Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (259 page)

I can’t.

There’s something wrapped around both of them.
What did he do?
I try tugging on them again as I pull my mouth away from his.

“Slade, what are you doing?” I ask breathlessly.

“Shhh,” he whispers in my ear. “Just relax, Angel. I have a favor to return.”

I clench my legs tightly shut. Last time I came
and he only had one hand available.
Now he has two!

“No, no. None of that.”

He kisses me, but I don’t open my mouth. I’m going to play with him as well. When I don’t respond, he takes a nipple in between two fingers and pinches it. I open my mouth and gasp. He lightly nibbles on my lip before he slides his tongue inside my mouth. I can’t help but suck on it and kiss him back. My body is on fire for him.

“Good, Angel,” he murmurs against my lips. “Now it’s time for these to come off.’’

He slides my jeans and underwear down my legs quickly. Once my jeans are off, I feel him get off the bed and hear his pants hit the floor. I pull my legs together and bend my knees bringing my legs up.

I feel the bed dip as he crawls back on. My body jerks when he places his hands on top of my knees. He lets out a wicked chuckle that makes me tremble, and pushes my legs apart, centering himself between them. His hands skate their way up my legs, over my hip bones, my stomach...I know he can feel the goose bumps that break out over my body when his hands touch me. He brings them up to my breasts and grabs them both possessively, playing with both nipples. I arch my back and let out a moan.

“That’s better,” he whispers. His hands leave my breasts, and I feel his body weight settle on me once again as his lips make contact on mine. It’s a slow sensual kiss, but when he pulls away it leaves me wanting more. I can feel his hard erection between my legs and my body starts to throb with need.

“Please, Slade.” I beg arching my neck back.

“What do you want, Angel?’’ he asks, running his fingers down my exposed neck.

Ugh! I hate this game he plays!
He damn well knows what I want.

I lift my head up to find his lips, but I end up kissing his cheek. He places both hands on either side of my face then settles his lips on mine. “Tell me, Angel. What do you want me to do?” he whispers on my lips, sending chills down my spine.

“I want you to fuck me,” I croak out, closing my eyes.
God, why does he make me say it?
I get rewarded with a peck on the forehead then his lips move to my neck.

“Do you want to know what I’m going to do to you?” He licks up my neck.

“Yes,” I pant.

“I’m going to fuck you, Angel. Hard and fast. And when I’m done, you’re going to be begging for more.”

He’s such an arrogant bastard.

I have a feeling he’s telling the truth. Hell, we haven’t had sex yet, and I’ve already begged him for it, twice.

“But not yet.”

What the f—

His lips crash on mine, and he’s holding nothing back. I try to get my arms free. I just want to touch him all over. I’m sure if I could get them free, I could get things moving along. He breaks off the kiss and starts trailing little kisses down my chest but stops at my left breast. He sucks lightly on my nipple as I let out a frustrating moan. It feels so good, yet it feels like torture. His hands leave my face as he begins kissing down my body again. He dips his tongue into my belly button, making me shudder. He gives feather-like kisses down to my hip bone. I tense up because I know exactly where he’s headed. I try to close my legs, but he places his hands on my inner thighs, holding them open as he sits between them.

“Slade, I’ve never….”

I take in a deep breath as he settles his face between my legs. His tongue licks over my sensitive spot, and my back bows.

“Fuck, you taste so good,” he says against my lips.

I shiver, pulling against my restraint. He pulls his face away and runs a finger, separating my folds. My body jerks when he settles his tongue back on me. His strong hands land on my hips to hold them in place. He starts out slow like his kiss, slowly exploring my most secret place. He licks between my folds as a shudder runs through me. I can’t hold back the noises that come out of my mouth.

He lets go of one hip and his fingers join his tongue. They take turns working in and out of me. I pull against the restraints as my body arches, and I try to breathe.

“Slade!” I call out as I feel that familiar sensation building up deep inside. I grab the straps that connect to the leather cuffs wrapped around my wrists. I feel the need to ground myself to the bed because my body feels like it is going to literally fall over the ledge if I’m not hanging on. He enters a second finger while his tongue pulls my sensitive spot into his mouth and sucks on it, throwing me over the edge as I scream his name.

His hands are holding my hips down again while my body shudders. He pulls his mouth away from me, and the only noise you can hear in the room is my heavy breathing. My body continues shaking, and every part of my body is tingling. He gets up, and I hear him rip open a packet, then he’s hovering over me again.

“You taste so good on my tongue, Angel.” He kisses me, his tongue exploring my mouth, and I taste myself on him. “So fucking sweet.” He runs his tongue over my lips. “Just like I knew you would.”

I let out a strangled moan.

He slides his hands down my body and grabs onto both hips as his thumbs make little circles over my hip bones.

“This is one of my favorite spots,” he says, still making little circles. “Your skin is so smooth and warm.” He bends down and gives my hip bone a feathery kiss, then sits back up, running his fingers between my wet lips and opening me up for him.

He slides in a finger, and I moan. “Please.”

He removes it, and I hear a sucking noise. “I couldn’t wait to taste you again.”

I shiver.

He thrusts himself all the way into me.


“Slade!” I cry out as my body stretches to allow him in.
God, he is so big
. I feel full and stretched beyond what I knew possible. My body tries to jerk back, but he holds me still by my hips.

“Fuck, you feel so good.” He stills himself inside of me.

“Slade,” I pant. I need him to do something; I need him to move.

He lays his body flat on top of mine, putting his face in the crook of my neck. He pulls out slowly, then rams back into me. I scream out his name, arching my back.

“Fuck! So tight,” he growls in my ear as he pulls out and slams into me again. I whimper as his words fill my head and his hot breath lands on my neck. He pulls back all the way and slowly gives me an inch at a time driving me insane.

“Please, Slade. Harder,” I beg.

“You want hard, baby?” he nibbles on my neck, making me shiver.

“Yes. God, yes.”

He pulls out and thrusts back in harder, pulling on my hips, deeper, making me whimper.

“Like that, Angel?” he questions, nibbling my lip.

“Yes. Faster,” I demand.

He sits back, gripping my hips, and begins to fuck me unabashed, finally giving into what our bodies have been craving for too long. And it is amazing, I never knew it could feel this way.

I moan and say incoherent things as he takes me higher with every stroke. He places his hands behind my knees and pushes my legs back to where the top of my thighs are on the sheets, opening me wider for him. I cry out as the position allows him to push even deeper.

“Christ, Angel,” he growls.

I whimper as he pulls out slowly, then thrusts back into me. I try to push my legs back to stretch them out, but he tightens his hands on my legs and holds them down. He is beyond controlling my body, he is overpowering it, and it is the most thrilling feeling I have ever felt.

He lowers his body, and his lips brush mine. I open my mouth for him, and he takes my breath away as his mouth dominates mine. His hips pick up their pace as his tongue continues to slowly dance with mine.

He pulls away and sits up, letting go of my legs. I wrap them around him as he places his thumb over my sweet spot and starts making little circles. It is already sensitive from earlier, so I quickly come again. He takes me places that I have never been and now that I’ve experienced it, I never want to leave.

“God, you’re fucking amazing,” he whispers as he places his chest on mine to kiss me, pulling me away from my thoughts. His kiss is demanding, taking control of my mouth just like he is with my body.

He continues to move in and out of me, but slows his pace. He removes his thumb and grabs both of my hips, lifting my ass up off the bed. He picks up his rhythm again. I can’t say anything, I am still shaking uncontrollably and trying to catch my breath. He starts to pull back and I tighten myself around him, pulling him back in.


He pushes into me, his fingers digging in my hips and pulling me towards him like he can’t get deep enough. I felt him stiffen while he mumbles a few choice words. He collapses on top of me, our bodies slick with sweat, laying together as we slow our breathing down. I flinch at the loss of him as he pulls out and discards the condom. I felt him reach over me and then the room is bathed in light. I squint at first then close my eyes. I like it dark where he can only feel me, not see me.

“Open your eyes,” he demands softly. As I open my eyes, I look into his and my breath catches. He is absolutely gorgeous; his smooth muscular chest glistening with sweat, his hair messy just how I like, his eyes sparkling, and his lips...oh God, his lips. I can’t help but remember what they had done to me. I feel a blush creep up my cheeks when a slow smirk appears on his face, telling me he knows exactly what I am thinking.

He stays like that for a few seconds before he leans down and kisses me. As he breaks off the kiss, he looks up above my head and releases my arms from the restraints. I immediately run my hands over his smooth muscular chest, feeling the sweat, then tangle them up in his hair.

“God you’re so sexy,” I say as he hovers over me. He doesn’t respond; he just stares at me, but the smirk has vanished. I sit up and take his face in my hands.

“Are you okay?”

He doesn’t respond.

“Slade, is something wrong?”

He is scaring me. Those baby blue eyes are staring into mine like he is looking at my soul. I feel exposed, and I’m afraid that he has found out what I’m trying to hold back.


I am falling for this man,
which is crazy!
I barely know him, but he has turned my life upside down and inside out.

I have a feeling he just found out my secret, and now he’s going to push me away, breaking my heart in the process.


Chapter Fifteen




I can’t stop looking at her. What we just shared was amazing.

Wait, no.

There are no words for what we just shared. The way I felt inside of her was unreal, and now that I’ve had her, I’m never going to let her go.

“Everything’s great.” I give her a reassuring smile. “Why don’t you go on in the bathroom and start getting ready for bed? I’ll be there in a second.” I give her a kiss on the forehead as she nods and rolls off the bed.

Once she’s in the bathroom, I sit there for a second and look at the brown leather cuffs lying on the bed. I had never used restraints with anyone, and thought twice before I bought them, but now I’m glad I did. We will
be using those again.

I smile to myself as I undo them from the bed and place them in my night stand. As I start to walk to the bathroom, I hear my phone vibrating in my jeans. I have three text messages.


Everything ok?

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