Read The Dark King's Bride Online

Authors: Janessa Anderson

The Dark King's Bride (12 page)

She was being honest with him. Her body was craving his to take away the sexual tension that had built up inside of her, and knew it would only be when he was inside of her that it would truly happen. However, Lily couldn’t shake off the nervousness that still lingered inside of herself. The thought of her losing her virginity to Daniel both excited…and frightened her.

“I give you my word, Lily,” Daniel whispered, lustfully, “I will take the best care of your body to make sure that the pain is limited to only a small amount.”


“I am not going to lie to you, Lily…There will be a small amount of pain since it does hurt for a woman, especially, when they lose their virginity. However, it will be gone in the blink of an eye, and be replaced by such an intense, sexual bliss that it would knock you off of your feet if you were standing up right now.”

A feeling of sexual bliss that can knock a grown woman off of their feet, eh?
The part of her conscience that kept her passionate thoughts, as well as her lustful and desirous emotions, locked up, interrupted her thoughts with a teasing tone in its own voice.
If he can do that while you are standing up…Just think of the possible positions and moves he can do to you while you are laying down that will make you really scream.

The skin on her body from her cheeks all the way down to the soles on each of her feet started to blush due to her bashful nature and the secret longing to have Daniel be the one to shake her world right down to its core in a ways she never thought possible.

Don’t fight it anymore; Lily…Give into it…Let him claim you as his woman.

There was no use in hiding it any longer: She was ready to cross that threshold with him, and have him to be the one to take her virginity, and make her his woman for many nights to come for them both.

With her body remaining on its backside, Lily gave a gentle nod of her head towards him shortly before speaking up in a tone that was as soft as a whisper but showed her unbridled need for him loud and clear as if she was talking at a normal volume.

“I am ready, my lord…I am ready for you to make love to me, and give me what no other woman has had before by your hands. Please…Don’t make me wait a second longer…Take me…Claim me…”




*                            *                            *




              “As you wish…my love…and my lady.”

Moving in the last few inches, Daniel found his body becoming engulfed in such an intense warmth that it took him by surprise. A soft gasp left his mouth while eyes had started to tighten up, along with the muscles in his hips close to his groin.

Holy fuck…I have never experienced anything as quite as breathtaking as this before in my many years of existing among the vampires and humans. It feels…marvelous.

The sensation of Lily’s tight womanhood clamping around the small portion of his dick that was just a little of the way inside her only turned him on even more. He began pushing more of it inside of her with a deep moan escaping from his mouth, wishing for all it to be inside of her. His hands clamped down onto hers, firmly, while a loud moan left his mouth upon the whole length of his shaft making its way inside of her.


Catching the sound of Lily’s voice coming out in a cry of pain, Daniel stopped moving forward, and lowered his eyes down. He found his soon-to-be queen laying on her back, sobbing softly, with an expression of pain lingering on her face, as well as the whole form of her body.

Stupid…I didn’t take it slow enough with her…Now…She is under intense distress and pain from what I have done.

The sight of her angelic body riving in discomfort that he was the cause of only made him feel strongly guilty. This was the last thing he wanted to cause her on their first night in his bed, but here he was…making what he dreaded into a reality.

Daniel bent his head down towards hers, and, lightly, brushed his mouth against the soft, fair skin of her face, kissing away the couple of tears that had begun to roll down her cheeks, in an attempt to ease the pain away from her.

Please forgive me, my dearest.

He brought his head back a few inches, and looked down at her from where it was hovering. His gaze watched her eyes slowly relax, and open up to look upon the expression of distress that had started to ravage his body while it was leaving hers.

“I am so sorry, Lily.” Daniel apologized. His voice trembled with fear and sadness from thinking he had hurt her more than he had intended. He knew she was a virgin before his dick had broken through her hymen, and seeing how much she was suffering from what he had done made an overwhelming tidal wave of guilt to sweep through his once strong and firm voice. “It was not my intention to move so fast with you, and cause this kind of pain. I only wished to make you feel pleasure, but-“

Before another word could escape out of his strong lips, his voice grew silent due to him registering the tips of her fingers moving between his until their palms were completely pressed against one another and their fingers were interlocked with each other. He moved his eyes over to look upon their hands, and saw how they appeared to him at that moment in time. The sigh alone made his heart start to lift from the edge of despair, and bring it back.

“My love…”

Lily’s gentle voice called attention back to her. Moving his emerald green eyes from how they were joined by their hands to her angelic face, Daniel noticed her to be looking upon him with not only forgiveness…but unconditional love and desire.

“You don’t need to apologize for what you have done.” Lily’s tone still had a lingering sound of discomfort to it as she spoke, but she looked to his eyes with an expression of unadulterated passion. “This was to happen since I have never went to bed with another man in my whole life. Pain was to be expected.”

“I feel guilty though for it…and rushing you-“

“You didn’t rush me into this, Daniel, and I will never assume that with you once this night is over.”

“As you…wish…”

His words started to become few and far between due to the muscles in his cock, as well as those inside of her own body, begun to relax from the tension they had been under, and have themselves entering a new sensation: sexual bliss. Daniel struggled to find his voice, and keep himself from moving forward with her until she was good and ready for him. Moving his eyes towards her face, he managed to ask her one question without his words being faltered.

“Shall I proceed, my lady?”



















Chapter Fourteen




“Yes, Daniel…I am ready for you to continue with me, my lord.”

Lily struggled to keep the words she really wanted to say to him from coming out and into the open. What she had on her mind to state to him would not do anything but rush them a bit too much for her. Her eyes did their best, but, eventually, closed themselves as she let the words flow from the inside of her lips.

“Please…Don’t make me wait a second longer, Daniel…Please continue…”

“As you wish, Lily.”

The sound of his deep voice coming out to her with the same intense passion that had been in hers and the tickling of his hot breath against her face made her insides start to melt on the spot deep within her.

That voice and breath…are an unbelievably strong combination. They are so potent that it is impossible to ignore their true power.

Slowly, Lily found the pleasure she had found from his voice and breath moving down to his throbbing member that had begun to slowly pull out to a degree before sliding back inside to the entrance of her womb. Her heart nearly stopped from the huge amount of ecstasy that had started to build up between her legs from what his body was doing to hers.

Oh dear…god in heaven…Please don’t stop this wonderful feeling that has befallen me this moment in time!

She found herself experiencing the very sexual bliss that he had told her that would happen very rapidly once he had started to make his thrusts in and out of her tight opening between her long, slender legs. There were no words to properly describe how she was feeling at the moment. Nothing matched up to that moment she had ever experienced previously.

Lily eased her head to lie back against the large, black satin pillow cases that concealed the goose feathers within them, and closed her eyes, gently and securely. A soft moan that resembled the sound of a child whining escaped through an opening of her tender, light pink lips. She started to squeeze Daniel’s hands a little more firmly just as her body began to notice this thrusts becoming a little more quicker and deeper. With herself at his mercy, Lily lied beneath his tall, nude frame as she listened for his voice.

“Holy shit…” Daniel whispered. His voice didn’t bother to mask the intense pleasure he was feeling at the moment from Lily’s tight walls rubbing against his member with each and every thrust he made inside of her. “You are so tight, Lily…”

“Is that okay?” Lily managed to find her voice amid the moans that were coming out of her lips and into the area round them. “Am I too tight for your-“

“Not at all…In fact…You are just the right size for my manhood, my lady.”

“And you are just the right size for me, my lord. If you were any bigger or smaller…I would not feel as wonderful as I am at the moment with it thrusting in and sliding out before moving back in again.”

“That pleases me very much to know how I turn you on in that way.”

Lily found herself falling deeper into Daniel’s world of vampires…darkness…and pure, unadulterated lust. She was slipping further away from the world she knew, and immersing herself into that of his world, slowly. Although she could still save herself and have him to stop before they went all the way with having sex, marrying her, and turning her into whatever it was that he is…There was not a chance in hell of that happening. Lily only wanted, needed, and craved Daniel’s body. No one else would do.

“You have no idea how much you are truly satisfying me, my lord, Daniel.”

“Perhaps…This will help your sensations to soar above new heights that you never dreamed of being a possibility.”

Before another word could come out of her mouth, Lily quickly found Daniel’s penis moving at a much faster speed that paled in comparison to how it had been going previously. Her eyes tightly closed mere moments before she let out a loud, high pitched moan.

Oh my goodness! This might be too much for my body to handle!

She assumed that her body was fixing to be ripped in half from the deep, rapid thrusts of his member moving in, out, and back inside of her. Her fragile frame quivered beneath his large, strong one with pleasure starting to reach a level in her that left her shaking, uncontrollably.

Lily had started to recognize her body getting closer to its very first climax when she found herself being rolled over to be atop him. Her eyes looked down at him in awe for a moment before they drifted to his hands on her hips. With her focus on his hands, she listened to his deep voice whispering to her.

“Move with my hands, Lily.” Daniel said, letting his unbridled, animalistic passion for her rise to the surface with nothing holding it back. “Try rocking your hips…You will feel something even more satisfying and pleasurable then what I was doing to you just a moment ago.”

Taking heed of his words, Lily eased her eyes closed, and started to rock her hips forward and back, following the motions of his hands. She gradually discovered her body to becoming engulfed by a new sensation she had not anticipated being stronger than what she had felt underneath his physique. A soft, lustful sigh escaped out of the openings of her mouth while her body started to move on its own, and going with the newly found pleasure that was shown to her by the very person who she was to marry the following night.

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