Taken (10 page)

Read Taken Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #Sagas

Liam gives me one of those smiles that makes my knees quake so bad I swear the earth is splitting apart below me. “Dave's job is to keep me and the people I love safe. I can't think of anything more important that he could be doing this morning. Besides, I think he likes you.” He says on wink, before turning and walking away.





















Chapter Fifteen




              The day drags by with no end in sight. I swear I have drank at least five cups of coffee and I still feel like my eyes are heavier than boulders. I have caught myself dozing on more than one occasion and at one point I even had to run to the ladies to splash my face with cold water, praying it would help keep me awake.

By four in the afternoon, I admit defeat and shoot Steven a quick email letting him know I am heading out a little early due to not feeling well. It's a lame excuse, I know but I'm so exhausted and if I don't get out of here right this minute, I'm going to be fired for sleeping on the job.

I make it outside before realizing that my car isn't here. I have been with Liam since Sunday when Dana took us to lunch. Crap. Crap. Crap. Guess it's a smelly cab for me. I pretend that I don't mind taking a cab, when in reality I hate it. I hate how weird some of the drivers are, staring at you in the rear view mirror like they are going to peel off your skin and wear it. I hate the smell. And most of all, I hate paying someone three times what it would cost me in gas to just drive my own car.

Just as I am about to call for a cab, I catch sight of the large SUV that Liam owns pulling up to the curb in front of me. At first I just stand there, confused and honestly a little scared that maybe it's not Liam's car but some crazy person about to stuff me in their backseat and drive away. It's not like this type of vehicle is uncommon, hell I don't even know what make and model the damn thing is.

I just stand there staring at my face reflecting off the black tinted windows. Finally after a few seconds, the passenger window rolls down revealing a smiling Charles, who tips his head to me before saying. “Good afternoon Miss Grant.” I shake my head a little confused but decide not to voice it standing here in the middle of the sidewalk.

I climb in the back seat and shut the door before turning my attention back to him. “Charles, what are you doing here? I mean I appreciate the ride but have you been waiting here all day?” I ask, snapping my seat belt on.

“I arrived just over thirty minutes ago Ms. Grant. Mr. Mason wasn't sure what time you would be leaving work today, so I arrived early to make sure I was here on time.” He says, his eyes focused on the road in front of him. Clearly Liam remembered I didn't have a vehicle way before I did. He's always so on top of things, I sometimes wonder how he juggles it all and now adding me to the mix of things he has to take care of. I wish it didn't make me feel like such a burden but it does.

“I'm sorry Charles, how dreadfully boring for you. Do you mind just taking me to my apartment?” I ask, trying to remind myself that he is being paid to do this. Regardless, I still wish Liam wouldn't put his employees out on my account. I have survived almost twenty four years on my own, I think I can manage.

“Mr. Mason gave me specific instructions to bring you straight to
Bella Vita
.” He says, still not meeting my gaze.

“Well Mr. Mason doesn't speak for me Charles. I would like to go home.” I bite out, instantly regretting how harsh my words sound. “I'm sorry Charles.” I immediately apologize. “I'm just really tired. Can you please take me to my apartment? I will let Liam know the change in plans.”

He glances back at me in the rear view mirror, no doubt weighing his options. I am sure with my little outburst that he is trying to decide whether or not I will jump out of the car if he refuses to take me where I want to go. He gives me a small nod, meeting my eyes for only a second before turning his gaze back to the road.

I let out a loud sigh, sinking back into the deep leather seat. “Thank you Charles.” I say on a yawn. He doesn't respond and the remainder of the car ride is silent. I swear I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, Charles is standing at my door, which is wide open, staring at me like he's curious if I am ever going to move.

“Sorry.” I grumble, my voice full of sleep. I stumble from the car and thank Charles for the ride before sprinting up the stairs to my apartment. When I get inside it's dark. Kristina is no doubt still at work. I don't bother turning on any lights. I simply deposit my phone, keys and purse on the island before walking straight to my room and collapsing on the bed.





“Addison. Addison. Get up!” Kristina's voice is hovering over me but I can't force my eyes open. I'm still too tired.

“Leave me alone.” I gargle out, my voice dripping with sleep. “So tired.” I mumble again, wondering if I am even forming actual sentences or simply just making noises.

“I'm sorry girl, I can't. Liam has been trying to reach you. He called me on my way home freaking out that you were supposed to let Charles take you to his place but instead you came home and then you weren't answering your phone.” She manages to get out in one breath.

I sigh into my pillow before managing to peel myself up and into a sitting position. “What time is it?” I ask, rubbing my eyes which have still not fully adjusted.

“It's after seven.” She says, grabbing my hands and hoisting me off the bed. “Now go call him before the man has a freaking heart attack.” She sighs and then laughs as if trying to decide if this is frustrating or funny.

“I was so tired I left work a little early.” I say, stumbling my way into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I open in, take a long gulp and then sit it on the island before picking up my phone. I pop on the screen and then gasp. I have thirty-seven missed calls and one text message that reads CALL ME NOW.

I decide not to delay the inevitable and hit call on his name while scooting into one of the bar stools. It doesn't even complete a full ring when Liam's voice comes on the line. “Addison. Why in the hell did you have Charles drive you back to your apartment when his instructions were specifically to bring you back here and why the hell haven't you been answering your phone?” He barks at me, officially pulling me from my sleepy fog. I am wide awake now and not just that but honestly, I'm a little pissed.

I take a deep breath before saying. “Last time I checked it wasn't your decision. I wanted to go home, I came home. End of discussion.” My voice remains calm throughout and I can't help but be proud of myself.

I hear him take a sharp breath and for a moment I think I really pissed him off but then when speaks again, his voice is much softer. “You're right, of course you're right. I just expected you here and then when Charles told me he took you home, I tried to contact you but you weren't answering your phone. I was two seconds away from walking out of my meeting to come over there.”

“I'm sorry to make you worry. Someone has been keeping me up until all hours of the night and I was so tired at work I almost fell asleep at my desk. I came home to take a nap, which is what I was doing until five minutes ago when Kristina demanded I get up and call you, thanks for that.” I let out a light laugh. This man is exhausting but in the best sort of way.

“Will I see you tonight?” He asks, his voice almost pleading. My heart does a little flip flop at his words. Two nights in a row and he's still not tired of me, I guess that's a good sign.

“I think I'm going to just hang with Kristina tonight. I haven't seen much of her and honestly I could use a full nights sleep.” I say, yawning again.

“How about you hang out there for a couple of hours and I will come get you after I wrap up here? I promise to let you get some sleep.” He's trying to compromise but I know that he won't keep up his end of the deal. Or I won't. One or the other. Either way it results in me getting no sleep and honestly I can't get through another day like today.

“How about I stay here the rest of the week and then I am all yours this weekend?” I propose. As much as I don't want to spend the next three days without him, I think it would do me some good to get a little distance from him.

It's only been a couple weeks since the event at
Bella Vita
and while I feel like we're past it, I can't help but feel like that was only the tip of the iceberg. I can't let myself get so wrapped up in him that I neglect other aspects of my life, like I did with Grayson. I won't do that to myself again.

“How about no.” He says but I can sense the laughter in his voice.

“It's not up for negotiation.” I say, also playfully but I mean every word. He's going to have to learn to accept that I think and act on my own free will and that's how I intend to keep it.

He sighs loudly and then falls silent for a moment before saying. “You've won for now grasshopper.” He laughs into the phone. “Tomorrow is a new day.” All coming out in what I am sure was supposed to be a Kung Fu voice.

I can't contain the laughter that burst from my throat. “You are such a sweet pickle!” I get through my giggles.

He falls silent for a moment before asking. “Did you just call me a sweet pickle?” He's laughing now.

“You heard right. A sweet pickle. It's my way of politely calling you a dumb ass.”

“But you called me a pickle.” He's still laughing, clearly amused. “I'll show you how sweet my pickle can be tomorrow beautiful lady. I have to get back to my meeting, Dream sweet.” He says before ending the call.

“Girls night?” Kristina sings from the couch when I set my phone on the island in front of me. I nod and she jumps up enthusiastically. “You order the pizza, I'll pop the popcorn.” She says, skipping into the kitchen with me. She hands me the menu to the pizza place down the street. I swear she has menus for every restaurant in a five mile radius. I call over, already knowing what to get. I'm a ham and pineapple kind of girl. Kristina on the other hand likes her pizza smothered in every meat they carry. I have no idea how she manages to stay so skinny with the way she eats sometimes. Lucky ass.

Once I hang up the phone, Kristina turns, handing me a beer while taking a sip of the already opened one in her other hand. I pop the cap off of mine and we tap the bottles together in a silent toast and drink. The liquid slides down my throat smoothly but is so cold it makes my eyes water.

“So what's on the agenda? Over eating and watching a movie we've already seen a hundred times?” I ask, as this is always our fall back when we have no other plans.

“Overeating, yes. Movie, hell no. I haven't seen you in days. We have a lot of catching up to do, starting with every little detail of the last two days. I want to know everything. Is his house enormous, oh my god I bet it's enormous. I bet everything he has is enormous.” She says, her eyes growing wide as she realizes what she just said. “Oh my god.” She gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. We burst into a fit of laughter and I am instantly glad I decided to stay home with her. I hadn't realized until now how much I've missed my best friend and all of her ridiculousness.














Chapter Sixteen




Having successfully spent the night in my own apartment, I wake feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. As much as I miss Liam, my body and my mind definitely needed a rest. I pour myself a cup of coffee in a to go mug before grabbing my keys and heading for the door.

I make it about half way down the stairs leading to the sidewalk before I see it. The black SUV parked on the side of the road directly in front of my apartment building. Feeling a bit put off, I pretend that I don't see it and turn right towards the residents parking garage.

For about ten seconds I think I'm in the clear. That Charles or who ever is driving doesn't see me clearly avoid them but then a voice bellows from behind halting my steps immediately. “Miss Grant.”

I hesitantly turn to find myself staring at a not so happy looking Dave. He's dressed in a black t-shirt and black pants. His large arms crossed in front of his chest. Holy hell this man is intimidating. I guess Liam decided Charles wasn't threatening enough so he sent Dave to scare me into submission. Well, not happening pal.

I play stupid but know that he sees through me the minute I start to explain. “Oh I'm sorry Dave, I didn't see you there.” I feel my face blush. The huge neon sign on my forehead blinking 'Liar'.

He nods his head in acknowledgment but I know he doesn't buy it for a second. “Mr. Mason asked that I take you to work.” He says, not seeming the least bit annoyed. He may not be but I am.

“No thanks Dave.” I say, waving my hand through the air. “I got this.” I say, turning around and heading in the direction of my car. I make it about ten steps before a massive hand grabs below my elbow and pulls me to a stop.

“Sorry girl, I have a job to do and I would really like to keep it. So do me a favor and just let me take you to work.” He says, once again his voice calm and steady, not a trace of irritation.

I turn my gaze on him and take a couple steps backwards when I realize how close he's standing. I knew Dave was a big guy but having never stood toe to toe with the man, I didn't realize just how big until ten seconds ago. I stand eye level with his chest which looks more like it belongs to a gorilla than a man.

I look up to meet his eyes. “I'm sorry Dave but if he thinks for two seconds that this ridiculousness is going to continue than he has another thing coming.” I say, my hands flying to my hips, head tilting to the side, just trying to make my point.

He lets out a gruff laugh at the sight of me standing there like a twelve year old but it fades out almost immediately. “Women.” He breathes out, rolling his eyes.

“Men.” I say, mimicking his actions. He laughs again but this time it's from deep in his belly. A laugh that vibrates through his entire body causing his shoulders to shake. I can't help but laugh too. Something about this oversized man just pulls at my heart strings. He's so scary looking and yet I have seen a side to him these past couple of days that assures me that he is all sweet and cuddly under that rough and tough exterior.

“Have a good day Dave.” I say, turning and continuing on down the sidewalk. He doesn't attempt to come after me and when I chance a glance backwards, he's just standing there like he has no idea what he should do. Does he force me in the car at the risk of severely pissing me off or does he let me have my way which will no doubt piss Liam off?

“You're really not coming with me?” He finally yells from behind me. I twist around, my feet still propelling me forward but my eyes firmly on Dave.

“Nope.” I say on a little wave before spinning back around. Walking backwards is probably not the best idea for someone with my accident prone past and I nearly run face first into a light post. I skip to the side, barley missing the collision and do my best to make it look like it was on purpose. I hear Dave chuckle but keep my face forward.




              The day goes by Liam free. No texts, no calls. Normally I might be a little bothered by this fact but given my refusal to let Dave drive me this morning, I am one hundred percent sure that he is trying to make a point.

I am up to my eyeballs in projection spreadsheets when I hear someone next to my desk clear her throat. I look up to find Michelle holding a large bouquet of Red Roses, her face turned upwards in a scowl.

“These came for you.” She says, slamming the flowers down so hard on the edge of my desk, I flinch, expecting the vase to shatter and glass to come flying at me. She turns quickly on her heel and stomps off towards the bathrooms.

For a moment, I consider letting her stew but honestly I feel really bad for her. Not sure if this is the best idea in the world, I rise from my desk and head into the bathroom. Only one stall is occupied and I know that Michelle is in there but I don't say anything. Instead I wash my hands and then lean against the sink, waiting for her to come out.

After a few silent seconds, I hear the lock slide and the door comes open. Michelle steps out, her face blotchy and red, a clear sign that she's been crying. She expects to be alone and jumps a little when she sees me. “What the hell do you want?” She bites at me, making her way to a sink, the furthest distance away from where I am standing.

“Michelle.” I say it gently, trying to mentally wave a large white flag. I don't want to fight. Liam's past may be in the past but it's hard to deal with when it starts affecting me and the people I work with. Irritation seeps through me at the thought. Why couldn't he just keep that thing in his god damn pants for fucks sake?

“I didn't know.” I say, my way of apologizing for what, I'm not sure. I know that I haven't done anything wrong. But just because I didn't know about her and Liam, doesn't mean that I don't feel bad that things played out this way. “I'm really sorry.” I say, my voice coming out light and airy. I am treading very cautiously at the moment. Afraid any sudden movements will cause her to fly off the handle. Michelle has never been the most emotionally stable person in the world but right now she seems even more deranged. Like one wrong move and she will be bashing my face into the porcelain sink.

“Don't act like I don't know your game.” She says coolly, her gaze meeting mine for the first time. “Poor little Addison. Oh my boyfriend dumped me, I'm so lonely. Someone love me.” She whines out, clearly trying to imitate me, only she fails miserably. I have never, nor will I ever, say things like that.

“You may have won him with pity but I will win him back with this.” She says, gesturing to her body. I swallow hard, my mind struggling to keep up. Did she really just say that? I stand there, mouth open, trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. My god this girl has some nerve. She lets out a high pitch laugh, determination burning in her eyes.

“Win him back?” The words catch in my throat and come out broken and a little too high. “He was never yours to begin with.” I say, standing my ground.

“Do you really believe the bullshit he feeds you Addison? My god you really are pathetic aren't you? No wonder your boyfriend threw you out on your ass.” I can feel my face burn as the blood rushes into my cheeks. I try to swallow my anger down. That was a low blow, even for someone as catty as her.

I don't know why she thinks she's so god damn special. Okay so yes, she's pretty and her long auburn curls leave me slightly envious but other than that, I don't know. Of course the little voice in my head chooses that moment to remind me that Michelle is at least ten years older than me and probably way more experienced. Suddenly I feel very self conscious.

“Well I can see this is going no where.” I pull my face up and pin my eyes hard on her. “I came in here to apologize and hopefully find a common ground but I can see now that I have wasted my time.” I say, giving her a nod before spinning around and stomping out of the bathroom.

By the time I reach my desk, my hands are trembling and I am trying my hardest not to cry. Being the bigger person leaves something to be desired. I'm angry with myself for letting her get to me like that. I'm pissed off that every time I get mad, I end up crying like a blubbering fool. Why do I let people get under my skin? I know she's just saying things to upset me and yet it still makes me question everything.

Certainly she wouldn't feel some entitlement to Liam if they only slept together once right? Which means either she is bat shit crazy obsessed with him or he's lying. Either way, it leaves me with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I plop down in my chair and peer up at the roses. Damn flowers. That's what started all this. I pick up the bouquet and drop them into the trash can next to my desk. It's a small can and barely holds the vase, which leaves two dozen roses sticking out in every direction.

I stare at the flowers for a good two minutes straight before sighing loudly and retrieving them from the can. I sit them on my desk, they really are beautiful. In fact, each one is perfect, not an imperfection to be found. It leaves me wondering if Liam went to the florist and picked each individual rose himself. Somehow that wouldn’t surprise me one bit. The fact that this is the first time I have ever received roses, does not go unnoticed either.  I should be happy. I'm allowed to be happy. Michelle can hate me all she wants, it's not like we were great friends before all this went down. Hell, we have had maybe two real conversations since I started working here months ago.

She's angry and jealous and I understand how those feelings can make a person say and do crazy things. Maybe with time things will get better. Until then, I intend to avoid her like the plague.

I pull the card out of the bouquet and flip it open. As if somehow sensing that I would need reassurance today, Liam says exactly what I need to hear.

I have never sent a woman roses before.

Then again, I've never been in love before either.

Here's to a first for both. I love you Addison Grant.

Now for the love of god, please stop making me reprimand my employees!


              I can't help but laugh at the last part. While it's funny and joking, I have no doubt that he most definitely is reprimanding his employees because of me and for that I feel more than a little guilty.



















Chapter Seventeen




I make it home from work with no sign of Liam or the black SUV, which I now know is a Range Rover. I made a point of looking this morning. I can't help but feel a little disappointed. I am starting to grow accustomed to him sending someone for me and me adamantly refusing.

Kristina is already home when I push my way through the door just after six. She's already in her pajamas, a carton of Chinese food in her hands as she lounges on the couch watching
The Big Bang Theory
. A show that she swears is the best thing ever but for whatever reason I fail to see the big deal. It's funny and I don't mind vegging out with her on the couch every now and again watching reruns but no part of me is dying to know what happens next.

I find that carries over into many aspects of my life. I am always looking for that one thing that makes me crave more. That keeps me on a cliff, teetering on the edge. The wind blowing through my hair and the rush of excitement that comes from the feeling of being so close to diving over but never actually taking the plunge.

“You want some?” Kristina gets out through a mouthful of Lo Mein noodles. I shake my head and toss my keys on the counter, along with the very large vase of two dozen roses, before plopping down on the opposite end of the couch.

Kristina eyes the flowers but doesn't comment, it's not the first time I have come home with a ridiculous bouquet of flowers. But she clearly picks up on the fact that something is bothering me. “Spill.” She says, leaning forward and placing the food on the coffee table in front of her before locking her baby blues on me.

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