The Boleyns (33 page)

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Authors: David Loades

Tags: #History

26. The execution of Anne Boleyn, 19 May 1536. A nineteenth centuryreconstruction.


27. Princess Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth I, aged abouttwelve in 1545.


28. Catherine Parr, Henry VIII’slast Queen and Elizabeth’s stepmother,from her memorial at Sudeley.


29. Elizabeth I at prayerfrom the frontispiece to
Christian Prayers



30. Great Seal of Elizabeth I.


31. Signature of Elizabeth I.



33. Engraved portrait ofElizabeth I by William Rogers
. 1595.


34. Thomas Seymour. CatherineParr’s fourth husband. While Catherinewas unavailable to him throughpregnancy, Thomas began to make passesat Princess Elizabeth.32. Robert Dudley,Earl of Leicester, in oldage. He was Elizabeth’sfavourite from thebeginning of her reignuntil his death in 1588.A copy of a portrait,probably by WilliamSegar.




1. Blickling Hall, Norfolk. A seventeenth century rebuilding of the ‘fair brick house’ constructed by Sir Geoffrey Boleyn. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 2. Blickling church contains many Boleyn memorials, starting with Sir Geoffrey in a stained glass window. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 3. The tomb of Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, Anne Boleyn’s uncle. He was originally interred at Thetford Abbey, then moved to Framlingham, where this memorial was erected. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 4. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, who took part along with his father, the 3rd Duke of Norfolk, in the trials of Anne and George Boleyn. He was executed for treason in January 1547. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 5. Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire, who died at Hever Castle in Kent in 1539. From a monumental brass in St.Peter’s church at Hever. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 6. Isabella Boleyn, Sir Geoffrey’s daughter, and Anne’s great aunt. She married Sir John Cheyney, and her memorial brass remains in Blickling church. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 7. Lady Anne Shelton, daughter of Sir William Boleyn of Blickling, and sister to Sir Thomas. She died in December 1555, and was buried at Shelton, ten miles south of Norwich. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 8. Hever Castle, Kent. After the Earl of Wiltshire’s death, Henry VIII purchased the castle from his heirs, and bestowed it on Anne of Cleves. When it reverted to the Crown on her death in 1557, Mary sold it to Sir Edward Waldegrave. © Hever Castle. 9. The ‘Henry VIII bedroom’ at Hever Castle. © Hever Castle. 10. The gardens at Hever. © Hever Castle. 11. A portrait of Anne Boleyn at Ripon Cathedral, Artist unknown; probably a seventeenth century copy. © Ripon Cathedral. 12. A lady, thought to be Mary Boleyn. Artist unknown. At Hever Castle. © Hever Castle. 13. Henry VIII,
. 1540. From the Great Gate at Trinity College, Cambridge. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 14. Henry VIII, from the cartoon by Hans Holbein in the National Portrait Gallery. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 15. From a bas relief depicting the Field of Cloth of Gold, 1520, which was something of a ‘family reunion’ for the Boleyns. © Jonathan Reeve JR1177b2p167B 15001550. 16. The meeting of the two kings, Henry VIII and Francis I, from the same bas relief. © Jonathan Reeve JR1177b2p167T 15001550. 17. Another depiction of the Field of Cloth of Gold, showing the temporary English palace which was built for the occasion. © Jonathan Reeve JR1151b66p1 15001550. 18. Thomas Wolsey from a drawing attributed to Jacques Le Boucq. © Jonathan Reeve JR1169b2p7 15001550. 19. Sir Thomas More by Hans Holbein. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 20. Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Gerhard Flicke. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 21. William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury,
.1528. By Hans Holbein. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 22. Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn’s initials entwined at King’s College Chapel, Cambridge. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 23. Detail from Holbein’s design for a coronation pageant. It was staged on the eve of Anne’s coronation, 31 May 1533. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 24. Anne Boleyn’s coronation procession approaches Westminster Abbey, 1st June 1533. This was an event boycotted by Catherine’s supporters. © Jonathan Reeve JR968b42p404 15001600. 25. A view of London, showing the Tower, where Anne was taken following her arrest. By Claes Visscher, 1616. © Stephen Porter & the Amberley Archive. 26. The execution of Anne Boleyn, 19th May 1536. A nineteenth century reconstruction. © Jonathan Reeve JR965b20p921 15001600. 27. Princess Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth I, aged about twelve in 1545. © Jonathan Reeve JR997b66p40b 15001600. 28. Catherine Parr, Henry VIII’s last Queen and Elizabeth’s stepmother, from her memorial at Sudeley. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive. 29. Elizabeth I at prayer from the frontispiece to Christian Prayers (1569). © Jonathan Reeve JR1168b4fp747 15001600. 30. Great Seal of Elizabeth I. © Jonathan Reeve JR1009b66fp181 15001600. 31. Signature of Elizabeth I. © Jonathan Reeve JR1013b66fp196 15001600. 32. Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in old age. He was Elizabeth’s favourite from the beginning of her reign until his death in 1588. A copy of a portrait, probably by William Segar. Ripon Cathedral. © Ripon Cathedral. 33. Engraved portrait of Elizabeth I by William Rogers
. 1595. © Jonathan Reeve JR1016b5fp26 15001600. 34. Thomas Seymour. Catherine Parr’s fourth husband. While Catherine was unavailable to him through pregnancy, Thomas began to make passes at Princess Elizabeth. © Elizabeth Norton & the Amberley Archive.




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Loades, D.,
Mary Tudor

Loades, D.,
Henry VIII: Court, Church and Conflict

Loades, D.,
The Cecils: Privilege and Power behind the Throne

Loades, D.,
The Life and Career of William Paulet

Loades, D.,
The Tudor Queens of England

Loades, D.,
The Six Wives of Henry VIII

Loades, D.,
The Fighting Tudors

Loades, D.,
Henry VIII

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