Read The Dark King's Bride Online

Authors: Janessa Anderson

The Dark King's Bride (11 page)








Chapter Twelve




I can’t believe this is really happening to me right now!
Her heart swelled up with joy from hearing the man that was the ruler, lord and master over the region she lived in ask her for her to marry him. She never thought any man would ask her to be their wife due to her parents always keeping her under their fingers, monitoring her movement. However…Here she was…laying beneath the body of King Daniel Willows with him looking down upon her, and waiting for the answer to his proposal.

Daniel, my king, just asked me, a lowly peasant girl, to be his wife…This seems like some fantastical dream come to life.

Lily, are you sure about this?
The rational part of her conscience interrupted the blissful thoughts she had been having at the moment due to the question that was posed to her.
He is your master and king who just also happens to be one of the older and more powerful vampires in the region.

What is so wrong with me becoming the wife, lover, queen and mate of Daniel?

Well…One issue about this is the fact that he is a king…and you are the daughter of two farmers…You are way out of his league.

He doesn’t seem to care…If that was the case, he wouldn’t have even asked me to marry him in the first place.

I guess there is only one real issue left then.

What would that be?

Are you really prepared to leave all you know behind, and become not only the queen, but also a vampire? Are you willing to make that sacrifice?

Then it dawned on her. If she agreed to marry him, Lily would be leaving all of her friends in the village behind, and she would never see her parents ago. Her whole life would change with the answer she gave to him.

The question you have to ask yourself, Lily, is: Do I want to be with someone who happens to be a powerful vampire who rules over the land and who will transform me into a vampire…or do I want to run away before it is too late, and return to the life of a normal peasant girl with the same friends and have my parents dictate what I can or cannot do?

Lily took a moment to regain her focus upon his face, and found him to be looking upon her with an expression of not only a sexual desire boiling over…but that of an undying devotion that had started to build up inside of him for her. The sight alone made her mind up on the issue as one of her hands slowly started to move from where it had been at her side.

I know my answer…

Bringing her hand off the bedding, she cupped a side of his face within her grasp. Her palm found the skin on his pale complexion to be as warm as the heat that she had found from his fingertips in the several times that he had touched the skin on her own body. Lily drew in a breath of air, and begun to speak while a kind smile danced across her face, faintly.

“Daniel…” Lily said. “I never thought that I would have the chance to experience all of the emotions and sensations you have managed to show me in such a short amount of time of having met me…or that someone of your status would ever care for someone like who is not in their rank so strongly and passionately. I always assumed that I would end up with some poor farmer who would have me confined to the house, and never let me do what it is that I wish to.”

“Has that assumption changed?” Daniel asked, speaking to her with a tone of desperation growing in his voice for her. “Am I correct in thinking that things have changed for you?”

“As a matter of fact…Yes…It has changed…in a tremendous way.” The smile started to grow wider on her face as her voice became more overjoyed then it already sounded, and her eyes had started to have tears building up in them. “Daniel…I can’t see myself with anyone else at my side for all the years of my life…but you.”

“Then…Are you saying what I think you are saying?”

“I am…” Tears of happiness started to run down her cheeks of her face as the words came flooding out with each word dripping with the same emotion that had caused her to cry. “My answer…is…yes. I will marry you, and spend all the rest of the years of my life with you.”




*                            *                            *




              Daniel’s entire body felt a shot of pure electricity shoot through it without mercy upon hearing the angel beneath his strong physique agree to his proposal of marriage. Overwhelmed by the new feeling, he showed no hesitation as his head leaned down, and brought his strong mouth crashing against hers.

Oh Lily…My dear…sweet…wonderful Lily…You have just made me the happiest vampire in the whole world.

Having Lily agree to be his lover, wife, queen and mate for all time had caused his mind, as well as his body, to go haywire with lust. Daniel couldn’t hold back his emotions for her anymore, and planned to show her them to the fullest extent.

His mouth deepened the kiss he was giving her, making it more passionate and sensual, while his body started to lower itself down to rest on top of her own, gently, in a way that he wouldn’t hurt her due to the difference in sizes. The touch of her bare breasts against the skin of his chest set off a ripple effect of desire to spread out from his chest and start to work its way to every recess of his body. Breaking the kiss with her for a brief moment, a soft but deep moan escaped from his mouth as he proceeded to speak to her.

“Sweet Lily…” Daniel said, speaking to her in a raspy, lustful tone. “You have no idea how happy have just made me. Knowing that you will be at my side for all time pleases me to all ends.”

“I don’t see myself with any man but with you, Daniel.” Lily said. Her voice had become soft from earlier, and started to drip with the same intense desire in his. “You are the only one that I truly envision myself with for the years to come.”

“That makes me very honored, my lady.”

“If it is okay with me asking this…When do you want us to have the wedding?”

“I was thinking…Perhaps…Tomorrow night at midnight we could have the ceremony.”

“Tomorrow night?”


“Don’t you think that is a little soon? I mean…You just asked me to marry you just a few minutes ago.”

“Lily…I don’t wish to have you and I wait for a long time period before we can be wedded to one another. I want to be married to you as quickly as possible so that we may be united as one as quick as possible.”

He silently cursed at himself once he had finished making the statement to her. Even though he had told her part of the truth, Daniel had not been fully honest with her. There was another part of the reason for tomorrow night…but he chose against telling her the true reason why he wanted her to marry him at midnight the following evening.

“Will you be okay if we go ahead with it tomorrow night, my lady?”

“Y-Yes, my dear Daniel.” Lily replied, calm yet quietly. “Even though it is a bit sudden…I am perfectly fine with us going ahead with the ceremony tomorrow night.”

His nervousness about her possible refusal to the ceremony he had secretly planned prior to her bath disappeared rapidly the moment she gave her okay to it. The features on his strong face relaxed while he spoke to her with all of the passion inside pouring out of it.

“I am glad that is settled…Now…That is what is to happen tomorrow night.”

Daniel gave up the battle with his unbridled, sexual urges. He eased himself back to sit on his knees, and found her legs to be closed and running between the opening his strong thighs had caused due to him straddling her. Keeping his gaze focused on her face, his hands moved down to the button on his trousers that had been keeping the flap closed, and his throbbing erection that was close to bursting out of them.

“Tonight…I am going to give you something that no other woman in this entire kingdom has had the pleasure to experience from me.”

He watched her eyes move down, and widen in shock upon witnessing his long, thick cock coming out into the open. The sight of her amazement and surprise on her angelic face caused a smirk to move across his.

She is
a virgin…Only a woman who has never seen a man’s private parts would have the look on her face to match the one that Lily has at the moment.

Daniel pushed his trousers down to his ankles as he looked into her stare of innocence once she had lifted it up for them to make contact with one another. With his focus on her, he picked up the sound of her voice starting to come through her quivering lips.

“I…I think you might be too big, Daniel.” Lily pleaded to him. Her voice shivered from fear of his member being a little too much for her body to handle. “You might not be able to fit inside of me-“

“You have no reason to fear me, Lily.” Keeping his voice at the level of pleasure and lust it was at, he moved his hands down to her thighs, and slipped several of his fingers down to where her inner thighs were located. Daniel watched in surprise from them beginning to open, automatically, for him once he had touched them. He moved his gaze up to her face as he started to part her legs, and spoke to her with an animalistic lust burning within it.

“Just lie back…and let me show you how a man makes love to his woman.”





















Chapter Thirteen




Her gaze drifted back down to where his member was standing out and fully erect, noticing it starting to come closer to her body, while at the same time catching sight of her legs being opened up a little wider from his hands holding onto her thighs.

Oh my god! Look at the size of that thing! I have heard Maria talk about how some men in the village have small dicks while others are a little bigger but not by much. At this moment…I don’t think that even Maria has ever seen on as big as the one I am looking at right now.

Lily couldn’t get over the mere size and shape of Daniel’s cock. It was something of the likes of which that no woman in the whole area had seen before.

It was when she noticed the muscles in her thighs closest to her crotch starting to tighten up on her that it captured her attention, and informed her that she needed to take note of the situation she was in the moment. Moving her attention to her legs, Lily found them to be opened up as wide as they could go, exposing her vagina to the fullest.

“Are you ready for me, Lily?”

The sound of Daniel’s enchanting voice speaking to her caused her eyes to focus upon his piercing, emerald green stare. She found all of his emotions he was having at the moment to be pouring out of his gaze in a fierce, heat wave unlike anything else. For a moment, Lily couldn’t utter a single word from her lips out of being in a frozen state.

Speak up, Lily!
Her conscience screamed at her, urging her to say something to him.
You need to let him know right now if you are feeling up to going through with this like he obviously is!

Catching what her conscience shouted at her, she managed to speak up, and break out of the moment of silence that had her unable to utter a sound a few moments earlier.

“D-Daniel,” Lily said, lightly stuttering, “I…I am ready…Just a little nervous is all since…well…you know…”

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