TeaseMeinTunisia (4 page)

Read TeaseMeinTunisia Online

Authors: Allie Standifer

“Wake up, baby,” he whispered against her perfect, passion-swelled lips. “We’re not through yet.”

A confused frown played over her face. “You’re not done yet?”

A small smile escaped to his lips before he could stop it. The woman amazed him. “We won’t be done for several more hours.” He covered her lips to seal the promise.

He tasted the familiar flavor of her desire and hummed his appreciation for the sweet taste. But it was her mouth, the thrust of her tongue, the tender touch of her hands and her husky whimpers of desire that cranked him higher.

pulled away, cursing his body when it took so long to leave the temptation of her lips.

“You really want me again?” There was an innocent wonder in her voice, a sexual innocent’s naiveté.

This time his grin stretched wide across his face. “Oh yeah, but this time I’m going to do it right.”

Before Daisy had time to ask what he meant,
head dipped down and his lips moved over her neck. His hands clutched the sheets beside her, keeping his weight from crushing her as he showed her sensuous pleasure using only his lips. He drank from her flesh, teasing her desire-hardened nipples. He sucked the taut, stiff points into his mouth and disregarded her frantic sob as he drew them into the fiery depths of his mouth.

Pleasure colored her face, softening the pitch of her voice. She thrust her breasts deeper into the wet heat of his mouth.
While her arms clutched him tighter in desperate bliss.

“That’s it, baby. Use your hands on me. Touch me, anywhere and everywhere. I just want your hands on my body.” His voice shook with the painful need of her touch. He’d never loved a woman. Not real love. He didn’t know if it was love with Daisy, but the fevered desire she brought out in him had his wolf side growling desperate for release.

He drew his lips lower.

Daisy froze at the first inkling of his movements. Her dark green eyes widened as he tongued her sweet bellybutton and continued down her stomach. He watched her with an intent gaze when he pushed her thighs farther apart. Her chest stopped moving as his broad shoulders wedged deeper between her legs.

For half a second he debated the wisdom of his actions. This might be too much for her. Then the thought of being the first and only man to go down on Daisy kicked his libido back into high gear. He’d be the only man aware of her taste, sweet or tart. His tongue would be the only one to push into the hot damp heat currently scalding his body.

He whispered, barely able to get her name out of the roaring of need in his ears. “Breathe, baby, and then watch me.”

Air came swooshing out of her, but those green eyes held his in a kind of scared fascination.

He couldn’t tease either one of them any longer and lowered his head.

The first lick of his tongue through her soaked slit had her arching and crying out his name. The second lick, harder and deeper, had her hands in his hair, trying to hold him to her. After the third, she went wild.

Her most intimate flavor burst across his tongue and slid easily down his throat. She tasted of sweet fruit and mysterious spices. Hers was a taste he could easily become addicted to.

His body relaxed as much as possible between her quivering thighs and he slid his hands beneath her butt, tightening his fingers on her curves and moving her in a better position. He wanted her open to his every lick, suck and nibble.

She jerked under the hard lash of his tongue and cried out when he shoved it deep in the
depths of her pussy. When his lips surrounded her clit and sucked with deep, groaning pulls, Daisy exploded.

felt his body catch fire. Not the normal burn to come that he’d known in the past. He literally felt his skin burning with her passion. His balls were seconds away from following Daisy’s release. Pre-cum leaked from the tip of his swollen hard-on, and he knew the heat of being in her body again would probably melt his cock right off his body and he didn’t care.

He’d waited all his life for this woman.
Waiting to feel her quiver against his tongue.
Her juices to paint his face and fingers.
To savor the sound of her screams in his ears and feel the pleasure-pain bite of her nails in his skin. He pushed back into the small pain, hummed against her pulsing wet lips and licked her again.
And again.
He devoured her release, the sweet plum taste of her pleasure. When she fell back to the bed, whimpering at the shallow pulses of orgasm, he came to his knees and lifted her to him.

didn’t move over her this time. He switched their positions with barely a thought, wanting to watch her above him. He pulled her over him and then lay back, almost getting lost in her lust-filled eyes.

“Take me inside you, Daisy,” he moaned, so desperate to feel her clamp down hard around him again. In this position he’d be able to get deeper inside her, push farther than he had before. “Ride me, baby, please,” he pleaded, not in the least embarrassed to beg. He quickly rolled on the condom he’d snagged out of the basket and panted.

She straddled his thighs as he gripped her hips, watched as her fingers, so small and dainty, grabbed his cock and directed it to the heated entrance of her pussy.

He wanted to grab her.
To shove himself deep inside, hard and fast.
Over and over again until he came inside her.
Until he claimed her with more than his body and mark.
He wanted his scent deep inside her pussy, so every other
in the world would know Daisy Oliver had been claimed.

Instead, for once in his life
let a woman take charge. He had to bite his tongue and grit his teeth, but he kept his hands and dick to himself.
Until she ran the thick head between the dripping lips of her sex, then tucked it at the opening.
He froze, too desperate to plead, too wary to move.

“You feel amazing,” she panted as she pressed down against the thick head and began to impale herself. “It’s so big.”

He watched his cock slide inside her,
she lifted, revealing her sweet juices as they clung to his latex-covered flesh.

“You’re perfect.” He watched as Daisy tossed her head, the silky brown hair tickling the front of his thighs as her head bent. Then she tightened on him.

increased the movements of his hips, plunging into her, his own breathing rasping from his lungs. He pulled her forward, took her lips in a kiss and felt her explode around him, the walls of her pussy clamping down, tight and hard.

She screamed against his mouth, crying out his name, and the sound sent him catapulting into his own release. Hard, powerful jets of cum blasted from his cock, filling the condom. The pleasure ripped through his body and left him desperate for air long, long moments later.

Chapter Three


Daisy woke just as the sun started to break over the sea. When she couldn’t move fear flooded her system.

She didn’t stop to think or reason out why her limbs were immobile. Her reaction came from pure instinct. Elbows jerked up and back, making solid contact with a hard, heated wall. Her legs reared up and back until something almost hard was defeated by her man-killing heel.

“Son of a bitch.”
A man’s pained voice roared through the room.

And just that quickly everything came flooding back to Daisy’s mind.

, the amazing sex and the more outstanding orgasms he’d given her. Orgasms provided by the penis she’d just killed.

“Oh no,
, I’m so sorry.” The room still held the dark of night, but pale fingers of light tentatively made their way past the thick curtains. “I woke up and for a split second there I didn’t remember anything.”

Her lover sat on the edge of the bed, as far from her as he could get and still maintain the same airspace. Even in the dim light Daisy saw his cheeks pale beneath his
and a sickly green look surround his eyes.

“Can I get you some ice?” What were the chances of getting his equipment back and up to working order? Taking another look at his angry black eyes Daisy stepped back. Maybe she should be wondering if he’d be willing to trust her anywhere near his precious equipment again.

“Just give me a minute,” he requested in a tight voice before dropping his head once more.

Taking two tentative steps closer, Daisy looked down and wanted to weep. She’d broken his penis. No longer did it stand up hard and proud. The solider had fallen, slunk over, half the man he used to be. “Can I get you anything?”

His head started to shake,
he changed motions and nodded. “Would you, ah…please get me some ice water?”

Ice water?
Maybe getting kicked in the cock left you a little parched. What did she know? “Sure, I’ll have to go downstairs to get the ice. Will you be okay without me?”

The question hung in the air and Daisy’s stupidity slapped her upside the head. Of course the man would be fine without her. She was the reason he needed medical care in the first place.

“Never mind.”
She backed away, grabbed the nearest article of clothing and her slippers and slammed out the door.

With her luck
would be gone by the time she got back. Not that she blamed him, but he’d been the best lover she’d ever had. She’d miss everything about him, his tongue, those long thick fingers and especially his poor bent penis.

Overall, she was reasonably sure
hadn’t been permanently damaged. But what she knew about men’s erections would fit on the top of a…penis.

The laughter spilled out before she could stop it, the situation finally coming clear in her mind.

Daisy Oliver, little Miss
, had incapacitated her lover of one night, but not before wearing him out completely. She kept snickering to herself, keeping one hand over her mouth to muffle the sound.
didn’t need to know the humor she’d found in his painful situation. The ice should go a long way toward a peace offering.

Two steps from the elevator, Daisy realized she had nothing to hold the ice and bring it back to the room in. With a smack to her forehead, she retraced her steps. A bright flash of light glowed under the door.
sharp cry of pain quickly followed.

What now? Had someone gotten in? Whatever was happening in that room involved
She didn’t think the poor man could take much more abuse. So long as she had the element of surprise Daisy figured they’d be okay.

With a quick prayer and a silent thank-you for the old-fashioned keyhole door, Daisy slowly pushed the wood away from the frame. It took seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. When they finally registered the sight, shock held her immobile.

Sitting on her bed, looking massive and
was the largest black wolf Daisy had ever seen or heard about. The creature looked like a horse trapped in the coat of a wolf.

“Oh no, you ate
!” It didn’t matter that the statement lacked evidence.
in the room, the wolf was and she’d heard his cry of pain. Ergo the wolf ate her lover.

Her quickly formed plan for hotel security, a can of mace and maybe a bag of bacon took a step back when the wolf started glowing. The same bright colors she’d glimpsed beneath the door. Within seconds the menacing wolf had disappeared and
a naked
sat in its place, his cock no longer impaired.

“Oh, shit,” she whispered and pushed her back against the wall. “Tell me this is a really bad mix of jet lag and those motion sickness pills I took.”

Dark, shaggy, black hair shook back and forth. “I’m afraid I can’t, Daisy. I’m a werewolf and we need to talk.”

* * * * *

In all the scenarios where
had imagined telling Daisy the truth about him, reality hadn’t come close. He’d been forced to shift in order to relieve the aching and brain-numbing pain in his testicles. Sending his mate out for ice seemed to be the quickest way to get her out of the room and save what was left of his family jewels.

Now Daisy sat across the room from him, arms crossed tightly over her generous tits, as far away from him as she could get without leaving the room. He fisted one hand in his hair and the other on his jean-clad hip and paced the room.

“What the fuck do I say now? Where do I start?” He hadn’t realized he’d said the words out loud until Daisy spoke.

“The truth would be nice.” Her whisper traveled across the small space between them. Even with his advanced hearing he almost missed the hushed words.
“As long as the truth doesn’t involve you eating me or sacrificing me to the devil.”

Her words startled a laugh out of him. Damn, even in the midst of the worst situation of his life, Daisy could make him laugh. “Honey, I’ve already eaten you the only way I know how. As for sacrifices, not while I’m still breathing.”

A rush of air left her lungs and some of the tension eased from her tightly wound shoulders. Shit, she’d been serious? The insult to his wolf and his people cut straight through him. “I’d never harm you. I’d never allow anyone else to hurt you either. Be it human or other they’d have to kill me to touch a hair on your beautiful head.”

That had her head popping up. “There’s no need to throw around false flattery. You’ve already had me in bed.”

Was it possible that the woman didn’t know her own appeal? Surely she had a mirror. Then again, human women were strange when it came to things like weight and other crap he didn’t care about. Thoughtfully he rubbed the bridge of his nose, letting his anger and the injury to his pride seep away.

“Look, I know all this must look pretty freaky to you, but I promise to answer any questions you have honestly.” Slowly he moved to her, wary of startling her again. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you, Daisy,” he reiterated.

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