Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (21 page)

Getting a little braver in my sudden sexual awakening, I grab him by the waistband of his pajama pants and slowly pull him back towards my room. He follows me without hesitation. He reaches the hem of my tank, pulls it over my head, barely breaking the kiss.

With both hands on my back, he unhooks my bra and pulls down the straps. As my bra falls to the floor, he steps back and gazes at my bare breasts. If I thought his eyes looked like they wanted to devour me before, I was surely mistaken. The hunger in his eyes now is unmistakable.

“Mi, are you really sure? It’s not too late to stop. It will suck like hell, but I won’t pressure or take advantage,” he says almost as if he needs me to stop what we are doing.

I couldn’t stop this if I wanted to. Watching him look at me like I’m a feast, I want more. I want to see what that package can do. And his mouth, I want his mouth on me too much to just stand here and do nothing.

I start to remove my yoga pants and panties at the same time.

“Skylar, if you want to stop, you will have to turn around and walk out of this room. I will not be the responsible one tonight. I will not stop this. If you don’t want me,
have to walk away. I want you and I want you now,” I say with my voice full of seduction, praying he doesn’t high tail it out of my room.

Thankfully he crashes into me, pushing me to the bed. As my knees hit the back of the bed, I waver a little. He gently lays me back on the mattress and moves me to the head of the bed. He kneels between my legs, staring at my naked body again, like he has never seen a naked woman before.

Sliding off the side of the bed he unties his pajama pants and pushes them to his feet. Looking over his body, like he had just done to mine, I can’t help but lick my lips in anticipation. He starts to crawl back up to me stopping at the position he was in earlier and kneels between my legs.

“Mi, you have to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I just want to remember this moment. I am going to do things to your body and make you feel like you have never felt before. Just let me look at you for a little while,” he pleads with me.

I’m in no mood to be stared at while naked with no action. How can I get him to just give me what I need right now?

“Skylar, earlier when you asked what I was thinking about? To be honest, I was thinking of dragging you into my room and riding you until we both couldn’t move,” I say sensually. I don’t even sound like myself.

He starts breathing heavier but doesn’t move closer to my body. I guess if I want to seduce him I have to get a little more creative. I hesitantly put my fingers into my mouth, getting them wet with my saliva. I take my wet fingers and trace a line down to my drenched core. I gently start rubbing myself with my wet hand and tweak my nipples with the other. God this feels so good. I haven’t had an orgasm in so long.

The sheer pleasure of touching myself pulls me from the moment. I start gyrating on my own hand and pinching and rolling my nipples. I look up at Skylar, my eyes inviting him to touch me too, but he’s just kneeling there. I get more into a rhythm and I can feel my orgasm building. There is something so erotic about touching yourself with someone watching.

I dip my fingers into my soaking wet opening. Covered in my arousal, I remove them leaning up on my elbow and offer them to his mouth. He accepts my digits, sucking the juices off my fingers. The most erotic noise I have ever heard comes from his throat and I realize very quickly that my mission has been accomplished.

“God, you taste sweeter than I imagined. As much as I want to have my face buried between your thighs, I need to get inside you now,” Skylar says, while reaching between my legs to confirm how wet I am. Rubbing his middle and ring finger through my soaked cunt, he inserts them into my opening.

“Oh, I told you we would be revisiting this wet issue soon,” he says smirking at me again.

“Skylar, please. Inside me now. Can’t wait longer. Need you now,” I muster out. I can’t even form a coherent thought at this point, let alone a complete sentence. I need to feel him inside me.

“Sweets, do you have condoms in here?” he asks while pumping his shaft. I’m so mesmerized watching him grow even larger than I saw in the bathroom that I answer his question quickly.

“On the pill. Rough periods,” I finally say, still unable to form a complete a sentence.

“Baby, usually the talk of a period while I’m staring at the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen would make me run for the hills. Knowing I can get inside you right now, without a condom, has me so fucking hard I can’t see straight. Are you sure, sweets?” Skylar asks, looking beyond impatient.

I reach and grab him by the shaft, angling him towards my opening. He takes this as his cue that it’s perfectly fine to move forward. He moves a little closer and enters me slowly.

“God, you are so wet and tight. If I had known you would feel this amazing earlier … “, Skylar says but trails off.

I really could care less what he was going to say. “Now Skylar. Hard. Please,” I beg my voice still full of lust.

He obliges and slams into me so hard I cry out on impact. It feels so good that I meet him thrust for thrust. I’ve only been with one other man and I’m a little worried I’m not up to par but his growl tells me I’m doing everything just right. He starts to pick up his pace, putting his hands under my ass to lift me into his thrusts. My orgasm is building quickly. I arch my back; throw my head back with my eyes closed.

“Open your eyes, sweets. I need you here with me. I’m not going to last too much longer. You feel way too good. My own little piece of heaven,” Skylar says as his cock grows and starts to throb. I know he’s close. I open my eyes and look into his.

I reach up and grab the back of his neck with one hand and shoulder with the other. I pull him down to me and kiss him with as much passion as he’s showing me. He slides into me one more time, hitting depths I didn’t know existed, throwing me overboard into the most amazing orgasm. I’m almost positive that nobody has ever come so hard, and so quickly, in the history of orgasms.

“Oh God, Skylar. Oh fuck,” I yell as I continue to soar. As soon as I start to contract around him, milking his orgasm, he looks deep into my eyes and I sense the moment he releases. His eyes glaze completely over and his growl pushes me over the edge again.

I have never had multiple orgasms before, let alone within minutes of each other. Skylar falls on top of me as we were both come down from the earth shattering, soul shaking sex.

“You are so much more than amazing. That was the best sex of my life,” he whispers into my hair as he kisses the tops of my head.

He goes to the bathroom and returns with a warm washcloth and cleans both of us. Picking up the blanket from the floor, he covers me up. Thinking he was going to return to his bedroom, he surprises me and climbs in next to me, wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

“Good night sweetheart,” he says as we both started to drift off.

“Good night, Danny,” I say, immediately realizing what the fuck I just said.

Skylar gets up off the bed and walks back to his room. I know I fucked up, but as soon as I hear his bedroom door slam shut, the tears just start flowing. How could I hurt him so badly? I didn’t mean to do that. Shit.


Chapter Five



After slamming the door to my bedroom and I am sitting on the edge of my bed with my hands buried in my hair, I realize that I smell like Mira. What the hell? I am perfectly content with sitting in my room and not coming out until I know she is well and gone, but knowing I can smell her on my skin is driving me insane.

After some careful consideration and some patient listening, I crack my bedroom door open and look out to make sure that she isn’t in the hallway. To my relief, her bedroom door is open but the room is still dark. There are no lights on anywhere else in the house either.

I creep out of my bedroom with a towel slung around my shoulder, determined to rid the Mira’s scent from my skin. I open the bathroom door and wait until it’s shut before I turn the light on, not wanting any attention from her after the disaster that just happened in her bedroom.

“Goodnight Danny” keeps replaying in my head.

How can two words, four syllables tear me to shreds? I have never wanted anyone like I want Mira. She is the sweetest and most beautiful girl I have ever met. I had no idea she would have ever been capable of hurting me this way. I want to hate her so badly, but I can’t bring myself to do anything but want her.

“Skylar, are you ok?” Mira asks, while softly knocking on the bathroom door. As much as I want to ignore her and make her hurt like she hurt me, I just can’t do it.

“I’m fine, Mira. Go back to bed,” I say without any emotion.

“Sky, please, can we just talk for a minute. I’m so sor-,” Mira starts to say before I cut her off.

“Really, Mira, go back to bed. You might be the last person in the world I want to have a conversation with right about now,” I say with some anger and frustration behind my words.

“Skylar please,” Mira pleads.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I open the door with so much force; the door handle hits the wall behind the door, leaving an impression in the drywall. I see the fear in her eyes. Does she really think I would hurt her physically? This woman knows nothing about me.

“Mira. For the last god damned time, we are not discussing this. Not now. Not later. Not ever. You need to understand this. I made a huge mistake getting in your bed and I promise that I will never make that mistake again. You have made your feelings very clear. End of discussion,” I say with so much venom in my voice I break my own heart.

Tears start to form in the corners of Mira’s eyes. She starts to talk and I can tell she’s having a hard time forming words beyond the lump in her throat. Knowing she’s about to let the dam break any second breaks my heart all over again.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry. We don’t have to discuss it. Maybe we should think about another living arrangement,” she whispers.

“You have got to be kidding me. I’m over the situation Mira. We had sex. It was good, but in no way soul shattering. Let’s just call it what it is. You’re lonely, missing Danny and wanting someone in your bed. I just happened to be the closest warm body. I’m okay with that. To be quite honest, I have always wondered what you would be like in bed, now I know. Two birds, one stone,” I lie through my teeth as I speak every word.

“You know what, Skylar. Fuck you,” she says. It’s as if the second I spat my lies at her, her sadness turns into pure anger. “You can go fuck yourself.”

“Oh no, Mira honey, you forget so soon.  I already fucked YOU. I’m all fucked out for the night. Maybe tomorrow will be a different story,” I seethe out.

How does she not realize how much I have loved her all these years? Could she really never tell?

What the fuck ever. Mira Adams will not be the death of me. I’ll get over this girl, even if I have to fuck half of Ann Arbor to accomplish it.


Chapter Six



“What the fuck just happened?” I mumble to myself after I run back to my room, slamming my door. I never thought Skylar could be so cold and indifferent. I really felt like we had some kind of connection. Something more than the friendship that had grown over the last five years, but he proved me wrong.

I never meant to say anything about Danny. I have only ever been with Danny. Danny was my first boyfriend, my first love, my first ‘everything. He was the only other person to ever sleep in my bed and his was the only other bed I had slept in.

It just felt so natural with Skylar that I guess I got carried away. Every night before bed, Danny would kiss the top of my head, while holding me and tell me good night. I always responded, “Goodnight Danny.”

“I love you, Pea, good night,” Danny said, kissing my forehead.

“Night Danny,” I responded nestling into the crook of his arm, listening to his heartbeat until I fell asleep.

I would never intentionally hurt Skylar for anything in the world. These last few weeks he has really been there for me. I really thought that he was looking at me as more than a quick fuck. I never thought it was because he wanted to see if I was good in the sack. How stupid am I?

Those words he said killed me. It has been so long since I have been so sad and so angry at the same time.

I climb into bed as the night keeps replaying in my head. I haven’t been this upset since Danny died. The words that came out of Skylar’s mouth hurt me to the core. What am I going to do? How will I be able to face him tomorrow? Sobbing into my pillow, sleep finally takes me.

I am startled awake with a loud noise coming from the living room. Jumping out of bed, I throw on my pink robe to go see what is going on. If it’s Skylar, I don’t want him seeing me half naked in just my sleep clothes. I won’t ever let myself be that exposed and vulnerable to him again.

“Skylar? Is that you?”

I don’t hear a response, but another loud crash. It sounds like someone dropped a glass on the hardwood floor.

My palms are getting sweaty and my heart is beating a million miles a minute. Something doesn’t feel right. I move from the doorway of my bedroom toward the living area. Looking around the wall separating the hallway from the living room, I see what’s going on.

“Skylar, are you fucking kidding me? It’s three in the morning.”

His back is facing me as he walks in my direction. He stumbles again and knocks into the end table, knocking over picture frames, sending one crashing to its death on the floor.

I turn on the hallway light to get a better look at him. He is clearly drunk; I can smell the booze oozing out of his pores, even from a distance. As I walk toward him to help guide him to his bedroom so he could sleep off this drunken mess, I see HER.

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