Taken (14 page)

Read Taken Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #Sagas






Chapter Twenty-Two




              Days go by with no word from Liam. I spend the weekend, once again, lounging around my apartment sulking and am in no better shape returning to work Monday morning. I know that I was in the wrong. I never should have stayed at the bar with Matt and I certainly should not have left with him but my judgment was clouded by the amount of drinking I had done, as well as my anger towards Liam.

I thought about calling or maybe just texting an apology but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Even though nothing happened with Matt and the cab driver dropped me off at my apartment, I still feel extremely guilty about the whole thing and facing Liam is not something I am looking forward to even though I miss him incredibly.

Having already made my selections for my team, I call a meeting first thing to hash out the details of my new project, figuring I should just hit the ground running. When I enter the conference room, Kristina, Sean and Jeff are already there.

Picking my team was easy. Kristina was a given, considering not only the fact that she's my friend but also because she worked on the other
Bella Vita
project and understands the ins and outs. The other two were based solely on recommendation and previous projects. Sean, who I have never worked with before, has a butt load of experience and given he's over twice my age, I knew Liam would approve. Though I am not sure why I even care at this point.

Jeff, like Sean, is much older than me but like Kristina, was a no brainier. I have worked on several projects with him over the past few months and have been nothing but impressed with his dedication and level of professionalism. He is a no bull shitter and always stays on task, which is exactly what I need out of my team. Especially given the short amount of time we have before the event.

Three hours later, everyone knows what areas they are handling and we wrap up the meeting to get started. I make my way back to my desk feeling a lot better about the project and having complete confidence in my team. The great thing about leading a project is that it's more about overseeing than actually doing. The downside, if anyone screws up or drops the ball, it falls solely on my shoulders.

I see the flowers before I even reach my desk. An enormous bouquet peeking up over the cubicle wall. My heart skips a beat as I quicken my pace. I toss my files onto my desk before retrieving the card perched in the middle of the arrangement of purple Hyacinths.


Forgive me.



Forgive him? Here I thought I was the one in need of forgiving. Or maybe it's both of us. Either way, I can't help but feel extremely relieved. He reached out to me, that's gotta mean something right? Like he doesn't totally hate my guts after my repulsive behavior last week?

I, like always, Google the flowers for the meaning. I'm sorry and please forgive me, are the two results that populate my screen. That man and his flowers. I would be shocked to find him send me a bouquet that didn't have a defined meaning. This has always been his way of communicating how he feels.

I push the bouquet aside and refocus my attention back to my work. Deciding I need to see Liam, I push through as quickly as I can and manage to wrap up for the day just after four in the afternoon.

I check in with my team to make sure they don't need anything and then immediately head towards the exit once I have been assured all is well. The traffic is relatively light on the drive over to Liam's, having just beat rush hour. Ten minutes later, I pull up to the valet station and toss my keys to a young man before heading inside.

I quickly make my way to the elevator that leads to the executive office and am practically bouncing out of my skin by the time the doors slide open and I step out into the large reception area. There are several people making their way around the large space and not sure who to talk to, I turn right and head through the large wooden doors that lead to the section where the offices are held.

Maggie is not at her desk and like before, I hesitate, not knowing if I should just walk in or wait in case he's in the middle of something really important. Deciding to just knock instead, I lightly wrap on Liam's office door and then I wait. Nothing.

I push the door open a crack and peer inside, making sure I am not interrupting anything but the office is dark and appears empty. I push my way inside and once I know for sure that no one is here, I make my way around Liam's desk and sit in his chair.

I fiddle with some of the things on his desk, straightening up papers and giving a little order to the cluster of documents splayed in front of me. That's when the idea hits me. I don't know how Liam will feel about it but I can't imagine getting too much complaint from him so I quickly put my plan in motion.

I stand up, removing my panties in one quick movement and then work to remove my bra, leaving my dress in place. I stuff the two articles in the top drawer of Liam's desk and then slip off my heels before propping my feet up and crossing my legs. As if he could sense me calling to him, Liam arrives just a few short minutes later, looking worn and sexy as hell.

He makes his way into the office, tossing his suit jacket across the back of a chair before he finally looks up and catches sight of me. “Addison?” He chokes out, surprised. “What are you doing here?”

I stand, stepping to the side of his desk. I look at him as seductively as I can muster and pull at the tie of my wrap dress. “I owe you an apology.” I say, letting the material of the dress fall open revealing nothing underneath. His eyes fall to my chest, tracing down to my feet and then back up before meeting my eyes again. A smile slowly spreads across his face.

“Is that so?” He asks, not moving from where he is standing. I nod, peeling the dress from my shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. There is something so erotic about what I am doing and I can already feel the moisture between my legs. My heart beat increases when I catch his eyes once more. I can see the hunger, the need taking him over.

“A big apology.” I say, running my hand across my chest, lingering for a moment on my nipple before letting it slide down to my belly.

Before I can even react, Liam is on me. His lips crash into mine with so much force that all the air leaves my lungs. He pushes me against the side of his desk, his hands grasping my breasts and needing my nipples. I arch into him, a light moan escaping through the kiss. He breaks away and quickly pushes everything on his desk to the floor before hoisting me up and laying me across the cool wood.

His hands roam over my body, owning me, studying me as if he somehow forgot the feel of me. “God I've missed you.” He says, before taking my mouth once more.

It doesn't take long before Liam has shed all his clothes. He pulls me from the desk and flips me around, his erection pressing firmly against my ass. He trails kisses across my shoulders and the side of my neck before pushing me forward so that my upper body is laying across the desk, my ass perched out to him. He trails his fingers gently across my backside before dropping lower and sinking one finger inside of me, feeling how wet and turned on I am for him.

He pumps his finger in and out of me a few times before removing it and positioning himself at my entrance but he doesn't move right away. Growing impatient, I push back into him, his erection sliding slowly inside of me. I hear him gasp at the feeling of me wrapped so tightly around him and it's all the motivation I need. I slowly begin moving back and forth, working up a slow steady rhythm. Liam lets me have my way for a couple of minutes before he tightly grips my hips and takes control.

Pushing in and out of me so hard and fast that I am on the verge of exploding within seconds. My body tingles and constricts around him. The feeling is incredible. He trails his fingertips down my spine, my skin prickling in their wake. “Liam.” I cry out, feeling myself losing control.

He tightens the grip on my hips and begins pounding into me so hard I wonder how my body can take such an assault and yet the only pain is the pleasurable kind. The pain that blends so well with the pleasure that it becomes a lethal combination. One that has my head spinning and my body begging for release.

“With...me.....baby?” Liam gets out through thrusts and I can only moan in response. My mind so far gone in pleasure that I can't even form words. Two final thrusts and I can feel him swell inside of me. Feeling the hot stream of liquid shoot up inside of me sends me over the edge in a moment of sheer bliss.

Liam slows, riding out his release and milking every last bit of pleasure from my body. Eventually he stops and leans forward, trailing kisses along my back before pulling out and turning me to face him.

“Best apology ever.” He says, brushing my hair out of my face and tucking a strand behind my ear.

“I'm glad you think so.” I say, my hands finding his shoulders and pulling him to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against his hard chest.

“I hate when we fight.” He says into my hair. And just like that, everything else melts away. It no longer matters that he interfered with my job or that I got back at him by leaving with Matt. All that matters is this. Our two bodies pressed firmly together, our hearts beating rapidly from our intense love making. All that matters is this.






















Chapter Twenty-Three




              The next few weeks pass in a blur. Having less than four weeks to plan an event is highly unconventional but definitely doable as long as you are willing to work massive overtime and have little time for anything else in your life.

Knowing that I am doing this for Liam, somehow made the long days and working through the weekend worth it. I wanted everything to be perfect for him and as such, did more of the actual doing than overseeing like I originally planned.

Either way the event came together nicely and I will be attending this evening as Liam's date. It will be the first time I have had to face the masses as Liam's girlfriend and if Michelle's reaction to finding out about us is any indication as to how women react when they find out he's taken, I am surely in for a very long evening. Liam has already prepared me for that.

Even still, I can't be anything but excited. I know that there will be women there that have shared intimate encounters with Liam but I refuse to believe that any of them mean anything and because of this, it somehow seems easier to face.

Charles picks me and Kristina up at exactly eight in the evening. Both of us went for a more flirty formal look, wearing knee length cocktail dresses instead of formal gowns. From my understanding, it's a more laid back event but formal attire is required. Kristina's blue halter dress is nothing if not completely flattering and as always, she looks completely stunning.

I went with a Red strapless dress that hugs tight at the bust and then flares to the knee, partnered with silver drop earrings and red four inch heels with black accents. I am sure that there will be many women there dressed much more formally than me but that's the whole point. I don't want to blend in with the masses. I want Liam's eyes on me and only me for the duration of the evening and this dress is the first step in achieving that.

Charles bypasses the line outside of the valet station and drops us at the entrance of the Casino. There are tons of people outside and even more already inside gambling. The event works like any other normal night only all the winnings go to the charity of the winners choosing. Because of this, only the wealthiest attend.

I make my way to a nearby Blackjack table with Kristina and pull out a twenty. The dealer eyes me funny but doesn't question it as he exchanges it for a small stack of chips. “What do you think you're doing?” Liam asks from behind me. I turn, a little confused but then lose my train of thought when I see him.

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