Student Body - Taking One for the Team (4 page)

Kelly grinned slyly upon hearing this new information. Coach Norris didn’t know about her teaching methods but he was willing to use a rumor to keep his kids in line. She liked knowing that they were a team and as long as everybody got what they wanted, so much the better. “Thank you for the report, Mr. Carlson. With luck, you will be the next one they talk about. I am certain that your commitment and dedication will be evident when we part ways.” She untied her robe and opened it placing one foot on the ottoman and one leg over the arm of the chair. “Now be a good boy and show me what you have learned with respect to using that mouth of yours.”

Adam’s eyes were glassy as he moved to the chair and began slowly with his tongue. He was much more patient and took his time pleasuring his instructor. He listened for her moans and to her breathing trying to make sure he was hitting all the right spots.

“Very nice, you have remembered well.” She breathed heavily and said, “This is the kind of dedication you should make to all things in your life. You should want to be
good at your skills. You have to practice in order to master any skill, just like in football.” Her voice trailed off as his mouth found her pleasure center. “Yes, like that. Agile, gentle and yet patient, that’s very good.” Her eyes were closed as she spoke to him. “You must learn to deny yourself in order to achieve your higher goals. Yes, that’s good, yes, right there.”

His mouth brought her to the edge over and again as she spoke to him. The conversation became a distraction of sorts to keep her from coming. Eventually there was nothing she could do to hold back. His tongue worked her to the edge and then pushed her into the blissful abyss. Kelly moaned and ground herself into his talented mouth. Her body convulsed through the waves of pleasure and instead of holding his head, he held her hips firmly. It was only when he was certain that her climax was complete that he turned her loose. He finished by gently kissing and licking her as her world returned to is normal axis.

Opening her eyes, Kelly found her willing student sitting on the floor between her legs. Looking up at her he seemed to be waiting for feedback on his latest performance. “Well done, Mr. Carlson, very well done indeed.” She smiled down at him and moved to her next lesson. “Please stand and bend over the ottoman.”

He jumped to his feet and leaned over holding securely to the large foot stool. Returning to the role of the Professor, Kelly stood with the crop in hand and circled her naked subject. “The next lesson for today is one of the most important you will learn.” From behind she reached through his spread legs and stroked his shaft and balls. Adam moaned from the sensation. “As I said earlier, it is important for you to learn to deny yourself pleasures in order to achieve goals.” She walked another circle around him letting her hand glide along his ass cheeks and playfully stroking him. “For instance, you give up going out with friends in order to lift weights. Perhaps you refuse to go out on a date so that you can study game films. Giving up a thing of pleasure can lead you to another thing of greater pleasure. Don’t
you agree Mr. Carlson?”

“Yes, Mistress
”, his voice was hushed and distant.

She moved behind him and reached around to lightly stroke his erection. His cock was fully erect and as hard as steel. As she glided up and down his length, Kelly pressed her hips into his ass cheeks. Again he groaned his appreciation. After a few more firm tugs, she leaned on to his back and whispered in his ear, “Don’t move.”

“Yes, Mistress”, he replied.

She stood behind him and asked, “What are you to me, Mr. Carlson

“I am your servant, Mistress.”

“Yes, and what else?” she asked.

“I am your little bitch, Mistress”, he said in a low voice.

She reached around and stroked him again. While her hand moved up and down his length she said, “You see how this works, Mr. Carlson? By admitting that you had a problem you were delivered to me. By giving up your free time, I teach you how to respect and please a woman.” He moaned as she teased him with her hand. She continued, “By openly confessing that you are nothing more than a little bitch whore, I give you some pleasure.” She fondled him faster. She sensed that he was close to his release and stopped abruptly. He whimpered at the loss of her hand on him.

“Yes, I know that you’re ready and if you continue to be a good little bitch you just might get to experience that. But for now, you must learn to deny yourself for the greater reward.” She stood back and swung the crop down across his upturned ass cheeks
. He howled in pain and his legs buckled under him. Still holding the stool he righted himself. Immediately Kelly began to caress his erection, stroking and tugging until he was moaning again. “Are you ready to cum, Mr. Carlson?”

“Yes, Mistress, please.”

She stepped back and gave him another full force swing of the leather crop. Again he let out a scream of pain. Without letting go of the ottoman he squatted trying to ease some of the pain in his burning ass cheeks. “Stand up!” She ordered. He did as he was told to find her hand running the length of his shaft once more. He groaned, the pain and pleasure were becoming one in the same and if he was going to get the pleasure, he had to endure the pain. With just the right amount of pressure she stroked him slowly from the head to the base. His moans filled the room and Kelly began rubbing his reddened cheeks with the tongue of the crop. “Are you close again?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She continued her fondling. “You must learn to deny yourself.” In a flash she drew back and reigned two full swings down onto to him. Holding the foot stool he danced slightly but did not buckle as before. She stroked him to the edge of orgasm again. “Are you ready to cum again, Mr. Carlson?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You must deny yourself.” She chided and continued her hand movement.

“I’m not sure I can, Mistress.” He paused, “I need your help.”

She smiled broadly, stood back and gave him four full slaps from the crop. He waivered less than before, doing his best to stand bent over he took each strike as they were delivered. In a hoarse whisper he said, “Thank you, Mistress.”

She reached under him and began again. He moaned
but she could tell that he was in control of himself. She rubbed his ass cheeks, they were red and slightly swollen with bright stripes from the lashings. Kelly liked seeing this once arrogant football star humbled before her. She alone would bring him to understand the ways of the world. She would enjoy doing it knowing that he would never forget the lessons of his freshman year.

Her hand continued it’s up and down movements, she whispered to him, “Very good, you may let go of the ottoman and stand up.” He released the stool and straightened with her standing next to him. He looked down and watched as she pumped him with her right fist. His eyes were red and bloodshot from struggling through the pain, they were also glassy and filled with want. She asked, “Are you denying yourself?”

“Yes, Mistress, I am.”

“Do you understand why it is important to learn to do so?” She asked sweetly.

“I am learning, Mistress.” His breathing was heavy and deep.

“Is this the longest that you’ve been able to hold out without
cumming?” She asked.

“Yes, Mistress.” He said still controlling his breathing.

“You will get better, I assure you. For now, you’ve done very well, Mr. Carlson. I will allow you to climax now.” She whispered directly into his ear.

His breath caught and his body tensed. She stroked him once more and as the thick white seed shot from him he began to tremble violently. She continued milking him until his shaking became uncontrollable and he fell to the ground in a heap. The young man lay on the floor groaning and twitching with pleasure. His orgasm continued for a few more seconds and streams of creamy fluid coated his chest and the surrounding floor.

Kelly looked down at her handy work. The young man was completely spent. When he rolled his head to look at her she spoke firmly, “I would guess that’s the best orgasm that you’ve ever had in your life.” He moaned what she considered to be an affirmation. “By denying yourself you can achieve great things, Mr. Carlson. I will teach you how to capitalize on this principle. For now it’s up to you.” She tossed him a towel. “Clean up your mess and you may go.”

She sat and watched him mop the discharge from himself and the floor. “You now have a greater knowledge of what it takes to compete in this world. I know it’s not English Literature, but you were unwilling to take that class. Consider what we’ve accomplished here today. I want you to deny yourself pleasures and get in the gym, review films and study the playbook. You have limited opportunities for greatness, Mr. Carlson.” Finished cleaning his personal mess, he gathered his clothes and began to dress. “The game this week is against State. Our university takes great pride in winning this rivalry. I will expect your best performance and will not tolerate failure. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mistress it is.” He said weakly.

“You need only to deny your pleasures and do your best. You are dismissed and I will see you on the field this Saturday. Please don’t disappoint me, Mr. Carlson.” She waved him away.

“I wouldn’t think of it, Mistress.” He went through the door and she thought to herself,
even his use of English is improving.

Chapter Six


Professor Kelly Shaw had two tickets for the most sought after football game on the university’s schedule that year. Without a steady man in her life she decided to invite one of her contemporaries from the Math and Sciences Department. Associate Professor Donna Milton was in her second year with the staff. They had met at one of the many university socials/fund raisers late last school year. The two ladies had similar interests and issues, both were in their first positions out of college, both were single and both struggled with the politics of the Big Ten University system.

When time permitted, Donna and Kelly would have lunch or dinner together. It was much easier than trying to find a man with a schedule as busy as theirs. Besides, the local bars were filled with the kids they instructed and there was nothing glamorous about dating a student.

Kelly offered the opportunity to watch the game from the All-Star club Donna jumped at the chance. They were walking over early even though they had reserved box seating. Lunch and cocktails would be served from noon until an hour past the end of the game. There was no reason to pass on a good meal and free drinks. Donna questioned how the school was permitted to serve alcohol at an NCAA sporting event. “The club is a private social organization which happens to be physically attached to the stadium. It’s a technicality but that how they get around the NCAA rules. Nothing leaves the club and they have a liquor license from the state. I can’ wait to see the inside.” Kelly said.

Donna was surprised, “I thought you had season tickets. Is this your first time in the club?”

“Yes”, she replied. “I have regular tickets but Coach Norris sent these over last week after I took on one of his special students. He’s not such a bad guy and he has a generous nature when it comes to taking care of the kids on the team. Have you met him?”

“I’m afraid so”, Do
nna said. “Last year I had three of his players close to failing one of my classes. Norris comes busting into my office and reads me the riot act about the history of the university, the winning nature of the program and the disgrace I would be if I didn’t get his players up to par with their grades.”

Kelly laughed out loud. “Been there, done that. You just have to know how to handle him.”

“I don’t think I have that particular skill set.” Donna scoffed.

“We can talk about it some other time, but just consider the pressure he’s under as coach of a major university football program.” Kelly grinned thinking back about her first encounter with the coach. “Once you understand the system things go much easier and you still get to teach the kids. It’s just that you may have to modify the lessons sometimes.”

“I’ve heard great things about you and the work you do outside with the student athletes. My first year here they told me about Eddie James. He sounded like a real problem. Did you really save the kid’s career?” Donne was truly interested.

Kelly didn’t want to get into the details of her relationship with Eddie James. “I did what any good educator would do; I took an interest and told him that I wouldn’t allow him to fail. Once he accepted that failure wouldn’t be tolerated, he changed his life, not me.”

“I don’t know. The staff in the Math and Sciences Department talk about you like your some sort of teaching Goddess. They say that you take on all the hardest cases and every time, you turn them around.” Donna insisted. “Even the men in my department are afraid of most of the student athletes. They don’t try to talk to the jocks let alone teach them. The vast majority of the athletic scholarships stay away from math and science. I guess it’s best but I wish I had some of your backbone.”

Kelly smiled and as they reached the stadium she handed the gate security agent their tickets. “Well someday maybe I’ll share my secrets with you. For now let’s get up to the club and enjoy the game.”

They walked the concourse to the elevators which took them up to the exclusive social club. A security guard checked their tickets again before they were permitted to enter the elevator. The doors opened up to a plush surrounding that would have fit into any restaurant in the city. The smell of food hit them as they stepped out and the view of the football field stretched from left to right, a complete panorama of college sports. It was breathtaking at this level.

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