Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (35 page)

“Mira, just because I can’t kiss you right now because of my own pride, doesn’t mean that I don’t want to lay with you and hold you. I need to feel your body next to mine and feel your heartbeat. I need to know that this is real.”

I nestle into his embrace, holding the hand that is draped around my center.

“I need you, Sky. Thank you for not being upset with me. I’ve missed you so much.”

“Not as much as I missed you. Get some sleep sweets.”

Finally feeling the guilt subside, I know I’ll get a goodnight’s sleep, wrapped up with this man. The man that I love.


Chapter Seventeen



Waking up the next morning, I realize that I’m still wrapped up in Skylar’s arms, and it’s the greatest feeling ever. I don’t want to wake up without him ever again. Softly rolling on my other side, to face Skylar, he’s still sleeping. I kiss him on his cheek and admire his peaceful state.

I quietly maneuver out of the bed and go into the attached bathroom, expecting just a toilet and a sink; I’m surprised when I find a stand up shower. Realizing that I still have Jacoby’s saliva on places of my body that Skylar would not be too happy about, I opt for a quick shower while he’s still sleeping.

My quick shower turns into a much longer one. It feels so good to shower, knowing that on the other side of the bathroom door, the man that I adore is sleeping, waiting for me to crawl back in bed. As I’m lathering up my hair with the generic shampoo in the stall, the bathroom door opens.

“Oh I’m sorry,” Skylar says. I can see through the opaque glass that he’s smirking.

“What exactly are you smirking at, Mr. McBride?”

“My, my, my Ms. Adams, how the tables have turned. Wasn’t it you that walked in on me in the shower last time? Now it’s my turn to admire the view.”

Laughing at his playfulness, I can’t help but fall more in love with him. He wants to play games; I can play better.

“Are you just going to stand there or are you going to condition my hair?”

Wasting no time, Skylar strips himself of his clothing and opens the shower door. Instead of jumping right in, he just stands there…again.

“Well?” I ask.

“Just admiring the view sweets.”

After the admiration of my body, Skylar steps into the shower and reaches for the conditioner on the shelf. Taking his time to massage my scalp and making sure that every strand of my hair is properly attended to, he dips my head under the spray of the showerhead. If you’ve never had your hair washed by a lover, you’re missing out. This was a first for me and it might be just as good as sex.

I let out a soft moan while Skylar rinses the rest of the conditioner out of my hair. Judging by the large bulge pressing against my thigh, I guess he likes this too. While he isn’t expecting it, I reach my hand between our wet bodies and grab him, wrapping my fingers around his length.

Skylar lets out a long breath, like he’s been waiting for this forever. I gently stroke him while he takes hold of my hair still in his hands, and pulls slightly, manipulating my head at the perfect angle for him to devour my mouth. Instead of kissing my lips, he feathers light kisses on my nose and eyelids.

“You didn’t sleep with him, right Mira?”

“No, I already told you that,” I whisper.

“Did you go down on him?”


Skylar removes my hand from his cock and pushes me against the back of the shower wall. Looking down into my eyes, he kisses my forehead.

“If you didn’t sleep with him or go down on him, what exactly did you do?”

This is not the conversation that I want to have right now. I try to push past him to leave the shower stall, but he’s holding my shoulders, not allowing me to move.

“I need to know Mira. If I’m going to take this any further, I need to know what I’m competing with.”

Competing? Doesn’t he know that he isn’t in competition with anybody? Jacoby is a nice guy, but if I’m being totally honest, he was just a distraction and that’s exactly what I tell Skylar.

“You’re not competing with anyone Sky. You are the last person I have slept with. I have only been with you and one other person, Danny. I respect myself too much to just go throwing my cat around town. I can’t tell you what would have happened if you didn’t call me last night. What I can tell you, is that I have never been happier to not know the what ifs. I’m where I’m supposed to be. I’m with you. You need to suck it up, because I know you’ve been no angel either. I saw the girls you brought around. You’re the only one that I want. The question is, do you want me?”

As soon as I finish my mini rant, he looks in my eyes and crushes his mouth to mine. Feeling the need in his kiss, I return it with everything I have in me. I take his bottom lip and suck it between my teeth, biting lightly, gaining a growl from him.

Grabbing me by my ass and lifting me up, I instinctively wrap my legs around his hips and lock my feet around his back. I can feel his cock almost perfectly aligned to impale me at that very second. I wiggle a little in his arms to get the perfect angle. He senses what I’m doing and wastes no time plunging into me.

“God you’re so fucking tight Mira. So fucking wet,” he growls into my mouth, still kissing me.

Pulling back from the kiss, I give him my best ‘I told you so’ look, confirming that I hadn’t been with anyone else in quite a long time.

Neither one of us finishes before Skylar puts me down and turns the water off.

“What the fuck?” I yell at him.

“Not in here. I’m a little too excited right now. I need a second. Get out and dry off, I’ll be in the room in a minute,” he says breathing heavy.

Oh no. We’re not playing this game. I’ve waited too long. It may have been a while for me and he might need a break to make it last longer, but I sure as shit don’t. I need this and I need him now. Back to the game playing, I guess.

Stepping out of the shower, I grab a towel from the rack above the toilet. Trying to channel my inner Kylee, I decide to play the seductress. With my back facing the shower where Skylar is standing, undoubtedly staring at my naked body, I take the towel and bend all the way over, showing him all of my assets, and start drying my legs. His growl is all I need to hear to know my plan is working.

Seconds later, I can feel Skylar standing behind me and then he grabs my hips, rubbing his cock on my backside. Walking over to the counter, I lean forward and spread my legs shoulder length apart.

“It’s now or never guy. What do you say? Want to play?” I tease.

“Fuck. I’m telling you, I’ll do this, but it’s going to be hard and fast. I’ll make it up to you later,” Skylar growls.

Wiggling my ass at him, he takes my cue and angles himself at my entrance, almost toying with it. I lean all the way forward, with my tits resting on the counter and arch my back. He slowly slides into my beyond wet heat until he’s balls deep. We moan in unison.

“I’m going to grab your hair and ride you like my life depends on it, Mira. I’m sorry in advance if I hurt you, but I really can’t wait anymore.”

I almost come from his words. Something about Skylar talking dirty while buried nine inches in my pussy sets me off.

He grabs my hair with his right hand, wrapping it around it and giving a slight yank, to make sure that he has a good hold on me. He pulls my head back to where it’s almost painful before he begins his assault on my already swollen cunt. When he said hard and fast, he wasn’t lying.

Plunging harder and deeper than I have ever experienced, I can feel my orgasm building in my core. I try to get my hand between my legs to massage my clit, but I can’t get a good angle. Knowing what I’m trying to do, Skylar inches backwards and then reaches his hand between my thighs and massages the little bundle of nerves that need attention. Almost immediately, I shoot off like a rocket. I have never come so hard in my life. Seconds later, Skylar goes so deep, pulling my hair so tight, trying to get even deeper than he already is, he comes with a growl, like nothing I have ever heard before.

After cleaning up again, we go back into the bedroom. I don’t want to wear a generic shirt like I did to bed last night, so I put on Skylar’s shirt that was on the floor. There is just something about wearing a man’s shirt, even to lounge in, that makes a woman feel sexy, especially when the man doesn’t protest.

Sitting on the bed, waiting for Skylar to get in, I started thinking. How am I going to address my not going to work this morning? How will I deal with Jacoby? I’m not typically a runner. Runners piss me off to no end. I just don’t see any other way around it. Once Skylar finds out that Jacoby was the man I was with last night, he will throw a shit fit about me being with him every day.

Knowing what I have to do about work, I send Kylee a quick text telling her to put the apartment hunting on hold. I can’t really move into a new apartment and not have a job. More time with my mother, I suppose.

Me: Hey girl. I’m with Sky at the CH.

Kylee: What??!!??!!

Me: Long story. Talk later?

Kylee: Jacoby?

Me: Nope. Going to have to leave my job. No apartment

Kylee: Fuck Mira.

Me: Sry, call u later? WRUD?

Kylee: Heading back to GR to get my stuff. I’ll ask ur mom if I can put it in the garage until we find something.

Me: Sounds like a plan. She won’t mind. When will u be back?

Kylee: Tomorrow morning. TTYL.

Me: K. Bye

Fuck, I really screwed up this time. Me trying to hide from my feelings for Skylar has now put Kylee in a bind. I’m going to have to do something amazing so she’s not too pissed at me.

Putting my phone on the bed next to me, Skylar looks at my frowning face, puzzled.

“Was it that bad?” he asks, looking disappointed.

“No, not anywhere near bad,” I laugh at his potentially damaged ego. “I’m going to have to quit my job and Kylee is a little pissed we can’t get an apartment now. You know, no job equals no money.”

“Why are you quitting?”

Well fuck, how do I address this? “The guy that I went on a date with last night, well he was my boss.” I say biting my lip, waiting for a lecture.

“Your boss? The guy from the bar the other night?”

“The very same, and it’s probably not a good idea for me to work there anymore.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more. You don’t have to stay with your mom you know, you could move in with me.”

All of the air escapes my lungs, leaving me literally breathless. “I don’t think that’s a good idea Sky. We lived together before and it lasted a weekend.”

Skylar picks me up in his arms and lies back on the bed, holding me. He starts kissing the top of my head while caressing my back.

“I know that it didn’t work out so well last time, but look at us now. We’re a little bit older. We’ve admitted our feelings for each other. Last year, when we were together, I had stopped myself from saying something because I didn’t want you to think less of me, but Mira I want to say it. Is that okay?”

“You don’t ever have to ask to say something that you want to me. The only way I can do this is with honesty. Brutal honesty, all the time, no matter what,” I say bracing myself for what he wants to tell me. If I’m being honest with myself, I don’t want to know, but I can’t be lied to. Especially with the life he leads. He needs to be honest with me about everything, no matter how much it will hurt. I would rather have honesty and get my feelings hurt for a little while than to be lied to and be crushed and heartbroken.

“Last year when we made love, I started to tell you something but I stopped myself. What I was going to say was, had I known how amazing you feel, I would have never let Danny talk to you first. I saw you first and think I fell in love with you in that moment. Then Danny stepped in and took over the scene. I have loved you ever since. There has never been another woman that has captured me like you have. You told me that you haven’t been with anyone else since you were with me last year, and the same goes for me Mira; you are the last person I’ve had sex with. If I could go back to the day we all met, I would’ve claimed you for my own then and not taken the backseat to Danny.”

All I can do is look at Skylar with wide eyes and say, “Oh.” I always thought he might have a little crush on me, but love? I never thought he loved me. Thinking back to all of the little things he would always do to help Danny, to make me happy, maybe it wasn’t
to help Danny. I wonder if he did under the façade of helping out because he couldn’t do them himself.

“Sky, I don’t know what to say. I don’t know that I would change anything from our past. I love you now, but I loved Danny so much. When he died, it felt like a piece of me died along with him, but I didn’t die. You helped bring me back to life. You loved me enough for the both of us when I thought my world ended. That’s what made me fall in love with you, even when I didn’t want to admit it, I did love you. I might have loved you all this time we were apart, which is why I couldn’t be with anyone else. I tried to make myself get over the feelings I had for you with someone else, but it didn’t work. I came running as soon as you needed me, because I love you.”

As soon as I finish saying what I needed to get off my chest and taking in what Skylar told me, I gently place my lips on his and kiss him with all the love I have for him. It isn’t hard or sexual, but rather a kiss that says “I love you to the moon and back and I will always love you.”

“So why not move in with me Mira? My apartment is big enough for us; you can even have your own room, if you really want it. Let me take care of you while you find another job and get back on your feet. If you would feel more comfortable, it doesn’t have to be permanent. I just want to get to know you again. I feel like we missed so much time and I don’t want to miss another second with you.”

“What about Kylee? She’s planning on staying with me at my mom’s house while we figure out a new living arrangement.”

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