Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (29 page)

“You have hurt me in the worst possible way Mira. This pain that I feel, you will never experience. I wasn’t even worth a phone call.” With that, he storms out of the stairwell, leaving me alone to wallow in my own misery.

He was right. I didn’t even give him a phone call. I don’t deserve his friendship but I will do anything I can to try to make this betrayal up to him. I wasn’t strong enough to do it before, but now, knowing that I hurt him to his core, I know I have to fix this.


Chapter Thirteen



I can’t stay here with Mira tonight. As I leave the stairwell, I run straight into Kylee, still dancing. She has developed quite the fan club, guys sitting on the tabletops just staring at her, watching her move. If I didn’t know her better, I’d be worried, but Kylee loves attention. More than that, she loves attention from the opposite sex. I think there were even times she enjoyed attention from the same sex, but that was in college, I laugh to myself.

“Kylee, I’m going to head out. Mira’s upstairs. When she decides to come down, please make sure she gets home alright?” I ask as I give her a hug goodbye.

“What do you mean when she decides to come down? What the hell did you do to her?” Kylee scolds.

“It’s not something I can talk about. If you want to know, ask your girl. I need to get out of here for a while. Hopefully when I get back, she’s not here anymore. Please just make sure she gets home okay, Ky.”

“Skylar McBride, if I find out you hurt her again, I swear, I’ll have your balls,” Kylee says, staring at me with hands on her hips and attitude on her face.

“Trust me Kylee; I’m not the one that did the hurting tonight. That’s all on Mira. I’ll talk to you later, okay? Text me when you get her home, she’s pretty trashed.”

I give Kylee one more hug as I head towards the door of the clubhouse. I’ve just made it to my bike when Mex walks towards me, shaking his head.

“Those girls were something else, huh brother?” Mex asks, stopping a few feet from my bike.

“Something else is an understatement, man. What are you doing? I’m gonna go hit another clubhouse. Want to go?”

“Yeah man, I’m down. Let me run and tell Prowler we’re leaving,” Mex says, turning to walk into the bar.

A few minutes later, we’re on the road. I don’t know which house I want to go to tonight. I just know that I need to get somewhere that’s laid back and chill. Knowing the exact spot I’m thinking of, I take off even faster down the highway. Mex follows behind me, letting me do my thing. Riding is my outlet, it always has been. After Danny’s accident, the joy of the road beneath two wheels was almost stolen from me, but I’m happy that I still have one thing in my life that makes me happier than almost anything else.

We pull up to the clubhouse. It has a different set up than ours, no large gates blocking the building and no probies working the front. They have a graveled parking lot next to a building that’s painted black and has surveillance cameras at almost every angle. I park my bike near the edge of the parking lot and wait for Mex to park his bike and catch up to me.

Mex and I walk in, party in full effect. I hear the lyrics of Lynard Skynard as soon as we open the door and know that the minute I start drinking, it’s going to be bad news. I just really need to clear my head.

Just inside the doors, bouncers that would put the regular Joes to shame are checking bags of patrons and patting down the men. I have my cut on, so I’m skipped over. This patch really gets me out of the shit Danny and I had to go through just to walk into another clubhouse.

I immediately notice a stripper pole with a somewhat attractive girl spinning around the metal rod. This girl isn’t anything special, but alright to look at. Her massive double Ds are out for the world to see, giggling with every twirl on the pole. Her face isn’t so wonderful, but her body’s great, so I think I might take her for a spin. She might be in her late twenties, but you can tell she has some miles on her. Taking a step towards her, I notice she has an old lady vest stacked neatly on top of her clothes.

100% off limits.

Moving further into the room, there’s a DJ in one corner, pretty close to the mahogany bar stacked with booze. I walk over to the bar scanning their inventory for something to dull the pain away but not put me into a stupor.

Fuck it. Jaeger it is.

Ordering a pint of Jaeger and a can of coke, I move through the room with Mex. We end up at a tall table that is reinforced with what I think is steel to the floor. There’s a woman, naked from the waist down, lying across the table. We move closer to get an idea of what exactly is going on and notice there are ping pong balls in a cup sitting on the table next to her exposed snatch.

“No shit. She’s going to shoot a ping pong ball out of her ---,” I stop Mex before he can even finish the sentence.

“Bro. Get a grip,” I say, exasperated with his immature attitude. This type of shit isn’t new. We do this every weekend. I should have known better than to go to another clubhouse with a probie, but I really just needed some company.

After Mex’s sophomoric display, I decide I really need to separate myself from him. I walk out of the bay door in the back and there’s a huge bonfire. The music is playing just as loud outside as it is inside. There must be speakers out here, I think to myself. When the song playing comes to the part about being born and raised in south Detroit, all of the drunk girls make sure to belt that part out.

How obnoxious.

There’s a group of girls standing off to the side, probably in their mid-twenties, and no property patches on their clothing. JACKPOT.

“Come here often?” I ask one of the girls. The brunette. Ever since Mira, I can’t find myself being attracted to anyone else. She fucking ruined blondes for me.

The girl twists her head towards me, without turning her body. I thought she was going to brush me off like just another joker with a lame pick up line. Her eyes travel my body and rest on my cut. With her too long, dark lashes beginning to flutter, she meets my eyes.
Fuck, green eyes
. Just another nail in my coffin, I guess.

“Hey there,” she says looking down at my name patch. “Axe, do you want to buy a thirsty girl a drink?”

She now fully turns her body so we’re standing toe to toe. Her hair is a lighter brown, but those green eyes remind me so much of Mira’s, I can’t look away. She puts her dainty hand on my chest over my name patch, and when her tongue leaves her mouth to moisten her plump ruby red lips, my cock twitches a little.

“Lead the way,” I say, realizing that I don’t know her name.

She must see the question in my eyes and tells me, “Jodie.”

“Well in that case, lead the way, Jodie.”

“Do you mind if my girlfriend comes with me? We kind of came together and I don’t want her to get lost or talk to the wrong kind of guy,” Jodie asks me.

“Sweetness, you do realize you’re in a clubhouse full of guys that fuck for fun, fight for the rush and kill for the pleasure, right? But if you’re worried about your friend getting hit on by the wrong kind of guy,” I say to her sarcastically. “Tell her to come on; I’m not trying to stay here all night.”

Jodie and her friend, Candy, go into the building ahead of me. I will say; I’m an ass man. Jodie has an okay ass, not too big but perky. It would probably look better in those stretchy pants the girls wear these days to make their asses look better than they actually are. False advertising, if you ask me.

I like Jodie’s ink though. She’s wearing a backless shirt and no bra and her hair is casually pushed over her shoulder, leaving the giant pin up girl tattooed on her back open for all to see. The girl on her back almost looks like a nude Rosie the Riviter. Don’t ask me why, but this turns me on. Like I wouldn’t mind watching this tattoo while I fucked this girl from behind.

Candy is wearing a short too-tight black dress, a necklace with a single charm nestled between an amazing pair of tits that look like they’re begging to escape the confines of the dress, and black heels that have studs on them. I’m not gay or anything, but those shoes are kind of kick ass. I bet they would look amazing wrapped around my head.

Well, I guess the Jaeger is doing its job. I feel less miserable, less angry with Mira and horny as shit. To add to the amazingness of the Jaeger, I don’t know which girl I want to bag more. Shit, I guess I’ll have to shoot for both of them.

As I slam the rest of my Jaeger, Mex comes up behind me and whispers into my ear, “There’s an issue at our house. We need to head back. Bring the bitches if you have to, but Prowler wants us back now.”

Even better, I think to myself. There won’t be any awkward, ‘Hey do you want to come back to my place’ conversation. Prowler wanting us back to the house isn’t a good sign. I really hope Mira left right after I did.

“Alright ladies, slam down those drinks, we’re out of here. I have to head back to the Hooliganz House. You girls are coming with,” I say with a bit of a demand laced in my words. Let’s see how far these bitches are willing to go to please me.

To my surprise, Jodie and Candy start walking towards the front door. Both girls stop at the front door and lean over the counter, talking to one of the bouncers. Within a few seconds, the bouncer hands each girl a purse and a cell phone that they checked at the beginning of the night. It’s been so long since I have been to a clubhouse with civilians; I almost forgot they weren’t allowed cell phones or purses on the inside.

We walk out the door and into the night. The air’s crisp, but not too bad. Looking at Candy, I’m wondering how this is going to work on the back of a bike in that short ass dress. Suddenly, all kinds of twisted images of fucking her on my bike flash in my head.

“Candy, you’re with me. Jodie, ride with Mex,” I say as we approach our bikes.

Typically, when I’m in a pissed off mood, I like to ride my Harley Fat Boy. Since I wasn’t anticipating Mira’s little mind bomb and fucking with my head, I’m on my rocket.

My Suzuki GSX-R is all black from nose to tail except for the deep purple seats. Thankfully I didn’t have the cowl on the rear seat. I straddle the front seat and hold Candy’s hand as she climbs on the back. When she swings her right leg over the rear seat I get a nice little peek at what’s hiding under that dress, a perfectly manicured pussy and a tattoo of lips on her inner thigh.
Very nice
, I think with a smirk on my face.

Firing up the bike and putting it into gear, I nod to Mex to take the lead. If I can’t have both girls on my bike, I can at least watch Jodie while riding with Candy.

After a great ride back to the Hooliganz House, staring at the crack of Jodie’s ass the entire way, we reach the gates to the front of our house. The area isn’t great, but it was what we could afford when we first started.

Hitting the accelerator twice in quick succession to alert the probies at the gate we’re here, one side of the gate swings open and we ride into the lot. I park my bike within quick walking distance of the door. Putting up my kickstand, I help Candy off my bike. Mex is doing the same with Jodie, but on the other side of the lot. Full-patched officers have much better parking rights than a probie.

As soon as I walk into the house, I notice Mira still in the bar. She’s standing with her back to me, chatting with a guy from another club. My blood starts to boil. She tells me about our child, runs me out of my clubhouse and then starts talking with a mother fucker from another club. This woman is out of her fucking mind.

I start walking towards them, forgetting I have Candy hot on my heels, when Prowler intercepts me about half way across the room.

“Axe, out back, now,” he says as he starts walking towards the door.

“I’ll be right back. Hang out here if you want,” I say to Candy as I follow Prowler out of the bar and around the back of the lot, closer to where the probies have to park their bikes.

As I round the corner of an adjacent building used by the trucking company that’s in the same lot as our building, I see some bar fly trying to gouge one of my brother’s eyes out. I run over to where they’re fighting and take the woman by the waist and pull her back. Her arms and legs fly all over, trying to at least get a hit in before she’s subdued.

“Calm it the fuck down,” I say to the woman while turning back to Prowler. “What the hell is going on?”

“I guess she’s been fucking with one of the Knights of Darkness but she came here to get some. When her old man showed up, he was pissed she was even here to begin with. He came at JT with some nonsense and tried to fight in the middle of the house. I had the guys bring him out here to cool his jets when this bitch came out swinging,” Prowler says as he continues to fill me in on the night’s events.

I get it. I’m the Sergeant at Arms. This is my job, to defuse situations like this on open nights, but shit. Can’t I just get one fucking night to deal with my own hell? I guess not.

“Ok Tiger, you need to get your shit and get the hell out. You’re no longer welcome here,” I say to the woman still trying to battle with JT.

As I push her towards the gate, a very tall and angry looking guy starts walking towards me. I glance down at his hands and see he’s flexing his fingers in and out of a fist. I swear; this guy must be every bit of three hundred and fifty pounds and well over six feet tall. I’m not a little guy, coming in around six feet, but my two hundred pounds shouldn’t stand a chance against this brick wall of a man who would make line backers look like twelve year old boys.

Well, if I’m going down, I’m going down swinging. A few of the other Hooliganz move behind me as I walk in the direction of the mammoth man. I put my arms out wide to my side, signaling them to stay back while I handle this issue.

“Isn’t that your bitch in there, Axe? You put your hands on my old lady, isn’t it only fair for me to put my hands on yours?” The giant asks as I approach him. Looking at his cut, I know exactly who he is. This guy has a pretty bad reputation for putting the hurt on quite a few other guys when they don’t get a swing in first. Knowing what I have to do, I let loose. Blind fury guides me.

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