Surrender To You (12 page)

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Authors: C.S. Janey

“I think everybody in town knew that I was coming to visit you.”

“Visit me? You meant to drag me back here by the hair if you could manage it,” I retorted, even as I smiled.

“Last I checked, you enjoyed having that lovely brown hair pulled on,” he said with a laugh. “Besides, what else is a man to do with the woman he’s meant to be with when she won’t do as she’s bid?”

“Do as I’m bid? Please!” I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn’t see the motion. “Next you’ll say I should be in the kitchen naked, barefoot and pregnant!”

“Nah. You’ll have an apron at least. Can’t have my woman shivering while cooking me some bacon.”

At that, my eyes teared up as uncontrollable laughter took over. Pressing a fist to my lips, I tried to stifle it, although Stefan had joined in. When he pulled into the driveway of the house, I sucked in a deep breath to try and calm down.

Rubbing my face with my hands, I had sufficiently soothed my mirth as he turned on the lights inside the car. Turning toward me, he smiled and I struggled to keep a straight face, lest I burst out laughing once again.

“So, am I allowed to stay the night?”

I knew that would get me, him staying the night. Even though I had told him we could only sleep together before our return, I knew it wouldn’t stop there. But if it was going to be this way, then it would be my way.


He reached over and took my hands in his. My stomach fluttered with anticipation, breathless as he kissed them and lingered, a smile peeking through the serious look on his face.

“And what does it depend on, honey?”

“This is all I can give you right now,” I stated, my own words sobering in contrast to the joking about being his woman. “I-I can’t promise anything else, not even a relationship with you. I’m not sure that will ever happen.”

He nodded. “I understand. It doesn’t mean I can’t try to convince you otherwise though, does it?”

“No,” I whispered, the idea of him trying to persuade me sent a thrill of excitement through me. “No, it doesn’t.”

At my words, he leaned in, bringing one hand up behind my neck to tug my face closer.

Brushing his lips across mine softly, he smiled against my mouth.

“Good, because I’m not sure I could resist trying to sway you in my direction,” he confessed, removing his hand and tucking stray hair behind my ear. “Now, let’s get you inside so we can get some rest.”

And with that, we were out of the car and into the house within minutes.

I wondered if I’d just signed my body over to the one man who would use it to get exactly what he wanted.

Me. My heart. My devotion, once again.

The idea didn’t feel me with as much dread as it had just days before.

A fact that now terrified me all on its own.


Stefan’s body was still wrapped around mine when I awoke the next morning.

Both of us exhausted from the drive, it hadn’t taken long for either of us to undress and pass out after we’d crawled into the bed. He cuddled my body against his, threw his leg over mine and wrapped his arms around my waist.

The last thing I remembered from the previous evening had been his lips gently kissing my neck just before he whispered ‘goodnight, love’ to me.

His breathing still deep and even, I knew I’d have to wake him soon. I didn’t even know what time it was, but my mother expected me to arrive some time today. Taking advantage of the opportunity to explore his form, I slid my hand down his arm, which was bare and silky with a light dusting of dark red hair that matched the hair on his head.

He murmured behind me, pulling me tighter against his body as he snuggled into my back. Chuckling, I wiggled my bottom in response.

“If you don’t stop that, you’ll find yourself adding a moan to that wiggle,” he growled, the remnants of slumber apparent in his words.

“Well, let me up. I need to—-” He moved his body before I could finish my sentence and I dashed off the bed.

Returning a few minutes later, he was still lying in the bed on his back, the blanket barely covering his naked bottom half. Walking over to the bed, I bent until our faces nearly touched.

“Time to get up, princess,” I said with a laugh.

He’d always hated when I called him that. When he didn’t respond, I poked him in the abdomen.

In a flash, he grabbed me by the waist and yanked my body on top of his so I was lying the length of him.

“Hey!” I struggled to get free, only to have his hands tighten as he stiffened. “Let me go!”

He opened his eyes slowly, a cocky grin on his face. “You called me ‘princess’ - that can’t go unpunished.”

Uh oh.

“No! No! I’m sorry!” I continued fighting, even though I knew it to be fruitless.

I knew what was coming. He had never liked when I called him that, yet I’d still do it on purpose. Just as I had moments ago. I’d asked for him and damned if I wasn’t going to relish it. I buried my face in his chest, biting back a smile so he wouldn’t know how much I planned to enjoy this.

His left arm pinned my upper body to his. He lifted his right hand and brought it down on my ass.

I howled even as my heart sped up, the sting of his hand sending tendrils of pleasure through that region. Still squirming to get free, he wrapped his right leg around the bottom of my legs to keep me stationary before bringing his hand down again and again.

Then, he was rubbing the area soothingly with his hand, grinding against me.

“I’ve wanted to do that since I first saw you in the airport,” he stated, his own voice thick with desire. “You’ve no idea.”

I did though. My body practically hummed with excitement, his words making my stomach tighten with an answering lust
. I’d practically been begging for it since the moment I’d opened my mouth; begging for him to do what he’d always done, what he’d invariably been able to do to me.

Rocking against him, I pushed against his chest and he moved his arm, letting me sit up.

Reaching down, I grabbed him in my hand. His eyes closed on a moan even as his hands grabbed my hips, squeezing. Lifting up slightly, I put him in place, slowly sliding down. I heard him gritting his teeth, the grip on my hips almost painful in his attempts to let me have control. I moaned at the exquisite bliss, the sensations making me tingle all over as our bodies met fully.

Stefan brought a hand down to me and played as I lifted up again. Hanging at the edge, I teased him by rotating my hips. Groaning, he surged up even as he pulled my hips down, burying himself to the hilt. My turn to gasp and moan then. Before I can lift again, he sits up and rolls me over onto my back.

“Wrap your legs around me, honey,” he instructed with an urgency I shared.

Doing as he said, he brought his mouth down to mine, forcing my lips open with a thrust of his tongue. Kissing him back, I savored every bit of the moment, alternating between caresses to his back and the dig of my nails into it. His lovemaking had slowed, making love to my mouth along with the rest of my body as he moved in and out at a leisurely pace.

My breasts were crushed against his chest, the light dusting of hair on his teasing my nipples and making them harden, the sensation bordering on painful. Impatient at his slow pacing, I ripped my lips away and kissed his shoulder before biting it.

He hissed out a breath before laughing. “Problem, honey?”

When I bucked against him, he grabbed my ass with one hand and withdrew before sliding home again, even slower this time.

“Please…” I begged. I couldn’t wait anymore and I didn’t care if I had to plead.

“Please what? What do you want, Ellie?”

“Go faster!”

He grinned even as he stopped moving, the warmth of it echoed in the husky timbre.

“Only if you promise to tell me your secret soon.” Capturing my wide eyes with his triumphant ones, he brought a hand up to cup my cheek. “I know it’s something big, Ellie, and I deserve to know.”

He didn’t say anything else, beginning to move again even as he kept his eyes locked on mine.

Licking my sudden dry lips, I felt tears spring to my eyes. “I’m scared. It’s been so long…”

“It’s okay honey. Whatever it is, I can handle it.”

“You promise?” I wanted to believe him, to trust that he’d understand, but I’d told myself the opposite for so long.

“As long as you promise to tell me, Ellie. I will handle it…
will handle it. Okay?”

I nodded and he took my mouth with his again, giving me exactly what I wanted with a speed that left me breathless.


Dropping Stefan off at home with the promise to ‘have the talk’ later that evening, I drove to the grocery store.

The wonderful thing about small towns is that not much ever really changes. The early hour - seven a.m. - meant that the lack of shoppers made for a nice quiet moment to myself. Soon, I headed home.

Driving past Grace’s place - the same place we had shared all those years ago - I slowed down as the front door opened and a man stepped into it. Not wanting to be too obvious I kept driving even though Grace had never seen this car. I gasped as I recognized who she kissed just as I drove out of their sight.

None other than Stefan’s brother, Evan.

Turning the corner, I parked and picked up my phone, dialing.

“Hello?” Grace answered, her voice breathy.

“Well hi there,” I replied, grinning. “Are you having a nice morning?”

“Oh, hey Elizabeth. I’ve just been relaxing since Lyndsey is with my mother this weekend. How are you?”

“Got back into town last night, went shopping this morning. On my way home, mind if I stop by?”

She was silent for a moment. “Sure, how long?”

“Just a couple minutes. See ya then.”

Grace hung up without replying.

Sitting in my car for a few minutes, I wondered if she was going to tell me about Evan. Did Stefan know? I’d have to ask her.

I drove off and went around the block so I came in from the right direction, just in case she was watching.

Why would I even think such a thing? She had no reason to believe I saw anything. Rolling my eyes at myself, I pulled into her now empty driveway.

She opened the door as I walked up the steps. She’d changed her clothing style - it was definitely more of what I considered mom style with jeans and a t-shirt than the Grace I knew years ago who dressed up on a daily basis, no matter what activity she had planned for the day. The difference shocked me, even though I knew it shouldn’t. People changed, Stefan had said, and obviously it was more true than I wanted to admit.

Smiling at me, she stepped back. “Come on in! It’s so good to see you when it’s not over Skype!”

I walked past her and she shut the door. We hadn’t seen each other in person since I’d left, but her enthusiasm at seeing me seemed a bit forced. At least, I thought so. It had been so long, perhaps I simply remained out of touch with in person body language. Yeah, that had to be it.

“I can’t stay for long since I went shopping,” I replied, making sure my voice didn’t betray the troubles in my mind. “I just wanted to stop in for a few minutes.”

Okay, my intent was nosiness, but I wasn’t going to say that out loud to her.

“Well, do you want a quick cup of tea?”

I nodded, relieved that she seemed oblivious to the tension. “That would be great, thanks.”

We headed to the kitchen and I took a seat while she flitted around preparing the tea.

“So how is Lyndsey?”

She threw me a real smile over her shoulder as she put the electric kettle on. “She’s her usual bubbly self. She’s getting to the age where she has a reply for everything I say. No matter what I say, for that matter.”

“Basically, she’s a little mini you?” I asked, laughing.

“Ha, ha, yeah! She’s definitely got my attitude.”

The silence following it seemed awkward. I didn’t like it. This was the first time since before I left where our friendship seemed that way. Grace still faced away from me and I wondered if anybody knew about her dating Evan. Unable to resist asking, I kept my voice light and cheery as I spoke.

“You seeing anyone? It’s been a long time for you, hasn’t it?”

And for the first time in our friendship, Grace lied to me.

She shrugged. “Nope, I can’t say I am. Been so busy with Lyndsey and focusing on work.”

I didn’t give away that I knew she lied because I wanted to figure out why she’d do such a thing. “Aw, that’s too bad.”

“Not really. I’ve survived this long without a man, surely I don’t need one now right?” She opened up the cupboard and reached in.

“I suppose. I thought the same thing, but I think Stefan and I might work things out,” I answered with a smile, my mouth going dry at the confession. I hadn’t planned to say anything but she was my friend and I wanted to share even though I knew her feelings about him.

I jumped when the mug she was holding hit the counter with a distinct reaction of surprise. Grace whirled around, glaring at me.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Irritated at the reaction, even though I’d expected it, I grinned. “Nope, I’m not! You should just be happy for me.”

She huffed. Huffed! “I’m sorry, but I can’t be. You two aren’t good for each other.”

I titled my head to the side and lifted a brow at her. “That isn’t what you said when he and I were engaged.”

“What I said was wrong,” she snapped back, whirling around to face the counter again. “It was a long time ago, too.”

Her vehemence did shock me then. This went way beyond her just not liking him for leaving me and my chest burned with sudden anger. I could see her hands shaking as she poured the hot water into the mugs. Not wanting her to burn herself, I waited until she finished pouring before I spoke, no longer willing to bite my tongue.

“I saw you, Grace. I saw you kissing Evan because I drove by as he was coming out the door.
If you’re trying to keep it a secret, you failed.”

She froze, her back straightening. When she turned toward me, her face was pale, eyes wide with fear.

What the hell?

“Please don’t tell Stefan,” she pleaded.

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