Taken (11 page)

Read Taken Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #Sagas

“Long day.” I sigh out. Stretching my legs out in front of me. She eyes me for a moment before deciding that's not it.

“Addie, you know you can tell me right? I mean if something is bothering you. You can talk to me. No judgments.” She says, holding her hands up as if to say 'I don't want to fight'.

I wiggle further down into the couch and glance over at her. I don't want her to feel like I am purposely shutting her out because of our fight or that I am afraid she will meddle. “Liam slept with Michelle.” The words are off my lips before I have a chance to stop myself.

“What?” Kristina shouts, her body shooting straight off the couch as if she is preparing to go cut Liam's balls off this instant.

“Before we were together.” I clarify, watching as she visibly relaxes. She eases back onto the couch.

“Michelle as in work Michelle?” She asks, her eyebrows shooting up in a 'are you fucking serious' kind of way.

I nod. “We ran into her the other night when Liam picked me up from work. It took me a minute to figure it out. It was really awkward. I asked Liam about it right after and he admitted to sleeping with her once, right before he met me.”

“Holy hell. I mean I figured that man had a past but I never expected it to hit so close to home.” She says, her eyes studying my face.

“I know right.” I breathe out on a sigh, running my hands through my tangled mess of brown hair. “To make matters worse, Michelle now knows he's the one that's been sending me flowers and of course he sent those today.” I gesture towards the kitchen where the beautiful roses are on display. “She had a mini melt down and took off to the ladies so I followed her.”

“Why?” Kristina blurts before I can finish.

“Call me crazy but I feel really bad about all of this. I can tell she was hoping for more with Liam and all this time he's been with me. I can't imagine what that must feel like. I know what I would feel like.” I say, a shiver running through my body at the thought.

“Anyways, she came out of the stall crying. I tried to apologize but then she went all crazy psycho on me and started saying some really shitty things about me and about my relationship with Grayson. She's clearly not ready to accept that Liam didn't choose her.”

“Holy shit girl, what are you going to do?” Kristina breathes out like she can't believe my luck and definitely feels my pain.

“I don't know. I mean it does make for a very uncomfortable work environment but at the same time, if she thinks her threats are going to send me running in the opposite direction with my tail between my legs, she has another thing coming.” I really wish it didn't have to be like that but unfortunately after what happened today, I can't come up with anything else except to let her think she can't get to me.

“Well if that isn't a whole bunch of fucked up and no thank you all wrapped into one. I'm sorry girl. But hey, at least you have me and Dana there. That bitch comes within five feet of you and I will knock her on her ass personally.” She says on a laugh and I know she means it.

“I love you, ya know that?” I say, peeling myself off the couch and stretching before making my way into the kitchen.

“I know.” She sings from the couch before turning her attention back to the television, instantly being pulled in to whatever ridiculous thing is going on now. I shake my head, stifling a laugh. It's the little things I guess.

I have just decided on making myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner when a light knock sounds at the door. Kristina shoots up and looks at me. “Expecting someone?” She asks, crossing the small space and reaching for the door knob.

“Nope, must be for you.” I say, opening the fridge to grab the jelly. I have my hand closed around the jar but lose my grip when I hear Liam's voice. The jar slips from my hand before I can recover and the jar takes a hard bounce on the linoleum floor before shattering at my feet.

I jump and shriek at the same time, not having expected the jar to just crumble like that. I turn to find Kristina and Liam both standing in the foyer looking at me as if I've grown two heads.

“What?” I question, clearly confused by what's going on. A huge smile spreads across Liam's face and Kristina bursts into a fit of laughter.

It's only then that I look down to see that I am covered in splatters of grape jelly. My pants got the worst of it but it managed to make it's way onto my shirt as well. “Well shit.” I breathe out, clearly not as amused as they are.

“Go change. I'll get this cleaned up.” Kristina says, grabbing a roll of paper towels. I start to object but Kristina just shoos me out of the kitchen. I shake my head at her. I made the mess I should clean it up but I decide it's not worth the argument. By the time we decide who is going to clean it up, the jelly will be dried and ten times harder to clean. We are both totally stubborn like that.

I turn quickly and make my way to my bedroom, getting half way out of my jelly stained clothes before Liam appears in my doorway. My back is to him but I know he's there. There is a change in the air anytime he's close to me.

He steps across the floor, his feet barely making a sound before he's behind me. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck before he wraps his arms around my bare stomach. I lean back into his embrace, loving the way his arms feel around me. “I missed you.” He says softly in my ear before nipping me with his teeth.

The contact sends a tremor through me and just like that, my body responds. My heart rate accelerates and my breathing comes in fast shallow breaths. I feel him smile against my shoulder, knowing exactly what he's doing to me.

I step out of his embrace and work on removing my pants. He doesn't reach for me again but I feel his eyes on me, raking down my body like an electric current. Shock waves rippling through me.

I turn to face him, he's close but not close enough for me to touch. His eyes travel the length of my body, covered in a simple white bra and panty set, before they find my face. His eyes are dark, filled with desire but that's not all I see. The way he looks at me like I am the most precious thing in the world does not go unnoticed.

“Let me take you to dinner.” It's a command not a request and while normally I would balk at it, I find that I like it when it comes from Liam.

“Okay.” I manage to get out, though all I really want to do is throw him on my bed and do some of the things I have been fantasizing about for the last two days.

He smiles, a cute boyish grin that shows off the dimple I love so much. Without saying another word he goes to my closet and returns moments later holding the black dress I wore the first night we met, having still not returned it to Dana.

“Wear this.” He says, handing me the garment. “And nothing else.” He adds, his eyes growing intensely dark. The look alone causes a severe ache between my thighs and I find myself squeezing my legs together to try to dull it but it does no good.

No bra I can get away with, having never passed a B cup. The panties however, I'm not so sure about. The thought of walking into a public restaurant knowing that if my dress moves just the right way, everyone inside will get a show, leaves me feeling anxious but also a little turned on. I like this game.

I don't argue, instead I just nod and point to the door. He smiles again but takes the hint and backs out of my room, pulling the door closed behind him. The minute the latch clicks, the butterflies in my stomach take flight. Never in a million years did I ever think about doing something like this but how can I say no when he looks at me like that?

I take about ten minutes getting ready before re-joining Kristina and Liam in the living room. He's sitting on the arm of the chair laughing along with Kristina over something Penny said on TV. He stands the moment he catches sight of me, his eyes focused on the low dip in the front of the dress and the knowledge that I am completely naked underneath.

Kristina pays very little attention to us and gives me a half wave and a wink as we make our way out the door. I immediately look for the Range Rover but it's no where to be found. That's when I see it. Liam's motorcycle. I turn to him, a look of horror across my face. “You can't be serious?”

He laughs at my obvious discomfort but I can tell by the look in his eyes that this was his intention all along. Or at least he wanted me to think it was. Not five seconds later the black Range Rover pulls up to the curb in front of us. I visibly relax and Liam laughs again.

“Ass.” I say, as he holds the back door open for me. I climb in, purposely letting my dress ride up as I do, knowing full well that I'm giving him a show. I don't look back. Instead, I settle into the seat and pull my seat belt in place. Liam squeezes in next to me and by the look on his face I can tell that not only did he get a show but he rather enjoyed it. I think I'm going to like this.
















Chapter Eighteen




We settle into a private table at
, an upscale restaurant with a very comfortable feel. It's still fancier than I'm used to but it's much different than the restaurant Liam took me to last time and for that I am grateful. I glance around the small room that he reserved just for us. It makes me feel a tad bit better about my clothing predicament. I know I would have been extremely uncomfortable in the middle of the main dining room with nothing but a tiny dress to keep all my goodies covered.

But of course Liam knew he had booked this private room prior to us coming here. Apparently he couldn't miss his opportunity to make me squirm. Which I did. The entire ride over I was a bundle of nerves, kicking myself in the ass for letting him talk me into dressing so risque.

Now sitting at a round two person table in a small room draped in bold colors, I feel completely at ease. More than that, I feel sexy. I feel powerful. And while this whole thing was Liam's idea, that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying this too.

Our waiter enters and exits the room through a set of swinging wood doors that remind me of an old western saloon. The doors are completely different than the rest of the decor and clash with the rich modern feel but somehow seem to fit perfectly. There is a large space above and below the doors so we still feel like we are part of the main dining room but it cuts us off enough that no one can see us, well other than maybe our feet.

I have been thinking a lot about Liam's past, Maggie in particular and decide there's no time like the present. “Have you slept with Maggie?” I ask. Okay so maybe not the most tactful way to approach it but there's no taking it back now.

Liam relaxes back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. His hazel eyes burn holes through me but he doesn't seem irritated by my question. “I don't make it a habit of sleeping with my employees Addison.” He says, studying my face.

“I'm sorry, that was out of line.” I say, instantly regretting even bringing it up.

“Don't apologize. You have every right to know these things and this is one area of my life that has remained untainted by my past. Ronnie taught me early on that one of the most important rules to being successful is to not sleep with the staff. Things tend to get, well, messy.” He shrugs.

“How did you meet Michelle?” The words are off my tongue before I can even think the question through. Do I even really want to know that? As much as I hate that he slept with her, I can't contain my curiosity regarding the whole situation. I know there are women, a lot of women. I just never expected it would be someone I know.

Once again he doesn't seem irritated or surprised by my question. “Honestly, I don't really remember the specifics. Just some random girl I met at
. She had been drinking and threw herself at me. I wasn't in a good place.” He eyes me apologetic. “It was not my finest moment, I'll admit and honestly I probably wouldn't have even remembered her that day if she hadn't been making appearances at
ever since. She's managed to track me down a couple times and I did my best to let her down gently.” He runs his hand through his already unruly hair and sighs. “I just don't get some women. I mean, I clearly used her. I fucked her in the bathroom for fucks sake. And yet she acted like I somehow led her to believe there would be more.” He shakes his head, his eyes trying to gauge my reaction.

“You're really an idiot you know that right?” I cock my head to the side, my mouth turned up in a half grin. “You fucked her.” It's a statement, not a question.

“I thought we had already established that.” He says, clearly missing my point.

“For someone who is so good with women, you really have no idea how a woman's mind works. You fucked her, that's all you had to do. You took her into the bathroom like you couldn't wait to bury yourself inside of her. She doesn't need any more reason to believe that you want her. While men may think and act like complete animals, sex usually means more for a woman. An emotional connection. I mean, I know there are women out there that treat sex the same as men but  most do not.”

He smiles at me. It's a hesitant smile like he can't decide if I'm upset or just busting his balls. “I see.” He says. “So what you're saying is that the majority of the women I have slept with have probably thought the same thing?” It's a question, like he really has no clue.

“Um duh.” I sigh dramatically for effect. “How many women have you slept with?” The question catches him off guard and he chokes a little on his drink. He eyes me apologetic and instantly my heart sinks. “Oh god, I don't want to know.” I say, shaking my head. “Okay let's try this. Out of all the women you have slept with, what percentage would you say have pursued you for more?”

He thinks for a moment before responding. “Ninety percent, give or take.”

“My point exactly Christopher.” I over pronounce the name, letting it roll off my lips with a hint of seduction to my words. He swallows hard and I laugh, not able to keep a straight face.

I can see him visibly relax. His shoulders sag forward a little and then he lets out a short rough laugh. “Wow, I really am an idiot.” He says, laughing again.

I tap my finger to my temple indicating just how smart I am. Truth be told this conversation, well any conversation dealing with his sexual past, leaves me feeling uneasy but it's not just that. It gives me motivation. It makes me want to mentally erase all the other women from his memory. Everyone, until the only person that remains is me. Burned in his brain, tattooed across his skin, embedded in his smell. Nothing but me.

I reach for my water but with my eyes still on Liam, I miss completely and end up knocking the glass with the back of my hand. It slides from the table and shatters on the floor. “What is with me?” I whine, picking up my napkin to clean up some of the water. While spilling it was an accident, cleaning it up gives me an idea.

I crawl down on all fours, my back to Liam and proceed to soak up some of the water with my napkin. I can feel the draft across my skin and know that I am completely bared to him at this moment. I lean down lower, reaching out to retrieve the stem of my glass a couple feet away. An almost growl escapes his throat and I slowly turn my face towards him, an innocent look plastered firmly in place.

His eyes burn through me and I can't tell if he's mad or so turned on he's about to take
to the bathroom. Either way, the moment disappears as the wood doors swing open and our waiter enters the room carrying our food. I straighten myself immediately, knowing he can't see me, his view blocked by the long white table cloth that hangs to the floor.

I apologize for the broken glass as he proceeds to clean the rest of it up. His appearance definitely took the wind out of my sails but I know the game is far from over.

We make small talk over dinner. I decide against telling Liam about my confrontation with Michelle. I don't need to give him reason to worry when there is none. I can take care of myself and honestly other than hurtful words, I don't see Michelle doing anything.

Not long after our plates have been cleared away, I hear a rustling sound, like static in between radio stations. Then the static fades  into a soft mellow guitar strum that I realize very quickly is coming from the rooms surround sound speakers that are hanging in each corner of the small space.

Liam stands and walks to my side of the table, before holding his hand out to me. “Addison, may I have this dance?” He asks, pulling me to my feet when I nod. He leads us to the open area on the far side of the room and slips his arm around my waist, before securing my hand with his. I place my free hand on his shoulder and look into his eyes hesitantly.

“I'm not much of a dancer.” I admit, slightly embarrassed.

“It's easy, just follow my lead.” He says, stepping backwards then to the side. Forwards and then to the other side. I get the simple rhythm before long and once I am comfortable enough to not stare at my feet, I look up to find Liam's gaze on me.

He doesn't say anything, he just stares. For a moment, I feel self conscious but when the song changes and Liam pulls me into his chest, lightly humming along with the words, the feeling completely disappears.

Joni Mitchell's “A Case of You” plays softly through the speakers as Liam sways me back and forth. My hands roam across his broad shoulders and then down his muscular back. My fingers exploring, teasing, as he continues to hum along with the music. Eventually his humming turns into words and he is singing very softly into my hair. “
You're in my blood like holy wine and you taste so bitter and so sweet and I could drink a case of you

My skin prickles and every inch of my body feels the effects. His voice is so smooth, beautiful. But that's not what has my knees shaking and my heart hammering out of my chest. He's singing to me like he means every word of the song. Maybe it's because no one has ever done this to me before or maybe it is because he's so talented that I'm a bit in awe of him. But more than anything, in this moment, I think I am finally realizing just how much I stand to lose. Just how completely and irrevocably in love with him I am.

I pull my head back from his chest and glance to his face. The second his eyes meet mine, I'm breathless. His eyes are drawn and dark. I can feel the moisture pool between my legs, suddenly very aware of my lack of clothing in that area.

He smiles a slow, knowing smile, before claiming my mouth with his. It starts out slow and seductive. His tongue leaving no spot of my mouth untouched. But it quickly escalates into a tongue tangling frenzy, both of us fighting for control. Both of us failing miserably. I'm only mildly aware that we are still in a public place as Liam backs me into the far corner of the room and pins me against the wall.

His mouth finds the hollow of my neck, his tongue tracing up to my chin and then back down again. He gently pulls at the front of the dress and my breasts topple out. He needs my nipples greedily and I arch into him. The ache running from my chest to deep within my belly.

My nails dig into his sides, a moan escaping my lips as his mouth closes down on mine once more. I no longer care where we are or who might see us. I am teetering on the edge, the wind in my hair. Then I jump. Reaching down, I fumble with his belt before finally freeing his erection from his pants.

He groans into my mouth as I take him in my hand and begin gently pumping up and down. And then as if the animal inside takes over, he growls and hoists me up so that my legs wrap around his waist. With my lack of underwear, his erection slides inside my folds, toying at my entrance. I buck into him wildly and he responds, slamming into me hard and deep. I cry out but he muffles my sounds with his mouth, his tongue brushing mine. It does nothing to calm me and only intensifies the burn I feel engulfing my entire body.

I'm on fire. Biting, licking, scratching. Our hands are everywhere, tearing at each other like there's no way either one of us could get enough. My hands find his hair and I tug, hard. This pushes Liam to the brink. “I need you with me baby.” He growls in my ear. The build that has been growing inside of me explodes as Liam pounds harder, relentless. I cry out but Liam once again muffles me, covering my mouth with his as he too, finds his release.

He slows but continues to move inside of me as we both come off an extreme high. It is only now that I register where we are and how easily someone could have walked in and spotted us. I don't have it in me to care. So wrapped up in the moment, in Liam, to care about anyone or anything but him.

After a few seconds, he pulls out and lowers me to my feet. My legs feel like jello and I lock my knees trying to keep them from buckling under my weight. Liam smiles and fixes his pants, before adjusting the top of my dress so that I am once again fully covered.

“So Miss Grant. How about we head back to my place for some desert?” He says, his eyes dancing across my face.

“Why Mr. Mason. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but I am simply not that kind of girl.” I fake offense but my smile says otherwise.

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