Submission Specialist: A Bad Boy Romance (Still a Bad Boy Book 2) (33 page)

Chapter 32


Months Later

I turned side-on in the mirror and put my hand on my belly.  Anybody else might not have known the difference but, in the last couple of days, I could see it.

Growing inside me was the son or daughter of Jace Barlow.  I was going to be a mommy.

After all the death and destruction I’d witnessed, and even participated in, it was so incredibly uplifting to play a part in the creation of new life.  A lump formed in my throat, and I blinked hard, wafting at my face with one hand.  The last thing I wanted was to streak my make-up with tears.  Not today.

Regaining some measure of control of myself, I pressed two fingers against my lips and transferred the kiss to my stomach.  Instead of crying, I spoke to my unborn child for the first time.

“One time, in a cabin in the woods, I promised your daddy something.  I’m going to promise you the same thing.  I love you, baby.  I’ll kill for you, and I’ll die for you.  Nobody will ever hurt you while I breathe and have the courage to do anything about it.  I love you

A knock on the door made me look up, and my dad poked his head in.

“It’s time, you’re fashionably late.”


I took a deep breath and pulled the veil down over my face, before picking up my bouquet and following my father out the door.  My heart was fluttering and I had to fight back the tears of joy time and time again.

I couldn’t believe it was already my wedding day.  Part of me was still that girl trapped in Woodville, surprised anybody wanted to marry me at all, but this wasn’t just anybody, this was the greatest man I’d ever known.

Jace had hired out The Plaza and spared no expense in preparing the venue for our special day.  Waiting behind those giant wooden doors for the first notes of the song that had made billions of girls sigh dreamily was utterly surreal.

Now, it was my turn.  On the other side of those doors was
aisle.  At the end of the aisle was a tall, handsome, muscular billionaire who was going to promise to love me and forsake all others forever.

Afterwards, we’d celebrate with friends and family, then our limo would drive off into the sunset along streets lined with a biker gang revving their engines.  Officially, they were there to peacefully protest big business.  In reality, Jace had paid a hefty sum and a fulfilled promise for added security along our route.

Our private jet was going to take us somewhere that Jace had kept as a surprise, so I had no idea where my honeymoon was going to be, but the look in his eyes told me that this was one bride who was not going to get much sleep on her wedding night.  I couldn’t wait.


Carry on reading the bonus story about Jace and Kendall’s honeymoon below.  It’s hot as hell and it’s a great set up for ‘Submission Specialist’ (Still a Bad Boy #2).


Bonus Story

Still a Bad Boy #1.5


I may have already been in a private jet a mile over the sparkling ocean, but I still had no idea where I was going for my honeymoon.  My boyf… my
, had been enjoying himself for weeks keeping this a secret from me.

The pilot’s voice came over the intercom, advising us that it was safe to remove our seatbelts.  I did so immediately, getting the drop on Jace, and moved into his lap.

As far as I was concerned, my wedding dress was the perfect mix of sexy and classy.  It wasn’t all puffy and elaborate, which was why I’d been able to dance the afternoon away without getting changed and even boarded the jet bound for who-knew-where still wearing it.

Soon, I’d get changed into something a little more practical, but it was such a shame that I could only wear this beautiful dress once.  In the meantime though, I was enjoying the way Jace was devouring me with his eyes.

“OK, game over,
where are we going?
” I asked.

I wiggled my ass a little, pretending to get into a more comfortable position, but in reality just teasing myself with the knowledge that only a few flimsy layers of clothing were between me and the most glorious cock in the world.  Since getting pregnant, I’d been
when it came to sex and not being with my tattooed lover the previous night I’d nearly gone crazy with missing him, mind, body and soul.

“You’ll see when we land,” he said.


I bit my bottom lip and rubbed my ass against him again in the most persuasive way I possibly could.  I may have been an eighteen year old virgin when we met, but he gave me a crash course in how to satisfy him and I wasn’t above using that knowledge to pry the information out of the muscular billionaire.

Of course, Jace wasn’t born yesterday and that smirk he was wearing told me he knew exactly what I was up to.  He might or might not tell me where we were going, but he was as eager as I was to get the honeymoon started.

“Well, well.  What’s in it for me?” he asked.

“Anything you want.” I smiled.

“Mmmm.  Good girl.”

A shiver of pleasure went down my spine.  Nothing in the world, real or imagined, had ever turned me on as much as knowing that Jace thought I was the most fuckable woman he’d ever seen.

Lots of women might live under the assumption that their men would kill or die for them.  I didn’t have to, I
he would.

Hearing him say things like that, the
he said them, was like pressing a button in my brain that released a potent aphrodisiac.  If he teased me and made me wait until we arrived at wherever the honeymoon suite was, I might go certifiably crazy.

I had to make sure
didn’t happen so I slowly slid off his lap, never taking my eyes off his until I was kneeling between his legs and I glanced down to unbuckle his seat belt.  Jace parted his legs a bit, letting me shuffle good and close as I gently ran my hands up the inside of his thighs.

When I felt the bulge of that incredible cock under my hand, I closed my eyes and licked my lips.  Memories of the last time I’d seen it flashed through my mind, driving me wild with lust.

Before he got so hard that I’d have to take his pants completely off, I unzipped him and reached inside.  As I wriggled my fingers through the gap at the front of his boxers I could feel his body heat all around my hand, even more so when I gripped that rapidly thickening shaft and pulled it out into view.

My breath caught at the sight of it.  Of course, by now, I’d seen it several times a day almost every day, but it was still a work of art that was more than OK.  The gold band around my ring finger was a new element as well, adding that emotional power of our marriage, our commitment and love, into the mix.

“I think I wanna
that pretty little face of yours, Mrs. Barlow,” said Jace.

My stomach fluttered in response.  For a second I thought I might have just felt the first movement of our baby in my belly, but it was far too early for that.  I wasn’t sure if I would ever get used to being called Mrs. Barlow.

“Yes, sir,” I purred.

Jace’s manhood twitched at that, and I smiled as I lowered my mouth towards it.  The instant the tip of my tongue touched the head of his cock, a spark of pleasure between my legs made me gasp.

I moaned right on him and shivered deliciously as I took the end of his hardening rod past my lips.  Jace let out a sound somewhere between a growl and a sigh of satisfaction, reaching down to take both of my wrists, holding them behind my back with one hand so I had to do everything with my mouth.

The thick tip of his cock swelled as I ran my tongue all around it, never taking my eyes off his face and taking my cues from his reactions.  Less than a year ago I had never even seen a man naked in real life, it still felt crazy that now I could give so much pleasure to a man like

With every beat of his heart, his cock became more engorged.  I rose with it, bobbing my head up and down now that it was almost at full mast and swirling my tongue on the sensitive underside.

Jace started rocking his hips up to meet the downward movements of my head, beginning to fuck my face just like he said he would.  He
made good on his promises.

It wasn’t long before the inevitable happened and the end of his hard length hit the back of my throat, making my eyes water and blood rush to my face.  I pulled my head back, but Jace reached out and grabbed a firm fistful of hair at the back of my head to force me back down, pressing his stiff length against the back of my throat all the harder.

With my hands still trapped behind my back I had nothing to push with, despite what my instincts were screaming at me to do, and I was completely at his mercy.  He loved to use me like his little fucktoy, and I loved to
used like his little fucktoy, but that didn’t make fighting my gag reflex any easier.

Worse still, with my hands in his vice-like grip behind my back, I couldn’t do anything about my pussy, which was in desperate need for some tender loving attention.  I clamped my thighs together and wiggled my ass, stimulating myself enough that I moaned and the next thing I knew, the pressure on the back of my throat relented a little as a few inches of thick erection slid in, cutting off my air supply.

All day I’d managed to stifle my tears of joy because the last thing I wanted was to undo the magical work that Becky had done on my make-up and have to look back at my wedding album and cringe at the mess I’d made of myself.  Now though, we were behind closed doors and I was Jace’s to use and
as he saw fit.

yeah, you sexy little bitch,” Jace groaned.

I stuck my tongue out, straining to reach his balls.  Another fraction of an inch worth of dick slid into my throat, but I wasn’t there yet.  One day I might be able to take him all, but I still had a lot of practice to get there.

Though my vision was blurry, I could see that Jace didn’t look even the slightest bit disappointed, simply savoring the feel of my throat hugging his thickness.  Just when I thought I might run out of oxygen, my husband let me pull back to gasp for air.

“You like choking on that cock, Kendall?” he asked.

“Yes,” I panted.

Before I could catch my breath completely, my hard-fucking husband forced my head down again pushing his shaft back down my throat with a wet squelching sound.  He let go of my wrists so he could curl that hand around the back of my neck, completely controlling my position so he could fuck my face in earnest.

It wasn’t long before rivulets of saliva were streaming down his cock as the gurgling impacts against the back of my throat almost drowned out the drone of the jet engines in my ears.  My hands were on his thighs, instinctively pushing away no matter how much I wanted to take him deeper.  I could feel those rock-hard muscles flexing and I was no match for his sheer
, and I didn’t
to be.

His cock was every bit as hard as his muscles and his masculine essence filled my world as it ran back and forth over my tongue.  I continued to squeeze my thighs together and wiggle my ass, and I could feel my panties were a sopping mess under the pristine white wedding gown.

My face must have been quite a sight by now too.  I could feel those streaks of tears that had no doubt taken some make-up along for the ride, and by the way Jace was looking at me, he was enjoying the transformation of what looked like a virginal bride into wanton slut.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and grabbed it mid-shaft with the hand that had been curled around the back of my neck, slapping it against my face.  I could feel the cool air on my cheek, my nose, my forehead as he smeared saliva and pre-cum all over.

Another spark of pleasure, bigger than the first, made me gasp in the middle of my dick-slapping.  I was a slave to this cock, and Jace knew it.  He was dominating me with it already, and he’d only just begun.

“You look so fucking sexy sucking my cock, Kendall.  You want me to fuck you now?”

Slap! Slap!


“Beg for it, tell me what you need.”

Fuck me like the plane’s going down!”

Jace pulled me upwards by my hair hard enough that I gasped and almost came for him right there on my knees.  He grabbed me by the throat and squeezed, hard enough to remind me how strong he was, how
, and how my life was literally in his hands

“You looked like a
today, Kendall.  Let’s see what a princess sounds like when she’s getting fucked to within an inch of her life.”

Jace kissed me rough and deep, stealing what little breath I had left, and stood, pulling me up too.  He marched me in front of him, his hand still firmly gripping my hair, across to behind the couch of this luxuriously appointed private jet. 

The back of the sofa was right at hip-height for me, and Jace bent me over it until my forehead was touching the cushion on the other side, presenting my ass for him to do whatever he wanted with me.  I could hardly wait.

“Don’t move.  If you do, I’ll make you pay,” he said in a harsh whisper.

I almost moved just so he
make me pay, but somehow managed to keep myself still as I stayed there in this most vulnerable of positions.  I had no idea what he was doing, but my panties couldn’t take much more of this anticipation.  It wouldn’t be long before I felt a trickle of my own natural lubricants dribbling down the inside of my thigh.  My
, he made me hot for him.

It was only a few seconds later that I felt his presence behind me again with something that bordered on a sixth sense.  His cock was so close to my pussy, and I could
that heat and attraction like a magnetic pull.  It was like we were practically
to fuck.

The next thing I knew, Jace’s hands were on my thighs, pulling up my wedding dress to expose my legs before he flipped the bunched-up material over my back.  I moaned when he cupped my hot sex through my panties, seeing for himself just how wet he’d already made me.

“Damn, you
my little slut, aren’t you?”

“All yours, baby!” I said.

Jace gave me a tiny rub and my panties slid freely against my sex.  I was desperate to feel him inside me, to end my single day of never-ending celibacy and fuck me so hard that afterwards he might have to carry me all the way to the threshold of wherever we were going from the airplane.

His fingers curled around the waistband of my bridal panties and tugged them down.  When I felt his hot breath on my ass cheeks I knew he’d knelt down behind me to get a perfect view of the pussy he’d claimed as his own in every way possible one more time before he claimed it again.

Jace ‘mmmm’d his appreciation.  “Your pussy is fucking
.  You were born to be fucked.”

Even if I had wanted to argue, I wouldn’t have had time before he buried his face between my legs.  I squealed with pleasure as he started lapping up the pussy juices that had already begun to escape now that my panties were out of the way.

His rough stubble touched my sensitive skin all around his furiously lapping tongue and it was difficult to tell which tingles were from that and which were my own body’s reaction to his expert licking.  I grasped at the cushions and shuffled my feet outwards to give him easier access to work his magic on me.

It was lucky I was bent over a couch, otherwise my legs might have buckled under me more than once as Jace licked, sucked and kissed his way in and around my eager pussy.  The heavily-muscled billionaire was a
at teasing me with his tongue and I was so far gone in the throes of lust that I wouldn’t have been surprised if the pilot was frantically searching for a way to turn up the volume on the engines.

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