Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (32 page)

We head over to the actual unit we are looking at and I see a familiar looking man at the door. Looking at his facial features, I know I’ve seen him somewhere before, but I can’t place him.

“Mira! How nice to see you again,” the man says.

“I’m sorry, have we met before? You look very familiar but I can’t place you for some reason.”

“Oh. I’m sorry. I’m John. I was the mediator during your meeting a while back. You came with that nice young man, what was his name? Oh, yes, Skylar. You had lost someone dear to you.”

Now I have him placed. He was the man with the sad eyes. “John, how rude of me? That was not one of my finer moments. How’ve you been?”

“I’ve been well, and yourself? How are you and Skylar doing?”

“I’m doing much better. Skylar and I actually spent some time together this weekend, but I haven’t really seen him much before that. But I’m so good, thank you for asking. Is this your place?”

John responds yes and leads us into the property. Even from the foyer, I can tell this is exactly where I would like to live. The foyer has ten foot ceilings that lead into an open floor plan consisting of a living room, dining room and kitchen. It has first floor laundry and two bedrooms upstairs with separate bathrooms. This might be my dream condo.

“John, this is amazing. Your ad didn’t say how much the rent and security deposit is. What are you looking to get for this place?” I ask, praying he says something that we can afford. He didn’t. The price is about eight hundred dollars a month out of our price range.

After we tell John that we won’t be able to take it, we leave. Kylee heads back towards my parent’s house. I have to say, my mood is pretty sour. I would really like to just go back to bed or take a bath, preferably both. Between the fallout with Skylar and the house, I really don’t feel like I’m going to be good company.

“Ky, I know you want to go to lunch and maybe do some shopping, but would you mind taking me back home. I’m not really up for socializing with the world today.”

“Yeah, that’s fine. I wanted to head over to the mall and I know how you hate it anyway. This works out. Now I won’t be rushed,” Kylee says trying to lighten my mood.

Kylee drops me off at home and takes off to do her mall business. Kicking off my shoes and dropping my purse on the couch, I head upstairs to take my bath. I run the bath water as hot as my body can handle. A good soak might release all the negativity I have in my body right now. I’m one of those people that can
negativity. It’s like my body gets all wound up and I feel as tight as one of those rubber bands that go around broccoli. It’s not a good feeling, let me tell you.

Stripping off my clothes, I dip one toe in the bath and almost scald my skin off. I made this bath way too fucking hot. I try to run a little cold water to even out the temperature, but it doesn’t work. I decide this is as good a time as any to sit on the edge of the tub and play on my phone, naked.

After browsing my newsfeed on Facebook and Twitter, I try the water again. Still too hot. Shit. As I’m about to open the Instagram app on my phone to see what my friends are eating today, you know, because all people do is post duck faced pictures and food on Instagram, my phone rings.

“Hey Jacoby.”

“Mira. How are you today?”

“I’m alright, about to take a bath and maybe a nap. What’s going on? Is everything okay at the office?”

“Yeah Mira, everything is fine,” Jacoby chuckles. “I wanted to see if maybe if I could have that date you promised me the other day. I thought about what you said and I’m sorry for acting like a jerk. I waited so long to ask you out on a date, I got a little jealous. It’s not one of my finer moments.”

I laugh at his jealousy. If he only knew that Skylar wanted nothing to do with me. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well I wanted to try out a new recipe and I think you might be the perfect judge for it. I have an early morning meeting, so a traditional dinner and movie date might not work, but I’d like to spend some time with you before we show up to work tomorrow and you change your mind.”

“You know what Jacoby, that sounds good. How’s six? Text me the address and I’ll be there with bells on,” I respond lightly. If Skylar doesn’t want to pursue anything with me, I have a perfectly willing male specimen who would like to get to know me and spend time with me.
Take that Skylar

I test the bath water again, noting that it’s the perfect temperature. I take a nice long soak and a shower afterwards to shave and wash my hair. I didn’t have time for my nap, not that I would be able to stop thinking enough to actually get any rest. It would probably make me more tired. I just start to get ready.

That little black dress has been calling my name since Friday night. I think now is a good a time as any to wear this little number. I pair that with some black peek toe pumps that show off my hot pink toenails. Hair down and curly, matched with light makeup, completes my look. Taking a peek in the mirror, I must say… I look beautiful. “Get it girl,” I say out loud to myself, walking downstairs and grabbing my purse.

I punch Jacoby’s address into my GPS and send Kylee a quick text, letting her know to go ahead and go on in when she gets back and that I’m with Jacoby for a date. The GPS pulls up the map and starts with directions in the monotone programmed voice.

Twenty minutes later, I pull up to Jacoby’s house. It’s a large house on a great block. Being in real estate, these are the things that I look for in a house. How is the neighborhood and the curb appeal of the house? I almost judge re-sale value. Jacoby has a large two-story brick colonial and beautiful landscaping with lights throughout, pointing at various plants and trees. I don’t know why, but I feel very comfortable here.

I park in the driveway, next to Jacoby’s Mercedes. I calmly walk to the front door, stopping to adjust my dress and check myself out in the window reflection before knocking. I don’t even get the third knock out before Jacoby swings the door open.

Opening the door and extending his hand, he greets me, “Mira, you look beautiful tonight. Come in, please.”

I place my hand in his and lean in for a social hug and he places a slight kiss on my cheek before shutting the door behind me.

“Thank you and I’m excited to try your concoction. You
cook, right?” I joke with him.

“Yes, I can cook, thank you very much. Dinner actually just finished if you want to head into the dining room and open the wine, I’ll be right with you.”

I casually walk through the open floor plan of his home, noting how beautiful the architecture is and the amazing artwork scattered throughout. I finally reach the dining area, where a bottle of chilled white wine is on the table with a corkscrew. I open the wine, pouring two glasses.

I take the glasses and follow the smell of something mouthwatering. I find Jacoby placing some sort of pasta into a serving bowl and getting some fresh bread from the oven. I walk over to him, behind the large island where he’s prepping all of the food and hand him a glass of wine. I take a sip of my wine, lean on the opposite counter, and admire how comfortable this feels.

“What are you looking at?” Jacoby asks, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

“Oh nothing. Just admiring the view.”

“Admiring the view are you? Maybe I should give you a little show,” Jacoby says as he starts to sway his hips back and forth while stirring the pasta.

I can’t help but laugh at his humor. He’s trying so hard; it really is adorable. I set my wine glass on the counter and move towards him. Sneaking up behind him, I place my hands on his hips and sway mine in time with his. He starts laughing at me as he turns around and quickly spins me, reversing our positions. Now with my back to his front, he begins swaying his hips, forcing mine to move in time with his.

I lean my head back on his chest and give a small laugh while I look up at him. “This is nice,” I say, taking control of my own movements and slightly grinding against him.

“Mmmm, yes it is. This is very, very nice,” he says placing a sweet kiss to my forehead.

Jacoby lets go of my hips and gives my ass a tiny slap, nothing that hurt but enough to catch me off guard and make me jump a little. We move into the dining room and eat a wonderful meal. Jacoby wasn’t lying, he can cook and it’s amazing. Some of the best pasta I’ve ever had, and I’m kind of a pasta professional.

After eating too much and drinking even more, Jacoby suggests that he give me a tour of the house. I’m feeling great with all the wine flowing through my body, so I agree. He shows me the entire main floor of the house and it’s amazing. Even better than I thought earlier. He starts to move toward the open banister staircase and I follow right behind.

As we get to the top of the stairs, he starts pointing out rooms. The guest room, his office, another guest room and a room for gym equipment fully stocked with machines I didn’t even know the names of, let alone use. At the end of the hallway, he stops and faces me.

“This is the master bedroom,” he says with a familiar look of lust in his hazel eyes. He turns the doorknob and we enter a vast room. The room is so Jacoby, if that is a thing. All the furniture is contemporary and black. The walls are a light gray color with white accenting the crown molding. I step into the room, and scan my surroundings. On one wall, there are large windows with black curtains pulled closed and black and white photographs on each side of the windows. The northern most wall has a large flat screen TV mounted on it with a contemporary dresser below it. On the southernmost wall, there are doors leading into a walk in closet and a door leading into a huge bathroom.

I walk towards the bathroom noticing on my way that everything is very neat and orderly. Not something you typically see in a bachelor pad, but very nice all the same. The bathroom has black ceramic tiles, walls the same color as the bedroom and the fixtures are also black. In the middle of the bathroom is a large jetted tub that looks big enough for four people, not ten like in the Nickleback song, I think to myself.

“I take it you approve,” Jacoby says, standing so close to me I can feel his breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

“Jacoby, this really is beautiful. I really love your home and this bathroom is every girl’s dream,” I say turning to face him.

“I was hoping you would say something like that,” he says as he caresses my cheek. As I lean into his touch, he takes that as an invitation to pull me in for a kiss. A sweet and tender kiss. I’m not in control of this kiss like I was last time, and for once I want to relinquish that control. I don’t want to make the decision. I want to be told what to do.
What the fuck Mira

Realizing I’m about to give up my power, I start to panic, looking for a way to take back the control. Bingo! I start slowly moving out of the bathroom towards the bed, me walking forward and Jacoby backwards. When we reach the bed, he attempts to switch our positions and lay me down on the bed. I quickly rebut, lightly pushing him down on the bed.

With him sitting on the bed, staring up at me, I feel more in control and I really like it. “Lay back on your elbows,” I command him.

“Well, this is an unexpected surprise,” Jacoby says as he pushes himself into the middle of the bed, leaning back on his elbows, keeping his head and half his torso higher than the rest of his body. He crosses his feet at the ankles and nods, “Is this better?”

“Very much so, thank you,” I say as I start to sway my hips. I seductively bend down to grab my purse that I set on the floor when we got into his room. I pull out my phone and turn on my music app, looking for a seductive song. I end up with a little “Pour Some Sugar On Me.” I know it’s not the most romantic song, but romance isn’t what I’m going for. I used to hear the guys on campus say, “the best way to get over a girl is to get under another,” and that’s what I’m doing. I know he’s my boss and I shouldn’t, but at least he’s attractive and hot on my heels. Half the work is already done for me.

Thinking back to old music videos with big haired bands and even bigger haired blondes dancing slutty, I start to move my body. With my back facing Jacoby, I slowly bend down, grinding my hips all the way to the floor. Bouncing my lower body, sexily, I stick out my ass and slowly rise up, turning to face him. His breathing has picked up considerably, letting me know that whatever this shit show is, it’s working. Fantastic.

I grab my hair from underneath, bringing it on top of my head, exposing my long neck that I always thought was rather sexy, and let it fall down slowly and cascade down my back. Thankful there is no zipper on my dress for me to get hung up trying to unzip, I grab the bottom hem of my dress and start to lift it slowly from my legs. Noticing Jacoby has started rubbing his crotch through his pants, I smile at him.

I turn my front to him and continue to lift my dress. As it’s just about at the line of my panties, I let it drop and disappointment flushes his face. I laugh a little on the inside at the power I have in this situation.

“Would you like me to take this off?” I ask grabbing the hem again and smiling at him.

“I want you to do whatever it is you feel like doing. I would love to see you but only if you want to show me,” he says.

I keep pulling the hem of my dress until my stomach’s exposed and then stop, “Like this,” I say seductively.

“Yes,” Jacoby chokes out. I can see the erection through his pants. I feel like being kind so I keep my dress at my stomach as I walk over to him and say, “How about you take those off,” pointing at his pants. If I’m going to expose myself, so help me God, so is he.

He wastes no time getting off the bed and removing his pants and boxers, kicking them to the corner. As soon as he’s in arms reach of me, I lose all control. He grabs the dress from my hands and pulls it over my head. I have on a black lace thong with matching bra. It doesn’t leave much to the imagination, which is why I think it’s so sexy. Covered but not covered too much.

He sits back on the edge of the bed, pulls me between his legs, and starts to lay light kisses on my stomach. Grabbing the back of his head and pulling on his dark hair, we moan at the same time. He is going to leave me drenched and I need to feel him. I step back and slide my thong down my legs, fully exposing myself to him.

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