girls he’d been with had all been in high school. He didn’t let it stop him. He licked his professor like he’d seen in the porn movies he and his friends watched. He let his tongue drift in between her folds and licked her juices. He continued this way until a sharp smack from the crop interrupted him. He stopped and looked up at his professor.
His face was wet from her arousal.

“Slowly, this isn’t a race. Take your time and be gentle.”

“Yes, Mistress”, he said and went back to work on her glistening pussy. He slowed the strokes of his tongue and moved from top to bottom and back again. She moaned and relaxed deeper into the sofa.

“That’s better”, she cooed and wrapped her hand around the back of his head. She guided him to the areas that gave her the most pleasure. “You’re going to make a good little bitch. Keep this up and you might just pass my class
.” When she could wait no longer Kelly guided her student’s mouth to her clit. “There is the pleasure spot that will take me over the edge. Keep your tongue there and take your time. Aahhh that’s it.” She held him firmly to her forcing his tongue to lap at her swollen clitoris.

As the feelings built inside her she fought the urge to climax. He was good and she didn’t want to rush the sensation. Her head spun thinking of how she would make this football superstar her pussy licking bitch for the semester. She grabbed his head with both hands as her orgasm crested and flowed through her convulsing body.

When the climax ebbed she let go of his head. Adam gasped and pulled away. He had been deprived of his full air flow while being held in place through her orgasm. With a wet face he sat back onto the floor and panted. His cock was standing straight out in front of him rising and falling with his deep breaths.

Breathlessly she smiled down at him and said, “Get your clothes and get out!” She could see shock in his eyes. “Report for you next lesson at 9:30 on Thursday morning. I’ve already checked your schedule. Now get out!”

Knowing there would be a punishment if he argued; Adam collected his clothes and went out the front door not bothering to get dressed. She was looking forward to the remainder of the semester…

Chapter Five


Monday morning after her first class, Kelly returned to her office to see students and grade papers.
It was a normal part of her weekly schedule. Students would drop in and discuss issues they were having with assignments, interpretations of the literature or get caught up with classes they might have missed.

Waiting for her this time was a bouquet of roses with a card. She unlocked her door, collected the flowers and opened the card. It read:

Please accept these as personal thanks for taking an interest in Adam Carlson. My staff and I have seen you work wonders with our student athletes and we sincerely hope for the same improvements with Adam under your tutelage. I look forward to seeing you at the home games.

With thanks,

Coach Norris

Included in the envelope were two tickets to the game. However, they were in the All-Star club, an exclusive climate controlled,
catered, social club reserved for the special donors and busters. The coach’s gratitude was obvious. He needed this kid on the field and he knew that she had the ability to turn young, snot-nosed brats into respectful, well mannered football players. The coach had never questioned her teaching methods but was always exceedingly pleased with her results.

She put the vase of flowers on the window sill and went on to grading papers. It would be a pleasure to watch the game from the All-Star club
and she would have to thank both the coach and Mr. Carlson for their individual roles. Smiling Kelly returned to her day, but throughout began to consider how she would thank her new student project.

Tuesday mornings were always special to Kelly. She had no classes until the afternoon, her morning was open. Coincidentally, Mr. Carlson was also free and she had a standing appointment with him at her home this semester. He arrived exactly at 9:00 and she answered the door in nothing but a short silk robe. “Come in”, she said holding the door open for him.

Once inside, she closed and locked the door. Turning to walk back into the living room, she issued her next command, “Strip!” Adam was out of his clothed in a flash. He made no move from the door way, just stood and waited to be instructed.

She took a position in an overstuffed chair in the living room before calling him. “Come here and kneel.” He moved with the grace of an athlete, swiftly kneeling before her. “Have you discussed these lessons with anyone?”

“No, you told me that was the first rule.” He was proud having remembered and obeyed. She struck him across his bare chest with the tongue of the ridding crop. He had not seen the device and had no idea where she hid it. The result of the discipline was a bright red lash and instant pain causing him to yell out.

She waved the crop at his face like a pointer during a lecture. “Mr. Carlson, I have difficulty with your lack of respect for me. It is the one area in which you need the most improvement. Now we will try again, think before you speak and remember your place, you worthless little bitch!” She placed the tongue of the crop under his chin and lifted him to look her in the eye. “Have you discussed these lessons with anyone?”

He swallowed and quietly said, “No, Ma’am, I have not.”

She pulled the crop free from his chin and sat back in the chair. “No one has asked you about where you stand in my class or if you have started your private lessons?”

“Yes, Mistress, they have asked, bit I refuse to talk about it.” He was now reengaged with his submissive station.

Smiling, Kelly laid the crop across her lap. She no longer needed to hide it. She went on, “Exactly who has asked and what did you say?”

He hesitated making sure that he could respond correctly without receiving another lashing. “Mistress, Coach Norris asked if I had scheduled private tutoring with you. I told him that I had and you were willing to try as long as I completed all the assignments. He made me promise him that I would attend every appointment. He said if he heard from you that I missed a session, that he would personally beat my ass. I’m sorry, Mistress, those were his words.” He bowed his head.

She laughed, “It’s quite alright, Mr. Carlson. I know the coach well and would have expected nothing less from him. He sees real value in the training I provide to young men like yourself. Do you understand your commitment to be here for every lesson?”

“Yes Ma’am, I do.” There was none of the thug persona, he was beginning to transform into a disciplined young man, but there was still much work to be done.

“The coach sent me flowers and tickets
for this week’s game in the All-Star club for taking you on as my special project this semester. He sees promise in you, let’s not disappoint him. What about the other players? What have they asked you about out little sessions?” She asked coolly.

“Well, Mistress, they are all afraid of you. They don’t really ask about the private lessons.” He said in a low voice.

Kelly found his response interesting. She had never heard this before and asked, “Go on, what do they say? Why are they afraid of me?”

He looked up at her, “Mistress, there is a rumor about the private lessons you had with Eddie James.” He paused certain that she would strike him. When she did nothing, he went on. “Even though he’s in the
pro’s now, everybody knows how he acted in high school and college. They say he would fight anybody, even a coach or teacher. The coaches didn’t think he would be drafted because of his attitude. Then you started to teach him privately and all that changed.”

Confused she said, “There has to be more to it than that.”

“Yes, Ma’am, there is.” He cleared his throat. “Shortly after you started working with Eddie, they say the coach saw marks on his back, like he’d been whipped or something. He wouldn’t say what happened or where he got them, but everybody thinks it was you. They say that you beat him when he wouldn’t do his assignments. The coaches didn’t report it because he changed; he made his grades and was producing on the field. He was unstoppable in the last half of the season that year. The rumor is that anyone who has private lessons with you will either change or get beaten like Eddie. The coaches aren’t allowed to hit the players, but if a five foot tall white woman from the English department does it, who’s gonna report it?”

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