Take a Bow (The Perfect Plans Series Book 2) (15 page)

Read Take a Bow (The Perfect Plans Series Book 2) Online

Authors: C.J. Wells

Tags: #The Perfect Plans Series #2

I moan, grinding towards his teasing fill, needing more, my body begging without words.

He pulls his thumb out with a devilish snicker, my gaze immediately darting to his knowing simper. “You want me to fuck you, baby?”

“Yes! Please…” I plead, pinching my nipples slightly to assuage the overwhelming ache, closing my eyes against my desperate need. I feel him slide my panties to the side once more, his thrust forceful as he buries himself inside me to the root. “Oh, fuck…Alex!”

“God, Aby”, he groans, leaning down to tantalize my nipple with his tongue. “I love fucking you, baby. You feel so good, so tight, squeezing me, clutching me as though you don’t want to let me go.”

“I don’t ever want to let you go!” I manage through a gasp as he pulls back and fills me once more, my legs wrapping securely around his waist.

Primal in our need for each other, we’re frantic in our touch - tugging, pulling, scratching, and moaning in each other’s arms; the screeching of the seating on the floor beneath us from his deep and heavy thrusts an animalistic auditory aphrodisiac.

He pumps into me repeatedly, deeper and deeper, in long fluid motions. His relentless drives send me careening further and further into sexual abyss, his fingers sliding into the hair at my nape, tugging hard to expose my neck to his devouring lips.

“Fuck, Aby,” he growls, gliding his teeth along my flesh. “Come for me, baby…”

“Ye-es!!” I scream as I fall. My core clenches around him like a vise as I ride the waves of my orgasm before feeling him still above me, groaning in my ear as he fills me.

“Fuck, I love you,” he manages through labored breaths.

“I love you, too,” I reply in my euphoria, momentarily noting that love isn’t a strong enough word.

“FUCKERS!” I CURSE aloud, slamming my laptop closed.
Could the media be any more ridiculous?

I’m not sure what deep-rooted affliction I suffer from, given my incessant need to peruse the Internet in search of any new drivel the media has written about Alex - or
, I should say. Each time I find something I get annoyed, promising myself I’ll never look again, only to go searching the next day.
Yup, it’s an affliction, alright.

It’s amazing what the gossips come up with. According to the bullshit write-ups to date, I’ve been pregnant with Alex’s baby; am Alex’s live-in escort/hooker; and a boat load of other completely ridiculous - and might I say, incredibly uncreative - fabrications of the media’s imagination.
Whatever sells magazine I guess

I’m not sure why I bother looking. Again, it’s an affliction. I simply can’t help myself. It’s almost addictive. Particularly when I’m bored out of my skull, as I am at the moment. I love my freelance work with Thomas, but it doesn’t take up much of my time - an hour or two a day, maximum. With Alex constantly filming, it leaves me with a
of free time - free time to surf the net and aimlessly pad around the beach house looking for something to entertain myself with.

I’m the type to clean when I’m bored, yet I can’t even do that. Alex insists that we have a cleaner. A cleaner! Maria comes every two days and now avoids me like the plague - my absolute boredom resulting in my following her around, chatting, and trying to help, clearly getting to her after the first week. Unless she really can’t speak English as she initially pointed out.
. I honestly thought she was pulling my leg.

It’s not like I can hop in my car and go for a jaunt around L.A. - as much as I’d love to. Sadly, I have no car. Not that I necessarily need one. I
hop in a cab and boot somewhere for the day, but I’m simply uninspired to take that measure. This beach-like atmosphere day in and day out has me stuck in perpetual vacation mode. It’s funny, I always thought that permanently living on a beach, living the life of luxury, not having to work full-time, if at all, would be heaven. Well, the novelty can wear off pretty quick.

My sole solace, despite my incessant boredom, is Alex. I get to look forward to his arrival at the end of every day. Just the thought of his stunning smile lighting his face when he walks through the door has me now grinning from ear to ear as I make my way down the deck stairs towards the beach, the sand sliding between my bare toes. That quickly, my internal pity party evaporates.

Pulling my cell from my pocket I type Alex a quick message.

Subject: Thinking of you

Hi handsome. Missing you today, as always.

I love you

Aby xx

Smiling, I slide my phone back into my pocket just as the vibration alerts a new message.
Wow, that was fast.

Subject: You never leave my thoughts

Perfect timing, sweetheart. Done for the day. Be there in five. Meet me out front…Have a surprise for you. And I LOVE YOU MORE.

Alex xx

A surprise?
I’m giddy just thinking of what Alex has in store, sprinting towards the deck and into the house, wiping my feet off on the mat. Trudging towards the bedroom, I rush into the master bath to brush my teeth and quickly comb my fingers through my wavy hair.

Who knows what his surprise entails. Maybe he’s going to take me out?
God knows I
need to get out
, I think to myself, quickly applying mascara and lip-gloss. Changing into a silver tank top and white maxi skirt, I rummage through the closet for a matching shawl before making my way downstairs. Glancing at my watch, I figure I made it just in time, opening the front door.

Alex is standing on the front step, a wide smile donning his face. “Hello, beautiful,” he pulls me into his arms, placing his luscious full lips on mine, his tongue teasing, begging entry.

I kiss him back with every ounce of joy I feel at his presence, my day’s boredom effectively forgotten as I moan into his kiss.

Chuckling, he pulls back, kissing the tip of my nose. “Happy to see me, I take it,” he teases, running his hands up and down my bare arms.

“Happy might just be the understatement of the day, Mr. Tate. More like elated,” I smile in return, resting my hands against his broad chest, his heat permeating my palms.

“Well, on that note, ready for your surprise?” he asks, eyes twinkling.

“Your presence home early
the surprise?” I purposely avoid his playfulness, though I’m exciting about whatever he’s decided to spring on me. Every day with Alex is full of surprises, yet for some reason this time feels different. He gait alone is telling enough, as he flashes me an excited, and oh-so heart stopping smile.

“Not quite, however I’m overjoyed that you would consider me surprise-worthy. Come this way,” he takes my hand, walking us down the path towards the front of the house.

My heart stops in my chest as we round the corner, the gleaming black Land Rover parked in the laneway, peaking my curiosity.
Who owns that?
I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but based on Alex’s M6 BMW parked alongside it, I can wager a guess. “Alex, what…?”

“It’s yours, Aby,” he turns to me, a boyish grin plastered across his face. “I know you’ve been somewhat house-bound these past few weeks, so I thought this might help. A slight relief to your boredom?” he grins. “And now that you have a lay of the land from our drives together, you can manage on your own.”

I’m blown away. Not only because Alex has bought me a car - and not just any car, but a freakin’
Land Rover
- but also because he’s so attune to my recent boredom. I thought I’d hid it so well, not wanting to come across as juvenile. How easily I forget that Alex can read me like a book.

“Alex, I don’t know what to say…you bought me a car? A
Land Rover
? This is crazy,” I manage, my words a breathless release.

“Well, Maria did allude to the fact that you appeared quite,” he stops as though searching for the right words, “…uninspired, of late,” he grins. “It seemed like a good idea.”

Oh. Humph.
He wasn’t attuned to my boredom - the non-English speaking cleaner told him. ‘
No speaka English’
my ass.
She’s a nark. An English speaking nark.

I’m honestly at a loss. I have a hard enough time with Alex refusing any contributions towards the beach house, our groceries,
- adamant that he has the money - but to buy me a car? I simply can’t believe it. Once again I’m faced with the reality of Alex and his career, the fact that I’m in love with an incredibly rich Hollywood actor smacking me in the face. I suppose to him, buying a Land Rover on a whim - for the sole purpose of relieving my boredom - is a regular, every day happenstance.

“Say something,” he urges.

“Ummm…I’m sorry, I’m just shocked,” I reply, holding my hand to my chest. Finally shaking off the surprise, I turn to him, “Thank you, Alex. You didn’t need to do this, but thank you.”

“Don’t be silly, of course I did. You know I would do anything for you, baby,” he pulls me into his embrace. “I wish you’d told me that you were bored. I would have bought it sooner.”

I was
to hide that from you.
“It’s not your responsibility to entertain me,” I pull back to look up into his handsome face. “I’ve simply struggled with finding things to pass the time,” I shrug. “You’re been so busy lately with work, which I completely understand, but my days can tend to drag.”

“I understand, sweetheart,” he leans in for a chaste kiss. “The fourteen-hour days are the toughest, but trust me when I say the few hours I get to spend with you are worth a thousand hours I spend without you,” he adds, lingering at my lips before pulling back, the excited gleam returned in his gaze. “So? Good surprise?”

Laughing, I reach up to stroke his cheek, “
surprise. But, Alex, simply surprising me with a night out on a date would have sufficed.”

“A night out, hmmm? Is that what you were hoping for? A date?”

“Well, not being able to go out on a
date is sometimes a hard pill to swallow,” I confess, quickly continuing, not wanting him to assume I’m struggling with this life in the lime-light, “…but, I’m not complaining. I understand and accept everything that comes with your career.”

Contemplating my words, his eyes search mine. “Paint me a picture of a regular date.”

“Ummm, dinner and a movie would qualify as a decent date in my book.”

“Then, let’s do it.”

“Wait, do what?”

“Go on a date. Dinner and a movie,” he clarifies as though it’s the simplest of tasks and the most brilliant idea ever.

“Alex, you know we can’t just go out to dinner and a movie. It would cause pandemonium - the media. I can just hear it now, ‘Alex Tate and his live-in escort take in an afternoon flick before a mob of two thousand fans raid the theatre’.”

Laughing, he pulls me back into his embrace. “Well, even live-in escorts deserve a night out once and awhile,” his cheeky reply pulls my laugh. “Why don’t you leave the semantics to me. I’m taking my beautiful girl on a date.”

“THIS IS SO nice,” I murmur, leaning my head on Alex’s shoulder. Such simple pleasures - held in his arms, the darkness of the movie theatre, the indulgent smell of buttery popcorn permeating the air - simplicities often taken for granted in his far from simple world.

So far, our date has been somewhat
. No fan-frenzies. No paparazzi. It’s almost hard to believe. Sure it’s mid-day, and we’re in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, catching a matinee in this rickety old theatre, but I’m not complaining. A classic flick with this Adonis of a man by my side, the cinema almost to ourselves - it’s the perfect date. The solo guy oddly seated behind the couple at the front, however,
a little weird. Creepy comes to mind. But who am I to judge? To each their own. I’m with the man that I love, enjoying an afternoon indulgence. Doing the ordinary. Yet with Alexander Tate by my side, it’s far from ordinary. More like extraordinary.

nice,” his gruff voice sends shivers down my spine as he places kisses across my bare shoulder, his thumb idly playing with the spaghetti strap of my tank top. “I’m glad you’re happy, Aby. I want nothing more than to make you happy every day,” he adds, his tone laced with the smile I imagine is donning is gorgeous face.

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