The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger (60 page)

International Typographers Union


Interstate Commerce Commission (U.S.): and deregulation; and McLean Industries; and railroad regulation; and rate settingn.; and truck regulation



Irish Shipping Limited


Jacksonville, FL

Japan; and containerization plan; manufacturing in; and Sea-Land service; and service to Southeast Asia; and trade

Japanese National Railway

Johns Hopkins University

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Johnson Line

Jones, Thomas Russell

Jones Act

just-in-time manufacturing

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Katims, Ron

Kaufman, Herbert

Kempton, George

Kempton, Murray

Kennedy, John E.

Kheel, Theodore

Kidde (Walter) & Co.

Killen, James S.

King, A. Lyle

Kobe, Japan

Kohlhase, Janet E.



Korea Shipping Company

Ky, Nguyen Cao

Laem Chabang

Laird, Melvin

landing ship tank (LST)

Latin America


Le Havre, France


Levy, Jean

Liberty Ships


lighterage: in London; in New York Harbor; in Vietnam

Lincoln Tunnel

Lindsay, John V.

liner conferences.

Little, Arthur D.

Litton Industries

Liverpool, England

Lloyd’s Shipping Economist

locking systems

Lodge, Henry Cabot

See also
cargo handling


London Docks

London, Midland, and Scottish Railway

Long Beach, CA; and port redevelopment; Vietnam War and

Long Island Railroad

longshoremen: accidents and injuries involving; and containers; and control over workplace; and crime; culture of; ethnic background of; income and wages of; militancy of; payments to displaced; productivity of; race relations among; registration and hiring of; strikes by; traditional work of.
See also
International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union; International Longshoremen’s Association; Transport and General Workers Union

Los Angeles, CA; intermodal traffic through; labor relations in; manufacturing in; objections to Sea-Land by; and port development; Vietnam War and

Loveland, S. C., Co.

Ludwig, Daniel K.

Lukenbach Steamship Company

Lukens, Matthias


Lumberton, NC

McIntyre, Sidney

McKinsey & Co.

McLean, Angus Wilton

McLean, Clara

McLean, James

McLean, Malcolm Purcell, Sr.

McLean, Malcom, Jr.

McLean, Malcom P.: container scheme of; and cost control; and expansion plans; financial acumen of; and First Colony Farms; historical assessment of; and indebtedness; and McLean Industries; management style of; personality of; and Port of New York Authority; and regulators; and Sea-Land sale; and split with R. J. Reynolds; and strategy; as trucking entrepreneur; and twist-lock release; and United States Lines; and Vietnam War; and Waterman purchase; youth of

McLean Industries: bid by for Bull Line; and containers; and Equipment Rental Inc.; financial performance of; formation of; Litton investment in; Ludwig investment in; Puerto Rico subsidiary of; railyard plans of; and Sea-Land sale; and U.S. Lines

McLean Trucking: business of; creation of; management of; and mergers; and recruiting; sale of; and trailership scheme

McNamara, Robert

Macmillan, Harold

Maersk Line


Manchester, England

Manhattan: employment in; and port traffic; water-front of


manufacturing: economic role of; and freight transportation; just-in-time; location of; vertical integration in

Marine Steel Corporation

Marseilles, France

Maseru, Lesotho

Massachusetts Port Authority

Matson Navigation Company: adoption of containerization by; and containers; contrast of with Pan-Atlantic; and East Asia service; fleet of; and intermodal service; and Japan service; and military service; mistakes of; Oakland base of; and standardization; and union relations

Mattel Corp.

Maxton, NC

Mayaguez, PR

Meany, George

meat shipments

Mechanization and Modernization Agreement.
International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union

Mediterranean Shipping Company

Melbourne, Australia

merchant marine, U.S.: and coastwise trade; and containerization; and costs; in postwar era; and regulation; and subsidies; in World War II; in Vietnam


Mersey Docks and Harbour Board


Meyner, Robert

MH-5 Committee.
American Standards Association

Miami, FL

Middle East

military freight

Military Sea Transportation Service.
United States Navy



Missouri Pacific Railway

Mitsui group

Mitsui Steamship Company Mobile, AL

Mokyr, Joel

M⊘ller, A. P. See Maersk Line


Moore-McCormack Lines

Moscoso, Teodoro

Moses, Robert

Muller, Fred

Mullman, Morris

Munich, Germany

National Bulk Carriers

National Castings Company

National City Bank

National Defense Transportation Association

National Dock Labour Board

National Maritime Union

Navy, U.S.
United States Navy



Never Steal Anything Small

Newark, NJ: and containership service; dominance of in East; McLean plan for; Port Authority involvement with; and port traffic

Newell, James P.

New Jersey: docks of before containerization; and market share; and port construction; railroads in; warehouses and factories shift to

New Jersey Turnpike

New Orleans

New York, Port of; labor negotiations in; and shift to New Jersey; traffic in

New York Central Railroad

New York City: containerization impact on; employment in; international trade role of; manufacturing in; Marine and Aviation Department of; passenger ship terminal in; pier reconstruction in; piers in; Planning Commission of; politics in; Port Authority relations with; and port costsnn. 3 and 9; Staten Island terminal.
See also
International Longshoremen’s Association; New York, Port of; New York Shipping Association

New York Shipping Association

New York Herald Tribune

New York Times

New York Post

New York World-Telegram

New York World Trade Corporation

New Zealand

Nha Be, Vietnam

nonconference carriers

North Atlantic Pool Agreement

North Shore Line (railroad)

Norton Lilly & Co.

Nutter, Ben

N.Y.K. Line

Oakland; containerport development in; before containers; lease of with Sea-Land; and traffic

O’Connor, Vincent

O’Dwyer, William

Ogden, E. B.


oil crises


On the Waterfront

Orient Overseas Line

Osaka Japan

Overseas Containers Ltd.

Pacific Coast Engineering Company

Pacific Maritime Association

Pacini, Alfred


palm oil shipments

Panama Canal

Pan-Atlantic Steamship Corporation: and container scheme; McLean purchase of; Newark headquarters of; and Puerto Rico service; and rates; renaming of; and ship operation; and standardization; and twist-lock patent; and union relations.
See also
McLean Industries; Sea-Land Service; Waterman Steamship Corp.

Pascagoula, MS

Peninsula & Oriental

Perm Central Railroad


Pennsylvania Railroad




Pilcher, William

piggyback service.


Pinehurst, NC

Polaroid Corp.

Ponce, PR

Port Angeles, WA

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
See also
Port of New York Authority

port calls

Port Klang, Malaysia

Portland (OR)

Port of __.
See name of port city

Port of London Authority

Port of New York Authority: and airports; and concern about cargo theft; and construction of Port Elizabeth; dominance of in East; and early embrace of containerization; formation of; interest of in shippingn, and, relations of with New York City.
See also
King, A. Lyle; Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; Tobin, Austin

Port of Singapore Authority

ports: in Asia; competition among; concentration among; containerization at East Coast; before containers; containers and; depth of; as distribution centers; and employment; in Great Britain; privatization of; productivity of; public expenditures on; increased size of

Powell, Stanley

Price, Robert

Prior-Palmer, G. E.

Propeller Club

Prudential Lines


public loaders

Puerto Rico: containership service to; disappearance of containers in; and economic development; military shipments to; and shipping costs

Pullman Company

Qingdao, China

Queen Mary

Qui Nhon, Vietnam

railroads: attitude of toward containerization; before containers; boxcars; and container standardization; and container traffic prior to 1932; deregulation of in United States; and double-stack service; and early containers; flatcars; and New York City; on-dock; and piggyback service; and ports; and rate structures; refrigerated cars; and ship lines; and track standardization

Ramage, Lawson



revenue bonds

Reynolds (R. J.) Industries

Ricardo, David

Richardson, Paul

Richmond, CA

Rockefeller, David

Roger, Sidney

roll on-roll off ships

Rosenberg, Nathan

Rostow, W. W.

Rotterdam: as European container center; labor arrangements in; among largest ports; services to

Ryan, Joseph

Sager, Karl Heinz

Saigon, Vietnam

St. Johnston, Kerry

St. Katherine Docks, London

St. Lawrence Seaway

St. Sure, J. Paul

San Diego, CA

San Francisco, CA: before containerization; impact of containerization on; labor relations in; and objection to Sea-Land; and port redevelopment

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Santa Rosa

Savannah, GA

Sayre, Wallace S.



Scott, Norman


Sea Containers Ltd.

Seaforth docks

Sea-Land Service: business of; and containers; buys Econships; and Elizabeth terminal; expansion of in 1970s; and European service; and Felixstowe development; finances of; fleet of; and intracoastal service; and Japan service; and Litton Industries; Maersk ownership of; and military cargo; Newark base of; and Okinawa service; opened by Pan-Atlantic; Pan-Atlantic renamed as; and Philippine service; and Puerto Rico service; and railroads; and rates; and rebates; and R. J. Reynolds; and standardization; and SL-7s; bid of for U.S. lines; and U.S. ports; and Vietnam service

Seatrain Lines

Seattle, WA; and Alaska trade; and competition; and containerport development; as distribution center; and Vietnam War

Seattle Port Commission


Shanghai, China


Sharpe Army Depot

Shenzhen, China

shipbuilding: by consortia; of Econships; by Evergreen; glut of; at Ingalls shipyard; Japanese subsidies for; in mid-1960s; by new companies; of second-generation containerships; U.S. subsidies for; after World War II


shippers’ councils

Shipping Act of 1984

shipping costs: before containerization; with early containers; under contracts; data about; decline in; deregulation and; flat rates and; intermodal; and market concentration; in 1950s; in 1960s; in 1970s; in 1980s-1990s; in poor countries; rate wars; theoretic assumptions about; time and.
See also
conferences; nonconference carriers

Singapore; and port development; and traffic growth

Skagit Steel & Iron Works

Smathers, George


South Africa

South African Marine


Southern Railway

Soviet Union


spreader bars

standardization: benefits of; of container construction; of container dimensions; of container systems; of corner fittings; and performance; of railway gauge

Staten Island, NY

States Marine Lines



stevedoring companies: in Great Britain; and port ownership; in United States

Straits of Malacca

Strick Trailers

See also
International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union; International Longshoremen’s Association; Transport and General Workers Union

Subie Bay, Philippines

Suez Canal


supply chains

Surrey Docks, London


Sydney, Australia

T-2 tanker ships

Tacoma, WA

Taichung, Taiwan


Tampa FL

Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia

Tantlinger, Keith: inventions of; and McLean Industries; role of in standardization


Teamsters Union

technological change


TEU (20-foot equivalent unit)


Thames River

Thatcher, Margaret

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