Taken (7 page)

Read Taken Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #Sagas

“Actually, Kristina packed your bag to ensure you had everything you need. Dave just picked it up.” My stomach drops at the mention of Kristina's name.

“Did you talk to her?” I ask, the guilt that our fight is still hanging over my head comes flooding back.

“I text her, told her you were staying here and asked if she could throw a few things together for you. Why?” He asks, trailing his fingers lightly up my arms causing my skin to prickle.

“We aren't really on speaking terms at the moment.” I say, breathing out loudly. “We got in a bit of an argument the other day and no I don't want to talk about it.” I say before he can even ask.

“Well I'm sure whatever it is, you two will work it out. In the meantime, since you have no more excuses, tonight?” He questions, giving my arm a little squeeze.

“That depends. How much sleep am I going to get?” I ask playfully as he nuzzles his face into my neck.

“Next to none, if I have anything to say about it.” He says, nipping my earlobe. My insides flare, his words causing my body to react to him in an instant.

“I like the sound of that.” I say, turning my face to his and placing a light playful kiss across his lower lip.







Chapter Eleven




              I wake abruptly, the sensation of being in a strange place giving me an uneasy feeling. I try to sit up but my body is pinned down by Liam. He's on his side curled into me. His arm and leg both draped over my body as he sleeps peacefully.

I squint through the darkness, watching his silhouette as it rises and falls with each steady breath. I glance at the clock located on his bedside table. It's just a few minutes after five in the morning. I relax back into Liam, not attempting to go back to sleep. I have to get up in forty five minutes anyway and at this point, I feel wide awake.

Liam stirs next to me, rolling onto his back but he doesn't wake. Free from his body, I peel myself away from the sheets and make my way to the bathroom, grabbing the bag Kristina packed me before closing the door quietly behind me.

I flip on the shower and let the water heat up while I pull all my things out of my bag, locating my toothbrush and toothpaste. God love Kristina, she thought of everything, including all my toiletries. I brush my teeth and then slip into the shower. The water is a little too hot but feels amazing on my sore body.

Liam kept good on his word to not let me get any sleep. To the point that I am shocked to have awoken so early. I wash my hair and body quickly but then stand in the shower another good ten minutes before getting out.

I dress quickly, slipping into my navy blue shift dress and beige pumps that Kristina packed, before blowing drying my hair and applying a light layer of makeup. I re-emerge from the bathroom to find that I only killed about forty-five minutes. Knowing I don't have to be at work for another hour, I decide to surprise Liam with breakfast and quickly make my way downstairs to rummage the refrigerator.

To my disappointment, he has very little in the way of breakfast food so I decide breakfast will have to wait and busy myself making a pot of coffee. I don't hear Liam approach and give a startled yelp when he grips me from behind around the waist and pulls me into him.

“Good morning.” I breathe as he nuzzles his face in my hair and breathes in deeply.

“Good morning to you. You're up early.” He says before turning me to face him, pinning my body between his and the counter.

“I don't sleep well in new places. I was going to make breakfast but I couldn't really find anything.” I say, placing a small kiss to his jawline where a thin layer of stubble is showing through.

“I usually grab something on my way out. It takes a while for my stomach to wake up in the morning.” He gives me a sleepy grin, his hair falling across his forehead in the cutest way.

I reach out and push the hair back, my fingers trailing down the side of his face. He looks so good first thing in the morning. Bright eyed and chipper. I'm realizing more and more just how caught up in this man that I am.

Liam's phone rings and he pushes off the counter to retrieve it from the island. He frowns at the number and then snaps it open. “John, it's a bit early isn't it?” I hear him say to the person on the other end before he excuses himself and makes his way around the island and down a hallway, disappearing behind a door. I sigh loudly and resume making a cup of coffee. I pour one for Liam too before realizing I have no idea how he takes his coffee.

Hesitantly, I make my way down the hall and lightly knock on the first door on my right. He doesn't respond so I quietly open the door. Liam is pacing behind a large mahogany desk, his lean muscular frame is accented by the light pouring in the window. He doesn't acknowledge me at first so I peer around the room. It's a large space covered in book shelves. Rows and rows of books line each one. I didn't peg him as a reader but then again there are a lot of things that surprise me about him so I guess I should expect it. Like the other rooms in the house, there is nothing personal, nothing that ties Liam to the space.

My heart constricts at the thought of him alone. Living up in the sky with no real connection. No family to visit him or for him to talk to if he's had a bad day. I don't know what I would do without my family. I glance back to Liam who looks up, gesturing for me to give him a minute. For a moment, I don't move. Taking in his bare torso, I watch the light hit his chiseled chest and cut abs just right and instantly I feel moisture between my thighs. Dear lord this man is a god.

I make my way back up to his face only to find him staring at me with an amused grin. Realizing I have been caught ogling him, I back out of the room slowly and head back to the kitchen. I lean into the counter trying to mentally convince my body to stand down. Seriously, I think I could stay in bed with this man everyday all day long and still crave his touch, the feeling of his body inside of mine.

“Penny for your thoughts.” He says behind me, startling me once again. “Jumpy this morning are we?” He laughs lightly as I turn to face him.

“Everything okay?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him close. I nuzzle into his bare chest breathing him in. He smells divine, though I know he hasn't even made it to the shower yet. What the hell is with this man? I wake up looking like death and smelling like a dirty sock and he wakes up looking as perfect as ever and smells like he just emerged  from the bath. Life is so unfair. Women really do get the short end of the stick.

“Just some work stuff. Would you be horribly upset if I have Dave take you to work? There's a situation I need to deal with first thing this morning. I wouldn't ask if it was a matter that could wait.” He says, kissing the top of my head.

I pull back to look at his face. Like all the times before, my heart does a little flip flop at the sight of him. “I can call a cab, it's not a problem.” I say.

He shakes his head. “I would prefer if Dave take you. It will give me peace of mind knowing you got to work safely.”

As much as I don't feel it necessary to have someone take me to work, it's sweet so I don't object. I just nod and watch the way his face lights up. “You're amazing.” He says, placing a soft kiss to my lips. “I have to go get ready.” He says, backing away.

“Hey wait.” I call after him just as he reaches the stairs. “I made you coffee, but um, I don't know how you take it.”

He smiles and makes his way back to me. I hold up the cup offering it to him and he takes a sip. “Damn woman, you make one hell of a cup of coffee.” He says, smiling widely. So he takes it black. Noted.

“Yeah, you know. There's a trick. You see, you put the grounds in and then add the water. Push of a button and Viola. I'm just that good.” I say on a small laugh.

He backs me into the island, pressing his body firmly to mine. “Yeah, you are.” He says against my lips before taking my mouth with his. The kiss doesn't last long but it's enough that I am panting and his smile is blazing as he makes his way upstairs.

Liam emerges thirty minutes later in a black, no doubt tailor made, suit that fits him like a glove. I have to mentally pep talk myself into not drooling. I'm not used to this Liam. The man he kept hidden from me. The man who lives in this magnificent penthouse and dresses in expensive suits. I didn't know this side of him existed and I have to admit, I like it.

“Nice suit.” I say, trailing my eyes down his body and then back up to his face. “I've never seen you wear one before.”

“I wear a suit during the day but when I am just checking things out in the evening I try to keep it casual. You ready?” He asks. I abandon the magazine that I was browsing through and grab my things, following Liam to the door.

When we arrive on the main floor, Dave is waiting for us. Liam greets him before turning his attention back to me. “Have dinner with me tonight?” As if he even has to ask. I agree and after he gives me a sweet kiss, he turns his attention to Dave. “Take care of my girl.” He orders and Dave gives him a nod. I can't help but smile and check out his ass as he walks away.

Dave strikes me as a silent brooding type. He barely says two words to me as he leads me outside and opens the door to a black SUV, gesturing for me to climb in the back. I hesitate and then turn my attention to his face. I never noticed before but he has the gentlest eyes which completely contradict the rest of his appearance. “I'd prefer to ride up front with you if that's okay.” I say weakly, watching a toothy smile spread across his face.

It's the first time I have ever seen him smile and I have to admit he won me over right then and there. A gentle giant. “Fine by me girl.” He gives a deep laugh and shuts the door before opening the front seat passenger door and ushering me inside.

It doesn't take long to get to Strike Tower from here but the silence in the car is awkward and not really knowing what else to do, I decide to dig for a little dirt. “So, how long have you worked for Liam?” I ask.

He doesn't break his concentration from the road and for a moment, I swear he's not going to answer but then after a few seconds he does. “Ten years.” He says but doesn't elaborate.

“And does your job description include doing every little thing Liam asks of you including driving women to work and picking up her drunk ex-boyfriend and driving them home in the middle of the night?” He lets out sort of a grumbled laugh and I can see the corners of his mouth turn up like he's trying to fight a smile.

“As head of security for
Bella Vita
, I do any task that Mr. Mason requires, yes.” He answers but again gives me nothing else.

“I like you Dave.” I say, smiling widely as his ability to fight his own smile fails miserably. “Did you work for Liam's uncle before he died?”

“Ronnie was not just my employer but my friend. I have been with him since the beginning. It only seemed right that I stand by the one person that meant the most to him after he passed.” He stops talking and while he doesn't say it, I get the feeling he's not really comfortable answering my questions.

Before I realize it, Dave pulls the car up in front of Strike Tower. He unfastens his seat belt and reaches for the door but I stop him. “No need Dave, I got this. Thanks for the ride.” I say, climbing out of the vehicle.

“It was my pleasure Ms. Grant.” He smiles again, that wide toothy grin that really does show that he's just a cuddly teddy bear on the inside, though I have no doubt his massive build could do some damage if it needed to.

I give him a little wave and shut the door. For the first time in weeks, I walk into Strike Tower with my head high and a smile on my face. Life is good.











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