Taken (12 page)

Read Taken Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #Sagas

“I think you misunderstand Miss Grant. You are the desert.” He whispers across my mouth before brushing his lips across mine.


























Chapter Nineteen




I wake in Liam's bed just after six in the morning. I know without looking that I am alone. The bed is void of the warmth of Liam's body and his scent is just a lingering afterthought rather than invading my nostrils like it usually does. I roll to my back and stare up at the ceiling, memories of last night flooding through me like a tsunami.

I can still feel his mouth on my skin and in between my thighs. Sex with Liam is always filled with passion and last night was no exception. I stretch my legs. My muscles feel sore and tender, evidence that last night wasn't just some crazy amazing dream.

I peel myself from the satin sheets and make my way into the bathroom. I have no idea where Liam is but I decide on freshening myself up before I go in search of him. It takes me about forty five minutes before I exit the bathroom feeling like a new person, dressed in yet another outfit Liam purchased for me and had laid out in the bathroom so that I would see it.

This time he went with a shift dress. It's dark gray, partnered with matching two inch heels and a three layer black beaded necklace. Everything matches me perfectly. Of course it does. I am starting to believe there isn't anything Liam isn't good at, including picking out clothing for me. Though I doubt he picked it out personally, I'm sure he had a say in the style.

I make my way downstairs expecting to find Liam in the kitchen but the lights are off and it's quiet, the only noise provided by my heels clicking against the hardwood floor. I turn right, following the hall to Liam's study but when I open the door he's not there either. I venture further down the hall opening the next door revealing a large media room with three rows of movie theater style seating and a large TV screen covering the entire back wall. The entire room is wired with surround sound. Holy hell, this man has his own freaking movie theater in his house. For a moment, I just stand in the doorway taking it all in. I can think of a lot of things I would like to do in this room, none of which involve actually watching a movie.

The next room is a private gym. Filled with every type of work out equipment you could ever want or need. The far right wall is covered in a floor to ceiling mirror. There are yoga mats and work out balls piled in one corner. A punching bag hanging to the right of the room with enough space that it doesn't hit the wall when you punch it. I wish I knew this was here earlier but now that I do, I will most definitely be utilizing it when I'm here. I haven't been running much lately. Late June in Nevada is miserable and I would probably die of heat exhaustion after two minutes.

I pull the door closed and go to the last door on the left side of the hall. I push the door open and  flip on the light to find a massive bedroom draped in light blues and whites. A large four poster bed sits in the center, matching furniture scattered through out the room. I thought there were only four bedrooms, all of which are upstairs but apparently I was wrong. What one man needs with all this space is beyond me.

I exit the bedroom and make my way back to the kitchen. It's just after seven and having no idea where Liam could be, I decide on making me a cup of coffee before calling a cab to take me to work. As I approach the counter, I see a white piece of paper taped to the coffee machine. Liam must have known I would find it here, being the first place I usually go in the morning.



Good morning beautiful. Couldn't sleep so I went to the office to get some work done. Charles will be waiting at the front entrance at seven thirty to take you to work.

Last night was incredible. I think dessert every night should be mandatory from here on out.

I love you.


I fold the note up, stuffing it into my purse that is hanging next to the door. Call me crazy but it's a thing I have. I can't ever throw away notes. For whatever reason I feel the need to keep them. That way if I ever look back on this time and want to remember what it was like, I can pull out the old faded paper and read the words over and over again. To this day I still have every letter Grayson ever wrote me, all packed away in a shoe box somewhere in my closet. Even now I can't bare to throw them away. It's part of my past and it reminds me who I used to be and who I am today.

I still have almost a half an hour before I have to be at work and since I have never been to Liam's office, I decide to pop in on him. I have no idea what part of the hotel houses the offices so I stop at the front desk to ask the younger gentleman that's just finishing up his night shift.

He gives me directions without any hesitation. Maggie wasn't kidding about Liam letting all his staff know who I am. I can tell by the way he speaks that I make him nervous. Like if he somehow offends me or messes up my directions that I will tell Liam and he will lose his job. I smile kindly at him, watching him visibly relax. The poor guy can't be a day over nineteen.

I make my way to the far right side of the lobby as he instructed. Once there, I find a set of private elevators. I punch in the code that he wrote down on a post it note for me and the doors slide open instantly. I step inside and notice there is only one button, a large 'O' printed across it. I assume the 'O' stands for office but I can't be certain. I press the button and lean against the far wall as the elevator climbs. I have no idea how  many floors I pass before the elevator finally slows to a stop and the doors slide open revealing a wide open waiting area.

I step out, noticing a reception desk to my right. There is no one there so I continue inward, taking in the lush waiting room with marble floors and black leather furniture. The back wall is almost identical to the wall in Liam's sitting room and while the view is stunning, it doesn't hold a candle to the penthouse view.

I push my way through a heavy set of double wooden doors to my left. From what I was told this is the only access to the executive offices. I enter into a long hallway. There are several doors lining both sides, all wood with large stained glass windows so that you can't see inside. Each one has a person's name etched in the glass.

I walk to the very end of the hall to another set of doors similar to the ones I passed through only moments ago. A plaque hangs next to the wall that reads:
Mr. Christopher Mason, CEO
. There is another small reception area just to the right with a name plate that reads
Maggie Spencer, Executive Assistant.
I smile, thinking about how Maggie had said Liam was the only one willing to give her a shot. I imagine what it's like to work with him on a daily basis. I bet he's a really cool boss, then again I've never seen him in action. For all I know he could be a raging ass hat.

I stand outside his door for what seems like a very long time though only seconds have passed. With Maggie not here I have no way of knowing if he's in the middle of something and I don't want to disturb him. I look at the phone on Maggie's desk and for a moment contemplate whether I should call him first but then decide against it.

Suddenly the door swings open and Liam finds my eyes immediately. “Well are you going to come in or just stand out there all day?” He asks, an amused smile playing on his lips.

I smile shyly. “Sorry.” I murmur, before passing by him into his office. The moment my eyes rake the room, my feet stop working. I stand, rooted to the spot. I swear my jaw must be on the floor right now. In front of me is an office like I have never seen. I mean sure, there's the typical oversized desk and office chairs that you become accustomed to seeing in an executive office but that isn't what has my mouth hanging open like an idiot.

Oh no, that is definitely reserved for the wall of flat panel televisions that show every single camera view throughout the entire hotel. Including the hallway leading to the executive office. I feel my cheeks flush and I can only imagine how ridiculous I must have looked just standing out there like an idiot.

The camera views change every few seconds showing different angles and areas of the grounds. My eyes scan the screens down the wall. To my horror, it's not just the hotel but the casino and the bar as well. Of all the times I have been on the property, it never once dawned on me that I was on camera. I mean it makes sense considering it's a casino but isn't this stuff usually monitored in some type of security area, not in the office of the CEO?

“Ronnie.” He says the one word in way of explanation. “I thought about removing them but since they have proven rather useful I don't see the need. Besides, I like being able to monitor things while I'm working. Gives me some peace of mind I guess you could say.”

“How many times?” I ask, turning to face him. His eyebrows shoot up in confusion so I ask again. “How many times have you sat in here and watched me from this very spot?”

The corners of his mouth turn up in a small grin. “Nervous that I saw you doing something you shouldn't be doing?” He asks on a laugh.

“Shut up.” I laugh, smacking his chest playfully. He grabs my hips and pulls me to him. His lips dance lightly across mine before he pulls back, a large smile on his face.

“The very first time I ever saw you was right here.” He says. “I had been holed up here all day and had just ended a conference call when I caught sight of you out of the corner of my eye. You were here.” He says, pointing to the screen that shows the entrance to
. “At first I couldn't see your face. It was the way you carried yourself that grabbed my attention. Your head was down and you seemed, well, scared. And then you looked up, it was like you were staring right into my eyes, completely unaware of the hidden camera directly facing you. You just stood there.” He whispers the last part and traces his fingertips across the screen before turning his attention back to me. “You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.” He says, reaching out to stroke his hand across my cheek. “I think I fell in love with you that very moment and you didn't even know I existed.” He lets out a light laugh.

I side step him and walk to the screen he was just looking at. Liam steps behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on top of my head. “So you being at
that night, it wasn't just by some twist of fate? You knew I was there and you purposely sought me out?” My voice is thick and my brain feels heavy, like I am concentrating entirely too hard trying to fit the pieces together.

“I did.” It's a simple answer but one that causes my knees to shake and my heart to beat so quickly I wonder how it doesn't overheat and shutdown.

I ponder his words. For weeks now I believed our meeting was purely coincidental but now, learning the truth, it somehow makes it mean so much more. Like I was somehow calling to him even though I had no clue who he was or that he even existed.

I sink further into Liam's embrace, breathing in his scent, relishing the way it feels to be in his arms. He runs his hands up my arms before settling on my shoulders and turning me to face him. He leans down, his face so close to mine. My breath hitches and the air around us seems to buzz.

The phone on his desk comes to life, the ring filling the room and breaking our perfect moment. Liam sighs, dropping his arms. “I'm sorry I have to get this.” He says, his eyes filled with regret.

I shake my head and wave my hand through the air as if it's no big deal. I mean, of course I'm disappointed but I really should get going if I don't want to be late for work. Liam answers the phone, his voice clipped. For the first time I realize just how different Mr. Mason is from the Liam that I have grown to love. His voice takes on a stern, serious tone and his work face slides into place.

I smile at him. He's totally drool worthy when he's in his element. Black suit, his unruly brown hair draped across his forehead. Screw the windows, this is by far the best view of them all.

I cross the space between us and push up on my tip toes to place a small kiss to his cheek. He turns his face just as I do, his lips brushing against mine. The unexpected contact causes the air to catch in my throat. He smiles, his all knowing smile and turns his attention back to the phone. I give him a little wave as I leave his office, the knowledge of how we really met dancing around in my mind.

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