The Beginning of Us (86 page)

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Authors: Alexis Noelle

“Do you want me to hold your hair?” He asks softly.

“No. Thanks though.”  I notice how much better I feel, but I can’t believe
on the floor of a bathroom hugging someone’s toilet.  He leaves me to finish composing myself in priva

I peek in on the girls and notice Macy looks about like I did a few minutes ago. This will be a long morning for us. Talon has to play at Smitty’s tonight and I won’t miss it.

I manage to eat breakfast and I feel so much better. I wake up Ivy and she manages to stumble into the kitchen for breakfast also. She never gets sick, but looks like the zombie that I feel like. We go to our apartment and crash for most of the day. There is nothing like sleeping the
day away because you drank like an idiot the night before. 

Talon decides to drive his truck tonight and picks us up before he has to be at the club.  We opt out of the traditional toasts before we leave for the club since the thought of alcohol is down-right repulsive. 
I'm not out to impress anyone in my jeans shorts and t-
shirt tonight.  Ivy does manage to pull herself together and dress like the goddess she is.  I don’t care. 
going for comfort tonight.  Talon doesn’t seem repulsed by my appearance and
the only person that I need to be concerned with. 

I grab my camera for one more night of pictures. I have my work cut out ahead editing all of the pictures from last night and any that I take tonight. I know I have good shots of everyone, but the lighting is always different and I can’t pass up the opportunity to capture one of them in a great moment.

Our table is pretty boring tonight. Everyone is drinking energy drinks instead of alcohol

I'm glad that I'm
not the only one who is still feeling the effects of last night.  Taron arrives and manages to liven up the group with his crazy behavior even without being under the influence. 

Aiden shows up and he and Ivy instantly make contact. I know she's enjoying herself with Aiden, but I can’t help but notice the chemistry in the air when Taron is near her. Not to mention the fact that I know Aiden was not at the concert last night for her to get lost with. I mentally kick myself for not grilling her about her disappearing at the concert yet. Everything was so crazy last night, and today I felt like crap and didn’t care who she met up with.

Talon kisses me as he leaves to set up for his concert.  I smile as he walks away from me with a swagger that speaks volumes about his confidence in what he's headed to do. 

I look over at Ivy and I see how happy her face is as she's talking to Aiden.  I decide that I need to start taking some pictures.  I remember that I left my backup battery in Talon’s truck after he goes to set up for his concert. 

“Hey I have to run outside for a second. I left my battery in the truck.”

“I'll go with you.” Ivy offers.

“That’s ok. 
just run real quick and get it.”  I head to the back door since his truck is parked closest to it.  I glance around the parking lot quickly and don’t see anyone around.  I rush to
his truck and click the key fo
b to unlock the doors. 
leaning deep into the truck when I hear gravel crunching behind me.  I don’t know
why, but I have a bad feeling, so I dial Talon’s number and tuck my phone into my bra.

I rise up and turn to see Nicole aiming a gun at me. Shit. I try to pretend I don’t see the gun and slam the door closed.

“Hey Nicole! How is it going?” I say as I start walking back to the door. God I hope Talon has answered and can hear me say her name.

“Shut the fuck up!  If you move one more step, I’m going to blow your pretty little ass off.”

I freeze.  I can’t die like this.  There is so much I want to do. 
not even a mother yet.  I want to grow old and spoil my grand-children with the love of my life.  Be smart.  I raise my hands in surrender.

“What’s wrong Nicole? What can I help you with?” I say as I slowly turn to face her.

“What’s wrong?  WHAT’S WRONG?  You stole my boyfriend and you have the audacity to ask me WHAT’S WRONG?”  She is pissed off.  I have to get her to calm down or she will for sure shoot me.  I want to tell her that I didn’t steal him, he came running.  I want to kick her ass.  There is just one little problem. 
She's pointing that gun at me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you two were together. You can have him if you want him.” I say, hoping to play this girl.

“You are a bitch.  He told me he loves you and you are just going to throw him away at the first sign of trouble.”  She seems angrier now that I said I don’t want him anymore. 
all over the place. 

“I do care about him, but I know you love him.  If you want me to step aside for you,

“I don’t need you to step aside for me, Princess.  We have a history that you can never compete with. 
mine.  You will not have him.  Now move your ass to my car.”  She practically shoves me to the ground.  I stumble but quickly regain my footing.

“Get in the driver’s seat and don’t fucking try to pull any shit or I'll
shoot first and think about it later.”  If I get in this car,
done.  I walk slowly
hoping someone will notice that I'm
gone and come to check on me.  I pretend that the door handle is locked and I can’t open it.  She storms over to me and yanks the handle up and smacks me over the head with the gun.  I have an instant throbbing pain rush through my head.  She shoves me into the seat and climbs in beside me. 

“Stupid Bitch.  You can’t even follow directions.  I wanted you to drive.  I told you not to play any games with me, Princess.  Now move your ass over and buckle up.”  Why in the hell is she worried about me buckling up?  I lean over to get my seatbelt and secretively get my phone out of my shirt.  I hold it in between the door and the seat so she can’t see the light.  She drives out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell.  I look down at the phone and notice
it's still on a call to Talon.

“Nicole, why are you doing this to me?”  I look over and see that
driving with her right arm and the other is aiming the gun at me. 

“You are in my way.  Talon will never forgive me for our baby, so I may as well take you away also.  If I can’t have him, neither can you.  If you are not in the picture, I can at least talk to him.  He won’t listen to a word I have to say when you are near.”

I don’t know what to say. I know whatever I say will piss her off. I need to keep talking so Talon can hear.

sorry to hear about your baby.  Are you taking me to your house?”


talk to Talon about forgiving you.  I can tell him how perfect you are together and everything.  Just go back to Smitty’s and
I'll do it right now.”

“Do you think I'm
stupid?  I know what you are doing.  Shut the fuck up!”  I notice that we are going towards the river.  To the bridge that Talon told me about.

“Do you want to stop at the river?” Please let Talon hear me!

“Quit worrying that Pretty Princess fucking head of yours.  I have a plan.  I told you that if I can’t have him, neither can you. 
spend eternity keeping you from him.”  What does she mean eternity? 

As we approach the bridge, she speeds up. 
She's going so fast and I realize in that moment that she's
taking us into the river. 
going to drown in this car. 

“Slow down! Nicole, SLOW DOWN!” She floors it. I decide to start talking to Talon on the phone. I don’t get it raised to my ear before I start screaming.







“I can’t find Eaven!  She went outside to get her camera battery and never came back in.”  Ivy barges onto the stage right before we start the first song. 
hysterical and talking ninety miles an hour.  “I should have gone with her.  I found your keys on the ground and there are tire tracks near your truck.  SOMEONE TOOK HER.  GET YOUR ASS UP AND HELP ME FIND HER!” 
frozen in shock.  I reach for my phone and see a missed call from Eaven.  I instantly dial her number.  It goes straight to voice mail.  Where in the hell do we start to look for her?

I run out the back door and see the tire tracks that Ivy was talking about immediately. 
obvious that someone floored it when they left this parking lot.  Who would have taken her? 

“Who would do this?  What the FUCK?”  I scream in frustration.  My brothers and Luke walk up and Taron starts barking orders. 

“Holden you start sending everyone you can find to look for a strange vehicle or anything unusual.  Coordinate it so that people spread out with their vehicles.  Make sure they have my phone number in case they see something, and get theirs to set up a group text for information.  Luke, you call the police and see if Smitty has surveillance back here.  Ivy and
take Talon to search for her.  Now MOVE YOUR ASSES EVERYONE!”  My twin may be a pain in the ass, but here he is again helping me through the depths of hell.

“Drive faster.  Find her.  I can’t live without her. 
the only family I have. 
kill this asshole if he hurts her.”  Ivy says between sobs.  I can’t hardly breathe and definitely don’t have it in me to reassure her that everything will be ok.  I pull out my phone to call her again just in time for a voice message notification to pop up.  I put it on speaker and listen as my worst nightmare unfolds.


“Shut the fuck up!  If you move one more step, I’m going to blow your pretty little ass off.”

“What’s wrong Nicole?  What can I help you with?” 

“What’s wrong?  WHAT’S WRONG?  You stole my boyfriend and you have the audacity to ask me WHAT’S WRONG?” 

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t know you two were together.  You can have him if you want him.” 

“You are a bitch.  He told me he loves you and you are just going to throw him away at the first sign of trouble.” 

“I do care about him, but I know you love him.  If you want me to step aside for you,

“I don’t need you to step aside for me, Princess.  We have a history that you can never compete with. 
mine.  You will not have him.  Now move your ass to my car.” 

“Get in the driver’s seat and don’t you fucking try to pull any shit or I'll
shoot first and think about it later.” 

“Stupid Bitch.  You can’t even follow directions.  I wanted you to drive.  I told you not to play any games with me, Princess.  Now move your ass over and buckle up.” 

“Nicole, why are you doing this to me?” 

“You are in my way.  Talon will never forgive me for our baby, so I may as well take you away also.  If I can’t have him, neither can you.  If you are not in the picture, I can at least talk to him.  He won’t listen to a word I have to say when you are near.”

sorry to hear about your baby.  Are you taking me to your house?”


talk to Talon about forgiving you.  I can tell him how perfect you are together and everything.  Just go back to Smitty’s and
I'll do it right now.”

“Do you think I'm
stupid?  I know what you are doing.  Shut the fuck up!” 

“Do you want to stop at the river?” 

“Quit worrying that Pretty Princess fucking head of yours.  I have a plan.  I told you that if I can’t have him, neither can you. 
spend eternity keeping you from him.” 


I'm beating on the front dash and cussing in frustration. I can’t stand the sound of her panicked screams and I feel helpless in this fucking truck. Ivy is screaming at Taron to drive faster to the River. Taron had already floored it in that direction once he heard Eaven say the word. He's talking on the phone to Holden to get him to tell everyone including the police and an ambulance to go there.




~Chapter Fifteen~




It seems like it takes forever for us to hit the water.  My mind starts replaying moments in my life that mean so much to me.  I recall times from my childhood when my parents and I spent so much time together.  I see the day Avery was born and how happy I was to become a big sister.  I see many times with Ivy through all of the years.  I see Talon and how happy he has made me in the short amount of time that we have been together.   

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