Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (34 page)

I can hear him sobbing while I try to recall that memory he was talking about.

I had just come from campus after a meeting with my advisor, planning my schedule for the next semester. I was exhausted and just wanted to hang with my two favorite guys. I picked out a few movies from the Red Box at Kroger’s as well as some snacks. I really needed a chill night.

Getting to Danny and Skylar’s house, I just walked right in the front door. Trevor was gone for the weekend to see his parents and I knew it would be okay to just make myself at home.

Walking in the front door, I placed my bag on the end table next to the couch, put the groceries on the kitchen counter and went into Danny’s room. Danny was in the shower so I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, my typical sleepwear. Pulling my hair into a pony tail, I left the room
and went to the kitchen to prepare a snack with the stuff I just bought.

After popping some popcorn and cutting up some celery, I made myself comfortable on the couch and waited for Danny. As Danny was walking out of the bedroom, with his hair still damp, Skylar walked in the front door.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” he said to Danny and me.

“Nothing, we’re going to watch a movie, come watch with us,” I said, patting the spot on the couch next to me.

“Yeah man, I’m sure Mira has something extra vagina for us to watch tonight,” Danny said sitting on the other side of me as I poked him in the ribs.

“I think I’m okay, you guys have a good night though,” Skylar said, looking sad.

He was my favorite guy other than Danny and seeing him sad broke my heart.

“Pleeeeeeease Sky, come watch a movie. I’ll even let you rub my feet,” I said in my whiney four- year old voice.

“Oh really, I get to rub your feet? I must have died and went to heaven,” Skylar said sarcastically as he sat down on the couch. “What are we watching?”

I lay down on the couch, with my head in Danny’s lap and my legs on Skylar, giving him ample room to rub my feet. I may have been joking at first, but now the thought of a foot rub really did sound good.

“Friends With Benefits,” I said with a smirk on my face.

“Oh sweet Jesus, that’s the movie with the singer guy from NSync, right? I’m not watching this shit,” Skylar said as he tried to move my legs to stand up, but I applied all the weight I could to them to keep him in place.

“Sky, I thought you were going to rub my feet,” I say, batting my long lashes with a coy smile on my face. “Plus, Mila Kunis is in it. She’s hot.”

“It’s a chick flick, Mira.” Skylar said, still trying to push my feet from his lap.

“Hot girls and friends getting it on, Sky. Please,” I whined.

“Friends getting it on, huh?” he said, raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

“Oh my God, Sky, really? Just sit here, look pretty and rub my feet. Please and thank you.”

“Oh sweets, you’re lucky I like you. If you ever repeat this, I swear, I’ll come for you,” Skylar said as he grabbed one of my feet and started to rub.

Danny got up to put the movie in and grab the remote, leaving Skylar and me on the couch alone for just a few moments. I smiled and winked at him and he blew me a kiss. This was just our normal banter and I have to say, I loved every minute of it. I have never in my life felt so comfortable around a member of the opposite sex like I do Sky.

As the movie played, I was having a great time. Laying in the lap of my number one guy while he rubbed my head while having my feet being rubbed by my number two and watching a great movie. I knew nothing got better than this right here.

Skylar finished rubbing one foot and moved to the next. When he got to my instep, he rubbed so hard and it felt so good that I let out a slight moan. Danny looked down at me and then to Skylar. He immediately took his hands off my foot and put them on the armrest of the couch.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I asked, upset that he stopped the massage.

“I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“That didn’t hurt, that felt amazing. Please keep going.”

Skylar shifted in his spot and I thought I could feel a bulge in his pants, but I brushed it off. He wouldn’t get a stiffy just rubbing my feet, especially in front of Danny.

Skylar picked up my foot and started massaging again, in the place he left off. God it felt so fucking amazing. After walking all day around campus, my feet really hurt.

“Oh God, please don’t ever stop, that’s amazing. I’m sure we could pimp you out to all the track girls and make a hell of a lot of money,” I said smiling at him.

“Your feet will be the only ones being rubbed my dear, I don’t do feet. They are nasty and smell,” he said smiling at me.

“Hey, my feet don’t stink, ass.”

“No, sweets they don’t. They are the most beautiful feet of all time,” he said smiling at me then directing his gaze towards Danny.

I looked up at Danny who was shaking his head, softly laughing, “You guys are something else. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were an old married couple.”

Skylar and me a couple? Yeah right, I thought.

Remembering how I felt that night, with just his slight touch, made me damp in the lady bits region. I always liked his touch. I always wanted to be around him. It was always him. I don’t know why I didn’t see this before. I was so in love with Danny, but it was Skylar that I wanted to play with, joke with and spend time with. Thinking back, I don’t have many memories without Skylar in them.

Lost in thought, I don’t see that the door opens and I have two large men looking down at me.

“Mira? What the hell are you doing here?” Skylar asks.

“I was worried about you. I didn’t want you to get hurt. I was driving around looking for you when I heard about a crash on the highway. I knew that if I came here, they would know if it was you or not. I just wanted to make sure that you were ok.”

“What do you care, anyway? I’m here and fine, why didn’t you just go home, Mira?”

“I wanted to see you.”


“Skylar, can we talk about this somewhere more private?” I ask glancing towards the other tall man who I assume is Prowler.

“Go ahead and take the apartment in the back, I need to get Kink home. She’s probably going to lose her shit since I was up here so long. Take it easy, man,” Prowler says to Skylar.

Redirecting his gaze towards me, he sticks out his hand for a handshake, “Sorry dear, I’m Prowler. You take care of him, ya hear. He’s a good kid and has had a rough night. Don’t let him drive until he’s sober,” he says sliding Skylar’s keys into my hand.

As Prowler descends the stairs, I follow Skylar back to the apartment in the back. The apartment doesn’t consist of much. The walls are painted black with two lamps on nightstands on either side of a full sized bed. The bed is also decked out in black, down to the sheets. It must not be for every night use, more of a quick place to catch some sleep if you were too drunk to drive or wanted a quick fuck.

I move into the room and sit on the edge of the bed as Skylar shuts the door. Looking back at me, he shakes his head and starts to take off his vest and empty his pockets on to the night stand.

“Since I’m not going to be able to leave for the night, I might as well get comfortable. Are you staying?”

“I hadn’t thought about it, but I’m not opposed to the idea. Is it going to be okay if I stay here with you? I wouldn’t want to give your friends the wrong idea.”

“Go ahead and get comfortable. Your shoes are already missing so you’re halfway there.”

Looking down at myself, I see that I’m still in my dress from my date with Jacoby. A rush of guilt floods over me. Just a few hours ago, I was lying in bed with Jacoby, receiving some pretty amazing head and now I’m about to hang out with Skylar, the man that I love. What the fuck is wrong with me?

“I really don’t have anything to get into, so I guess I’m fine.”

Skylar reaches into the nightstand and pulls out a thin black tee shirt with a huge red spade on the back that has ‘Property of Hooliganz’ printed under the spade. He tosses the shirt in my direction. Gauging the size, I know it will fit well as a nightshirt. I want to ask for the bathroom to change, but I don’t want to make Skylar feel uncomfortable.

Reaching for the hem of my dress, I pull it over my head, without shame, letting it fall to the floor. Standing before him in only a bra and panties, I pull the shirt over my head. Reaching up the back of the shirt, I unhook my bra; pull the straps down through the sleeves, discarding the bra on top of my dress. I climb on the bed and sit facing him, with the shirt pulled tight across my knees.

“Are you okay Sky?” I ask as he sits down on the bed, still fully clothed with the exception of his vest.

“I’m fine, Mi. I guess I don’t understand why you came all the way down here, in the middle of the night.”

“I needed to be sure you were okay. When you called me, I knew something was wrong and then when I tried to find you and couldn’t, I got this bad feeling that you were in trouble. Then the news about the accident came on the radio and I felt like I was going to throw up. They said fatal accident, Sky, I just knew you had left me,” I say putting my head on my knees, shielding the tears forming in my eyes.

Skylar lies back on the bed, putting his arms above his head and crosses his feet towards the bottom. Being a full bed, this doesn’t leave much room for me to sit in the position I’m currently in, and, I want to be closer to him. I need it.

I carefully take my knees out from under the shirt and stretch my body out, lying in the crook of Skylar’s arm and I cuddle into his side. He doesn’t move his arms around me, but his breathing picks up. I choose to take it a little further and drape my arm across his chest and place one of my legs over his. At almost the exact moment my leg connects with his Skylar’s arm comes across me, rubbing small circles on my back while we just lie there, not saying anything.

After a few minutes, Skylar’s breathing slows down. I feel more at home than I have in the last year. There is something about Sky that makes me feel like I’m in the right place at the right time. The way he caresses my back almost makes me feel his love. I always knew that Skylar might have had a little thing for me, but I never knew that he loved me. I guess in the back of my mind I always loved him too. I feel so terrible about what I almost did with Jacoby. I think I was running from my feelings for Skylar, trying to get past feelings that I never fully explored.

“Mira,” Skylar whispers.


“I’m sorry I worried you, I didn’t mean to.”

“You don’t have to apologize. Just don’t do it again, okay?”

“I won’t, I promise. I was just having one of those days and I wanted to hear your voice. I’m sorry if I interrupted you in the middle of your date.”

“How did you know?”

“Kylee,” we both said in unison.

“It really wasn’t a big deal Skylar. I don’t think I was supposed to be with him tonight,” I whisper into his chest.

“Where do you think you were supposed to be?” Skylar asks and I feel his heart start to beat faster again.

“Right here, lying with you, right now, is where I’m supposed to be.”

Skylar takes his free hand to lift my chin so our eyes meet. Looking into his crystal blue eyes, I almost see fury or rage when he starts to talk, “Did you sleep with him, Mira?”

I try to look down, but he calls me out on it, “Please answer the question, Mira.”

“No Skylar, I didn’t sleep with him. I won’t tell you I was a perfect little angel but I didn’t go all the way. So you know, you can rest easy; you are the last person I had sex with. Nobody else since you,” I say with a mixture of pride and embarrassment.

I watch the anger leave his eyes, and turn to pure lust, or is it love? He removes his hand and lays my head back in the crook of his arm and rubs my hair. I swear that I feel wetness on my head and feel his chest rise and fall quickly, almost as if he’s crying. I try to lift my head to look at him, but he keeps me in place.

“Just go to sleep Mira. It’s been a long day.”

I push myself off of him before he can catch me this time. Lying on his chest, with my elbows holding my chin up, I look into his tear stricken eyes. I have hurt this man again and that breaks my heart. With one hand, I reach out to caress his cheek and wipe away the wetness.

“Sky, I never wanted to hurt you. I care about you so much and knowing that I hurt you again is tearing me up inside. Tell me that we’ll be okay,” I plead with him.

“I don’t know Mira.”

I lean forward and try to kiss him, but he pushes me back, not allowing me access to his mouth.

“There isn’t anything in this world that I would rather do than kiss you right now Mira, but you were just with another man. You say you didn’t sleep with him but I’m almost positive that you kissed him. I never pursued you, even after Danny passed, because I’m not a sloppy seconds kind of guy. When you’re with me, it’s going to be only me. I can’t kiss you knowing that someone else is thinking of you the way I think of you. I can’t kiss you knowing that a few hours ago; another man had his tongue down your throat. I can’t kiss you knowing that had I not called you tonight, you probably would have been laying on another man’s chest. I want to kiss you, but not like this.”

I roll off Skylar and lay on the edge of the bed facing the wall, contemplating if I should get dressed and leave. Even though he didn’t say it, I know he’s upset and might even be disgusted with me. Noting the time on the clock sitting on the nightstand, I decide it’s too late to drive home and I’ll just suck it up and sleep here, so I close my eyes and start to drift off to sleep.

Just as I’m about to fall asleep, I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me close.

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