Student Body - Taking One for the Team (6 page)

“Well Mistress, I owe most of that to you. Denying the simple daily pleasures of life gave me time to increase my weight training as well as my film studies.
I studied every game film we had with State from this year and last. They haven’t changed their style for several years.” He was calm and more confident around her. His conversational skills were back to an intelligent young man from Connecticut.

“Interesting, what did you learn?” She inquired.

“Mistress, it seemed to me that State uses their linebackers to stop the run only. Once I saw it, there were only the safeties and the cornerbacks to deal with. Both starting cornerbacks have been the fastest guys on the squad for the past two years. It causes them to be lazy when defending because they could always use their speed to break a play. The films showed that they would allow the offensive receivers to get two or three steps on them before trying to cover them. I have about half a second on either of them so once they gave me three steps it was over, I was in the clear.” He was calm but excited. The efforts had paid off and he was ready to learn more.

Kelly was impressed by her students turn around. The maturity and demeanor he was showing was that of a much older man. “So, you see how denying
yourself can lead to greater pleasure?”

“Absolutely, Mistress, without question.” He answered immediately.

She went on, “Have you studied for the A&T game this week?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I’ve pulled all the film but have only made it through half of them. I will have them finished by Friday afternoon.” Again he was at ease with the conversation.

“And what have you gleaned from the films so far?” She was enjoying the conversation and denying herself the pleasure waiting for her.

“Mistress, A&T uses a lot of zone coverage. The defense leaves large gaps in the field. We will need to find those gaps and exploit
them using crossing routes. If they figure it out, we’ll need to change to a few out routes, spread the field and then back again as they go back to zone. I anticipate that they will double team me this week. I’ve told our quarterback to be on the lookout for it. If two guys are on me then somebody else is open for the ball. I’ll know more when I finish reviewing the films.” His natural good looks were increased by his poise and confidence.

She measured him with her eyes, “The coach is very happy with your performance and I must say that the after game press conference was perfect. I watched from the All-Star Club and you gained the attention of many of the guests. Well, done Mr. Carlson. You are learning quickly.” As if it was an afterthought she added, “Now remove your clothes please.

With purpose he stood and disrobed as she did the same. He remained standing and watched as she stretched out on the sofa. When she was comfortable she said, “I have greatly enjoyed the conversation, Mr. Carlson, but I would like you to use that mouth for something a little more physical. If you would please...”

She opened her legs as he knelt between them. Without another word he used all the
talents she had instilled in him to please her. Slowly and gently he licked, kissed and sucked until she was writhing in passion and screaming out. The orgasm flowed through her like an electric current. With expert skill he kept up the attention to her most private parts and as the first climax ebbed, another began to build. She held him to her letting him know that he was bringing her to another peak.

As with the first, the heat in her belly grew. She tried to relax in order to enjoy the sensations longer but her body was having none of it. The expert use of his tongue brought her to the edge and quickly over for her second explosive
orgasm. Another cry escaped her mouth and with closed eyes she let him guide her through the pulsing waves until at last they resided leaving panting and breathless.

When she was able to open her eyes again, the world came back into focus with her servant kneeling
politely on the floor between her legs. He smiled ever so slightly and she assumed he was proud of himself. He had grown tremendously over the last few weeks and she thought he deserved a small amount of pride. He also deserved a bit of a reward. She sat up and said, “Please lie down on the ottoman face up.”

He did as instructed. Although the foot stool was large it was not enough to support his entire body. His arms, legs and head hung from the edges. She stood to look
him over, pleased with his compliance. Kelly turned the stool so that Adam’s body was between the sofa and a heavy overstuffed chair. She handed him two leather restraints with instructions to secure them to his wrists. While he was busy buckling the devices in place, she worked on strapping two more to his ankles.

Once they were both finished, Kelly moved to his head and pulled two black nylon tethers from under the chair. She had tied them to the
chair legs earlier expecting to use them now. With clips that resemble those on a dog leash, she clasped a wrist to each of the tethers. Them from under the sofa she produced two more binding straps and secured his legs in the same fashion. He now looked as if he was stretched out on an old fashioned rack used as a torture device. His hands were extended above his head and his legs were held straight and slightly spread. The ottoman supported the middle of his body pushing his erection skyward.

From a small drawer in the end table she retrieved a small foil package. He recognized it immediately as she held it with her teeth and ripped it open. While rolling on the lubricated latex she spoke to him. “Just as before, Mr. Carlson, you must deny yourself certain pleasures in order to get to the really great rewards. In many cases the reward will be the goal you set to achieve.” She stroked him, “Other times you will be rewarded by others receiving praise, money
or the good favor of people.” She threw her leg over him and squatted down onto his erection. Lowering herself, she sighed and said, “This is once such reward.”

Her previous wetness combined with the condom’s lubrication allowed her to take him fully in one thrust. She sat atop him with her eyes closed enjoying the feeling of him filling her. After a moment she said, “Do you remember the last lesson of denying yourself for a greater reward?”

“Yes, Mistress, I do.” He said through clenched teeth.

She lifted from him and stood beside his outstretched body. She had the riding crop in her right hand. Adam had no idea where she had hid it or how she had retrieved it. His eyes showed that he knew he was bound and restrained with no way to defend himself. Kelly was certain that a small amount of fear drifted through him. She said, “I’m glad you remember.” The cool leather of the
crop’s tongue glided along the underside of his testicles. He flinched but was unable to move further.

“It’s my understanding that you denied yourself last week while studying films and working on strength. Is this correct?” She straddled him again and let the crop rest on his chest while she hovered.

“Yes, Mistress, that’s correct.” He sighed.

“And what was the benefit?” She teased him
by lightly rubbing her wetness on his straining erection.

“We won the game, Mistress.” He said staring into her eyes.

“Correct, Mr. Carlson, You were rewarded.” And on the final word she slid fully onto him once again. He groaned his appreciation. “Now that you understand how it works you will have to deny yourself again for your next reward.” She lifted from him until only the tip remained and then slowly lowered herself to a sitting position. “You deserve a bit of a reward for the effort you put forth last week. I was impressed and so was the coach. But you must please me first or you will be disciplined. I fear that you are not in a position to defend yourself. Unfortunately you will have to do your very best to earn this reward without physical punishment.” She slid up and back down his length again. “Let’s do our best, shall we?”

“Yes, Mistress”, he replied and breathed deeply.

Up and down Kelly moved, slowly and gracefully. It was rare for her to have a man this way and when the time was right she wanted to enjoy every second of it. Her eyes closed and she threw her head back softly moaning with each downward thrust. She felt him growing inside her and said, “How are you doing Mr. Carlson?”

“Getting very close, Mistress. It feels so good.” His voice was close to a whisper, thin and reedy.

She lifted off him, moving to his side. He was panting and trying to control his breathing as well as his release. Playfully she lightly swatted his stiff cock with the flimsy leather tongue of the crop. He twisted and jumped fully expecting more than the light taps she delivered. With another light tap on the testicles, she giggled saying, “As I pointed out, you have no means to defend yourself. Now let’s try again and please concentrate this time.”

Mounting him again she wasted no time in regaining her
rhythm. Up to the tip and down to the hilt over and again she worked him for her pleasure. Adam closed his eyes, controlled his breathing and tried to relax. He clearly understood the punishment waiting for him if he was finished too soon. As the familiar tightening began in her stomach, Kelly discarded the crop letting her hands wander over her bare breasts and into her thick hair. She was on the edge of her own climax and as the electric sensations reached their zenith she screamed, “Now!”

The single command sent Adam into a bucking convulsion. He pulled
at his bindings trying to bury himself as deeply as possible into his mounted instructor. His spasms and forceful writhing sent her spinning into a deep powerful orgasm. The room around them seemed to disappear and their screams of passion filled the remaining void.

When the natural world reappeared, she was still straddled on her student with his member withering inside her. She dismounted on weak legs and unhooked his hands. With her last remaining bit of strength, Kelly slumped on to the sofa exhausted. You can take off those restraints and you are free to go.”

“Yes, Mistress”, was all he could whisper. Adam unbuckled the leather shackles and tossed the used condom in a nearby waste can. He was clearly satisfied by the experience.

As he dressed, Professor Shaw finished the lecture. “I hope that you enjoyed you
r reward.” She smiled but didn’t wait for a response. “You have the attention of some very influential people now. I want to encourage you to stay the course and continue to deny simple pleasures for the greater rewards that are obviously waiting for you. Your performance on and off the field will be followed closely from this point forward. Practice constantly, think before you act and thoughtfully consider before you speak. The season will be over soon and its success is yours for the making, Mr. Carlson.” He was dressed, standing and listening carefully. “You are dismissed. I will see you again after the A&T game. Good luck.”

He gave her a slight bow, “Thank you Mistress.” He paused and then added, “For everything.”

Chapter Eight


Saturday afternoon brought another football game, and thanks to Brenda Cook, another trip to the All-Star Club. Kelly invited Donna Milton to join her and the two women were warmly welcomed by the staff of the club. They knew both women by name and greeted them as soon as they stepped off the elevator. Melissa was in attendance and showed them to their table.

Brenda Cook intercepted them half way through the club. Kelly dismissed Melissa saying they could find their seats. “I am so happy to see you both.” She stood and hugged each of them. “Last week’s game seems to have set the tone for what we expect from the rest of the season. Your young man, Adam Carlson, was the epitome of a gentleman student athlete in the post game interview. It was on local and nation
al news as well as Sports Center. The kid had made a real splash and we are so proud to have him representing our university.”

Walking to the bar as they chatted, Kelly responded. “Well, he is an amazing young man, but I don’t think of him as mine in any fashion.” She lied attempting to cover it with modesty.

As they ordered drinks, Brenda said, “Well Dear, that may be true, but you have Coach Norris, Tom and the rest of the boosters thinking of you as a miracle worker. For years now you have taken the toughest of cases and turned them around, never asking for anything in return and never taking credit. It’s time that all changed. Tom and I have worked behind the scenes to make this the best school in the Big Ten; we’re both alumni as well as all of our children. We want nothing but the best for the school and the kids. It’s not often that someone comes along who is willing to work as hard for the same goals. We feel, when that happens, the person working with us should be duly compensated. We don’t have the ability to increase salaries, so we work with others, many here today to provide extra benefits.”

Like these tickets
, Kelly thought. “Thank you for the kind words and as much as I appreciate it, I want you to know that it’s not necessary. Being an educator is all I ever wanted to be. Being offered a position here was more than I could have dreamed.”

“That’s what I’m talking about, selfless, modesty all for the greater good of the university. I just love it!” Brenda gave Kelly a pat on the hand. The three women stood at the bar and chatted a few more minutes. It interested Kelly that people she didn’t know or had never met would say hello to her by name.

An elderly couple walked past, both nodded and the gentleman said, “It’s a pleasure to see you Professor Shaw.” Several others would step to the bar; order drinks and address her in the same manner. She had become the local celebrity of sorts without knowing it.

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